Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio
I have been trying out the new commander toys lately and was a little miffed to find out that you do not get credit for a kill when you drop a vehicle on an enemy soldier.  It goes down as a suicide.  I killed a guy at the MEC airfield about 10 time on Oman.  HE was AFK and I wanted to see how many times I could kill him between Arty and the Vehicle Drops.  Anyway, it always read "dumb-ass is no more".  Same if i take out the jet on the enemy airfield.  Kinda sucks, since we didn't have that many guys on our team and every one already had a tank, apc or jet so no one was requesting drops.   I am guessing all together I had at least 20 kills that round just by vehicle drops, 5 bomber kills on the run way. 

Anyway, let me know what you think about the kills part, I know I am not using it the way it was designed and but if your team is not requesting them then they are like extra arty.

Last edited by KnowMeByTrailOfDead (2006-05-26 08:22:59)

+305|6911|Cheshire. UK
I agree that you should not get the kill point for them.....Due to the fact like you say It was not designed for that..
+4|6871|Ohio, USA
You're exactly what is wrong with the vehicle drops.  Hell no, they shouldn't count as kills.

It's bad enough that the other team loses a ticket for it.

We don't need people stat padding with vehicles.
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio
I am guessing that they are going to have to lower the refresh rate on them.  They refresh so much faster than supply crates and arty that they are ver usefull as ammo. 

I don't plan on  making it a habit, like I said, my team was not requesting them, we were winning handily and everyone already had thier vehical of choice so I decided to do some testing.  I just feel kinda bad that they all went on the guys record as suicides instead of kills.  He ended the round like 0-25.

I did manage to use one as bait by dropping it on an enemy AA emplacement that was giving our jets hell, one of their tanks saw the vehical drop and blew it up along with his buddy in the AA.  That was pretty cool.
Rum Baron
+44|7007|Norfolk, England

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

I have been trying out th enew commander toys lately and was a little miffed to find out that you do not get credit for a kill when you drop a vehical on an enemy soldier.  It goes down as a suicide.  I killed a guy at the MEC airfield about 10 time on Oman.  HE was AFK and I wanted to see how many times I could kill him between Arty and the Vehical Drops.  Anyway, it always read "dumbass is no more".  Same if i take out the jet on the enemy airfield.  Kinda sucks, since we didn't have that many guys on our team eavery one already had a tank, apc or jet so no one was requesting drops.   I am guessing all together I had atleast 20 kills that round just by vehical drops, 5 bomber kills on the run way. 

Anyway, let me know what you think about the kills part, I know I am not using it the way it was designed and but if your team is not requesting them then they are like extra arty.
Let me get this straight.
You are complaining that you are not getting kill points for abusing and exploiting a commander feature?
Are you fucking serious!?
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio

DrunkenPirate wrote:

Let me get this straight.
You are complaining that you are not getting kill points for abusing and exploiting a commander feature?
Are you fucking serious!?
Not a complaint, just pointing out an interesting design choice on behalf of the developers.  And I would not call it an exploit, especially if you are able to take out a pesky enemy sniper or delay the enemy from getting their jets off the ground.  Now if I were ignoring my teams requests in an effor to pad my score, that would be abuse, however I was just using a resource to my teams advantage that would have otherwise gone unused.

I can understand the not giving points to people to try to minimize the alternative use of this feature.  I was just more bummed that I was not able repeatedly knife the guy instead.  At least the guy would have know who killed him 20+ times that round while he was off taking a crap or something.
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6894|Nottingham, UK

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

Not a complaint, just pointing out an interesting design choice on behalf of the developers.  And I would not call it an exploit, especially if you are able to take out a pesky enemy sniper or delay the enemy from getting their jets off the ground.  Now if I were ignoring my teams requests in an effor to pad my score, that would be abuse, however I was just using a resource to my teams advantage that would have otherwise gone unused.

I can understand the not giving points to people to try to minimize the alternative use of this feature.  I was just more bummed that I was not able repeatedly knife the guy instead.  At least the guy would have know who killed him 20+ times that round while he was off taking a crap or something.
Umm, it wasn't a design choice, I don't think the developers as a whole dedicated the resources of one braincell to the whole 'vehicle drop' scenario. It was yet another half assed implementation of a relatively good idea, possibly thrown in to distract us from more serious issues that they have still failed to fix.

And yeah, using a resource aimed to help your team get from a to b to c as an added weapon is an exploit, because you are using it in a manner other than it is intended. Same as spinning tank turrets to get into a building was an exploit. They didn't design the walls to react to a barrel passing through them as a way into the building, same as they didn't design Vehicle drops as a way for yourself and likeminded people to cause suicides. And that should be the biggest hint, YOU don't get a KILL for it.

EDIT: In addition...

I've finally been hit with a falling vehicle in my tank on Warlord. And I'm perplexed.

A fully loaded AIL Raider, Technical, ATV, FAV or any other vehicle that isn't ARMOUR or AA can ram into a tank at full fucking speed, and get me X kills, a slightly damaged tank, and a smoking husk of a vehicle as a trophy.

The same vehicle being parachuted in, lands on top of my tank, starts smoking, I try to reverse and dislodge it. It explodes and owns me like I was riding an ATV.

I say again, HALF ASSED.
I'm glad EA and Dice only develop gaming related software, if they developed software for banking and stocks, we'd be fucked.

Last edited by Foxhoundmgw (2006-05-26 08:27:41)

Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio

Foxhoundmgw wrote:

I say again, HALF ASSED.
I'm glad EA and Dice only develop gaming related software, if they developed software for banking and stocks, we'd be fucked.
Good Point.

Foxhoundmgw wrote:

And yeah, using a resource aimed to help your team get from a to b to c as an added weapon is an exploit, because you are using it in a manner other than it is intended. Same as spinning tank turrets to get into a building was an exploit. They didn't design the walls to react to a barrel passing through them as a way into the building, same as they didn't design Vehicle drops as a way for yourself and likeminded people to cause suicides. And that should be the biggest hint, YOU don't get a KILL for it.
I agree that it is not an intended use, however I would have to argue that it is no different than any other Parachute Kill.  Example, you jump off a building and land on someone while using your parachute, friend or foe.  It is a kill while using a transport device that was not intended as a weapon, but it gets the job done in certain situations.  The whole goal of this game, points aside, is to kill before you get killed and to win the round, if using a Jihad Jeep is an acceptable way to kill the enemy than dropping a jeep on him should be just as acceptable.

Just to squelch the criticism that I am trying to exploit a system.  I would be all for a design change that remove the ability for a Supply crate or Vehicle drop to kill a ground pounder.  As long as they are some what consistent with the way they make things work.
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6894|Nottingham, UK
Well, there have been other threads suggesting fixes for this, and other foulups by the design team.

But as always, you get people who have nothing to add but 'stop whining moaning etc you noobs who can't play/compete/etc'. So those threads rapidly become silent, or flamefests.

And to be honest, your 'kill before killed' is almost spot on. It's just missing the 'within reason'.

Refer to my previous statement regarding Turret spin building entry. Exploit of weak game mechanic.
No-one said you are trying to exploit it, by doing it to cause death intentionally, as opposed to a lucky roadkill, is exploiting a weak game mechanic.

Yes, they didn't think something through again, but it doesn't mean it's all fine and dandy to use it that way.
After all, punkbuster doesn't catch every hack out there, but you expect people to be honourable enough to not use any hacks.

Heres hoping that the stupid shit gets fixed, and by that I mean the pre 1.3 stupid shit, as well as the half assed 'features' they added. Theres already threads for fixes, and if you are saying you don't wish to exploit it, or be seen as exploiting it, raising the point that you don't get kills for it, and wording it like you wanted to get kills for it, might be seen as flamebait.

But that's just my opinion mate.
No other commander assets grants the commander a kill ... arty (on the scoreboard at least), dropping a supply crate on someone's noggin, foolish pilot driving into UAV overhead ... why would dropping a jeep give you a kill?

Commanding isn't about getting kills ... it's about helping YOUR TEAM WIN.
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6894|Nottingham, UK
Noggin. Best word for head, EVAR.

have a +1

Agreed, commander score comes from the team. So his actions should pretty much mirror that.
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio
If you notice.  I did realize that I was not getting point for this. But i did manage to widdle down 25 enemy tickets by punishing them for an AFK player that my team was not able to get to in order to kill.  In a way I hurt my own score for the round by not allowing my team to kill him.  However I did ensure a team win.  So It was not out of a selfish desire for points that I conducted my self as such. 

My simple arguement is that I helped my team win by adding about 20-25 extra kills against a person that otherwise would have been Idol for the enitre round.  I was also using a resource to benifit our cause that would other wise not be used. 

On a side note, If a server admin had asked me to stop such behavior or if the people I am playing with frown on the behavior I would have stopped.  I do have respect the game and play of others, with the exception of the AFKed.

On a side note, Miffed was the wrong word choice, I should have said curious to see that it didn't count as a kill.  But thinking about it now, if you jump out of a jeep that you set in motion before it hit someone, you do not get a kill either, unless it was loaded with c4 and hit a tank and blew up.  So i guess it does make sense that you don't get credit for it.
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6894|Nottingham, UK

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

On a side note, If a server admin had asked me to stop such behavior or if the people I am playing with frown on the behavior I would have stopped.  I do have respect the game and play of others, with the exception of the AFKed.
AFK = A Free Kill.

If it had been me, I'd have trundled across the map and defibbed him every damn time.
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio
Foxhoundmgw, what is your opinion on using Supply crates as bait to allow arty/planes/armor to go in and clean them out.  I have seen this discussed as a tactic by many on this forum.  It seems like a miss use of a resource "by design" but in some instances seems to be a tactic that can benifit the team by allowing them to kill large goups of enemy troops or armor. 

                       Just a question.
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio

Foxhoundmgw wrote:

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

On a side note, If a server admin had asked me to stop such behavior or if the people I am playing with frown on the behavior I would have stopped.  I do have respect the game and play of others, with the exception of the AFKed.
AFK = A Free Kill.

If it had been me, I'd have trundled across the map and defibbed him every damn time.
I would have but that would have required me using one of my teams jets or helis to go from the the Essex on Oman to the Airfield.  And then I would have been accused of spawn camping.  Lose-lose for me.
U.S. > Iran
i dont think the kill should count either, mainly because if it did, it would be giving you 2 points each time you did it, and as it was said, it wasnt designed for that
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6894|Nottingham, UK

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

Foxhoundmgw, what is your opinion on using Supply crates as bait to allow arty/planes/armor to go in and clean them out.  I have seen this discussed as a tactic by many on this forum.  It seems like a miss use of a resource "by design" but in some instances seems to be a tactic that can benifit the team by allowing them to kill large goups of enemy troops or armor. 

                       Just a question.
Hmm, first, a disclaimer, I'm by no means an authority, just a mouthy fscker

If you mean dropping supplies in open spaces so that the opposition runs to it to heal and/or load up on ammo, and then have armour/planes (I'd suggest arty usage where you don't have troops to cover, I see it as kind of a last resort as it gets no-one points) swoop/roll in and stomp a mudhole, then, I endorse that.

If I've missed your point, please explain further.
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio

Foxhoundmgw wrote:

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

Foxhoundmgw, what is your opinion on using Supply crates as bait to allow arty/planes/armor to go in and clean them out.  I have seen this discussed as a tactic by many on this forum.  It seems like a miss use of a resource "by design" but in some instances seems to be a tactic that can benefit the team by allowing them to kill large groups of enemy troops or armor. 

                       Just a question.
Hmm, first, a disclaimer, I'm by no means an authority, just a mouthy fscker

If you mean dropping supplies in open spaces so that the opposition runs to it to heal and/or load up on ammo, and then have armour/planes (I'd suggest arty usage where you don't have troops to cover, I see it as kind of a last resort as it gets no-one points) swoop/roll in and stomp a mudhole, then, I endorse that.

If I've missed your point, please explain further.
My point is that if using supply crates as bait for arty/etc, which by nature it is something that should be used for your own teams resupply/repair (resupply regenerates much slower than vehicles) than why would miss using the Vehicle drop in an alternative method be more negatively frowned upon.  (Becuase from what i have seen your opion above seems pretty standard among the majority)

Last edited by KnowMeByTrailOfDead (2006-05-26 11:46:58)

+16|6872|CT, US
lol, EA can't stop the misciefous underground supersecret uses of vehicle drop kills! There's no way around it!

And to think, you let EA know of your secret plans to kill people with a vehicle drop.

Should count as a kill imo
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio

Milkballs wrote:

lol, EA can't stop the misciefous underground supersecret uses of vehicle drop kills! There's no way around it!

And to think, you let EA know of your secret plans to kill people with a vehicle drop.

Should count as a kill imo
I was hoping some one would eventually support that possition.  My Island just got a little bit bigger.
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6894|Nottingham, UK

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

My point is that if using supply crates as bait for arty/etc, which by nature it is something that should be used for your own teams resupply/repair (resupply regenerates much slower than vehicles) than why would miss using the Vehicle drop in an alternative method be more negatively frowned upon.  (Becuase from what i have seen your opion above seems pretty standard among the majority)
Main difference?

Every supply drop a commander makes is bait for the other team.
You drop one for your team, it's bait for both sides, anyone on overwatch in sight of it can rack up some kills, no matter who's side.
You drop one, your guys restock, move on, and the enemy trot up and heal/restock before chasing and hunting your guys.

Actually been in a tank rolling up the street towards one for some shells, and seen troops from each side running towards the crate, spot each other, and had their own little war right there.
Pisser was that I couldn't fire on it cos I'd TK.

But yeah, Supply drops and Vehicle drops are not the same principle.

Milkballs wrote:

lol, EA can't stop the misciefous underground supersecret uses of vehicle drop kills! There's no way around it!

And to think, you let EA know of your secret plans to kill people with a vehicle drop.

Should count as a kill imo
Umm, *blink*
1) EA/Dice could rollback the Vehicle drop content if they feel it's gone
2) They could patch the mechanics of Vehicle drop.
3) It's an unmanned vehicle. Why the fsck should it count as a kill? because you dropped it out of the sky? So you're happy for TK's and kickvotes if they land on your teammates too? Oh noes...

Last edited by Foxhoundmgw (2006-05-26 11:59:07)

Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio
Ok, lets say I drop a vehicle, it is also fair game to both teams, especially if it is a vod or Hum on Mashture where there are large infantry battles and jeeps can take out a lot of guys.   I my example the supply crate was being dropped as bait fully expecting it to be destroyed with the enemy and therfore never being intended to resupply my team.  But that seemed acceptible.  Now I want to drop a vehicle to kill the other team and not to be used by my side either.  They seem to be very similar principles and tactics.  For instance when i stated i dropped a vehicle on an AA emplacement and got one enemy to blow up the other.  I used the Vehicle as bait.  I didn't get credit for a kill and I was not trying to, but i did create situation that killed a dangerous AA that was slowing down our arial assult.
Well, I'm gonna throw my 2 cents in here...hope no one chews my head off...
Using a games resources, whatever they may be (with the exception of user based mods and cheats) is to a certain degree strategy.  If it was built into the game (by design or lack of good, complete coding...*sniff sniff* what's that bad smell EA?) and everyone is aware of it as well as having the ability to do it, then the playing field is level.  If you choose not to use an "exploit" and your opponant does, you are the one that has to re-adjust your strategy and tactics to deal with it...simple as that.  Example, we are all aware now that a commander can drop a friggin' vehicle on your head.  It has taught us that now, we must be more aware and more mobile.  I myself would not use the whole "drop a car on your head to kill you" business...seems cheap to me.  As I am a 41 year old newb at BF2, I would rather try and improve my pitiful combat skills by pounding the dirt and engaging my opponants with my own bullets.  If I were to get killed by a falling GMC, well bad luck and stupidity that I wasn't paying attention enough to see a 1 ton hunk of metal drifting slowly from the sky towards my body.  Good for you commander on that cheap tactic, it worked, it killed me.  When I respawn, I'll move around a little more and try and find you and engage you with bullets.  As for Fox using it as bait for an enemy tank to take out own his AA and get a TK, interesting strategy that lets face it...paid of for his team.

As this is a game based on wartime teamwork, strategies and tactics, you have to use the tools you have to get a win.  And because it's a game that can be tweaked (and EA, that means improved upon), the "exploits" can be eliminated...until then, we must adjust to the tools that some will choose to use.  Again, for myself, it is a tool I choose not to use.
+16|6872|CT, US
lol, Saying that an unmanned vehicle that you position shouldn't grant a kill if it indeed does kill someone is like saying claymores shouldn't grant kills because even though you skillfully placed them there you shouldn't get a kill because it was unmanned.

Last edited by Milkballs (2006-05-26 12:11:20)

back to i-life

ok, you are talking about vehicle drops. so what that enemy gets suicide kill for that? isn't BF for moving all the way, not being a durk and staying long time in one point? I love to see when noob sniper is laying for 10 minutes without a move, now I don't need to send arty on him, I just drop vehicle! Kills for that? I don't need! I am so much laughing from that

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