vedds wrote:
UnOriginalNuttah wrote:
'Protesting Aggressively'? Don't make me laugh. The day a whole protest turns up in riot gear with batons, tear gas and guns, that's the day when I'll believe it's an aggressive protest. There was alot of aggression in that video, but it wasn't from the protesters, pal.
Just assume for one second that that video is not the complete picture of the demonstration, that there may have been events that you didnt see in that video for one reason or another(either because the cameras didnt catch them, or they were edited from the video to suit the motives of the editor). lets assume that those police arrive there to an unruly crowd ( and you must agree that someone screaming "Fuck You" at the top of their lungs in an inflammatory manner is unruly) parts of which are hiding their identity(Innocent people dont have a reason to hide their face as some of the protestors made clear). Now the police are not paid to be whipping boys for anybody with a grudge against....... (whatever) they have the right to protect themselves and an obligation to protect the public. when that demonstration seemed that it was about to boil over the police are duty bound to disperse it. They dont have a choice in the matter.
A reasonable person in that situation faced with an order to disperse will do just that, anyone who doesnt is well aware of the potential consequences and prepared for it (either aggressively or to act as a "martyr for the cause" and catch the pepper spray). now any parent with their child in that circumstance must realise what is about to happen. again the reasonable person would do anything they could to protect their child - eg disperse( but then a reasonable person probably wouldnt have a child there in the first place)
In short:
THe cops arent dealing with people making normal rational decisions, it is very obvious how worked up and confrontation some of those protestors are, it shouldnt take a police officer being wounded by a raving fanatic for people to think the police made the right decision. They obviously had their protest and feeling was running high - the correct thing was for the police to disband the mob before things got even more out of hand. remeber the protestors created the situation, NOT the police.