Does any of the research or observations noted and linked on the page above worry you? Do you think that it's all nonsense, and that there have never been more freedoms than there are today? Do you think the elections would be better if they were always rigged to give victory to the right, and anyone central or left wing is a traitor who wants to destroy your way of life?Doug Soderstrom
Common Dreams
"In Hitler’s Germany there was a determined effort to brainwash the people so they might support Mein Fuhrer’s efforts to conquer the world. However, what if one were to suggest that much the same is occurring in the United States of America, that there has been a determined effort through the socializing influence of our schools, the government, the mass media, the churches we attend, even that of our own parents, to pressure us into believing (just as Hitler) that our country has received the blessing of God, and because of this, we therefore have not only the right, but more importantly, through the use of military weapons, a divine responsibility to see that the world acquiesces to our needs and expectations. Just as Hitler in the 1930’s prepared his countrymen to accept the authoritarian control of the Nazi government, much the same may well be occurring in the United States."
Or do you think that the danger is real, and that more and more freedoms are being compromised for the 'greater good', whilst propaganda proclaims the exact opposite? Do you believe that fascism speading from within is a far greater threat to freedom than terrorist attacks?