
1927(h) wrote:

you also have with it unlimited nades which is very important.
and this is better than jets bombing how?

1927(h) wrote:

ammo giving points help bump my score up. Someone has to do it
Planes are in the game, someone has to fly to keep the other planes at bay. Why not let it be the guys who are weak on the ground? Only makes sense.

Just cause I fly too, doesnt automatically make me bad at infantry. I do well either way.

It takes skill to ground effectively, it also takes skill to fly and not be shot down instantly. You said it yourself, you aren't good in a plane. So in fact you are a skilless pilot.

SteikeTa wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

Well, you don't need a joystick to fly.
You knew that there would be jets and choppers in the game. So why didn't you buy another game that don't have it, if you just like playing on the ground?
And if you are right during an argument, why do you need to call someone asshole or asswipe? Did they write that to you? No. Not on this thread anyway. Whats with the big hostile attitude? Thats what makes you sound like a little kid you know.
That is the way I talk.  Plus, you don't have to swear to flame someone, so i don't see the difference.  Why are you so hung up on those two words anyway?  The one dude said STFU......you didn't say shit to him, why is that?  Stop being selective and try being fair.  If you see my name, don't read it then....kind of like turning the channel.
Heh, because he wrote stfu? Did not call you anything with that did he? Damn, you reeeeally disslike jet pilots. Well, after 4-500 hours on the ground, i got bored, so now im a pilot. Its fun, you should try it some more. Get tk`ed for a jet? Yeah shit happens. Happens while you are playing as infantry too. Forced tk`s and such. Less on foot probably. But happens... Running around and some guy think its fun to take a car and run you over, after jumping out of the vehicle before he hits you. Sitting in a tanks, and 2-3 friends want to get some forced tk`s on you by running their car into you until it explodes and it takes 0.06 seconds and you are punished and kicked eventually. Hate that crap
I will agree with you 100% on that last point.  Of course I don't have a problem with most the people who fly them, I have a problem with that smart ass arrogance some of them exhibit.  I will say, ever since I stopped screwing around with planes, which was a very long time ago, I have only been team killed on accident 99% of the time.  I just hate when our team is losing, spawn at the main, and see five people standing in the hangar.....really pisses me off and puts a horrible taste in my mouth towards the jets.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-05-19 12:04:31)

The Original
IF YOU HATE PLANES, DON'T PLAY MAPS WITH PLANES. It really is that simple, people. And if you want to play on Kubra or Zatar or Wake or whatever because you love running around on foot, nobody says you have to fucking complain about the pilots. The best of the best don't "just drop bombs in green boxes" they own the sky by defeating other pilots in dogfights.

wingman358 wrote:

IF YOU HATE PLANES, DON'T PLAY MAPS WITH PLANES. It really is that simple, people. And if you want to play on Kubra or Zatar or Wake or whatever because you love running around on foot, nobody says you have to fucking complain about the pilots. The best of the best don't "just drop bombs in green boxes" they own the sky by defeating other pilots in dogfights.
Apparently you did not read what I have said........I do not play those maps anymore.  Pretty much just Special Forces or City Maps.  The only time I play a regular map is when someone advertises a new server in this forum, and I help them out by trying to populate it.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-05-19 12:30:42)


Cbass wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Fredrik wrote:

I`m not gonna reply to that. You are so unbelivable immature! Why on earth do you call people assholes and asswipes. You make stupid posts, and you cant argue propably and call people assholes when you take criticism for it.

Btw: You beeing a pilot, is bullshit. I bet 1000$ that you are a 12-15 year old kid. Now drop your bad-ass attitude, or i`ll come spank your fat ass...
Since link won't work due to FAA security...



County FRANKLIN  Zip Code 43081-5235 


1000 bucks please
I think the word here is ...... owned
Yes, it's official: owned.

I think a bet's a bet - pay up.
iits not wrong. look at tahadar i was owning him today nothing wrong with that :p

pure_beef_69 wrote:

iits not wrong. look at tahadar i was owning him today nothing wrong with that :p
Hey could you tell me any of the servers you play on regularly? I'd like to test my scope against yours, assuming we can play anywhere that the ping is good for both of us.
well add me to your list so you can see when im on and what server
<b|k> lukie
Bombing is easy, easy kills, no doubt. Surviving other jets (and perhaps AA) isn't.

What is experience? Well, i think this: Knowing where all AA are located and which field of view they have. Knowing best approach routes for gunning every flag. Right approching is essential. Watching minimap to chose a rich target.

By the way, the higher RANK you are, the more powerful vehicles you HAVE TO use. E.g. Bomber on Oman or tank on Karky. Noblesse oblige !

And if someone wants to investigate my stats. If i get a plane, my only priority are enemy planes. Keeping them busy keeps them from raping my team.

Ayumiz wrote:

Some guys are not happy because i keep owning them on infantry and with the jet. So is it wrong because i have the skill which they want?
Not nearly as wrong as it is to engage in shameless bragging on the internet.
The Entire Game Is About Ownage!!!.....why Else Would They Have A Ranking System Then...?...its So U Can C Who Owns Who...c..)
+3,611|6763|London, England
It's funny how people are like "get out of the jet and fight on the ground, I'll own you with my PKM/G36E/L96A1"
Do you guys realise how unbelievably easy it is to do good with those particular weapons? I managed to "own" with those weapons long before i managed to do even half decent in a plane (and I'm still not that good) (let's forget about the J10 right now, yes that plane is a disgrace and 1.3 should do something about it)

Although there are the stupid pilots out there, basically the ones that base rape. I only base rape if the other team had done it to me/our team before. The lowest of the low is J10 pilots who go straight to the carrier and bomb the shit out of the place like their scared the F35's might take them down. Then you get idiots who switch team to china for the J10. Just as low. My Plane KDR has gone quite down the toilet using the F35 (against the J10, it's fine against a MiG) but i don't really care.

If you think "owning" people is raping an uncapable then you're crocked.
The Cereal Killer
+201|6800| United States of America
i dont care if i get owned because i end up AA whoring the jets any way
What was this thread originally about?
+24|6727|in a small dark place

pwned7 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

|60|Cobalt wrote:

usmarine2005: every post i read from you is crying about planes
when you hate them so much do everyone and yourself a favour and start playing CS or at least quit playing maps with jets - i heard the weather is fine in karkand this summer

on topic: there is nothing wrong when owning people - you own them in bf2 and maybe they would own you in tetris *lol*
owning others is the reason why so many peoples play online games - its much more fun to own real guys than bots
Ummm....I am not starting a thread complaining about planes asswipe.  I will give my opinion about planes when the topic is about planes.  And all I do is play SF or city maps, so problem solved there.  I don't like the superior attitude some of these idiots have about planes.  Besides all the teamkilling and bitching about them, where is the skill?  Do you circle the target area and identify targets?  Communicate with the ground or commander for the best target of opportunity? No.  Some do, but that is a very small minority.  All the rest do is drop bombs in the green boxes....wow.
ya im with marine... i think if there was a 64 player server and there were 64 planes, every one would get in one... its just being lucky at the start of the round to spawn near a plane... planes are obviously much more superior than infantry. once u get the hang of planes anyone would pwn... heh. besides. like i said before. we dont all have joysticks

Havazn wrote:

1927(h) wrote:

you also have with it unlimited nades which is very important.
and this is better than jets bombing how?

1927(h) wrote:

ammo giving points help bump my score up. Someone has to do it
Planes are in the game, someone has to fly to keep the other planes at bay. Why not let it be the guys who are weak on the ground? Only makes sense.

Just cause I fly too, doesnt automatically make me bad at infantry. I do well either way.

It takes skill to ground effectively, it also takes skill to fly and not be shot down instantly. You said it yourself, you aren't good in a plane. So in fact you are a skilless pilot.
Hav's old chap, thanks for the reply, I think ...... Forgive me if my tone changes slightly, only it's 2.30am and I've just come in. (hic)

Why question me on the superiority of nades over jets? If your answer is simply because I mentioned nades please don't reply to it. In the defence of the lil things nades can be an advantage in loads of ways, also a disadvantage in the wrong hands, eh, there you go they can compare to jets. Not that I was trying to before anyway.  I'm sorry but I really don't see why you asked me that question.  Sorry for seeing a bit "old" but use the "submit" button to your advantage, ie, read what your replying to, and what you have written before you click submit.  I mentioned having an unlimited supply of nades to try and show an advantage the kit has, regardless of weapon, however I like the PKM.

Im sure it takes skill to ground effectively it dosent take much skill to bomb a flag as a teammate caps it. I will always forgive if for eg, I'm trying to take out armour with c4, or mines whatever, Im up close to it and a team mate whizzes past and boooooom, took us both out. No thats right, NO PUNISH. Why??? Simply because next time I need one taking out, the pilot might think twice and we as a team loose out.

And Sherlock, may I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your investigate work and findings. Im obviously a skilless pilot, I have no shame in that, It's not going to keep me awake tonight.

Like I said in my post, I dont feel the need to justify why I choose PKM/Support to anyone, (ref: reading posts again before you click submit.)

I'm glad your good both in the air on ground, your probably one of those people that are better than me (ref: reading posts ........ ahhh lets not go there again)

Now to finish off you have confused me with this ........ "My point is that everyone goes around calling people 'noobs' or 'skilless' for using different weapons they can kill people with".

Thankyou for not calling me a noob, but isn't it great to fit in with everyone else by using the word "skilless" to belittle someone? I don't know myself.  As I have said, I think it takes skill to do what pilots do, yes I look up to you, why wouldnt I , I cant do it. That dosen't mean (if I had the choice) I wouldn't have planes in the sky, or Cobra's etc on Sharqui.
Get your body beat.

|60|Cobalt wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Besides all the teamkilling and bitching about them, where is the skill?  Do you circle the target area and identify targets?  Communicate with the ground or commander for the best target of opportunity? No.  Some do, but that is a very small minority.  All the rest do is drop bombs in the green boxes....wow.
says someone who has not even 70 kill during 3 hours in a plane

so your stats say: i tried to fly but i suck at it and will not enter a jet anymore - thats ok, but complaining about people who are good at flying from someone who has nearly no experience at flying jets is weak
we all have strong points and weak points in this game. Its better to admint that your not so good at one aspect, and keep going with the good asect.
Headshot Specialist
+104|6979|Woodland Hills, Ca

Mekstizzle wrote:

Although there are the stupid pilots out there, basically the ones that base rape. I only base rape if the other team had done it to me/our team before. The lowest of the low is J10 pilots who go straight to the carrier and bomb the shit out of the place like their scared the F35's might take them down.
Its about as rare as a solar eclipse for anyone to be able to manuver an f35 behind a j10 and sucessfully get 20 missle hits on it... Back when the AA wasnt godlike shooting down a j10 pilot wasnt hard at all because you had to use your machine guns. I rarely shoot a jet down with guns now a days but thanks to 1.22 all of the damn noobs who think they're jet gods right now because of the aa lock advantage any jet has over an f35. The pilots NEVER look at their health bar unless they have been hit by AA now. I can kill a pilot with machine guns and they will say I am hacking because they didnt hear a missle lock, or even worse they do notice the health going down and drop their flares before I even let them know I will have tone. Then boom!

Then you get idiots who switch team to china for the J10.
Yes, they are idiots because they dont want to die and they know the carrier is just a noob fest waiting for an f35 or a cobra... if the F35's establish air dominance on Wake you know exactly how they're doing it. The same way f35's have air dominance on Wake of Oman... rape the non airborn jets until we cap airfield!

(against the J10, it's fine against a MiG)
You havent reached your true potential as a jet pilot in this game, the mig will out fly, out dogfight, and outlive AA over an F35... they dont call it the flying coffin for no reason.
GunSlinger OIF II
slavery is bad no matter who you are
i would get pretty irratated, because jets aren't really made for only infantry, they are made for tanks and of course other jets.  But hey, what can they do about it?
you dont own you suck:)
J-10 whore
The mig is somewhat weaker than the f-18 and j-10. Yesterday an f-35b shot me down even though i flared and made a loop. And guys, i am not being proud or something because i received negative karma for this thread:( I am just asking whether owning people is bad sportsmanship.

Last edited by Ayumiz (2006-05-19 20:30:07)

Once again, sack of puppies.

Because that's about as much sense as this thread makes now.

I wouldn't get too bent out of shape over usmarine's speech SteikeTa, it's just what's normal for real Marines.
i hate you all

Avarice wrote:

Cbass wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Since link won't work due to FAA security...........

FAA Registry
Name Inquiry Results




County FRANKLIN  Zip Code 43081-5235 



Medical Class : First Medical Date: 05/2001



1 of   4

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DOI : 11/17/2004


1000 bucks please
I think the word here is ...... owned
Official Anthem of this new:

"Fredrik Got Owned Club"

can be found here
I really dont feel owned...
This is owning first class. At the end i had a score off 150 and no death and 74 kills total.


Greetz Ferdy

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