i hate you all

Bigwrm wrote:

Fredrik wrote:

Shoting down a Jet = np
Spelling "shooting" =big problem.
LOL! Well, English is only my second language, reply to me in Norwegian, and i`ll give you 1000 karma

Oh, btw 1+
+153|6921|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
Yeah usmarine... looks like you know how to handle a jet in BF2... after all.. you are a pilot in real life...

SteikeTa wrote:

Yeah usmarine... looks like you know how to handle a jet in BF2... after all.. you are a pilot in real life...
Did you even read what I.............oh nevermind.
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6799|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Dude, play for your own entertainment, not for the entertainment of others...
Sack of puppies.
+41|6746|London, UK

Cbass wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Fredrik wrote:

I`m not gonna reply to that. You are so unbelivable immature! Why on earth do you call people assholes and asswipes. You make stupid posts, and you cant argue propably and call people assholes when you take criticism for it.

Btw: You beeing a pilot, is bullshit. I bet 1000$ that you are a 12-15 year old kid. Now drop your bad-ass attitude, or i`ll come spank your fat ass...
Since link won't work due to FAA security...........

FAA Registry
Name Inquiry Results




County FRANKLIN  Zip Code 43081-5235 



Medical Class : First Medical Date: 05/2001



1 of   4

1 2  3  4 

DOI : 11/17/2004


1000 bucks please
I think the word here is ...... owned
Official Anthem of this new:

"Fredrik Got Owned Club"

can be found here

1927 wrote:

. Get out the jet and meet me in a city with my PKM. From my experience you will beat me with the jet then loose with the guns.
I find it ironic that you choose to use a PKM, which is full automatic and has the highest damage, when referring to an infantry fight.

If you WERE really so good, you'd just knife and pistol your way to greatness. In order to support your arguement about only 'noobs' need to fly (since its so easy to get kills), then you need to use hardest weapon in the game in order to not be a 'noob'.

Havazn wrote:

1927 wrote:

. Get out the jet and meet me in a city with my PKM. From my experience you will beat me with the jet then loose with the guns.
I find it ironic that you choose to use a PKM, which is full automatic and has the highest damage, when referring to an infantry fight.

If you WERE really so good, you'd just knife and pistol your way to greatness. In order to support your arguement about only 'noobs' need to fly (since its so easy to get kills), then you need to use hardest weapon in the game in order to not be a 'noob'.
This is a very valid point. Being a "noob" is relative.

Havazn wrote:

1927 wrote:

. Get out the jet and meet me in a city with my PKM. From my experience you will beat me with the jet then loose with the guns.
I find it ironic that you choose to use a PKM, which is full automatic and has the highest damage, when referring to an infantry fight.

If you WERE really so good, you'd just knife and pistol your way to greatness. In order to support your arguement about only 'noobs' need to fly (since its so easy to get kills), then you need to use hardest weapon in the game in order to not be a 'noob'.
Sarcasm my friend is the lowest form of wit. I like the PKM but it isn't the only weapon I choose. I do find it very effective vs a sniper. Thats skill........isnt it?

Ayumiz wrote:

Some guys are not happy because i keep owning them on infantry and with the jet. So is it wrong because i have the skill which they want?
I agree that some people are angry with jet pilots because they cannot jump in a jet and achieve the same results.

What I think you should consider is that a great jet pilot can be untouchable, or as near to it that it makes no difference. You have not posted your stats, but what is your average K\D ratio in a jet? 10:1?  25:1? 50:1?

An exceptionally skilled ground pounder can still be taken down by any fool that gets a drop on him, or some random bloke in armour. For a ground pounder to get a 10:1 K\D ratio consistently is something special.

This is not criticism but a great pilot can take a lot of fun out of the game for both sides.

If you are really care if people if some guys are not happy with you, try limiting your self to 25 kills in the jet and then try something else.
If not then keep up the great flying, and ignore people trying to flame you.


Slavery's over, c'mon now... That's so 20th century. We all know you can't own anyone, anymore.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

King_County_Downy wrote:

Slavery's over, c'mon now... That's so 20th century. We all know you can't own anyone, anymore.
Wait, so I don't really own the girl I bought in Thailand and keep chained to the bed? Uh oh...
+30|6729|Holland Hardcore
The guy that started this thread is so fucking arrogant, stick a feather in your ass.
Headshot Specialist
+104|7010|Woodland Hills, Ca

1927 wrote:

Planes fuck the game up for me aswell, that stupid whisltling noise followed by the you will respawn counter, yeah you got skills.
To bomb infantry by instinct is pure luck in this game as the air craft targeting recticle has a LOT of work needed for it to acurately replicate a real HUD's function much less its targeting anchor for bombing runs.

Get out the jet and meet me in a city with my PKM. From my experience you will beat me with the jet then loose with the guns.
I got 3 of my expert badges in air (engineer, sniper, medic specialist) 1 in a tank (engineer specialist), the rest on foot. Assault, Support, Knife, Pistol, Spec Ops (this one was easy as pie), Anti Tank (also easy as pie)

I would love to challenge anyone on the ground who feels that they have some superiority over us flyboys, and send all of those negative attitudes to the bench about pilots being cockpit pussies.

I get my nails dirty too.
From todays posts in this forum/thread, Ive come to the conclusion that you flyboys are a force to be reckoned with. Why?

I can't fly, I wont hide the fact. You guys can fly, it's obvious. Also you can fight on the ground even if for eg, you arn't as good as me (remember im average) . Over 2 maps, one with planes, one without I'd put my money on the pilot coming out on top over the two. I won't gain anywhere near the points you do on the first, and no matter how hard I go at it with my PKM you will still be raking points on foot even if not at the rate I will. The difference in points over the first map will out weigh any negative diffrence on the 2nd map.

Please don't anyone make the mistake in thinking what I am saying is flying is an easy way to gain points and get kills. It isn't, Im confident that it takes many hours of practice, (something im no prepared to do) to become a good pilot. Even flying over a carrier n releasing your payload accuratly to maximum effect takes skill and practice. Dosen't it?
+153|6921|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

usmarine2005 wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

Yeah usmarine... looks like you know how to handle a jet in BF2... after all.. you are a pilot in real life...
Did you even read what I.............oh nevermind.
You forgot to call me an asshole or asswipe...... as you usually do when arguing on this forum

1927(h) wrote:

Havazn wrote:

1927 wrote:

. Get out the jet and meet me in a city with my PKM. From my experience you will beat me with the jet then loose with the guns.
I find it ironic that you choose to use a PKM, which is full automatic and has the highest damage, when referring to an infantry fight.

If you WERE really so good, you'd just knife and pistol your way to greatness. In order to support your arguement about only 'noobs' need to fly (since its so easy to get kills), then you need to use hardest weapon in the game in order to not be a 'noob'.
Sarcasm my friend is the lowest form of wit. I like the PKM but it isn't the only weapon I choose. I do find it very effective vs a sniper. Thats skill........isnt it?
If the PKM didn't have the accuracy of a sniper rifle and you were just as effective, then yes, it would be skill. As it stands right now though? No.

My point is that everyone goes around calling people 'noobs' or 'skilless' for using different weapons they can kill people with. For some its the grenade launcher or the PKM or Jets. But no one who say these things goes around using just a knife and owns. The one who DOES do that, can truely call ANY weapon in the game a noob weapon.
+153|6921|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

usmarine2005 wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Did you even read what I.............oh nevermind.
You forgot to call me an asshole or asswipe...... as you usually do when arguing on this forum
How about fuckface?
Hmm, thats new from you.

SteikeTa wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

Yeah usmarine... looks like you know how to handle a jet in BF2... after all.. you are a pilot in real life...
Did you even read what I.............oh nevermind.
You forgot to call me an asshole or asswipe...... as you usually do when arguing on this forum
If you would have read, you would see that I was in the right seat for most that time, pretty much along for the ride.  Plus, Ido not have a joystick and I hate flying with the mouse and keyboard.  I amn ot going to buy one for a game that I play for ground battles and one that ruined airpower anyway IMO.


Havazn wrote:

1927(h) wrote:

Havazn wrote:

I find it ironic that you choose to use a PKM, which is full automatic and has the highest damage, when referring to an infantry fight.

If you WERE really so good, you'd just knife and pistol your way to greatness. In order to support your arguement about only 'noobs' need to fly (since its so easy to get kills), then you need to use hardest weapon in the game in order to not be a 'noob'.
Sarcasm my friend is the lowest form of wit. I like the PKM but it isn't the only weapon I choose. I do find it very effective vs a sniper. Thats skill........isnt it?
If the PKM didn't have the accuracy of a sniper rifle and you were just as effective, then yes, it would be skill. As it stands right now though? No.

My point is that everyone goes around calling people 'noobs' or 'skilless' for using different weapons they can kill people with. For some its the grenade launcher or the PKM or Jets. But no one who say these things goes around using just a knife and owns. The one who DOES do that, can truely call ANY weapon in the game a noob weapon.
I get sniped with that crappy medic gun a lot L85A1?. I dont get nailed by the f2000 gl as much now. The PKM isn't as accurate as people make out, most guns in CQC will drop me before I've even gone prone, I like the MP7 for close stuff personally.

I like the PKM because once you go prone you have 100 bullets to fire off and can drop 5/6/7 enemies before moving posistion and reloading, you also have with it unlimited nades which is very important. As mentioned I'm not that good so the ammo giving points help bump my score up. Someone has to do it, not that I need to justify myself to anybody on a forum as to which kit I use. At least people know why.
+153|6921|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

usmarine2005 wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Did you even read what I.............oh nevermind.
You forgot to call me an asshole or asswipe...... as you usually do when arguing on this forum
If you would have read, you would see that I was in the right seat for most that time, pretty much along for the ride.  Plus, Ido not have a joystick and I hate flying with the mouse and keyboard.  I amn ot going to buy one for a game that I play for ground battles and one that ruined airpower anyway IMO.

Well, you don't need a joystick to fly.
You knew that there would be jets and choppers in the game. So why didn't you buy another game that don't have it, if you just like playing on the ground?
And if you are right during an argument, why do you need to call someone asshole or asswipe? Did they write that to you? No. Not on this thread anyway. Whats with the big hostile attitude? Thats what makes you sound like a little kid you know.

SteikeTa wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

You forgot to call me an asshole or asswipe...... as you usually do when arguing on this forum
If you would have read, you would see that I was in the right seat for most that time, pretty much along for the ride.  Plus, Ido not have a joystick and I hate flying with the mouse and keyboard.  I amn ot going to buy one for a game that I play for ground battles and one that ruined airpower anyway IMO.

Well, you don't need a joystick to fly.
You knew that there would be jets and choppers in the game. So why didn't you buy another game that don't have it, if you just like playing on the ground?
And if you are right during an argument, why do you need to call someone asshole or asswipe? Did they write that to you? No. Not on this thread anyway. Whats with the big hostile attitude? Thats what makes you sound like a little kid you know.
That is the way I talk.  Plus, you don't have to swear to flame someone, so i don't see the difference.  Why are you so hung up on those two words anyway?  The one dude said didn't say shit to him, why is that?  Stop being selective and try being fair.  If you see my name, don't read it then....kind of like turning the channel.
Who the hell elected you leader of this outfit?

1927 wrote:

Bigwrm wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:



County FRANKLIN  Zip Code 43081-5235

Ever had an internet stalker? 

Im totally mailing you an ounce of Crack and some large dildos.
Ive sent a tonne of Bricks and 2 tonne of cement before now for a "victim".
Yeah, you can move, but you're still in OHIO.  But don't want to go back to Tennessee and couldn't make it in Michigan. 

Dude, you've given most people enough info, if they know the right people, to pull your current address, home and cell numbers, social security number, arrest record and traffic citations.

And in your profile it says Columbus, so you're not exactly staying covert there, chief.

Not that I've really have a stake in this thread, but that move was incredibly unwise.

And I had to make an Ohio joke because I'm not a big fan of the state.

MaddOps wrote:

1927 wrote:

Bigwrm wrote:


Ever had an internet stalker? 

Im totally mailing you an ounce of Crack and some large dildos.
Ive sent a tonne of Bricks and 2 tonne of cement before now for a "victim".
Yeah, you can move, but you're still in OHIO.  But don't want to go back to Tennessee and couldn't make it in Michigan. 

Dude, you've given most people enough info, if they know the right people, to pull your current address, home and cell numbers, social security number, arrest record and traffic citations.

And in your profile it says Columbus, so you're not exactly staying covert there, chief.

Not that I've really have a stake in this thread, but that move was incredibly unwise.

And I had to make an Ohio joke because I'm not a big fan of the state.
Not really, an FAA license is public information.  I have used my name and email here...not too hard to figure out if someone wanted to.
+153|6921|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

usmarine2005 wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

If you would have read, you would see that I was in the right seat for most that time, pretty much along for the ride.  Plus, Ido not have a joystick and I hate flying with the mouse and keyboard.  I amn ot going to buy one for a game that I play for ground battles and one that ruined airpower anyway IMO.

Well, you don't need a joystick to fly.
You knew that there would be jets and choppers in the game. So why didn't you buy another game that don't have it, if you just like playing on the ground?
And if you are right during an argument, why do you need to call someone asshole or asswipe? Did they write that to you? No. Not on this thread anyway. Whats with the big hostile attitude? Thats what makes you sound like a little kid you know.
That is the way I talk.  Plus, you don't have to swear to flame someone, so i don't see the difference.  Why are you so hung up on those two words anyway?  The one dude said didn't say shit to him, why is that?  Stop being selective and try being fair.  If you see my name, don't read it then....kind of like turning the channel.
Heh, because he wrote stfu? Did not call you anything with that did he? Damn, you reeeeally disslike jet pilots. Well, after 4-500 hours on the ground, i got bored, so now im a pilot. Its fun, you should try it some more. Get tk`ed for a jet? Yeah shit happens. Happens while you are playing as infantry too. Forced tk`s and such. Less on foot probably. But happens... Running around and some guy think its fun to take a car and run you over, after jumping out of the vehicle before he hits you. Sitting in a tanks, and 2-3 friends want to get some forced tk`s on you by running their car into you until it explodes and it takes 0.06 seconds and you are punished and kicked eventually. Hate that crap

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