Death StatPadder
+228|6810|Human Meat Shield
Well after playing alot on Warlord then going back to Karkand, I now know the reason why I left Karkand...

Karkand is nothing but spawnraping and camping, no one wants to take flags and everyone is selfish to the point where if you ask for an ammo or medic bag they decide to run away. All Karkand is is point farming, no skill is required if you are lonewolf.

THe scene: Unfortunately I am at the suburbs and trying to run away and all I see is a squad just camped, we only had two others and myself trying to defend, the two others didn't respawn after two hits, dumbass me decides I want revenge so I keep respawning hoping I'll get the 'far away spawn', to no avail I spawned 3 times at the same spot and the same person killed me...hmmph! They weren't even thinking about flag capture, same goes for the Hotel, just plant yourself at the spawnpoints with a PKM.

My question is why don't people take flags anymore?? Is it a dying breed? Now I go to Sharqi and see a BIG difference, people are actually wanting to defend and take flags. But not only Karkand, its all over, but Karkand is the worst; its to the point of they should only have a line and niether team can cross it, I think that would make everyone happier.

I also noticed, and this isn't recent, that why dont the tanks battle each other? You have Infantry on one side and tanks on the other. Shouldn't the tanks/apc's attack each other?!! Maybe I just don't understand the concept of the point system yet and not noob enought to gather the point farming system. Strange as it seems but I think if people weren't worried about getting gold or not and actually play like it supposed to be played people would actually benefit from tanks taking out tanks instead of 4 AT's taking it out.

THis isn't an rant or waa! waa!; this is just an observation that just hit me, yeah I know 'where have I been'; but the Tank thing is even occuring on Warlord, I think the Karkand people are converting to Warlord and ruining that map. Come to think of it, it's on every map! Smokescreen is the only one that I see tanks fighting tanks.

Last edited by imdead (2006-05-09 19:05:49)

If karkand is all point farming, why wouldnt they give u a med pack or ammo?

Dude, if u dont like karkand, OMG! dont play it!!!!111

why r u wastin ur time talking about it, just stop playing it.
+72|6763|Indianapolis, IN
When I play, I always go for flags.  Except at the beginning for MEC because then I sit at Cemet and defend for the coming USMC players. 

The reason tanks dont go for tanks is because of the tanks will win and then the other will have to spawn again.  The points is why people play.  Without the point system, BF2 would not be what it is but with it you have those complianing because it is not being played correctly.  BF2 is about the points and the teamwork, but without mature players it will never be at that point.

Yet, it is still a fun game to play.  The reason I play is to relax and have a little fun in between long studying sessions.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6667|Los Angeles, California, US.
All Of That Is True, Except, You Forgot The Grenade Throwing. . I Hate Karkand, And Cant Wait To Get It Off Of My Favorite Map.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Platinum Star whore
+365|6719|Middle of nowhere
Well i see your point, but in my experience, it isn't that people DON'T want to cap the flags, it's just that the infantry keep killing each other in the alleyways and stuff so that they CAN'T cap the flags

that's how i see it anyway

PS-when i'm in a tank on Karkand, i kill the armour first... sure i die more, but at least our infantry isn't getting raped while i have the tanks attention
--Brick Tamland
Warlord all the way
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6621|Melbourne, Australia.
Karkands first 4 or so flags can be capped by USMC in less than 3 mins if people tried to cap them. Karkand is traditionally a high points map, and people play it to spawnrape MEC. Karkand is like target practise for usmc.
The reason why tanks dont battle each other (as you can see i'm a tank whore) is because you miss out on all the spawn rape points! If i'm on usmc, and see a tank on one side (i'm sure hes seen me) I just simply go to the other side and we don't bother each other, simply because we get more points that way .
But its true, i'm getting sick of karkand...I mean it is an awesome map for points (nowsdays I get 5+ spm a round on it) but its full of constant artying and going through the motions - spawn rape hotel for half the rounds, move to the square and cap that easily, and then snipe up to the suburb until the round ends. Always the same.

Onto Mashtuur I go, since ive just found an aussie Mash only server

Last edited by -[Silver.Inc* (2006-05-09 19:54:02)

Death StatPadder
+228|6810|Human Meat Shield

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

.blah, blah.
um...Im not playing it. Warlord is my favorite map by 100 hours. But obviously you are missing the boat, I respect that, I'll let you in before you drown. I play Warlord, I went back to Karkand ... so the story re-read the post.

[Silver.Inc*  wrote:

Karkands first 4 or so flags can be capped by USMC in less than 3 mins if people tried to cap them. Karkand is traditionally a high points map, and people play it to spawnrape MEC. Karkand is like target practise for usmc.
The reason why tanks dont battle each other (as you can see i'm a tank whore) is because you miss out on all the spawn rape points! If i'm on usmc, and see a tank on one side (i'm sure hes seen me) I just simply go to the other side and we don't bother each other, simply because we get more points that way .
But its true, i'm getting sick of karkand...I mean it is an awesome map for points (nowsdays I get 5+ spm a round on it) but its full of constant artying and going through the motions - spawn rape hotel for half the rounds, move to the square and cap that easily, and then snipe up to the suburb until the round ends. Always the same.

Onto Mashtuur I go, since ive just found an aussie Mash only server
Exactly what Im getting at..I guess that is the reason for not taking flags.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Karkand is stupid like that. The wh0res have learned to squeeze every single point humanly possible.
+6|6608|PA, USA
I already ranted about this in a Karkand thread yesterday, so I'm not doing it again.  But your observations are very correct imdead.  All those reason you named are the reasons why Karkand blows so much chunks.  I'd rather play Sharqi or Warlord any day of the week instead of Karkand.
+271|6796|United States of America
Warlord sucks. No skill, unlike Karkand, where I find myself challenged to get away from campers and kill them , try sometime. Warlord is just camp shoot a PKM and tear gas. Nothing but that, and Armor whores everywhere. I hated Warlord, I like Karkand, Mashtuur is the best of all though. Karkand's still good though, I know how to cap flags rather than just get points, I play as medic and heal my team, my clan plays as a team and recently won a match on Karkand because we took the middle flag and attacked all sides. Karkand is fun!

Last edited by Miller (2006-05-09 21:03:21)

Karkadan is only good for whoring, all counter arguments to it easily fail.
Death StatPadder
+228|6810|Human Meat Shield

Hiei987 wrote:

Karkadan is only good for whoring, all counter arguments to it easily fail.
Hahaha!! true..and Miller...need to spend time on SF before you can rant about Warlord. Tank whores??!! there is no such thing on Warlord, tear gas is overrated, only n00bs or people that first bought the game use it; I agree with the Mashtuur and Sharqi comments from Mantis, it actually takes teamwork and Mashtuur if you don't use it you will loose all your flags within minutes.
Karkand is fun, that is all that matters to me right now. The way I see it, we should all play the maps that are fun for us. Latter when the fun of a certain map wears off move on. If you get caught up on a map just for points you will burn out. These debates are fun but the bottom line, like we all like to quote "just have fun!"

imdead wrote:

Hiei987 wrote:

Karkadan is only good for whoring, all counter arguments to it easily fail.
Hahaha!! true..and Miller...need to spend time on SF before you can rant about Warlord. Tank whores??!! there is no such thing on Warlord, tear gas is overrated, only n00bs or people that first bought the game use it; I agree with the Mashtuur and Sharqi comments from Mantis, it actually takes teamwork and Mashtuur if you don't use it you will loose all your flags within minutes.
Yeah, what's the point of using tear gas if someone's just going to blow you away with a grenade launcher anyway...
+7|6709|Akron, OH
I think that many people have played this map so much that they know all of the common paths and approaches to any area on the map and tend to protect them, making it much more difficult to get to a flag unless the server is empty. 

I don't see as many tank vs. tank battles either, but I see more tanks getting tore up by 3 and 4 AT guys or spec ops.  I think the playerbase is just learning the maps/weapons and evolving.

Cougar wrote:

--Brick Tamland
Awesome   Can't believe nobody else knows this.
I always go for flags on Karkand and for the most part have seen others do the same.  Every once in a while (perhaps 1 out of 10 games) I will get a team that is truly unwilling to pay attention to anything but The Hotel.  I'll even cap the the Gatehouse (32-player version) thinking I've done my team a huge favor, only to sit there and wait for teammates to spawn and help take the train accident, only to have swarms of attentive MEC's come over and retake it.  But this is the exception and not the rule.

My only complaint about Karkand is that people seem to think the USMC is the only team that can win and people switch to USMC every round.  It's far worse depending on whether the server switches you or not.  On servers where it doesn't, after 2 or 3 rounds, all the 'good' players (experienced players) have slowly migrated to the USMC side and the unwitting MEC team just gets slaughtered.  If the skill levels of each team are somewhat matched, Karkand can be a really fun and balanced map.  I actually prefer Karkands games where I am MEC and the USMC has 1 or 2 flags captured.  I LOVE the challenge of getting them back.    That's my $.02 anyway.
Yeah, but you sound like you're playing the game for fun.....  GET OVER IT, COLLECT POINTS!!

I always go for flags and try to win the round, regardless of what side I'm on or how bad my team is.

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