Well lets tally up the score, 5 keyboards, 4 mice and numerous headaches. Still keep gettn kicked, and still of course no answer from EA/Dice. I loose connection about 15 times a day at least. The infamous, "you have lost connection to the server". I have done everything I can to stop this but it keeps happening. The weird part is it doesn't give you the message during game. It just kicks you out to the main server page. I hope someone has figured this out. Because its getting to expensive smashing keyboards.....

It seems to be mostly on the SF servers. My is lwer then the rest of the people on the maps. I am lost. I tryed putting BF2 affinity to core 0, since I have the X2 chip, that doesnt seem tpo chane anything. I am starting to think its the servers, if thats the case then were all in trouble, because its all the SF servers.
Again 10 times in a fuckin row....Tired of this bullshit. EA needs to step up to the gad dam plate and solve the fucking problem..................
Dooooooooood!!!!!!111 U and me both pal. I think why me.. But now someone to suffer with me.
I think it is cause the stoopid sf servers (hppens alot on euro too) are all too far away from anything. Only happens when m ping gets kinda high.
Not like 300 or anyhting though,like 150.
+6|6796|San Jose,CA
Try this
It is a problem with the X2. This will help you have the application use a single processor upon startup. Whats happening is some aspect of the application is using the second processor, which BF2 cannot do. So you have have a response not being sent ...Connection Lost.

Last edited by flail129 (2006-05-04 19:21:23)

You can manually switch over to single core, under cntrl-alt-del. Which I do. That link you gave switches your whole system to single core, which isnt what I need. That will make all my other programs run on single core. That wouldn't make any sense. The right thing to do is for EA/Dice to fix the dam problem. Everyone else is using dual core why do they have to be different.......

At this point I am ready to throw this dam thing out the window.....

I shouldn't have to go through all this crap to play a dam game. We can put man in space but we cant program a game to work right. Wonder who the dam rocket scientist is at Dice. Yah lets prgram our high tech game to run on old technology. Wonder who the retard is at Dice...... Morons get off your lazy ass's and fix the freakn problems. I hope some idiot at Dice see's this, you freakn dumb ass's....
+6|6796|San Jose,CA
No it doesnt, you assign affinity based on application.

"To use this tool to set affinity masks for an executable, type the following command in a command prompt window or run dialog:
imagecfg -a 0x1 c:\path\to\file.exe"

This is an application based fix, not a system wide application.

I have a dual core system same as yours. When I set the affinity manually, same problems occurred. When I used this application and applied it to BF2, problems resolved without loss of dual core functionality for all other apps and OS's. In fact I was able to burn a DVD while playing BF2 without any latency issues, something I could not do if dual core functionality had been impeded.
If you take the time to try it before dismissing it, you might have resolved your frustration by now.
But how does it know to run BF2 on single core. I didn't see anything on the web page about specifiying an application.

Please tell me how to set this up, I am not a programmer. The web page is a little confusing.


Last edited by Bigphillyed (2006-05-05 09:18:01)

+6|6796|San Jose,CA
If you click on the link at the top, you dld an application called imagecfg. Save it to the C:\Windows\System32 folder.
Then go to Start-->Run and type in cmd. You will get a Dos like window.
In that window type
    cd C:\Program Files   Hit Enter
Then type
    cd EA Games    Hit Enter
Then type
    cd Battlefield 2  Hit Enter
Then type
    imagecfg -a 0x1 BF2.exe   Hit Enter
You will get a bunch of lines.
Then type
    exit      Hit Enter

This will assign BF2.exe to use processor 1. It will only apply to BF2.exe and not any other application.
Thanks, I set it up. Lets see if it solves my problems. If it does someone better sticky this. Because the X2 chipset is becoming more and more common. I don't see BF2 fixing the problem any time soon. And what happens with the new Quad SLI, wonder if thats going to cause problems. I was thinking of putting that in my new custom rig I am building now. Maybe its not such a good idea.

flail129 wrote:

If you click on the link at the top, you dld an application called imagecfg. Save it to the C:\Windows\System32 folder.
Then go to Start-->Run and type in cmd. You will get a Dos like window.
In that window type
    cd C:\Program Files   Hit Enter
Then type
    cd EA Games    Hit Enter
Then type
    cd Battlefield 2  Hit Enter
Then type
    imagecfg -a 0x1 BF2.exe   Hit Enter
You will get a bunch of lines.
Then type
    exit      Hit Enter

This will assign BF2.exe to use processor 1. It will only apply to BF2.exe and not any other application.
Flail... Seems to be working great, except for one thing. Ever since I set the imagecfg command in, I crash to desktop about 2-3 times per day. Which is better then disconnecting every 30 minutes. I am not sure if you have heard of this before.

But thanks for the help!
Cereal Killer
+145|6692|The View From The Afternoon

flail129 wrote:

Try this
It is a problem with the X2. This will help you have the application use a single processor upon startup. Whats happening is some aspect of the application is using the second processor, which BF2 cannot do. So you have have a response not being sent ...Connection Lost.
doesn't work with my XP home edition
+13|6655|England, UK

flail129 wrote:

If you click on the link at the top, you dld an application called imagecfg. Save it to the C:\Windows\System32 folder.
Then go to Start-->Run and type in cmd. You will get a Dos like window.
In that window type
    cd C:\Program Files   Hit Enter
Then type
    cd EA Games    Hit Enter
Then type
    cd Battlefield 2  Hit Enter
Then type
    imagecfg -a 0x1 BF2.exe   Hit Enter
You will get a bunch of lines.
Then type
    exit      Hit Enter

This will assign BF2.exe to use processor 1. It will only apply to BF2.exe and not any other application.
this worked a treat for my new dual core system thanks alot Flail

Wow, worked for me too. Now I can finally play without disconnecting. Thanks!
I get the same message every 10 seconds. with a 30 ping...oh to read a book. EA cant fuck that up.

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