Are we (USA) trying too hard to "keep people out"?
I find it one of the most absurd events that millions of people would go to a foreign nation (US) and protest a potential loss of jobs in that foreign nation. Why aren't they protesting in their own countries? ROFLMAO
Alot of good that will do them and they know it. This is not racism it is about law and taxes and being good neighbors. I suggest applying an Eastern philosophy to solve the problem - let illegal immigration fall under it's own weight.
Problem Statement: Corruption and incompetence resulting low standards of living in neighboring countries are driving good people into foreign nations to seek a better life but causing damage to the very nation that provides relief for their problem.
Here is my solution for immigration to start a corrective process.
All peoples from countries with a significant illegal presence in the US will be in the plan, say 100,000 or more.
Build 100 Temporary processing buildings along the border. These are cheap, quick and will create a lot jobs for a couple of months.
Create a rapid work permit process taking only a few days to complete.
Make work available for any non-felon foreigners wanting work in the US.
Require anyone already in the states to go through the processing centers.
Anyone failing to do this within 90 days of the start-date will be tried and receive a bar from re-entry and be deported to the country of their choice, thats right any country on earth (see if any other nice country is as accomodating as the evil US).
Now the people completing the work permit will be given bus tranportation back to the destination of their jobs, fully documented and no criminal smuggling. Employers will submit locations and numbers needed through job recruitment centers adjacent to the processing centers.
Now comes the key to the success of this problem....wait for it......
Anyone working in the USA for 1 year is automatically enrolled in the naturalized citizen program. To work in the US for more than one year requires enrollment in the citizenship program.
If they work for more than three years they become a naturalized citizen automatically at the five year mark(dual citizenship will be allowed for an extra fee).
Any felony convictions by a naturalized citizen results in permanent loss of citizen status and deportation to any country of choice.
Offspring born in the US of non-citizens must graduate high school to earn full citizenship.
If they decline citizenship their permit is permanently pulled and they must go back and invest their hard earned US money on a busines in another country of their choice.
Within 5-10 years 90% of all long term immigrants will be US citizens.
At this point the US will be able to assert pressure on Mexico and other nations to get the corruption fixed, allow foreigners to buy property in Mexico (idk do other countries allow foreign land ownership?) and that will bring prosperity to other countries.
Once land ownership is allowed everywhere by anyone borders will be less important. Wealthy US citizens will begin buying up land and demand reform and rule of law which will clean up the messy dealings in foreign countries. This will also make immigration a two-way street.
If Mexico or other nations petition for statehood we will gladly accept.
Last edited by OpsChief (2006-05-09 11:56:19)