
Are Commander spots annoying or useful?

Useful91%91% - 102
Annoying8%8% - 10
Total: 112
Bianchi Whore.
So, I've seen varying opinions and now I'm curious as to whether there's a general consensus or split on this. Are Commander spots - specifically in this case mass-spots from scans - useful or simply annoying?

And wouldn't it be awesome if we could switch the Commander to 'text only', so we don't hear all that spam but still get the benefit of knowing when a chopper is about to introduce us to our own spleens?

If you think they're equal parts annoying and useful, please click 'null vote'.
Im Ron Burgundy?
wait... what? what do u mean. AKA CLARIFY
Bianchi Whore.
Err. Can it be any clearer or briefer?


I guess not briefer.

Anyhow. Spots. When the Commander clicks with his right button on a little red blob after a scan, and cries forth, "Enemy tank spotted!" or "Enemy drug baron spotted!" or whatever to mark enemy units out for his troops - is it annoying to have that 'spam'...

Or does the usefulness of knowing where the enemy are outweigh said annoyance of voice 'spam'.

I'm not sure how this can be clearer. Sorry.

[EDIT - I don't even know what 'outweight' means. Outweigh, on the other hand...]

Last edited by Auqakuh2213 (2006-04-27 16:04:37)

+11|6895|Good old Blighty
I personally think they are useful, any help a commander can give his guys on the floor to spot the enemy's whereabouts can only be a good thing.

Unless you get a numpty in the seat that constantly hits the 'spotted' button, then it's just annoying.
+129|6902|Eastern USA
I can't vote both so I nulled it. I think if the commander only spots what's important and in small bunches at a time. That's helpful

When a commander spots the same infantry 200 times in about 2.396 seconds then it's annoying as hell, since this one guy would be on the other side of the map with no one close.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6995|Canberra, AUS
I use them a lot - especially on maps like Songhua, where UAV covers 1 flag only, but the rest of their team is elsewhere trying to cap. If its text only, no one notices nor cares. The commander doesn't do a big flashing broadcast int he sky, does he? He uses radio!

However, its better only to spot dangerous targets - like the APC going for your back flag. No-one cares about the private swimming to your base - he'll get sniped anyway. Spammers are REALLY annoying and are certain to get Mutiny votes (which won't work)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Im Ron Burgundy?
there we go.. usefull. thank you
Bianchi Whore.
Thinking on it - if the spotting mechanism worked better (ie, it actually always without fail reported the correct unit type rather than 'enemy units spotted' when you're clearly clicking on a tank), then it wouldn't be half so spammy to start with.

I'm largely curious, though, so I can alter my commanding style to match the general feeling. I tend to do one of two things - in a busy map, I spot anyone and everyone who's near a member of my team ('near' being 'within sniping range' generally). In a quiet round (24 or less total players), I only spot important items - such as tanks, APCs, and choppers. Quiet rounds are no fun if you can see the infantry coming ALL the time. >.<
+383|7040|The Netherlands
I think they are usefull, it will annoy me if the commander is spamming ingame chat with too much messages.
+0|6986|Bayside Brisbane
When playing commander i only spot enemy in the range of my own team so yes it can be useful, however i have seen commanders spotting everything on the map - just incase you want to run from one side of the map to the other. I will repeatedly call out when i find the other commander or if planes or choppers are in the map i sometimes pick out tanks and apc's.
Usual Suspect
It is important but most of the times people just dont even care the spotted infantry in their ass.
+304|6916|New York City baby.
Common sense is the key to successful command, if you play enough hours you will learn all the tricks and use scan + spot in a successful matter and not annoying one like most commanders do.

Last edited by alpinestar (2006-04-27 16:37:28)

Viva Mexico
It is useful, and maybe it is annoying when you have to spot the same enemy 2 or more times, because did not spot at first time
Happen to me often.
Bianchi Whore.
I'd have more hours commanding if my ISP wasn't evil.
Im Ron Burgundy?
i think i have the most hours commanding... go ahead and check my stats.
Sleep Deprived

gblanco wrote:

It is useful, and maybe it is annoying when you have to spot the same enemy 2 or more times, because did not spot at first time
Happen to me often.
I agree.  As a commander, you often "spot" the enemy and it automatically sends out the verbal warning to your troops, but the enemy's icon on the map does not remain, so you end up doing it multiple times until it "sticks" and your troops can see it on their mini-map.

Alternatively, if you have an enemy inside your main base reeking havoc, your spoting becomes sort of insistent to get your troops attention, like "hey somebody stop your vehicle whoring and take this guy out or soon you will have no UAV or satellite or arty support".

So the verbal spam is sometimes just a necessary evil.
I think they are useful if used correctly, but it would be really great if you could adjust the volume of radio commands so you can at least hear your surroundings better. :>
The New Johnnie Cochran
when I command, I usually drop a UAV where most of the fighting is taking place, that way I don't have to worry about taking care of the guys. Then, I go where another squad outside of the UAV is and zoom in. I then start spotting enemies, until they are all dead. Its like being another UAV. Heck, I wish you could spot mines and stuff.

+86|6998|Central California

Elamdri wrote:

when I command, I usually drop a UAV where most of the fighting is taking place, that way I don't have to worry about taking care of the guys. Then, I go where another squad outside of the UAV is and zoom in. I then start spotting enemies, until they are all dead. Its like being another UAV. Heck, I wish you could spot mines and stuff.

Agreed. That's how I command. I wish there were more commanders like us out there. I usually get the kind that doesn't spot at all, the riding in the vehicle, no supplies when requested, the far and few in between uav kind of commanders. They provide very little or no support yet they get first place. In my opinion commander spots are very useful. How can it be annoying? Even if he's spamming it doesn't bother me at all. I'd ask the commander where this guy is through the commander channel and hunt em down. That's if he's not clear across the map but nearby, definitely.

Ronball9 wrote:

gblanco wrote:

It is useful, and maybe it is annoying when you have to spot the same enemy 2 or more times, because did not spot at first time
Happen to me often.
I agree.  As a commander, you often "spot" the enemy and it automatically sends out the verbal warning to your troops, but the enemy's icon on the map does not remain, so you end up doing it multiple times until it "sticks" and your troops can see it on their mini-map.

So the verbal spam is sometimes just a necessary evil.
Hello to all CO,
to spot correctly, you have to wait for the scan is over and red points fading out, memorize the red points position and then spot them !!! If you dot that, you spot once and the spotted point appears on the mini map !!!
Otherwise, it doesn't work, I hope to be clear enough because of my english
Cheers KF.
Get your body beat.
i wish commander didnt get all the radio comms from everyone.
Only annoying when his spots create those questionmarks everywhere, otherwise welcomed and useful.
Get your body beat.

Scarymother wrote:

Only annoying when his spots create those questionmarks everywhere, otherwise welcomed and useful.
one or two around guys asking if there is any one is helpful, shows its all clear.
Most of the ? i get are from trying to spot cars and choppers that refuse to show up properly.
its helps when your a reg, on the server, everyone knows you and is more forgiving when they get alot of spots.
even if he spams, i would prefer tat to a cmdr that sits in a tank and waits for the round to end, or take up a chopper/plane and becomes a full time pilot.

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