xintegrityx wrote:
Too many to remember them all
I do stupid shit every time I play.
Sums up my skills too... mediocrity with brief flashes of brilliance soon followed by an acute case of dumbass
example #1
on FuShe Pass had a fully loaded APC as i was a squad leader I was rolling down southwest from the Mountain Lookout trying to get to the East Mine Entrance as ya'll know going down hill you can pick up some serious speed so right when you come to that cross road before you make a left to go further down I roll the sum-a-bitch as i make that left and of course every squad member is hitting "e" as i'm rolling
I managed TK everyone as my apc is steamrolling down the cliff for (4) tk's and as i come to a rest at the bottom somewhere the China Heli TV's me
Example #2
I had recently remapped my keys and forgot. So I go running up to one of my teams Vodnicks on Sharqi it had just stopped at the base of that ramp at the TV station we had just captured and the gunner on the 50. was mowing down some advancing USMC's trying to recap it was smoking from damage so I thought I'd get out my Good Ole' rusty ass wrench...
which was now the grenade key from the re-mapping
Normally I'd notice that i wasn't hearing any ratchet I was looking side to side from the back to be sure no one snuck up on me... well first grenade I chucked in the back opening blew up the Vod and the gunner and 3 others and myself team vehicle damage,a suicide, and 4 tks... *sigh*
Last edited by Seal 3 (2006-04-19 00:04:16)