Say if everybody on the whole team got into 4-6 man squads and all played as a squad. Then they incorporated miliatry tactics like covering each other as one member advanced so on and so forth.
All vehicles were used as cover and used correctly like in a military invasion.

The other team simply jus did what most people do on this game have one or two squads working well but not properly and the rest lone wolves driving armour flin planes to random points on the map.

Now who would win? and if anybody plays on servers like my 1st point then tell me cos i would like to give it ago.
Nade Spammers Must Die
Of course they would win. But wheres the fun in that. You want to pretend your in the army go play AA. BF2 is about chaos not organized tactics. At least not military ones. Leave that for clan wars
i wouldnt mind trying that either...

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

Of course they would win. But wheres the fun in that. You want to pretend your in the army go play AA. BF2 is about chaos not organized tactics. At least not military ones. Leave that for clan wars
but its also fun causing chaos and having a good laugh in ur squad when u meet some game bugs, i did it a lot and its fun if u got ppl to really work w/ each other
The random team would win. If you try to make sense of the battle compared to real life, no unit would continue to move with the amount of wounded or kia normal bf2 battles produce. A timed life ticker and mordern urban combat don't mix well. Now if you are talking about just team tactics vs random, well thats another story.
+1,716|6773|St. Andrews / Oslo

if you advance with full sqauds, everyone dies in a PKM spray or a hand grenade
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
+5|6695|Phx, Az
In our karkand server me and my mates always play to win and play tactically. Taking two or three flags at a time so they cant respond fastly always covering each other and most importantly teamspeak w the commander always helps.

You could joins us anytime
The organized team would win. Not only are they more prepared to defend themselves, but they will usually outnumber any oppostion they come up against. Having an increased amount of players in the squad would greatly increase capping speed on enemy flags, and if the squads kept highly mobile, like using two buggies, they could cap flags like maniacs.

As long as you have a team that wants to WIN, not just point-whore, squad tactics will win the day every time.
think of it this way...an establised organised clan vs a disorganised new clan(not organised).... mes stinks da older established clan would win. hence ones at the TOP of the leaderboard.
thats why it frustrates me when there are 1 man locked sqauds..5 people waiting for the chopper/tank/plane..etc...blah blah blah..
+3,611|6661|London, England
I think Artillery from a half-brained commander could ruin their day. BF2 tries to incorporate this style of  tactical gameplay but they ruin it by adding things that a single idiot can do to ruin it. Such as the PKM/Grenades (like someone said) and Artillery.

Individuals in the other team would end with high points but yeah the team with the orginisation will win.
FuzzBuck Fuzz
Wanna try it?

Try here.

Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6686|Cardiff - Wales - UK
If you want to play in organised squads like that then you need to join a clan, or at least a server with a public teamspeak channel.

The clan i'm in (Brothers in Arms) runs a 64 player server, and i can tell you that 9 outta 10 matches against the general public (what we call non-clan members) with a clan member as commander and the rest of our clan in squads will be won by us.

This is simply because as a clan we can all communicate with each other directly, which the general public can't do.  This is why most players go Lone Wolf.

FuzzBuck Fuzz wrote:

Wanna try it?

Try here.

tried there...didnt work champ. are you saying somthing in a satirical way? or is the sever just down lol
+0|6668|Brooklyn, NY
Your organized team would get hit  by artillery and everyone would die. lol

The other team would win by being all over the map.

DZL-X wrote:

Your organized team would get hit  by artillery and everyone would die. lol

The other team would win by being all over the map.
you havnt played in an organised squad have you? they arent gonna run around in 1 big group lol....and they will probably take out your arty before you have time to rig up
FuzzBuck Fuzz

O-loony-O wrote:

FuzzBuck Fuzz wrote:

Wanna try it?

Try here.

tried there...didnt work champ. are you saying somthing in a satirical way? or is the sever just down lol
um, they don't run a (public) BF2 server, so methinks u were looking for something different than I meant, so mayhap some explanation required: They are a clan that operate military tactics. When the whole lot go "Pubbing", it's awesome, although rare as they split into teams for the TWL matches, so tend to go pubbing in those teams as it makes for good practise. The whole thing about arti & hand granades killing the organised team doesn't wash. If it's well organised the squads are seperated and with space between the individuals in the squad, so most you can hope to get that way is 1 or 2 - a few more if you're very lucky.
Sheep of War

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

The only thing that will promote usage of military tactics is permanent death... like in the Rainbow Six series, if you die, you're done for the entire round... so naturally the atmosphere was much more intense and people were hesitant and very careful to engage the enemy.
This is so true. SOCOM is another example of how it works. Joining a clan in SOCOM was vital to having some satisfaction. I played alot of that game but got real sick of things like getting sniped or naded in the first 10 seconds and having to sit out for 5 or 6 min. The chaos factor is what makes battlfield great.

Like sombody else said, I don't think that real military tatics would work for this game. I think other stratagies, but say your squad is taking vehicle cover. All it takes is for sombody to blow that vehicle up,
+2|6634|Savannah, Goergia, USA
I can tell you, as a member of a Clan (Although we are new to BF2), the difference between moving with your tried and true brethren in tactical operations (As we do in our ususal domain before BF2) will, for the most part, get you the victories over the unorganized...Since I moved over to spin up this NEW Division, I spend my time playing on other servers to get a feel for the level of response there...It is frustrating to know I have tactics that I cannot use as a loner, since nobody seems to care, outside a few hookups on a smaller scale of individuals who see how you are trying to work and join your squad to go after the flags in an organized manner...

HOWEVER, someone posting a reply in a thread on Total BF2 by me, regarding EXACTLY your point here, stated that NOBODY is into going after WINS in this game...EVERYONE, he said, is out to move their stat sliders and get badges and awards...Quote: WHO THE HELL WANTS TO WIN???"  Man, what a letdown...Once I capped my basic badges, good enough for me, now lets get down to specialization at a few classes and work on being LETHAL at it. badges and ribbons fall where they may, to support my team WINNING...So I thought until I read that reply...

I told him I stood corrected and would now change my tactics and start playing for myself, but, I find it difficult to pull away from the mentality of looking for those few actually trying to win and move to support them in whatever way my class preference works...Maybe its the hours of relentless training I have endured to play like that...Hard to teach an old dog new tricks...IS that wrong??? Are there more of you into just free for all shoot em up, wild west gameplay, where I should just get used to it and act like the others?? or, stick to wanting to WIN and hoping I continue to find those few who are looking for the same???

Not arguing anyone's point, more, reflecting a misunderstanding on my part and wwanting to KNOW for sure where I should focus my energies...Thanks for any replies, as it's not entirly off-topic to the host poster's question...

Good luck, good hunting out there...


Last edited by ={OGC}=Quik_Draw (2006-04-16 07:05:56)

+2|6634|Savannah, Goergia, USA
I guess there's also something to be said for joining squads..."SQUAD UP!"...But, I also tend to note that when you are playing on a Clan server and you begin to emerge as a strong opponent, being a Squad leader has a built in disadvantage as well, where you have Clan members on both sides of the paticular map you are engaged in...If they are the vicitims of your progress, they will ask their brethren on their secure comms to tell them your location and thus, pin you down with relentless pursuit and arty strikes, armor, jets and helos...Just to wear you down...Another reason I am usually a bit reluctant to do just that...Sqaud up...Lone Wolf, I can be HIGHLY effective, still get those small groups of people who also want to win to join on whne they DO see me and still get good resistance and test myself against them, without the added disadvantage of them having immediate TRAITOR input to isolate my whereabouts...Just my afterthought there...


Last edited by ={OGC}=Quik_Draw (2006-04-16 07:07:24)

FuzzBuck Fuzz
Personally I ALWAYS play to win - right down to that last ticket or second if the round is timed. It doesn't stop me going for awards either - just helps me get deadly in all classes. I got vet combat in all classes and am working on the others. Maybe you are sticking too rigidly to yuor training, but i assure you that there are plenty of us out there who try as hard as they can to win. After all, i wouldn't want a negetive win/loss ratio

Last edited by FuzzBuck Fuzz (2006-04-16 07:08:46)

+2|6634|Savannah, Goergia, USA
Good to hear...I go to the END myself..>I hate when I see the chat column fill with "JUST DONT SPAWN...Let the tickets run out so we can go on to the next map...PLEASE...KILL SOME MORE...GET MEANER!!!  LOL


Last edited by ={OGC}=Quik_Draw (2006-04-16 07:14:12)

Play to win fuck stats. working as a squad is always better then lone wolf. dont get me wrong just because im in a squad does not mean i "always" have to be with them. alot of the time you can do your thing and when you see your SL on a flag spawn on him. or if your squad needs help spawn on them with what they need. I'm a squad leader all day long. sometimes i tell my guys do your thing ill call you in a second. because i can get from point A to point B with out being seen. then when im in a good postion i call for them. and we hit up flags. Sometimes we roll 2 man teams. and switch up squad leaders depending on who is in the better postion at that time.

As for running military tactics. I feel in BF2 these tactics would take to long to cap flags. you cant just go walking behind armor and use it for cover. you cant just have 6 guys defending 1 point when there are 9 points on the map on a 32 or 64 man server. Like others have said the military do things because they have weeks to impliment the tactics as well as 1 death per man. if you can slowly weed your way in and actually kill the enemy with out worring about tickets dropping or enemys respawning then yea they would work. you all say 1 gernade to take out a squad.. come on man. i run squads all day long and i have never had my entire squad die from 1 gernade.

BF2 is a game, and just like real life you have to adjust your tactics with the situation you are given. a tactic that works well in 1 does not mean it will work well in the other.
FuzzBuck Fuzz
Which brings me to the whole idea of military tactics themselves. For this I'll point to one Baden Powell (founder of the boy scouts), who during the Boer war was sent out to take command of a regiment that existed only on paper. Someone (unknown) had been conning the British govt. out of the wages and supplies for them. When Baden turned up all that was left were the uniforms, a lot of empty supply crates, some 11 foot poles (but no heads for the spears), some barbed wire, some fence posts, a few crates of dynamite and straw. He filled the uniforms with straw and slung them o the 11 foot poles to simulate marching men, put all the fence posts out with the wire slung between only some of them and drilled his few men (the guard who had come with hiim) well as to which were wired and were not (a charging horse has little time to look for barbed wire). He then attached some of the barbed wire to crates. Some of the crates were empty, but some contained dynamite that he allowed the enemy to see explode "accidentally" while it was being set.  His orders were to hold the town. It was never attacked except for a few sorties - the enemy was convinced he had a significant force there, despite him only having a few men. Military tactics always adapt to the circumstances.
Don't Flame
+20|6784|St. Paul, MN

pure_beef_69 wrote:

Say if everybody on the whole team got into 4-6 man squads and all played as a squad. Then they incorporated miliatry tactics like covering each other as one member advanced so on and so forth.
All vehicles were used as cover and used correctly like in a military invasion.

The other team simply jus did what most people do on this game have one or two squads working well but not properly and the rest lone wolves driving armour flin planes to random points on the map.

Now who would win? and if anybody plays on servers like my 1st point then tell me cos i would like to give it ago.
Yeah, I wouldn’t mind trying that. Definitely a winning tactic...
But would THIS make your team win?
I think so

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