ill give ya some karma for that.........
The Disturbed One
+14|6828|Tucson, AZ, USA, Earth

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Here you can look at mine when you guys need to.
playernames dont work for stats anymore, change ur link to ur PID
Got Whiskey?
+63|6939|MeiriceĆ” - frm 'Real Capital'
I want to report a 'Karma padder/karma whore".

Last edited by [GDC]SinnFein (2006-04-19 20:02:30)

try getting your expert knife on a normal server like most of us anti-noob players are, those knife and pistol servers are i think a waste of money and i could seriously just SCREW THEM UP!!!

over like 30 of the times i got kicked was because i broke a rule on their server's because i said WTF IS THE POINT OF THIS SERVER, the two karkand big scores that were the original ones were the ones i always had fun with, but this other crap is just crap, i get almost 130-150 every round when i am on a normal server and it feels better than having to cheat for it, knife is easy but you have to be wise when you use it, NOT GOING TO AN ALL KNIFE/PISTOL SERVER

Its there money, let them do what the want. EA is a joke for trying to controll them. They know if EA shuts down one of them, they just get another one. No big deal at all. The cycle continues. Remember its just a game, no reason to get all pissy because someone is going to get the little virtual/fake badges and ribbions before you do.
AK Whore
+152|6948|Barrington, RI

Defiance wrote:

Hey, if you suck royal arse, that's not my problem. Don't cheat to get em.

I got my expert knife and pistol badges the easy way. By getting some skill with a knife and pistol.
Same here. I despise those players that have to resort to padding and Knife/pistol only servers to get these badges.  and yes you do bring a knife to a gun fight, you just have to be sneaky about it.
Giv Me Karma

lynxlyran wrote:

What kind of dumbass runs around with a knife out at a gun figt?

OK I was one of those dumasses. For three months I bought into this "its the honorable way to get it" line of BS. Stupid stupid stupid, you don't run around and charge at ppl carrying PKM's trying to knife them. Or lie in wait until an enemy runs by and take off after him, because there is always another guy behind him and therefore you. "Watch the UAV, its your friend" Yeah, a lot of control over where the UAV is and by the time you flank around, the UAV is done and the ppl you were flanking are dead or gone before you get there.

I get a kick out of all the posters who basically say "I got my knife badge the hard way, It was easy" Well, what was it?

After 120 knife kills and an untold number of embarassing deaths. I decided my knife skill was certainly above basic and probably deserving of veteran status.

"Hey Joe, did you see that dumbass trying to charge me with his knife?" and Joe says "Yeah I saw him a few minutes ago too trying to sneak up on you when I shot him full of lead". 

I got my blade badge the FUN way.

All hail knife n pistol servers!!!
Lamest shit ever. "wahhahah I can't get my badge the proper way so I have to go in a server with a bunch of other people who also couldn't get it the proper way either".

Last edited by Wicked89 (2006-04-20 09:30:10)

+4|6831|Steel City
I have ran into a lot of knife and pistol servers on karkand big scores! I'll notice that there are a few slots open, I'll get in and once in there realize that it's only a knife and pistol server. Knowing that, I'm out like a fat girl in dodge ball. I'm not trying to get busted.  But, I agree with both. Sometimes while waiting for more people to join the server to start the game, I'd have a knife fight or sniper fight with my friend. Its fun. But, nothing counts since the game didn't start.  But, after a while it gets boring, snice it's only like us 2. 
BUT, if you look at people that play knife and pistol only servers....their final scores are crazy. I mean like 200+ (estimate) every round. 5 rounds to a 1000 pts. That'll get your higher ranks faster, beating out us normal peeps and then you could apply for commander above us most of us and not be that good since all you play is knife and pistol servers. 
Like a billion people say, its a game. Yeah, we all payed what $50. We didn't make the "rules" EA/DICE did and they were made to regulate gameplay. We already have enough padders, exploits, and cheaters!

One more thing.....Anybody know about the commander hack? AS IN, I was commander yesterday and I was dropping arty on my team and myself without being in the commander screen. Supplies were dropping near the enemy as well. I talked to the admin of the server, he watched and said he kicked 2 guys for this.

Last edited by zerobeast33 (2006-04-20 11:10:07)

+10|6769|U.S.A, NY

Dr.Battlefield wrote:

Sorry, it's wrong. About fun... Unranked servers are fun too. It's not because I care about knife/pistol ppl. If you will let these servers be, people will create an armor only/helo only/certain kit only servers etc. And good game will become a crap. Just think about medic only servers....
doc is right . sry to rain on ur partys but its against ea policy. im no rule freak but just saying, ur stats ill get reset. servers cant prohibit gameplay. u can go into the knife, pistol servers, just use watever u want to. sure the other guys will start bitchin cause ur mowing them down with main guns but its ur choice. they decide to use knifes and pistols , let them but they gonnna get wipped by listening to the server "rules". i got my expert knife, pistol badges in a big seerver. its annoying but its worth it. if ea made it easy to get a badge, then every1 would have it, thats y its HARD to get them

Last edited by Spartanops21 (2006-04-20 11:22:38)

they should have pistol only servers w/no knife lol because that just creates noobs running around diving and prone jumping, and i like playing pistols only cus its fun, and play unranked when i can find a populated one, but ussually only ranked are populated so i go in there and use the pistol only , and i got all my badges except expert knife in normal servers, and i dint run around like a noob using only the knife, i played normally and used the knife when i had the oportunity in a long round server :p...the roun lasted over and hour and ahalf lol, but i play on pistols only for fun, i already had all the badges when i started playing on em(not long ago)

xtreme04 wrote:

Its there money, let them do what the want. EA is a joke for trying to controll them. They know if EA shuts down one of them, they just get another one. No big deal at all. The cycle continues. Remember its just a game, no reason to get all pissy because someone is going to get the little virtual/fake badges and ribbions before you do.
i already got my expert knife and still need my pistol, i dont really use my pistol, i just want the unlocks =P but i am saying, why waste your money when you can't have fun, it is their money but still, why waste it on a 'limited' server lol

[BS]_Bone_ wrote:

try getting your expert knife on a normal server like most of us anti-noob players are, those knife and pistol servers are i think a waste of money and i could seriously just SCREW THEM UP!!!

over like 30 of the times i got kicked was because i broke a rule on their server's because i said WTF IS THE POINT OF THIS SERVER, the two karkand big scores that were the original ones were the ones i always had fun with, but this other crap is just crap, i get almost 130-150 every round when i am on a normal server and it feels better than having to cheat for it, knife is easy but you have to be wise when you use it, NOT GOING TO AN ALL KNIFE/PISTOL SERVER

they dont cost anything, whats a real server then?
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6895|Malaga, EspaƱa
Jezus, if people cant handle a pistol or a knife...then is it worth it to get ur Account wiped for a shitty Picture on ur statpage?

Last edited by *ToRRo*cT| (2006-04-28 08:49:55)

ATG's First Disciple
+263|6776|Birmingham, UK

pure_beef_69 wrote:

Well i know most of you dont like these servers because you all get jealous because people use their brains and get the knife/ pistol badges an easy way.

Well i think its funny that you all complain over some shitty badges. Its a game, now i know i post alot of shite but its because i dont take this seriously at all and it winds me up when i see people constantly trying to hunt down players who are using there heads to get badges.

Yes point hacks, aimbots are bad they are for pricks but as for the knife pistol servers then let them be!?!!!

I could look at half of your stats and see that most of you dont get your kit badges from actually using that kit as a foot soldier but instead hide in a armour or planes and get your badge that way. Well surely that way is cheating because you have an unfair advantage amongst all the other hard working players who are foot soldiers?

What im saying is that this is game <----some thing that has been said so many times before. We are ment to have fun. get badges how you want and let others do the same. It doesnt affect how you play the game at all. so let it be.

Lots of love me *pours petrol all over this thread ready to ignite all the flamers that come through*
I must first apologise for what I am about to write. Some of you may not like it, some may even -1 karma myself. However, I endeavour to type it up anyway.
I am going to take a philosophical viewpoint on this. If we allow corruption on this little issue, when will it end? People, in human nature, will keep chipping away at the rules until they are shown some discipline. 'The line must be drawn here, this far, no further.' It is like someone committing a petty crime, say stealing a loaf of bread. If you do not punish them for that, then when will it end? They will keep getting more adventurous until they are porperly shown some terrible crime, say like murdering someone. I've seen it happen enough times to know. That is just my opinion, nothing more nothing less. Opinions are there to be taken into the thoughts of others, and they can counter with their ideas. This is the progressino of humanity - this is change.
Hmmm to the post above that is true, but its a game if people dont know the difference between a game and stealing something then there is something wrong. I think you may be looking slightly too deeply into the subject because it isnt going to amount to anything major.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6776|Birmingham, UK
True, but this does show the decline of morales in the modern-day community, and it is a sad sight to see it happening everyday and with lots of people. A lot of people don't care about other peoples feelings anymore...why do you think petty bullying in schools has increased?
+2,382|6830|The North, beyond the wall.
Darkraven this isnt an insult don't -1 me its just a few questions:

Who in the world would steal a loaf of bread?A poor,starving person who needs it more than others would.So thats not going to amount to murder.

Also you say youve seen this happen many times before,so have you seen someone do a petty crime and then commit murder?
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6776|Birmingham, UK
A loaf of bread is just an example. A metathorical idea. Pick any other crime you feel is petty but happens to replace this. And also, there are often steep declines such as from petty crimes into mob-related incidents. These often happen through school time (ie. from starting what is over here in the UK 'Secondary Schools' with petty crimes, and leaving with violence), and I think you'd be surprised how much this can happen.

P.S. I wouldn't dream of -1'ing you. You are simply statiung your opinion.

[BS]_Bone_ wrote:

xtreme04 wrote:

Its there money, let them do what the want. EA is a joke for trying to controll them. They know if EA shuts down one of them, they just get another one. No big deal at all. The cycle continues. Remember its just a game, no reason to get all pissy because someone is going to get the little virtual/fake badges and ribbions before you do.
i already got my expert knife and still need my pistol, i dont really use my pistol, i just want the unlocks =P but i am saying, why waste your money when you can't have fun, it is their money but still, why waste it on a 'limited' server lol
Some basic facts everyone should don't need above basic pistol and knife until you reach:
*  Rank: Brigadier General
    * Score: 180,000
    * Awards: Expert Knife Combat Badge, Expert Pistol Combat Badge, Expert Assault Combat Badge, Expert Anti-tank Combat Badge, Expert Sniper Combat Badge, Expert Spec Ops Combat Badge, Expert Support Combat Badge, Expert Engineer Combat Badge, Expert Medic Combat Badge
So the whole arguement of unlocks goes right out the door.

Looking at the rest of the requirements you need:

    * Rank: Colonel
    * Score: 180,000
    * Awards: Expert Armor Badge, Expert Transport Badge, Expert Helicopter Badge, Expert Aviator Badge, Expert Air Defense Badge, Expert Ground Defense Badge
So really instead of playing on pistol and knife servers, we should all be playing on ground/air defense only servers to get our vehicle time up right?
Please, in there anybody who can tell me what is in BF illegal??? I thought that pistol is normal weapon too...
It looks that if there is a server where 90% of players are for example Support and are using PKM, it is illegal...

Last edited by K1ngSc0rp10n_ (2006-04-28 09:52:50)

Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
I think the integrity of the rank First Sargent and the Pistol and Knife badges require that the servers in question are not alowed to be ranked.  If you want them ranked then remove the rank of First Sargent and the badges because they are not valid.

I do think that stats are part of what makes BF2's replay value very high.  Here is what I would propose ( not that EA/Dice would do it):

Create separate ranking system and ranked servers list just for specialized play.  One set of ranked severs for Knife and Pistol servers ( programaticaly removing the use of any other weapon including vehical weapons or removing all vehicals because you cant defend a hit and run spree).  This would provide players with stats and global ranks the "Specialized Ranked Servers" but still keep the integrity of the non specialized stats.  You have tank servers with just tanks ( but enough for everybody ie 8, 16 or 32 perside) and the same for air craft.   Imagine a dog fight with 16 or 32 plains in the air.  Of course  in each specilization changes would have to be made to exclude all other styles of play.  There are endless posible combinations but EA/DICE would have to limbit it to a few catagorys (not everything would work-- my PC would choke on 32 planes).
Waste Kid

pure_beef_69 wrote:

Well i know most of you dont like these servers because you all get jealous because people use their brains and get the knife/ pistol badges an easy way.

Well i think its funny that you all complain over some shitty badges. Its a game, now i know i post alot of shite but its because i dont take this seriously at all and it winds me up when i see people constantly trying to hunt down players who are using there heads to get badges.

Yes point hacks, aimbots are bad they are for pricks but as for the knife pistol servers then let them be!?!!!

I could look at half of your stats and see that most of you dont get your kit badges from actually using that kit as a foot soldier but instead hide in a armour or planes and get your badge that way. Well surely that way is cheating because you have an unfair advantage amongst all the other hard working players who are foot soldiers?

What im saying is that this is game <----some thing that has been said so many times before. We are ment to have fun. get badges how you want and let others do the same. It doesnt affect how you play the game at all. so let it be.

Lots of love me *pours petrol all over this thread ready to ignite all the flamers that come through*
oof, i think people are relaxing on the idea. Seems to be a lot of them about.
Sponsored by Ready Brek... The Nation's Favourite
+7|6814|Farmland, England
my 2p's worth..

Why can't all the "knife/pistol pro servers" be unranked? Thats not againest the EULA as far as i know. Surely keeping the server ranked just shows how much the players on the server care about their stats.
If you people who go "omg pistol servers are for pros and i dont care about my stats" then why dont you MAKE an UNRANKED server, specially made for knife/pistol fights, because then it'll stop the whiners from telling on you, and the whiners would have no arguement to stop unranked knife/pistol servers (UNRANKED is the keyword).
It sucks trying to get a win or even a tactical advantage when a bunch of tards are running around a normal server trying to get their K/P badges.

They hurt the team and make it harder to win. They should go to knife and pistol servers to get what they need and come back to the regular server when they want to help the squad and help the TEAM win.

Go somewhere else and get your 18 kills, play for the team, play for the win, put the friggin knife away.


Play for yourself at the K/P servers.

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