My meaningless stats blabla
BF2 nick: "GET_SOME_MF"
Kills 1932 Deaths 372 Ratio 5.19 Shots 7463 Hits 4297 Accuracy 58% Time 51.01

Not too bad if you realise I played on a rather crappy geforce 6200 last month (6800gt got fried)
Time        Kills   Deaths   Ratio   Acc.
45:01:28  1456     1116    1.30   47.30%

mporlier wrote:

[GDC]SinnFein wrote:

EvilMonkeySlayer wrote:

Any particular server you play on SinnFein or do you just pick them out at random like I do?

Would be interested in seeing if you do anything different from me.

Plus, i'm always up for learning new stuff.

Noticed your accuracy is 45%, (mine's currently 51%) do you tend to take shots more frequently with the hope of getting a hit? Prefer long range sniping etc?

I personally tend to be a bit of a mix when it comes to sniping, although the only times I like getting up close and personal is with my knife.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot my sniper rifle stats.

Time: 124:30:08    Kills: 2,989 Deaths: 1,207 Ratio: 2.48 Accuracy: 51% (this is from, boo! hiss! it updates quicker than bf2s)
Lol RolyPoly;)

Evil..I used to play random servers on my fav maps.. Now I play random but mostly with mate's on TS too.
I stopped scoping every day once I hit #4, my commitments to and a full time admin with BF2RS just began to become more enjoyable for me. I mix it up w/kits these days, I would love todo some rounds with you or anyone else for that matter. I have 2 accounts (for tracking purposes:) [GDC]SinnFein & BF2RS|L2|Sinny.

Truthfully when I first started I was a HORRIBLE sniper seemed like forver, thus me k/d is a joke IMHO.

My acc% took a 5 point reduction when I went through my m95 phase trying to shoot a jet down at full speed (tried for like 2 weeks:(  A HUGE reason for the 45% was a slight change in gameplay. Somewhere after 15k kills, I became addicted to 'that' shot. You know 300+m sprinting uphill left to right headshot, the full speed tank/ FAV gunner, and the ever popular bunny hopper...those that just makes you smile...

I too, love learning new things and there's always someone out there willing todo just that..I have learned a great deal from Books, and have picked up things from: Mporlier, chicky, ember75 (old days), Death_to_bunnies/ Mantis Boy, Slynicholi, DirtRacer, DDS devildog, Altered reality, head_hunter and many more. I'm sure I'll learn from you as well.

Post script: I did learn not to lay prone next to books from RolyPoly:) rofl
I am curious, if you see Books in your scope do you spare him? Yould he do the same. On my part I spare no one since it is part of the game and when I am sniped by a top dog its part of the game as well... I do try to find where he was! By the way, my first encounter with both of you was a hard one, it took about 15 seconds before you got me!
In response to your question, mporlier, let me begin by pointing out that 99.995% of the time, Sinny and I play on the same team; we specifically look for servers with autobalance off so that we can get on the same side.  We enjoy each other's company and have the utmost confidence in one another so we always know that the other person has our back.  As a result, the times that we might actually end up in each other's crosshairs are few and far between.

I should also make it clear that Sinny HAS shot me, and on more than one occasion.  And I've shot him.  Before we got to know one another well, he tagged me several times.  I was ranked somewhere in the top 50 with the rifle at the time and [GDC]SinnFein was in the top 20.  We both knew who each other were, and we both knew that the other was a very dangerous opponent.  And because of that, we both were eager to take the other person down.  To be honest, Sinny killed me a lot more than I killed him, but I learned a lot from those encounters and improved as a result.  [GDC]SinnFein is by far one of the nicest and most gracious individuals I've ever met in my life, let alone online, so he never taunted me or gloated over his success.  Instead, he complimented me when I was successful, and was humble and encouraging when he racked up kill after kill.  We began to engage in friendly banter, and in a very short time what started as competition developed into a serious mutual respect and then into a strong friendship.  But even after we became fast friends, there were a few occasions--after we both were ranked in the top 10--when we went after each other, stalking the map and using every tool available to us to outsnipe the other.

And you know what happened?

Neither of us accomplished much.  We had so much respect for each other's abilities that we were extra careful, always moving in a low crawl, and always scanning the surrounding landscape and probable sniping locations.  In short, we were doing what we usually do, but to such a careful and meticulous degree that our effectiveness to the team was compromised.  Yes, we spotted lots of targets and took down a number of opposing forces, but after the first few kills it became clear that making that shot put the sniper at enormous personal risk because the rifle's report gave a very good indication of his general location, so the crack of my M24 was usually quickly followed by the booming of Sinny's M95 and the subsequent kill message in the upper left portion of the screen.  And vice versa.  (This went on until Sinny quietly dispatched a sniper on my side and took his M24; at that point, things for me got a bit more confusing, and a lot more dangerous.)  As a result, we both passed up a lot of shots on easy targets for fear of revealing our hide/nest before we knew where our principal opponent was.  And that meant we weren't performing our job for the team--we weren't meeting our obligation to help the team win the battle.  Our respect for each other essentially neutralized our effectiveness as team players.  Finally, we mutually agreed that it would be best if we focused on doing our jobs and not on trying to outsnipe each other.  But I should also share that on those few occasions when I did get lucky enough to score a kill on Sinny, I didn't really get the same satisfaction that I get when I take down any other player.  I have many friends that play BF2 and I have no problem whatsoever turning their onscreen brains into pink mist, but I don't like doing that to [GDC]SinnFein.  I think a large part of it is that we know each other--and each other's playing habits and thought processes--so well that it almost seems like cheating, or using inside information to make the kill.  And I learned a lot about sniping in BF2 from long discussions with Sinny and close observation of the Master's methods; he's my mentor, and it just wouldn't be right to shoot him.  Call it loyalty, I suppose.  (That, and an awareness that if I did tag him, he would probably get serious and proceed to pwn my ass for a few rounds to teach me a lesson .)

Last edited by Books_DCDF (2006-04-13 00:33:24)

Mobile AA Whore
+1|7004|San Diego
Question for Books and SinnFein....

When you go sniping,  what are the priority of your targets? 

Do you try to kill snipers first,  or do you kill anything that comes into your scope?

Do you guys go "lone wolf" which means settling in a spot for a while like at an obscure *angle from enemy forces? 

For me,  I often move in the rear of the general direction of the team,  and I provide squad support,  so I like the SVD / TYPE 88 more often. 

My first priority is kill mission critical soldiers,  and my 2nd priority is to soften front line soldiers (thats why I get a lot of kill assists)

For example,  I try to take out people capping back flags,  people who had just planted C4 on APC.

Last edited by Ogopogo15 (2006-04-13 06:51:47)


Ogopogo15 wrote:

Question for Books and SinnFein....

When you go sniping,  what are the priority of your targets? 

Do you try to kill snipers first,  or do you kill anything that comes into your scope?

Do you guys go "lone wolf" which means settling in a spot for a while like at an obscure angel from enemy forces? 

For me,  I often move in the rear of the general direction of the team,  and I provide squad support,  so I like the SVD / TYPE 88 more often. 

My first priority is kill mission critical soldiers,  and my 2nd priority is to soften front line soldiers (thats why I get a lot of kill assists)

For example,  I try to take out people capping back flags,  people who had just planted C4 on APC.
wow books. with all these people asking you questions, you'd think you were actually good...roflcakes

PS - does anybody else think im Robin Williams ( ) Booksy does...

PSS - see the PM!

Last edited by R0lyP0ly (2006-04-12 22:54:23)


Ogopogo15 wrote:

Question for Books and SinnFein....

When you go sniping,  what are the priority of your targets? 

Do you try to kill snipers first,  or do you kill anything that comes into your scope?

Do you guys go "lone wolf" which means settling in a spot for a while like at an obscure angel from enemy forces? 

For me,  I often move in the rear of the general direction of the team,  and I provide squad support,  so I like the SVD / TYPE 88 more often. 

My first priority is kill mission critical soldiers,  and my 2nd priority is to soften front line soldiers (thats why I get a lot of kill assists)

For example,  I try to take out people capping back flags,  people who had just planted C4 on APC.
For me, I guess it depends on the type and number of targets that are presented to me.  When I spy only a lone trooper slipping along a street or skulking through the scrub, you can bet I'll go after the "opportunity kill."  But if I'm taking down a group of targets on an enemy flag, or that are attacking a friendly flag, I try to assess what their inclination is and whether or not they're members of a common squad.  If they appear disorganized or unfocused and don't seem to be intent on going anywhere, I'll pick them off indiscriminately.  If they appear to be part of a squad with a specific agenda, then I use the following method of prioritization (assuming each class/role is present in the group):

1st target: Medics
2nd target: Snipers
3rd target: Squad Leader
4th target: Anti-tankers
5th target: Support

After that, in my opinion it doesn't matter.  Medics go first for the obvious reason--you don't want them reviving an enemy you just killed.  [While some players actually leave medics alive so that they can get more kills from the newly revived enemies, I think that's a dangerous (and unethical) practice; there's a very good possibility that you won't score a subsequent kill, and that leaves another ticket for the enemy to use against your team.]  Snipers are second because it usually takes them a moment after that first shot on the medic to spin around and try to locate your position.  In that time--if you're good--you should be able to put your next shot into the enemy sniper, hopefully killing him but at the very least sending him scrambling for cover. Squad leaders are next to eliminate a mobile spawn point.  Anti-tankers have to go because of the one-shot kill potential of their missiles.  And support is a priority because once they begin to spray your position, relocation can be difficult (and that damn PKM WILL kill you if it's allowed enough time and opportunity).  Essentially, I fully support your idea of taking out mission-critical soldiers, and this prioritization table is an approach towards that end.  Ultimately, however, a big part of my job as a sniper is to help eliminate the enemy's supply of tickets, so if I can't selectively pick targets because of frantic movement or some other issue, I'll fire on the target that's available.

I should point out, though, that even if I'm engaged with a group, if I hear someone on our team announce "Sniper!", you can bet that I immediately pull up the map and note where the flashing crosshair is.  If it's close and is likely to have an advantageous angle on my position, I'll shift fire to eliminate that very real threat.  If it's not close or is unlikely to have line of fire on me, I'll finish off the targets I'm involved with before turning my attention to countersniping.  But usually by that time [GDC]SinnFein has already killed the enemy sniper, so it's pretty rare that they get away or are left as a potential threat to the rest of the team for very long.

With regard to the remainder of your question, I'd say that more often than not, I tend to settle in a general Area of Operation, but I usually relocate fairly frequently within that AO.  I don't typically closely follow the skirmish line, but I'm oftentimes ahead of it (albeit in a position that provides the security of distance and cover, and that affords excellent visibility so that I can spot targets and report troop/vehicle activity for the team).

ROlyPOly wrote:

wow books. with all these people asking you questions, you'd think you were actually good...roflcakes
Yeah, I've got everyone fooled.  I attribute what little success I've managed to the fact that I frequent servers populated solely by pre-schoolers and people whose only prior experience with computer games was a few games of Microsoft Hearts.

BTW, I'd like to congratulate ROlyPOly on a very fine round of play Tuesday.  He linked up with me on a Kubra server, kitted himself out with an M95, and in one round proceeded to take out four--FOUR!!--enemy attack choppers as they strafed or attempted to capture bases.  Very impressive, sir.  I tip my hat to your skill.

Last edited by Books_DCDF (2006-04-13 06:54:24)

.                     time         kills     deaths    K/D     acc
Sniper Rifles 122:58:31   2,915   1,248    2.34   57.66%
and.. lots of Kill Assist  2,369

Last edited by Kwalken (2006-04-13 02:41:29)

@ Books

""BTW, I'd like to congratulate ROlyPOly on a very fine round of play Tuesday.  He linked up with me on a Kubra server, kitted himself out with an M95, and in one round proceeded to take out four--FOUR!!--enemy attack choppers as they strafed or attempted to capture bases.  Very impressive, sir.  I tip my hat to your skill""

For clarification - that was the pilot and / or gunnner, not simply plugging away, although that DID happened with the first one, as it was already flaming. The partnership worked excellent, as Books was outfitted with an ?L96, i think, and provided outstanding infantry support, although I did steal more than one kill from the second shot with an M95. (Sorry again) Our game went like this -
me [m95] PissedOffCobraPilotWhoRespawnedAsASniperOnlyToBeKilledByBooks

books would then para down, cap the base (with M95 firesupport, which, by the, way was fabulous weapon - my new fav) and then run back up. Lolz he did make the mistake of running back when an enemy T90 came rolling down the ravine - he dropped into some bushes with his ghillie, the tank STOPPED next to him for SEVERAL seconds, yet, always cool under fire, remained motionless until the driver motored away. VERY, VERY impressive, to say the least.

Plus congrats to him when i was capping a CP (Constr. Site) , turned around, saw an enemy running at me, who is currently reloading, with a knife, think ocrap!, only to hear Crack!, and see Books [M24] KnifeMurderer. The best support sniper i've ever been with.

Lolz for any doubters out there - if you stay in one spot longer enough, are good enough to make the commander call arty more than once - he CAN destroy a bridge!!! I found it out the hard way. It was like 6 arty strikes. What made it hilarious was that I had JUST asked books, as he was running back up the hill - "Hey books, this bridge is a-creakin' and a-groanin', do you think it'll blow if he calls arty on it agian??" Books immediate answer "Negative". 15 sec later=
CommanderJoe [ArtilleryThroughNowDestroyedBridge] Mystic37340

PS- note to all those who consider themselves good - i highly advise getting a partner, and then locking the squad - Books and I were in the same squad with  a bunch of noobs that often liked to spawn on us, then stand up and try to snipe with an M16 - NO NO NO. we were both killed instantly, as the enemy knew exactly where we were. In closing summation - lock the squad!!! LET NO NON_SNIPERS IN!!! If they do snipe, warn them that if they spawn on us, they better prone immediatley and then move away or risked being kicked. On a humorous note, one feller deemed himself above our warnings, and continued to stand and spray. It was with a "You have three seconds to jump or you ARE going to be TK'ed" said by me holding a knife and Books with a 92FS that we finally "convinced" him to leave

/rant over
Have A Nice Day
imbad @ bf2
mine is
26:37:26    1,267   796    1.59  55.98%
i think i'm good at sniping
hey roly, when do you usually play BF2? ill look for you and/or books and snipe with/against you. even though im in the UK ill give it a shot..i was playing in a canadian server the other day and the ping wasnt too horrible

tahadar wrote:

hey roly, when do you usually play BF2? ill look for you and/or books and snipe with/against you. even though im in the UK ill give it a shot..i was playing in a canadian server the other day and the ping wasnt too horrible
actually, ive only recently played with Books, he is usually with his good friend [GDC]SinnFein. I live in NC, USA. play from 9-10ish. Luckily its spring break for all schools (woot), so i can play almost all night (before my eyes dry out and crack in half, bleeding from the pores...9pm-3.30am!! w00t
Moving Target
You guys make me sick[/jealousy]

And I am not forgeting my stats, I am not a very good sniper my K|D ratio is something like .50.  But in my defence, I only snipe late at night for only a couple of rounds after the rest of the clan has left the playing field.

And I want my $10 dollars Books.  Don't make me have to spill all your dirty little secrets.
lol dirty little secrets? Please, enlighten us

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

32,604 kills

1744 deaths

18.69 K/D ratio

60.71% accuracy
Liar. Fancy_Pollux is not even a BF2 account.
You don't even have your stats up to prove it.
This is the guy who started the thread about SNIPER SUCKS kind of crap
Again, LIAR.
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|7110|Sacramento, Cal
Sniper Rifles 22:36:23 481 118 4.0763 42.79% look up Vagrant|Hezbollah
+25|7026|Yorkshire, UK.
sniper rifles 269:04:14      11,634kills      5,540deaths       2.1000 k/d      52.73% acc.
M24 Abuser
+99|6766|Valley of the Dragons
sniper rifles 248:34:47      12,094 kills      838 deaths       14.4320 k/d      54.58% acc.
Sniper Rifles      83:05:32      3,994      514      7.7704      59.29%
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7004|Great Wall
Sniper Rifles     175:45:29    7112 kills    1417 deaths    5.02 k/d    45% acc.

Poor accuracy is a result of using SVD for 95% of time.. SVD works a bit different
way to revive dead-threads. maybe books'll read, i havent seen you in awhile.

Heeellllloooo? Books? At the risk of seeming like the pop-culture-infatuated-16-year-old-girl, where've you been? The virtual skies have been clear...
Sniper Rifles   55:21:37    1,083    1,398    0.7747    47.23%

Ratio plummeted when i started trying out the M95 and SVD... i don't understand how people can use those.
+63|6892|Los Angeles, California
Sniper Rifles      63:02:18      1,472      1,661      0.8862      46.00%
Sniper Rifle Time: 16:15:53 Kills: 827 Deaths: 164 Ratio: 5.04 Accuracy: 43%

i take a lot of ridiculous shots for the hell of it. sometimes i do hit though.
.                      Time      Kill   Death   Ratio    Acc
Sniper Rifles 120:40:21 5,471 1,905 2.8719 57.55%

Man I haven't played for a long time. Gotta start again... My Sniper Rifle ranking was 427 before I stopped playing for a while and I'm pretty sure it dropped like crazy now...
But I have to decide whether I'm gonna stay in BF2 or move onto Bf2124 when it comes out.

Last edited by StormEye (2006-10-04 17:25:12)

+138|6773|New Zealand
4.5143      43.79%

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