
YoBabysDaddy wrote:

Everyone plays to thier strengths.If your better than me with a gun i'll go get a bigger one.
Thats kinda what the tank is for,support.Any squad thats worth a shit can take down a tank easy.
Perfectly said
Have a nice day!
says who? another tank-ho?
Destroy Noob Cannons

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

There's no possible way that the tank is providing support for the advancing troops trying to cap the flag.  Are we supposed to let you win at all times? 

Get good with the IGLA and you shouldn't have a problem.  Request a UAV then use it to guide the IGLA to the tank (even around corners).  b00n
I'm sorry. this is an old post.. but this is hilarious.
For one, that first part makes no sense.

and second... that last part.
I'm pretty sure he's claling this guy a noob? I've only heard "b00n" on this forum, and it seems it's when they're putting another player down for being ignorant.
anyways. Look what he says "Get good with the IGLA and you shouldn't have a problem.  Request a UAV then use it to guide the IGLA to the tank (even around corners).  b00n"
Do you know that the IGLA is the Ground to air missle? and you most certainly cannot guide it.
maybe you're thinking the TOW? or the HJ-8? YOU are the noob.
+0|7110|Your Mom's House
Ooooooooh Buuuurrrrnnnnnn
Burnnnn Burn Burn Burn Burn Burnie Burn Burn Burn

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

Like this fag?

http://bf2s.com/player/44460547/ - 4th place for Tank Whore.
Bwahahaha lol! Yeah he's a real winner. Plays mostly on Moders. He's a classic noob stat whore. Hilarious!


check this guy out #1
Tanks, tanks a lot!

Yea, Im playing alot on the ~*DS*~ clan server and all firebird do is tank whoring ...Never saw him on the battlefield without a tank/apc lol.

Tank whoring is fun sometimes, but not always imo.
+10|7092|Vila Real, Portugal
I just can't believe you guys posting stats of other players you never
seen play and call them names, that beats it.

Why don't you guys put your stats here so i can say,
you suck with guns, you suck in tanks, you suck in breathing, dieee .

OMG get a life you pathetic players and stop posting stats of some good
bf2 players calling them whores.

I know you guys just wish you where better but gess what? it never
gets any better for noobs like you guys.

So die in


I love it when a heli/medic/armor whore talks shit.
Worf of Borg
+0|7098|Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

thinner44 wrote:

Oh dear God..... It's a bloody game, what's wrong with you. Assets are there to be used, tank, APC, Jeep, Jet, Heli.... even a dead body has assets.
I'm not very good on foot, but I'll be on foot if and whenever I want, same as being in a tank or APC.... I choose to do what I want to do. If you blow me up several times... it's no biggie, I'll come back.. If you do it again, I'll come back again, maybe not as before, but I'll be back.

Stop bitching about what people use, do or don't do... As for looking at stats to prove who's a 'whore', take a look out of your window, that's real life out there, try it, you might like it.

You paid for your game, I've paid for mine... However we choose to play is for us to determine, and I personally couldn't give a rats ass what other people think.... jag1973 is spot on with his post.

And not to be too paranoid, I can hear the response...'spoken like a true whore'. My response to that, put the game back in its box and never play it again... you're taking it way too seriously...... now where did I leave my tank

Have a nice day
I totally agree with you on this one. Tanks and other heavy equipment are there to be used. If people want to blame somebody for using them, they should blame the person who created the map instead and put those vehicles there... If no vehicles are present, then no one can use them. I myself like heavy equipment very much, but I also like to walk around as an anti-armor or assault person. So am I a tank whore just because I like to drive around in one? As long as I drive around and am not raping a spwan point (except if there is only one or two of them left) and scoring point that way, that ain't "whoring"!!
You know what I think is pretty queer?  When a bunch of whiny losers get on a forums and complain about people taking advantage of a part of the game that is there to be taken advantage of.  Then fantasizing about 13 year old boys cursing at them...wow.

Getting spawn camped?  Spawn somewhere else (that was tough) as AT or spec-ops and get the job done...
+10|7092|Vila Real, Portugal
ShadowDogKGB is more like this... Helli/Aviator/Armor/Anti-air/Medic/Engenieer Whore.

Well thinking this through better maybe i'm just a Bf2 whore cause i use lots of stuff.

Patetic n00b

The way i see it... its mostly the mec's that are complaining on karkand's first flag spawn?... i mean honestly stop whinning you have x amount of other spawns to our '1' at start of game... so if we choose to hold you back by killing you at spawn with a tank then choose a different spawn coz its obvious we are doing our job right and getting that first flag...and you know whats really funny? while you are busy complaining on a server (instead of spawning elsewhere) WE are capping your base ROFLMFAO... if you put as much effort into applying your self more tactically as you do whinging about spwan dying you would have a much better game and EVEN come out praising yourself for preventing us !! 
USMC has 3 spawn points at the beginning....   This post is WAAYYY old.  I've gotten used to the tank/apc whores now and I really don't care about them.  I know that I rock as infantry and they can suck a fat one.

elbowdeeplove wrote:

USMC has 3 spawn points at the beginning....   This post is WAAYYY old.  I've gotten used to the tank/apc whores now and I really don't care about them.  I know that I rock as infantry and they can suck a fat one.
yeah sry i meant as in distance to first flag, and even so the amount of other spawns that the mec's could use to counter attack from is far greater.. but even tho its an old thread they STILL complain..guess they havent learnt how to combat it yet .... too funny

Last edited by sHe01 (2005-11-02 05:56:15)

Yeah spawning further back to combat the whores is WAY more effective.  The few key people that are actually killing worth a damn spawns at the square and then USMC rolls right over the hotel.  Spawning there just so you can go take out an APC or tank that will probably most likely see you coming with the uav or commander spotting is a huge waste of time.  Basically you want to get lucky and spawn in a place they arent camping and come at them from the side with c4.
+0|7064|Vancouver, WA - USA
I might as well add my 2 cents worth.

I guess many players would consider me a tank whore including some of my coworkers but the truth is that I can ground pound just as effectively as anyone else I play with but I like taking armor when I can. It also takes skill to survive in a tank when Spec Ops, Anti Tank, suicide transports, and other armored vehicles and helicopters are all gunning for you. I've played several games where I was in a tank and managed to hold off the enemy's armor even when I was outnumber 3 tanks to 1. I currently have a 10/1 KD ratio with armor on my current accound and actually have a 14/1 KD ratio with Armor on my other account. When I do get in armor my first objective is to hunt down the other teams armor and air assets, not to find a flag and spawn kill the entire game. If I happen to run into infrantry along the way then of course I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to kill them, but they are really secondary to keeping the enemy's armor and helicopters away from my team mates. My personal favorite use for armor is taking down blackhawks on Mashtur City and taking down attack helicopters in Sharqi Peninsula. Here's a tip to other so-called tank whores out there. If you find that you are getting suicide bombed by Vodniks a lot start using the LAV instead of the tank. The tank can't destroy a Vodnik with its cannon in one hit unless it is already damaged or assisted by the tanks machine gun. So often the Vodniks can sustain a hit before suiciding into your tank. The LAV's though can take out a Vodnik in one hit with the missile. Plus the LAV's are actually better for taking out infantry because the cannon only requires one or two hits to kill. The only game balance suggestion I would have concerning armor is points. I think additional points should be rewarded for destroying armor. This might create a bigger incentive for players to actually take out armor. I know when I'm not in armor and I'm trying to take out an enemy tank or LAV that I'm usually the only player on my team attempting to do so. And typically, because a player can die more often than not trying to take out a tank I think that they should be rewarded more when they do.

These are just my thoughts.
If you're good with a certain weapon use it, I would definitely rather have a great pilot or Great driver with tons of experience using that asset than a noob who keeps TK'ing half the team.
some people take this game way too seriously.
+0|7079|Trondheim, Norway
If it isnt the tanks, its the nade launchers. roofhoppers, supermen and bunnys. Jet whores, chopper whores,apc whores. You got kamikaze pilots, and dont forget baserapers. Did i mention c4 on jeep whores? Stat padders and finally knife whores.. those working on their badge by the stingers in gulf or hotell karkand. And finally the hackers.

Only thing that bothers me are the Pun whores Other than that ----->  BF2 <3
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7078|Toronto Canada

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

Like this fag?

http://bf2s.com/player/44460547/ - 4th place for Tank Whore.
he eats huge donkey balls
wht i hate the most is plane whores, if u get into the plane b4 u they will do everything in their power to lower your points down while ur takin off, and its the worst when u have 2 or 3 ppl doin it and u start to take off, and u look at ur stats and ur at negative -12 jsut for taking off liek serisouyl guys its just a plane get over it go do somethin else the game wasn't meant to fly a plane around the whoel time
Get your body beat.

beeng wrote:

d) once you steal his vehicle KEEPIT ALIVE, or hide it somewhere where the enemy can't get it.  This is the truely best way to piss off a tank whore.
to fix the issue of it blowing up left unused, give it to your commander
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra

elbowdeeplove wrote:

I love these guys...They rack up points by constantly using tanks and apc's in karkand.  They always run back and forth around the spawn areas at the first flag and kill you before you can take a step.   Racking up big points isn't the only thing to do in Battlefield.  There are sooo many other ways to enjoy the game.  Besides people that play the game the right way and occasionally get in a tank can spot a tank whore from a mile away.  Especially when we look at your stats on bf2s.com.  I had a nice kill the other day in Karkand where a tank and apc were spawn camping the west spawn points of the first flag at karkand with an engineer running between the two.  I threw c4 at the apc thinking I would just take him out, but he didnt spot me so I ran in further and threw some on the tank too.... nailed all 5 of them and me without a scratch.  Im gunning for you now you spawncamping tank whores.  See you on the battlefield.
who says the way you play is the "right way"
im pretty sure i never seen a guide from ea explaining the right and wrong way to play....

i think people need to stop there whining and if they dont like the way someone is playing swap servers or shut F&%K up!!
tank whore, chopper whore wa wa , does anyone ever complain about "shoe whores" ? people that just run around all day killing people with there gun? no the dont so why does everyone sook about people in tanks and planes?
i bet you any money if you were as good as that plane whore bloke on here you would fly the plane alot too, i know i would, you know why?
because it would be fun and thats why every single one of you bought the game, so please people just put up or shut up because these so called whores are not on every server and god knows there is thousands of servers for you to play so find one your happy on and save the rest of us from your tears. i get as frustrated as the next guy when i get killed within 1 step of spawing but you know what? i spawn in a different spot  next time...no hard...and so not worth getting worked up over.
EVERY person who has come in here and called people sad for complaining.. check their stats, tank whores.


Some guy was APC whoring last night, so I made it my mission to kill him as many times as possible, killed him with C4, mines, TOWs all through the map, I killed him about 7 times and he only got me twice, and every time I killed him I typed "APC WHORE" in the chat 8)

Made me feel better anyway.

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