Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland

Nuisance-Value wrote:

I love using tanks.

Its horses for courses.

Tanks aren't indestructible!

Cobra’s and bombers are the bane of the tank commander.

And c4 along with suicide c4 jeep drivers and antitank rockets are the nuisances of tank commanders.

I don’t hate the bomber that plants the bomb on my tank, I respect his accuracy. I get frustrated, but don’t consider him a whore!

I find it funny when helicopter pilots and their gunner miss their run at me and I swing around to shell them out of the sky! But to avoid my wrath all they have to do is go above the pitch of my cannon.

I fully respect the suicide c4 jeep. You guy’s are amazing. I hit many of you before you get close, but the few shots which miss you, I pay for that!

The antitank rocketter, you got to love them, they go up against me with nothing but their flimsy body armor, and one strike and I’m not even out! They always get the first hit, leaping from their hiding place. The rocket hits my tank and I’m searching for the direction, if I find them, they are dead. If I don’t, I got only got one more try!

And the special ops that run out and plant their c4 while you cap a point let me try to run you down before you hit the button to blow me into oblivion!

It’s all in the game, love it hate it, your moans aren’t going to change my love for the tank, nor my respect for my enemy.
Beautiful man, truely beautiful. Spoken by a real 1337 gamer . My respect belongs to you
When I talk about tank whore, its not the people that decide for one round to just use tanks only.  Its people that round after round stay in tanks and never fight on foot.  You can tell these people by their stats and they usually only play on karkand maps because the only danger there is c4 and anti tank.   And on that map there aren't too many people playing as anti tank.  Its so easy to get in a tank on that map and drive around in circles and back up a lot and kill everybody you see.  I really think they are big pussies that are too scared to go without a tank.  You know you've seen them.  Oh yeah thinner, I wouldn't even consider you a good tank whore with a k:d ratio like that.  You might as well go play Sims.  See you on the battlefield bitches.

Nuisance-Value wrote:

I love using tanks.

Its horses for courses.

Tanks aren't indestructible!

Cobra’s and bombers are the bane of the tank commander.

And c4 along with suicide c4 jeep drivers and antitank rockets are the nuisances of tank commanders.

I don’t hate the bomber that plants the bomb on my tank, I respect his accuracy. I get frustrated, but don’t consider him a whore!

I find it funny when helicopter pilots and their gunner miss their run at me and I swing around to shell them out of the sky! But to avoid my wrath all they have to do is go above the pitch of my cannon.

I fully respect the suicide c4 jeep. You guy’s are amazing. I hit many of you before you get close, but the few shots which miss you, I pay for that!

The antitank rocketter, you got to love them, they go up against me with nothing but their flimsy body armor, and one strike and I’m not even out! They always get the first hit, leaping from their hiding place. The rocket hits my tank and I’m searching for the direction, if I find them, they are dead. If I don’t, I got only got one more try!

And the special ops that run out and plant their c4 while you cap a point let me try to run you down before you hit the button to blow me into oblivion!

It’s all in the game, love it hate it, your moans aren’t going to change my love for the tank, nor my respect for my enemy.
Respect to you for putting that so professionally ... me, I'm likely to be banned for my tirade, but it was worth it

Stoned_Smurfz wrote:

thinner44 wrote:

beeng wrote:

I hate it when people say 'adapt' and give no other solution.

c) stupiud mofo likes to run away and repair his vehicle? fine. follow him.  When he's repairing his tank/apc/etc you can c4 him, knife him, noobtoob him, or my personal favourite: steal his vehicle.  Steal his vehicle, run him over, steal his kit, and now you too can be a tank whore.
d) once you steal his vehicle KEEPIT ALIVE, or hide it somewhere where the enemy can't get it.  This is the truely best way to piss off a tank whore.
Very constructive.... Tell me, is it true that they can now put an intelligent brain into a complete ass, if so, you're due for one.

What's with the 'stupid mofo'? are you still struggling with the concept that tanks ARE part of this game, just like jets and helis..... oh and guns. If you kill me with a gun, do I call you a 'gun whore', because in reality, you are if by your account people that use tanks are 'tank whores'.

I refer the gentleman to my previous post, perhaps you would do me the courtesy of reading and inwardly digesting.

MOD, I apologise if you see this post as 'inflammatory', but I felt I had to respond.
OMG you dammm gun whore.
LOL you make a very good point

d) once you steal his vehicle KEEPIT ALIVE, or hide it somewhere where the enemy can't get it.  This is the truely best way to piss off a tank whore. - Tanks and stufff blow up if they are left sitting somewhere unused away from where it spawns... well i seen a car blow up for no reason once. it was sitting there for ages. so im assuming thats what happens
They do, that's what my reference to the 'intelligent brain into a complete ass' was all about

'gun whore', you gotta love it
elbowdeeplove, I'm sorry, I can't resist this. Since 'stats' to you is the be all and end all... man, look at your TK, have you got a problem with the colour blue ?
+10|7092|Vila Real, Portugal
OMG looooooooool.

I had so much fun reading this posts, so many cry baby's and tank experts around .

Great post by Nuisance-Value, yes you got to have my respect for your words.

Has for all the cry baby's can you please look at my stats and tell me what i am?
Cause i'm not really sure and i would like your lEEt judgement to tell me .

I propose a new bf it should be called "Cry Baby's BattleDippers".
Game requirements in back of dvd case should be as follows:

- No Base Raping of any kind if you get near a base you will be banned from CBBD
- No vehicle use for more than 5min straight or you will be banned CBBD
- No vehicle waiting for spawn or you will be shot on sight

My point is a game as rules or it doesn't, basically only rule in bf2 is no TK so if every player added a rule to bf2 the battlefield would be more like a turism zone and i'm sure no one wants that?

Well maybe cry baby's would .


Takedazor wrote:

OMG looooooooool.

I had so much fun reading this posts, so many cry baby's and tank experts around .

Great post by Nuisance-Value, yes you got to have my respect for your words.

Has for all the cry baby's can you please look at my stats and tell me what i am?
Cause i'm not really sure and i would like your lEEt judgement to tell me .

I propose a new bf it should be called "Cry Baby's BattleDippers".
Game requirements in back of dvd case should be as follows:

- No Base Raping of any kind if you get near a base you will be banned from CBBD
- No vehicle use for more than 5min straight or you will be banned CBBD
- No vehicle waiting for spawn or you will be shot on sight

My point is a game as rules or it doesn't, basically only rule in bf2 is no TK so if every player added a rule to bf2 the battlefield would be more like a turism zone and i'm sure no one wants that?

Well maybe cry baby's would .

OMG !! you have all the Wars summed up nicely. There were never ever 'base raping', 'tank use', 'spwan killing' (adjust that for SpecOps on barracks). It was always a case of. Be my guest, come right in, I won't shoot you, I'll tickle you with a stick, perhaps kill you with kindness.

I've had a look at your stats... You're a good player, playing a good game, using good assets..... Stay out of tanks though because some here will cry if you use them for more than 5 mins .

"so if every player added a rule to bf2 the battlefield would be more like a turism zone and i'm sure no one wants that?" ... I like this bit, you mean we could get to look at the trees and listen to the birds... perhaps have a coffee or two 
elbowdeeplove, do you stand or sit to pee?
Takedazor you have a 9:1 kill death ratio in the helicopter and you don't play on one map exclusively.  I play mostly sharqi and karkand because of the intense ground battles.  I don't consider you a whore at all because you use the helicopter on multiple maps where there is a considerable amount of danger of being shot down.  I respect helicopter pilots because it takes a lot of skill and practice to be able to fly effectively.   Tanks require absolutely no practice or skill.  As long as you keep moving and shooting in karkand, you're pretty much going to smoke everyone.  Most people don't want to play anti tank because it takes so much to kill a tank, and you only get one kill out of three rockets.  Plus they suck in a mid to long range firefight.  Thinner, even though you think I'm a sad individual, I don't consider you a tank whore.   Although I really wonder who exactly is the sad one here posting 4 times because someone chimed at you.  Did I hit a nerve?  You, just like Takedazor, spread your skills throughout other maps.  My bitching and moaning was generally aimed at the point whores that climb the ladder only by tank whoring at Karkand.  Play on a Karkand only server and go infantry and see how many times you get spawncamped at the first flag if you're MEC.  Then try to be the billy badass you think you are and blow it up EVERY time they come around.  That shit gets old fast, especially if you have a trap all set up and have been waiting and they go the other way or some random guy kills you from behind.  I play a lot of spec ops on karkand and have killed many tank whores but they always come right back within the next minute to blow everyone away with their tank and push their way up in rank.
+10|7092|Vila Real, Portugal
Ok Elbowdeeplove you have some point there in maps like karkand and other city
maps tanks can be killing machines.

I now cause i play a lot with tanks and i got a screenshot of a 54-0 killing spree, but
sometimes or manytimes i can too get rapped.

When analising the problem i come up with some aswers:

1- As a tank is rapping my ass and my comrades a friendly armor is being driven
by noobs that don't assist and don't know wtf they are doing.

2-Most people when killed by a tank just spawn in same spot not being a anti-tank
because they only play sniper or other class.

3-I am just in a very bad team where 80% players bought the game yesterday.

So it's true killing people with tank is much easier than killing a tank with a anti-tank rocket but
if you have a group of friends that play the game or you're in a good team case is diferent...

A tank whore comes to your backyard it might kill some of you but if squad is balanced there
were always be a medic.
People that died will spawn with anti-tank endind with a 3rocket at same time fired at tank and
now tell what type of whore can escape 3rockets?
Not the ones i see in corners around portugal .

Well it just comes to TEAM WORK.

A tank doesn't need much teamwork, 2 guys, 1eng a good tank commander and they are ready
for carnage.

But killing a tank can take some or not depending on that lucky special forces on special mine.

Ending this i can tell you 1thing too... it takes a lot of skill to take down hellis with a tank or apc,
firing at 150mt to a target or trying to survive a well organized squad in a tank.

So try to find a good squad or join up with some local friends for the carnage but never insult a
tanker trying to do it's job .


elbowdeeplove. You're right and I'm wrong, I also apologise for my outburst, it was uncalled for and as a way of an apology, I have deleted several posts that were ... erm... rude to say the least.

I like tanks, I like vehicles, that's just the way it is.... But you're still a 'gun whore'

I've started to play mostly on foot these days, just beacuse I now play for the pure hell of it rather than to rack up the points.... It's difficult and yep, I too find it frustrating being targeted by 'tanks, helis, jets' especially when spawning. Just toady, I joined a game and was flattened by a tank, 2 seconds after coming back, same tank, so I went elsewhere.

So I extened a hand of friendship and although no doubt we will cross swords again I will refrain from being rude.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

thinner44 wrote:

Nuisance-Value wrote:

I love using tanks.

Its horses for courses.

Tanks aren't indestructible!

Cobra’s and bombers are the bane of the tank commander.

And c4 along with suicide c4 jeep drivers and antitank rockets are the nuisances of tank commanders.

I don’t hate the bomber that plants the bomb on my tank, I respect his accuracy. I get frustrated, but don’t consider him a whore!

I find it funny when helicopter pilots and their gunner miss their run at me and I swing around to shell them out of the sky! But to avoid my wrath all they have to do is go above the pitch of my cannon.

I fully respect the suicide c4 jeep. You guy’s are amazing. I hit many of you before you get close, but the few shots which miss you, I pay for that!

The antitank rocketter, you got to love them, they go up against me with nothing but their flimsy body armor, and one strike and I’m not even out! They always get the first hit, leaping from their hiding place. The rocket hits my tank and I’m searching for the direction, if I find them, they are dead. If I don’t, I got only got one more try!

And the special ops that run out and plant their c4 while you cap a point let me try to run you down before you hit the button to blow me into oblivion!

It’s all in the game, love it hate it, your moans aren’t going to change my love for the tank, nor my respect for my enemy.
Respect to you for putting that so professionally ... me, I'm likely to be banned for my tirade, but it was worth it
no one is getting banned here, at least not at the moment.
just keep a respectful, non-flamatory tone ( which seems to be the case up to now ) and you're just fine.

and please make sure you add a lot of smileys, so I can see wether you are joking or not....
It would be really nice if they gave a few more points to infantry that destroy tanks.  Then it would be worth it to be anti tank or actually set booby traps for tanks as spec ops.  There are so many ways they could alter the point system to balance the game and make other options more desirable.  Maybe in time EA will get their heads out of their asses.
Get your body beat.
i hate jet whores on clean sweep.
elbowdeeplove, now that i agree with!
Oh yeah, I wanted to try and make an excuse for all my tk earlier and forgot to do it.  C4 has a huge splash radius and I like to throw it over walls where lots of people are.  Sometimes my teammates are there as well and I don't realize it.  Also I'm an f15 whore on the rare occasion that I play clean sweep.  And I can't count how many times I've dropped those 5 bombs on a tank with about 3 or 4 friendlies around.  Shit happens, I never do it on purpose unless someone is being a fucktard and killing me to get in a chopper or something.  Then I TK the shit out of them.  I really hate those bastards and don't mind giving up points to make their lives hell. for the admins.

Last edited by elbowdeeplove (2005-10-07 12:57:14)

+66|7155|Missoula, MT
Hmmm...what's Schuss been doing here??

Of course I'm not calling Schuss one of those bad names...he feels the love.

Last edited by CMDR_Dave (2005-10-07 16:02:04)

You can't really call him a tank whore though seeing as he has almost as many assault rifle kills as tank kills.
I believe that there is skill in getting into a tank, theirs skill in using grenade launcher. People who complain are probably not that good at things they are complaining about. I myself enjoy taking on the enemy eye to eye with no armor in between. That's how I like to play. If you can get 40 to 50 kills in a tank by all means go ahead (and congrats cause thats no small feat). But you won't catch me out in the open (hopefully). I let people do their jobs AT, helis, jets, TOWs, while I lay low (I may jump into a TOW if one is around). Other people should do the same. If I die and it bothered me then I'll switch my kit to an AT or an SO and try to take him out. If he gets me again then shame on me (not on him).

You can check my stats:
I'm just starting out (not impressive) but, I'm not one to use vehicles. I'm an assault rifle type of guy.

elbowdeeplove wrote:

It would be really nice if they gave a few more points to infantry that destroy tanks.  Then it would be worth it to be anti tank or actually set booby traps for tanks as spec ops.  There are so many ways they could alter the point system to balance the game and make other options more desirable.  Maybe in time EA will get their heads out of their asses.
That would have to be a radical points change. In reality, being in a tank means you're a sitting duck, it's one of the worst places to be.... there's just so many things to go wrong, jets, helis, other tanks, C4 (your favourite ) and not forgetting AT, which I add is my favourite way of disposing of tanks.

I agree with the 'more desirable' bit, a few extra points wouldn't be that tough to award for those that go beyond the call of duty, being dropped behind enemy lines for instance

elbowdeeplove wrote:

Oh yeah, I wanted to try and make an excuse for all my tk earlier and forgot to do it.  C4 has a huge splash radius and I like to throw it over walls where lots of people are.  Sometimes my teammates are there as well and I don't realize it.  Also I'm an f15 whore on the rare occasion that I play clean sweep.  And I can't count how many times I've dropped those 5 bombs on a tank with about 3 or 4 friendlies around.  Shit happens, I never do it on purpose unless someone is being a fucktard and killing me to get in a chopper or something.  Then I TK the shit out of them.  I really hate those bastards and don't mind giving up points to make their lives hell. for the admins.
LOL, I just thought you didn't like blue

Splash damage can be bad, that's why when I play SpecOps I go for targets that I know will come without any 'blues' being around, not that I've done many C4 kills, but when it happens, it feels good . I'll never be a pilot though, I play with a KB and mouse, so I know 30 seconds after takeoff, I'm going to be right back at the start
As for TK on '....tards' .. I agree with that one, especially if it's a continual thing. The other day, Gulf of Oman, USMC, a guy sits in the AA and blows the hell out of all of us, jets and helis.... TKd everything that moved, he was banned
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

CMDR_Dave wrote:

Hmmm...what's Schuss been doing here?? …

Of course I'm not calling Schuss one of those bad names...he feels the love.
whoa.. wat did he do..shot an APC with all of you in it?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

mikeshw wrote:

CMDR_Dave wrote:

Hmmm...what's Schuss been doing here?? …

Of course I'm not calling Schuss one of those bad names...he feels the love.
whoa.. wat did he do..shot an APC with all of you in it?

I cannot really recall the situation right now, but I believe I shot down a fully loaded BH with my T-90

and yes Dave, I feel the love...^^

"where have all the retards gone"..*sings*'
+0|7110|Your Mom's House
If you're an engeneer, like me, all you really can do in most maps is use Armor. With all Nube-Toobing, C4 whoring, and spray and pray out there, a shotgun doesn't do too well, excluding some maps. It actually takes a lot of skill to be good with Tanks, and very little skill to kill them. And, IMO, driving a tank is the best think in the game. I could do it for hours and not be bored.
Mmmm...tanks.  I love using them.  Its best when i roll up with my squad and take out 10 guys who just spawned so my squad can take the CP while i cover them from when those same 10 guys spawn again.  Not much for me to worry about on Karland, just C4, AT, Grenade and GL. Thats all

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