+255|6798|Westminster, California

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

what have you done for our country since your such a patriot.
I am a father of two children, employer of nine men.  I pay my taxes and vote.

I have bought dinner for Marines I didn't know. I have visited the base at Twenty Nine Palms to express my thanks to the troops. I have written a great many letters to Congressmen and Senators with whom I disagree with.

     I have paced the hallowed grounds at Arlington Cemetary and wept for my brothers who have died for your freedom in this epic war and clash of civilizations.

     I have recognized the threat to our nation by leftist such as yourself.
     I was 34 when they killed 3000 of my fellow citizens in New York, married and with a child on the way. I'm sorry if that disqualifies me from commenting on the rage I still feel.

yerded wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

what have you done for our country since your such a patriot.
I am a father of two children, employer of nine men.  I pay my taxes and vote.

I have bought dinner for Marines I didn't know. I have visited the base at Twenty Nine Palms to express my thanks to the troops. I have written a great many letters to Congressmen and Senators with whom I disagree with.

     I have paced the hallowed grounds at Arlington Cemetary and wept for my brothers who have died for your freedom in this epic war and clash of civilizations.

     I have recognized the threat to our nation by leftist such as yourself.
     I was 34 when they killed 3000 of my fellow citizens in New York, married and with a child on the way. I'm sorry if that disqualifies me from commenting on the rage I still feel.
This is very common. I know liberals that have a very similar life as yours. Maybe once people can take each others ideas and grow together instead of the constant bickering and bullshit we'll be better off.
GunSlinger OIF II
wont even bother with you
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6836|Canberra, AUS
Enough sterotyping.

It would be better if we didn't use the terms 'conservative' and 'liberal' at all.

It just encourages tagging, stereotyping, and dismissive attitudes.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+0|6764|Austin, Texas
The real problem is extremism. Most people fall right around the middle, only slightly favoring liberalism or conservatism. The problem is, with a two party system, everyone is forced to take a side, and the extremists are almost always leading these two political factions.  The strangest thing about the American political system is that two groups of people who are barly represented by extremists who have really bad ideas about how the country should be are forced to compromise. This compromise just happens to be the way things really should be more often then not.

Kinky Freedman for Texas Governor 06!
Mod Incarnate
I refuse to get sucked into this thread the same way I've been sucked into the religious debate one, but I'd like to say I agree with Marconius' assessment of the parties in general terms. However, one cannot apply that label across the board, because there will be exceptions, and I do not agree with Marconius about everything he said.

I also find it amusing that a few (not all) of the people he's been arguing with have trouble with basic punctuation and spelling words correctly. For what it's worth Marconius, based on your posts, you're one of the most intelligent people I've seen in this section of the forums, and thats coming from a Mensan.

And finally, I cannot understand why there is so much hostility towards the left. I've seen accusations of trying to sell out our troops, of being communist, and it's ridiculous. Liberals want the best for America the same way Conservatives do, we just disagree on what the best is. 'Selling out our troops' is not the same thing as not wanting our troops in a warzone. Social welfare programs are not the same thing as 'communism'. These absurd generalizations are doing nothing but creating an atmosphere of enmity that is not needed in this country.
+255|6798|Westminster, California

Skruples wrote:

And finally, I cannot understand why there is so much hostility towards the left. I've seen accusations of trying to sell out our troops, of being communist, and it's ridiculous. Liberals want the best for America the same way Conservatives do, we just disagree on what the best is. 'Selling out our troops' is not the same thing as not wanting our troops in a warzone. Social welfare programs are not the same thing as 'communism'. These absurd generalizations are doing nothing but creating an atmosphere of enmity that is not needed in this country.
The hostility comes from watching Clinton/Gore sell our military secrets to the Chinese. It comes from that same President condoning the murder of religous people in Texas. It comes from Tipper/Gore leading the charge of censurship in video games. It comes from liberals banning guns and ammunition in California. It comes from the blatant thievery of the school union members. It comes from the steady reliable oppossition for the sake of oppossition. When Clinton was president everyone agreed that it was time to fix social security, now that its Bush its a bad idea. Its that war in Kosovo ( by the way where are the liberals crying about an exit strategy there???!!!) thats still going on.
     Its the constant harping of wrong war, wrong place, wrong time. That drunken driving murderer Ted Kennedy bellowing about lie after lie.
     Anyone who thinks that it was George Bush's call alone to invade Iraq is not thinking. If it had been Al Gore who had been president we would still be there now. The president does not make war policy; Bush was presented with a list of options after 9-11 and I doubt that any of them didn't involve invading Iraq. You see; sadam was giving a check for $25,000 to the family of any suicide bomber that attached Isreal, that was all the reason we needed to invade. If that isn't a direct tie to terrorism what is? The time of us tollerating such politics ended on 9-11.
Iran is next.
Not Entirely Sane
+6|6822|Just Outside Seattle
The urge to scream, shout and call people names is irresistible so I think I'll go yell at the television. At this point it doesn't matter how rational an argument is, it doesn’t even matter if it is the truth, sometimes people just won’t listen to reason. I wish I had the will to participate in this argument, but I think it would just be a battle I can't win, so I won't.

Edited to add a comma.

Last edited by Not Entirely Sane (2006-03-30 23:07:11)


Skruples wrote:

I refuse to get sucked into this thread the same way I've been sucked into the religious debate one, but I'd like to say I agree with Marconius' assessment of the parties in general terms. However, one cannot apply that label across the board, because there will be exceptions, and I do not agree with Marconius about everything he said.

I also find it amusing that a few (not all) of the people he's been arguing with have trouble with basic punctuation and spelling words correctly. For what it's worth Marconius, based on your posts, you're one of the most intelligent people I've seen in this section of the forums, and thats coming from a Mensan.

And finally, I cannot understand why there is so much hostility towards the left. I've seen accusations of trying to sell out our troops, of being communist, and it's ridiculous. Liberals want the best for America the same way Conservatives do, we just disagree on what the best is. 'Selling out our troops' is not the same thing as not wanting our troops in a warzone. Social welfare programs are not the same thing as 'communism'. These absurd generalizations are doing nothing but creating an atmosphere of enmity that is not needed in this country.
you are absolutely correct, liberals want what is best for our citizens, they just think the achievers should pave the way to prosperity for the non-achievers. That big govt. in control over our lives is the answer. the problem with this is..............that simply isn't what America or being and American is about.

" com•mu•nism
A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members."
A form of socialism that abolishes private ownership.  A political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society."
"I find no problems at all with Socialism. "

The above are a couple of Marconius' orginal quotes taken from an earlier post................If you all agree with this bullshit then you are about as anti-American as it gets just as he is.

Last edited by lowing (2006-03-31 06:39:47)

+255|6798|Westminster, California
Find no problems at all with Socialism?

Thats probably because he still lives with mommy and spends most of his time playing BF2. Get out, earn a living and achieve something and watch how quickly you come to resent wild eyed liberals who think you either shouldn't have it, or should share it with everybody. I actually considered myself a socialist when I was about twenty; I realize now that I was simply jealous of what other people had and sick of being a poor kid from Utah. Flash forward 17 years and I own a company that grossed just under a million bucks last year. I recently spent 5K on this computer. I work 12-14 hours a day and I love it. 
     It's like Churchill said; " When your young if your not a liberal you don't have a heart, but when your older, if your not a conservative you don't have a brain.

Last edited by yerded (2006-03-31 06:32:10)

Look what our conservatives are up to today. What are they conserving exactly? The can't conserve spending to save their lives.

Fiscal conservatives are apparently in short supply in Washington.

Erkut.hv wrote:

Look what our conservatives are up to today. What are they conserving exactly? The can't conserve spending to save their lives.

Fiscal conservatives are apparently in short supply in Washington.
this is true, defending a country against terrorist attacks can get pretty expensive, which is why Clinton never did it I suppose.

Last edited by lowing (2006-03-31 06:39:10)


lowing wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Look what our conservatives are up to today. What are they conserving exactly? The can't conserve spending to save their lives.

Fiscal conservatives are apparently in short supply in Washington.
this is true, defending a country against terrorist attacks can get pretty expensive, which is why Clinton never did it I suppose.
I like how Clinton supposedly did nothing in office except get a blowjob. At least according to the "conservatives".

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Look what our conservatives are up to today. What are they conserving exactly? The can't conserve spending to save their lives.

Fiscal conservatives are apparently in short supply in Washington.
this is true, defending a country against terrorist attacks can get pretty expensive, which is why Clinton never did it I suppose.
I like how Clinton supposedly did nothing in office except get a blowjob. At least according to the "conservatives".
Ok fair enough...............tell me what DID Clinton do to combat all the terrorist attacks which occured while he was in office?........What did he do to prepare for the future regarding terrorism???

As far as the blow job...............I say...........WELL DONE !!!!!    All the bullshit about his affair with Monica was simply jealiousy, cuz none of those ugly ass old republicans could get a blow job from a 21 yr old. lol...........

I am a conservative and I will be the first to stand up and throw a bullshit flag on all of those impeachment proceedings.......getting your dick sucked or cheating on your wife isn't a crime and he never should have been braught in front of the grand jury and put in a position t olie about it.

Last edited by lowing (2006-03-31 06:55:21)


lowing wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Look what our conservatives are up to today. What are they conserving exactly? The can't conserve spending to save their lives.

Fiscal conservatives are apparently in short supply in Washington.
this is true, defending a country against terrorist attacks can get pretty expensive, which is why Clinton never did it I suppose.
Ahhhh.... spending in the name of defense. Next, I suppose I am unpatriotic if I question the out of control spending our government is doing?

I'm not talking about defense. I am talking about the overabundance of social programs that we use, that don't work worth a shit. The money non-citizens receive in the form of welfare and health care. The cost to house inmates who are in prison for having an ounce of marijuana on them. Keeping people on death row for 20 years because we can't enforce the laws on our books.

A congress that doesn't allow law enforcement to do their job, yet insists on creating more legislation for them to try and "enforce".

Senators who spend their salary hours bickering over STEROIDS!!!!!! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT STEROIDS!!! QUIT WASTING MY TAX MONEY TALKING ABOUT BULLSHIT!!!!111OneTWoFouR!!!11!

Expense account for government employees that aren't audited.

The fucking list goes onand on, our government is out of control.

Erkut.hv wrote:

lowing wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Look what our conservatives are up to today. What are they conserving exactly? The can't conserve spending to save their lives.

Fiscal conservatives are apparently in short supply in Washington.
this is true, defending a country against terrorist attacks can get pretty expensive, which is why Clinton never did it I suppose.
Ahhhh.... spending in the name of defense. Next, I suppose I am unpatriotic if I question the out of control spending our government is doing?

I'm not talking about defense. I am talking about the overabundance of social programs that we use, that don't work worth a shit. The money non-citizens receive in the form of welfare and health care. The cost to house inmates who are in prison for having an ounce of marijuana on them. Keeping people on death row for 20 years because we can't enforce the laws on our books.

A congress that doesn't allow law enforcement to do their job, yet insists on creating more legislation for them to try and "enforce".

Senators who spend their salary hours bickering over STEROIDS!!!!!! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT STEROIDS!!! QUIT WASTING MY TAX MONEY TALKING ABOUT BULLSHIT!!!!111OneTWoFouR!!!11!

Expense account for government employees that aren't audited.

The fucking list goes onand on, our government is out of control.
I will stop you when I disagree.........don't look now but you are making a conservative arguement.

lowing wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

lowing wrote:

this is true, defending a country against terrorist attacks can get pretty expensive, which is why Clinton never did it I suppose.
I like how Clinton supposedly did nothing in office except get a blowjob. At least according to the "conservatives".
Ok fair enough...............tell me what DID Clinton do to combat all the terrorist attacks which occured while he was in office?........What did he do to prepare for the future regarding terrorism??? … enalty_Act

March 14, 1996 - authorized $100 million anti-terrorism agreement with Israel to track down and root out terrorists

What did Bush do pre 9/11?

lowing wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

lowing wrote:

this is true, defending a country against terrorist attacks can get pretty expensive, which is why Clinton never did it I suppose.
Ahhhh.... spending in the name of defense. Next, I suppose I am unpatriotic if I question the out of control spending our government is doing?

I'm not talking about defense. I am talking about the overabundance of social programs that we use, that don't work worth a shit. The money non-citizens receive in the form of welfare and health care. The cost to house inmates who are in prison for having an ounce of marijuana on them. Keeping people on death row for 20 years because we can't enforce the laws on our books.

A congress that doesn't allow law enforcement to do their job, yet insists on creating more legislation for them to try and "enforce".

Senators who spend their salary hours bickering over STEROIDS!!!!!! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT STEROIDS!!! QUIT WASTING MY TAX MONEY TALKING ABOUT BULLSHIT!!!!111OneTWoFouR!!!11!

Expense account for government employees that aren't audited.

The fucking list goes onand on, our government is out of control.
I will stop you when I disagree.........don't look now but you are making a conservative arguement.
That's the problem.... lol. It's people calling themselves conservatives who are passing these things. We have a Republican controlled senate and congress, yet spending is out of control.

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

I like how Clinton supposedly did nothing in office except get a blowjob. At least according to the "conservatives".
Ok fair enough...............tell me what DID Clinton do to combat all the terrorist attacks which occured while he was in office?........What did he do to prepare for the future regarding terrorism??? … enalty_Act

March 14, 1996 - authorized $100 million anti-terrorism agreement with Israel to track down and root out terrorists

What did Bush do pre 9/11?
holy shit..Bush was in office 6 or 7 months beefore the first attack.cut the guy some slack lol........Bush inherited a wasp far as clinton.........our country was attacked 5 or 6 times under Clinton now I saw what you gave as his I say thank you for proving my point.

lowing wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ok fair enough...............tell me what DID Clinton do to combat all the terrorist attacks which occured while he was in office?........What did he do to prepare for the future regarding terrorism??? … enalty_Act

March 14, 1996 - authorized $100 million anti-terrorism agreement with Israel to track down and root out terrorists

What did Bush do pre 9/11?
holy shit..Bush was in office 6 or 7 months beefore the first attack.cut the guy some slack lol........Bush inherited a wasp far as clinton.........our country was attacked 5 or 6 times under Clinton now I saw what you gave as his I say thank you for proving my point.
Um...your welcome?

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote: … enalty_Act

March 14, 1996 - authorized $100 million anti-terrorism agreement with Israel to track down and root out terrorists

What did Bush do pre 9/11?
holy shit..Bush was in office 6 or 7 months beefore the first attack.cut the guy some slack lol........Bush inherited a wasp far as clinton.........our country was attacked 5 or 6 times under Clinton now I saw what you gave as his I say thank you for proving my point.
Um...your welcome?
Yeah, nothing like passing an ''act" or start into talks in response to WTC attacks, a blown up warship, and a couple of embassies blown up.....That is definately taking the fight to them and showing we mean business.
I am all that is MOD!

Instead of people arguing thier points by showing what the "other side" hasn't done or failed at, why don't you bring some intelligent and rational arguments for why you vote or subsribe to a particular ideology.  Furthermore, you don't have to be a 20-something to believe socialism is a good idea.  Personally, I believe it is a much better idea than having private corporations controlling natural resources.  I am all for privitization, but no company should be able to own our oil or water or even food.  On another note, you (people of the forums) may bash Bush/Clinton/Gore/any American politician/ in the name of conservatism/liberalism, but the reality is that people in power for at least the last 25 years all come from the same line.  Bill Clinton may call himself a liberal, but at best he is a moderate-centrist.  Most politicians are only worried about a few things: making their and their friends pockets' fatter and furthering their and their friends' ideological and economic interests.  The reality is that the American public do not control our government.  Our votes do not matter.  The only thing that matters is money.  Politicians do the absolute minimum to keep the public from revolting, and everything they can to keep the current political system running.  Even though our government is currently Republican run, not much would be different if it were Democrats in power.  Remember the 2000 elections, when there were rumblings of Ralph Nader in the primaries?  What happened after that?  Republicans and Democrats both voted on new legislation raisng the percentage a candidate must win to gain federal campaign support (from 5% previously to 15% now).  Why?  Wouldn't it seem like a good idea to have as many people as possible for people to choose from?  No, because that would put pressure on both parties to stop catering to lobbyist efforts and start listening to the people.  So if you are going to argue that what you think is right, please refrain from saying, "No, conservatives are better, because Bill Clinton could have killed Osama in 1998."  Or, "No, Liberals are better, because George Bush lied when taking our country to war."
You had me until the jennings out line.... sounds to much like a seacrest like line.
I am all that is MOD!

...exactly.  Just to emphasize that I can still have a little fun even when talking about "serious" stuff.
+27|6933|Atlanta, GA USA
How about: They both suck!  Too bad there is no viable third alternative...

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