+202|6688|New York

JaMDuDe wrote:

The fact is life is very short. Why would you take any chance at all at not knowing where your gona go when u die? I know im going to heaven. If you guys are right im just gona die and its over. Im either goin to paradise or not going anywhere. Are you really gona gamble with your life just because u think your smart enough think there is no God. If u want to side with the incomplete set of fossils that prove we are monkeys that evolved go ahead. You explain how "normal people" like me and you knew Jesus was gona come hundreds of years before he came and fullfilled the things they said he would.
....i cant say it any better nor agree with you more....
GunSlinger OIF II

JaMDuDe wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

allah ackbar
the Quran says christians go to heaven if they do good ^^  Christianity is the smart way to know where your going when you die. Even though i dont believe the Quran.
where does it say that?  if you cant give me reference then blow it out your pooper

and does the christian bible say non-christians goto heaven if they do good, or do you have to accept jesus as your lord and personal savior to get into the gate

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-04-10 22:14:25)

I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6679|Your moms bedroom
sorry guys, when i die, im going to be reinserted into the matrix
+202|6688|New York
...the only way into heaven is through Him (Jesus Christ) by accepting him as your personal savior....

Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

...there it is

John 14:2-3 - “In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

...i will be there...will you?

as far as im concerned, i would rather believe in something where i go to a heavenly place and live in eternal harmony, than eternity in Hell where there is pain, torment, nashing of teeth, screaming, fire, burning, it was said before, think about it....if your views are right....we go in the ground, what do we lose....NOTHING....if Yahweh, Jahovah, Christ Jesus....whichever you prefer to refer to him as, if he is the one true God which i believe he is....there is so much more to gain, and so much to lose....why test God? why in a sense play with fire?  Is the ignorance worth it in the end?

Revelation 20:14-15 - And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 21:7-8 - He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Last edited by siciliano732 (2006-04-10 23:13:26)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6714|Canberra, AUS

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Vic42 wrote:

You think that is a fact because you have unquestioningly accepted what you have been told.
It seems as if you have.  Examples will follow.

Vic42 wrote:


What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? The Bible says that he will:

A. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28). … version=31
No temple mentioned in those verses.  You 'have unquestioningly accepted what you have been told' about this. 

Vic42 wrote:

B. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6). … ersion=31;
And today Israel no longer exists and Jews are still scattered about the lands.  Oh wait!  They do have a state!!

Vic42 wrote:

C. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4) … ersion=31;
It is considered a lie when the truth is withheld in a court of law.  "2 In the last days" sets these verses.

Vic42 wrote:

D. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world -- on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).
Yes the 2nd Coming would be accurate for this verse.  As it is written, "Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear."

Vic42 wrote:

The historical fact is that Jesus fulfilled none of these messianic prophecies.

Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming, but the original sources say that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright, and no concept of a second coming exists.
Can you show me where is says "that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright, and no concept of a second coming exists."  Thanks, much appreciated. 

Vic42 wrote:

You say "Thats not just what i think, its a proven fact". The facts are exactly opposite of what you were taught.
Good try... don't believe everything you copy and paste.
Oh, so the UN is Jesus? Thanks for the *cough* history lesson!

1. How do you know that the Gospel is what Jesus actually said? As far as I know, they were written by people who had little or no commmunication and were written long after he had ascended to heaven.

...the only way into heaven is through Him (Jesus Christ) by accepting him as your personal savior....

Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

...there it is

John 14:2-3 - “In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going there to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

...i will be there...will you?

as far as im concerned, i would rather believe in something where i go to a heavenly place and live in eternal harmony, than eternity in Hell where there is pain, torment, nashing of teeth, screaming, fire, burning, it was said before, think about it....if your views are right....we go in the ground, what do we lose....NOTHING....if Yahweh, Jahovah, Christ Jesus....whichever you prefer to refer to him as, if he is the one true God which i believe he is....there is so much more to gain, and so much to lose....why test God? why in a sense play with fire?  Is the ignorance worth it in the end?

Revelation 20:14-15 - And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 21:7-8 - He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.  But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
For fucks sake! Stop accepting every little thing the Christian Church says as ABSOlUTE TRUTH!

Why test God? Good question. Why would someone want to test someone WHO THEY DON'T EVEN THINK EXISTS? (not me btw)

About the revelation: So much for forgiveness.

I would rather believe religion which encourages you to live life to the full. Not wait for death and some eternal life.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Mod Incarnate
The 'you dont know it's not true so why not believe it anyway' attitude is pretty amusing. Can you prove that Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism and Zoroastrianism are all wrong? Should I be worshipping at the altars of all those religions as well 'just in case'? And don't quote the bible to me (or should I say, AT me), all those religions have their own holy texts too.

Besides which, if God really does send people to hell on the sole basis of their religion, that doesn't make him out to be very wise. I hear all the good musicians are in hell anyway, maybe its not such a bad place.
+2|6762|Sacramento, California

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Vic42 wrote:

You think that is a fact because you have unquestioningly accepted what you have been told.
It seems as if you have.
JaMDuDe said "Dont forget that prophets knew about jesus coming hundreds of years before he came. Thats not just what i think, its a proven fact." I posted chapter and verse from the Prophets that directly contradict JaMDuDe's contention. I don't actually believe any of it, but I sure can recognize the difference between a legitimate reading of the Prophets and one that has a spin.

I actually don't have much interest in debating religion on a BF2 forum, I should not have allowed myself to get sucked into this. It just irks me when someone claims to personally know a just, loving, and forgiving God who condemns more than 80% of his children to suffer in hell for eternity, and sees no contradiction in that.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Vic42 wrote:

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? The Bible says that he will:

A. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28). … version=31
No temple mentioned in those verses.  You 'have unquestioningly accepted what you have been told' about this.
Did you read the text in your link? It says "I will put my sanctuary among them forever. My dwelling place will be with them". That, my friend, is the Temple. In Hebrew it says "mishcani", "my dwelling". It isn't the least bit ambiguous; the Jews are first told to build a portable Mishcan in the desert after leaving Egypt, and the Bible has detailed instructions. When the Kingdom was established with Jerusalem as its capitol, the first Temple was built to take the place of the portable Mischan; the Bible says God dwelled there. Starting in chapter 40, Ezekiel gives three whole chapters of the details of the third temple as he envisioned it.

Did you think you had proven something because your English translation didn't contain the word "temple"?

You then answered the other three Prophetic verses by telling me Jesus is coming back to finish the job later. How convenient.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Can you show me where is says "that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright, and no concept of a second coming exists."  Thanks, much appreciated.
I think you need to show me where the Prophets say it will take two trips (and more than 2000 years) for the Messiah to complete the job. Surely they must have mentioned it somewhere, that is hardly an insignificant detail.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Good try... don't believe everything you copy and paste.
Um, gee. You were flat out wrong about the Ezekiel verse, and you told me I need to accept an IOU for the other three.

I'm not anti-God, or even against organized religion. Historically, religious factions have done a lot of good and a lot of bad in the world, a very mixed record. But I believe the current moral framework most of us share was brought to the masses by religion, so overall religion has been very positive influence on the world. I'm glad you've found faith and community in your religion, as I have in mine, and I hope it leads you to do good in the world.

In case you were wondering, Jews believe that anyone who lives a moral life can have a place in "Olam HaBa", the world to come. Islam, I believe, is a little more narrow, teaching respect for Jews and Christians as fellow descendents of Abraham and followers of Allah.

Last edited by Vic42 (2006-04-11 00:37:48)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6714|Canberra, AUS

Vic42 wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Vic42 wrote:

You think that is a fact because you have unquestioningly accepted what you have been told.
It seems as if you have.
JaMDuDe said "Dont forget that prophets knew about jesus coming hundreds of years before he came. Thats not just what i think, its a proven fact." I posted chapter and verse from the Prophets that directly contradict JaMDuDe's contention. I don't actually believe any of it, but I sure can recognize the difference between a legitimate reading of the Prophets and one that has a spin.

I actually don't have much interest in debating religion on a BF2 forum, I should not have allowed myself to get sucked into this. It just irks me when someone claims to personally know a just, loving, and forgiving God who condemns more than 80% of his children to suffer in hell for eternity, and sees no contradiction in that.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Vic42 wrote:

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? The Bible says that he will:

A. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28). … version=31
No temple mentioned in those verses.  You 'have unquestioningly accepted what you have been told' about this.
Did you read the text in your link? It says "I will put my sanctuary among them forever. My dwelling place will be with them". That, my friend, is the Temple. In Hebrew it says "mishcani", "my dwelling". It isn't the least bit ambiguous; the Jews are first told to build a portable Mishcan in the desert after leaving Egypt, and the Bible has detailed instructions. When the Kingdom was established with Jerusalem as its capitol, the first Temple was built to take the place of the portable Mischan; the Bible says God dwelled there. Starting in chapter 40, Ezekiel gives three whole chapters of the details of the third temple as he envisioned it.

Did you think you had proven something because your English translation didn't contain the word "temple"?

You then answered the other three Prophetic verses by telling me Jesus is coming back to finish the job later. How convenient.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Can you show me where is says "that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright, and no concept of a second coming exists."  Thanks, much appreciated.
I think you need to show me where the Prophets say it will take two trips (and more than 2000 years) for the Messiah to complete the job. Surely they must have mentioned it somewhere, that is hardly an insignificant detail.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Good try... don't believe everything you copy and paste.
Um, gee. You were flat out wrong about the Ezekiel verse, and you told me I need to accept an IOU for the other three.

I'm not anti-God, or even against organized religion. Historically, religious factions have done a lot of good and a lot of bad in the world, a very mixed record. But I believe the current moral framework most of us share was brought to the masses by religion, so overall religion has been very positive influence on the world. I'm glad you've found faith and community in your religion, as I have in mine, and I hope it leads you to do good in the world.

In case you were wondering, Jews believe that anyone who lives a moral life can have a place in "Olam HaBa", the world to come. Islam, I believe, is a little more narrow, teaching respect for Jews and Christians as fellow descendents of Abraham and followers of Allah.
Well said man. Well said.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6880|Cologne, Germany

JaMDuDe wrote:

The fact is life is very short. Why would you take any chance at all at not knowing where your gona go when u die? I know im going to heaven. If you guys are right im just gona die and its over. Im either goin to paradise or not going anywhere. Are you really gona gamble with your life just because u think your smart enough think there is no God. If u want to side with the incomplete set of fossils that prove we are monkeys that evolved go ahead. You explain how "normal people" like me and you knew Jesus was gona come hundreds of years before he came and fullfilled the things they said he would.
well, I could go to church again just to be on the safe side, if God really exists and only those who were believers go to heaven.

The problem is, I stopped going to church when I was about 16 years old or so, old enough to develop my own opinion about the whole thing, and I discovered that religion had no specific appeal to me.

Until then, I had been a regular at my local church, but in all honesty, I did not go there on my own account.
I went there because my father asked me to, because I was raised in a christian house.

But as soon as my parents realized I wasn't a believer, they stopped asking and respected my free will and my decision.

Still, my value system, my morals and all that is based on christian beliefs, and I hold their teachings in high regard ( the ten commandments, for example ). I guess those are still the basis for what I consider "right" and "wrong" in general terms.

I have come to realize that one cannot "choose" to believe. It is not a rational decision. Either you believe or you don't. God will come to you, or he won't.

I may reach a point at which I will become a believer, maybe later in Life. That is possible, although I'd say it is quite unlikely right now.

I think it is best to try to keep an open mind and realize that what is true for yourself must not necessarily be true for others. Although a lot of religions claim the eternal truth for themselves, those who act on it are just humans, and humans can fail.

JaMDuDe wrote:

The fact is life is very short. Why would you take any chance at all at not knowing where your gona go when u die? I know im going to heaven. If you guys are right im just gona die and its over. Im either goin to paradise or not going anywhere. Are you really gona gamble with your life just because u think your smart enough think there is no God. If u want to side with the incomplete set of fossils that prove we are monkeys that evolved go ahead. You explain how "normal people" like me and you knew Jesus was gona come hundreds of years before he came and fullfilled the things they said he would.
Even though Christians have studied what Jesus was supposed to do and wouldnt have switched to christianity if he didnt do what he was supposed seems christianity is the way to heaven. This probably happened just by "chance". If Christians are right we go to heaven. If Jews are right we go to heaven if we live good lives. If Islam is right we go to heaven if we live good lives. If buddhist are right we just continue the circle of life. And if we evolved we just stop. Religion does look like its just made up from the outside, but its not.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-04-11 13:07:33)

+22|6703|England, UK
Using the time we/you have.. Have as much FUN as you possibly can. Don't listen to other about religion etc. and live your life how YOU want!

Afterall, that is how you come to believe in a religion.. You get told by another HUMAN exactly what goes down.. Namely your parents.
What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? - Mark 8:36

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-04-11 13:13:20)


raz wrote:

live your life how YOU want!
Tell that to a crackwhore or AIDS baby.
I am all that is MOD!

I sold my soul to the devil for a krispy kreme doughnut.  Seriously, though, this concept of souls.  What exactly is your soul?  And what happens to your soul after you die?  Does your soul physically leave your body and ascend to heaven?  Or does it just sit around for a while before it takes over another living being?  I just want some opinions.
Your soul is what makes you you. Your conscious leaves you at death and I think thats been proven but im not that sure. It goes straight to heaven or hell.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-04-11 13:08:57)

Yeticus Rex
Destroyer of Penguins

Yeticus Rex wrote:

Yeticus Rex wrote:

"Are humans the first animals to evolve with the ability for faith?"

Anyone care to answer?  And please, instinct and faith are two separate abilities.
This question bears repeating.
Another page of unresponsiveness goes by.  Come on guys, no matter what side of the issue you are on, give this some thought.

siciliano732 wrote:

some of you take bits and pieces of what you hear and see and piece it together as one thing and tell yourself its real....and it is ignorance to not see....
Its hilarious that you can say this because all your talking about is bits and pieces of what you hear and see from other and piecing it together and telling yourslef that its real. You can't even follow your own comments..

Yeticus Rex wrote:

Yeticus Rex wrote:

Yeticus Rex wrote:

"Are humans the first animals to evolve with the ability for faith?"

Anyone care to answer?  And please, instinct and faith are two separate abilities.
This question bears repeating.
Another page of unresponsiveness goes by.  Come on guys, no matter what side of the issue you are on, give this some thought.
You really think he's gonna answer you? We cannot understand animals and we cannot tell if they have feeling or beliefs, and because of that we assume they don't. Doesn't that make sense to you? I mean just because we aren't able to talk or communicate with them, doesn't that give us the right to simply cast them off as useless, empty-headed beings witout any hope or reasoning? Its apparent that animals don't communicate with eachother, I mean ants don't get together to make a colony and worship the queen ant, and wolves have never hunted in packs in order to have a more effective chance of getting food and surviving! None of these things have ever happened! Rational thought did not exist until humans were miraculously placed on Earth by an invisable, all-mighty being and told them to believe his way or he'll destroy you (despite the fact that I gave you the option of freewill). To finish it off, god made an entire universe (billions of light-years big) and focused all of his power on one tiny planet.

Come on now people, if this doesn't make sense, I just don't know what does!

Last edited by SilentNoise105 (2006-04-11 15:25:27)

I am all that is MOD!

Yeticus Rex wrote:

Yeticus Rex wrote:

Yeticus Rex wrote:

"Are humans the first animals to evolve with the ability for faith?"

Anyone care to answer?  And please, instinct and faith are two separate abilities.
This question bears repeating.
Another page of unresponsiveness goes by.  Come on guys, no matter what side of the issue you are on, give this some thought.
My thought is, I have no idea.  I am not able to peek into the minds of animals, nor or they able to convey their thoughts in regards to faith.  They may have faith that I will feed them tonight, which is why they stay at my home, but I don't know.

Marconius wrote:

As I said much much earlier...the concept of god is the death of rational thought/freethinking.  You can believe in a god, but attributing everything you don't understand to faith and absolute blind acceptance is the path to total ignorance.  Especially when it is organized, as then the followers will listen to the people who claim to "speak directly with god" and will just start layering level upon level of control/dogmatic law to gain power.  All you have to do is sample the ideologies from Every religion and not just accept one train of thought...take said ideologies and form your OWN understanding of it, but don't tag it as being higher than anyone else's.  Then you can discuss it at length with your peers and so goes the act of philosophizing.
Pure genius.....pure....genius.

JaMDuDe wrote:

The fact is life is very short. Why would you take any chance at all at not knowing where your gona go when u die? I know im going to heaven. If you guys are right im just gona die and its over. Im either goin to paradise or not going anywhere. Are you really gona gamble with your life just because u think your smart enough think there is no God. If u want to side with the incomplete set of fossils that prove we are monkeys that evolved go ahead. You explain how "normal people" like me and you knew Jesus was gona come hundreds of years before he came and fullfilled the things they said he would.
I'm not risking my soul or any of that crap. It seems it would be more of a waste (and a blow to the ego) to put your whole life towards worshiping something and figure out your wrong, rather than trying to live life by standards not written by people who may very well could have been fiction writers. I'd prefer to live how I want to live, not how some invisable, unprovable, and "all-mighty" I quote all-mighty because I find it strange that with all this power you find him a pure being despite the fact that he allows evil to exist, endows certain individuals with that evil, and then condemns them for being like that even though he himself created them that way.

Let me just put that again. A "just" and "good" being who not only allows evil, but actually endows certain individuals with evil and then condemns them for the way that HE MADE THEM. You can't argue with this. You people said you were made and created by this higher power and that he is a just being, and yet he creates us, even with free-will, with evil, ungratefulness, and lack of belief. You can't say he doesn't do this when he creates us because you also said that he knows the moves we make, the ones we're making and the moves we're going to make. So he knows we're going to make bad moves, because he sees this, and yet he still condemns are for the way that HE MADE US! The free-will thing doesn't make up for it, because then he is condemning us for the attributes HE GAVE US.

So please explain this one to me. I am not afraid of not believingin god, because if he condemns people for the qualities and attributes that he himself gives us, then he is simply a horrible and unjust being and he himself should be judged on the judgement that he so unfairly puts on his other creations.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6733|San Francisco

Yeticus Rex wrote:

"Are humans the first animals to evolve with the ability for faith?"

Anyone care to answer?  And please, instinct and faith are two separate abilities.

Another page of unresponsiveness goes by.  Come on guys, no matter what side of the issue you are on, give this some thought.
This concept can't be measured, as we've established no communicative link between us and lower animals.  What type of faith, though?  Faith in a deity or faith as in absolute trust?  Certain forms of instinct can revolve around trust in the non-human world, or can at least be perceived as such.  The need for absolute trust in order to survive probably increased as our brains developed and adapted to our surroundings.  Faith in deities came from the need for reassurance and comfort when humans confronted death, or at least started to ask the fundamental "Why am I here?" question.

It's too hard to really determine this, as humans want to personify everything to bring it up to their level.  Until we can really communicate with animals without the hindrance of anthropological personification, it's a moot point.
+22|6703|England, UK
Souls are bullshit.. Our bodies are the same as any other animal on this Earth.. What seperates us is that we have a brain that can send electrical signals and adapt.. Almost like advanced computer to windows 95.. That's what makes us different from one another.. Our minds.

A body, and a brain, that's all we are.

raz wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

raz wrote:

Ofcourse there is still going to be war. ..but religion have give REASON for it, gnereally speaking in older wars, not so much today. If there was no religion, there would be far less war history to study.
Yes of course!  I remember Hitler attacking France because they were despicable atheists.  I remember Napoleon conquering because he hated all those opposed to his religion.  I remember the Greeks destroying Troy because zeus demanded it.  I remember Romans taking over most of Europe because the gods demanded it.  Same for Alexander the Great.  And those damn "Mongols keep attacking my chity wall".
Nice sarcasm.. I said it HAS caused many wars.. and i said wars TODAY arn't based on religion.. becaused religion is DIEING. You should learn more on medieval war my friend, it's based and caused by religion and land. You clearly know shit about History. Religion gives people the comfortable feeling in war to FIGHT and that someone is there to watch over them and take care.

This is one of the reasons we created it.
Religion was a convenient excuse for medieval wars. Land, wealth and control of desirable strategic/economic locations were the real reasons.

And no, religion is not dieing, nor is it dying. So sorry. For example, in the US, about 75% of our population is estimated Christian according to surveys. It has been increasing, though at a small rate (it's hard to shift percentages at 225 million people). For smaller examples, New Agers and Deists have had a large growth rate last decade.

I guess that is the sole reason why there's going to be war for a long time into the future...

raz wrote:

Souls are bullshit.. Our bodies are the same as any other animal on this Earth.. What seperates us is that we have a brain that can send electrical signals and adapt.. Almost like advanced computer to windows 95.. That's what makes us different from one another.. Our minds.

A body, and a brain, that's all we are.
Oh? And no other animal brain can send electrical signals and adapt? Your display of arrogance is incredulous, but expected. And if people want to believe in souls, let them. If they exist, then good for them. If they don't, who cares anyway? It should also be mentioned that many religious people believe that alot more than humans have souls, and some even believe that the planet itself is self-aware.

People need to stop approaching science with a know-it-all attitude. It's hard to make discoveries if you think you know everything about everything.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-04-11 15:55:22)

Silentnoise, people chose to be evil, He doesnt hand evil out then punish them for being bad. I know there is an answer to your question but i dont know it yet. Ive asked this question too. But we do not know everything about everything yet, neither does science. We cannot understand most things, picture a human brain next to the universe. And you want that brain to be able to understand everything. Its not gona work.
+22|6703|England, UK

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

raz wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Yes of course!  I remember Hitler attacking France because they were despicable atheists.  I remember Napoleon conquering because he hated all those opposed to his religion.  I remember the Greeks destroying Troy because zeus demanded it.  I remember Romans taking over most of Europe because the gods demanded it.  Same for Alexander the Great.  And those damn "Mongols keep attacking my chity wall".
Nice sarcasm.. I said it HAS caused many wars.. and i said wars TODAY arn't based on religion.. becaused religion is DIEING. You should learn more on medieval war my friend, it's based and caused by religion and land. You clearly know shit about History. Religion gives people the comfortable feeling in war to FIGHT and that someone is there to watch over them and take care.

This is one of the reasons we created it.
Religion was a convenient excuse for medieval wars. Land, wealth and control of desirable strategic/economic locations were the real reasons.

And no, religion is not dieing, nor is it dying. So sorry. For example, in the US, about 75% of our population is estimated Christian according to surveys. It has been increasing, though at a small rate (it's hard to shift percentages at 225 million people). For smaller examples, New Agers and Deists have had a large growth rate last decade.

I guess that is the sole reason why there's going to be war for a long time into the future...

raz wrote:

Souls are bullshit.. Our bodies are the same as any other animal on this Earth.. What seperates us is that we have a brain that can send electrical signals and adapt.. Almost like advanced computer to windows 95.. That's what makes us different from one another.. Our minds.

A body, and a brain, that's all we are.
Oh? And no other animal brain can send electrical signals and adapt? Your display of arrogance is incredulous, but expected. And if people want to believe in souls, let them. If they exist, then good for them. If they don't, who cares anyway? It should also be mentioned that many religious people believe that alot more than humans have souls, and some even believe that the planet itself is self-aware.

People need to stop approaching science with a know-it-all attitude. It's hard to make discoveries if you think you know everything about everything.
Ofcourse animals send electrical signals.. That's how brains work.............. Yes, they adapt.. but not even close of which our brain does.. Did i say other animals CAN'T do this.. and in which bit did i say you musn't believe in souls? I'm merely putting my opinion across, everyone has one..

For this science know it all attitude speach.. If you would of read one of my other posts that's exactly what my point was.. That we know nothing.

Last edited by raz (2006-04-11 16:41:43)


raz wrote:

Ofcourse animals send electrical signals.. That's how brains work.............. Yes, they adapt.. but not even close of which our brain does.. Did i say other animals CAN'T do this.. and in which bit did i say you musn't believe in souls? I'm merely putting my opinion across, everyone has one..

raz wrote:

What seperates us is that we have a brain that can send electrical signals and adapt.
For this science know it all attitude speach.. If you would of read one of my other posts that's exactly what my point was.. That we know nothing.

raz wrote:

...Souls are bullshit. ...A body, and a brain, that's all we are.
Uh, huh. Well, you obviously know everything, since you know that souls or whatever might be a soul-like substance doesn't exist. But if you aren't consistant, then going back and looking through every one of your posts won't help me know your mind any better.

Saying souls are bullshit is really the same as saying that souls are not bullshit. Saying that a soul has never been measured is just that. It hasn't been measured. Logically, you cannot come to the conclusion that it does not exist. There's no solid scientific evidence either way, but claiming either seems to offend anyone of the opposite belief.

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