
How on Earth was this thread dug up?
I'm sorry we haven't dropped sunlight on that entire region a few times and told anyone who didn't like it to kiss our asses.

I'm sorry that my taxes are used to support and pacify lazy poor people.

I'm sorry that some asshole who sits on his couch, beats his wife, drinks beer and eats food stamp purchased dinner has just as much say in how this country is run as I do.

I'm sorry that the America that Alexander Hamilton envisioned has become a candy-ass, "what can I get", rudderless ship full of titty-babies and lazy fucks.

We need to take the right to vote away from anyone who doesn't pay taxes or own land. Then the people who are fotting the bill can decide if we send our all volunteer army to war or not.

Dersmikner wrote:

I'm sorry we haven't dropped sunlight on that entire region a few times and told anyone who didn't like it to kiss our asses.

I'm sorry that my taxes are used to support and pacify lazy poor people.

I'm sorry that some asshole who sits on his couch, beats his wife, drinks beer and eats food stamp purchased dinner has just as much say in how this country is run as I do.

I'm sorry that the America that Alexander Hamilton envisioned has become a candy-ass, "what can I get", rudderless ship full of titty-babies and lazy fucks.

We need to take the right to vote away from anyone who doesn't pay taxes or own land. Then the people who are fotting the bill can decide if we send our all volunteer army to war or not.
Good post but it is too late........ALL the liberals abandoned this thread. Facing  undeniable truth, it appears, is more than they can handle.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that the last seven times we Americans took up arms and sacrificed the blood of our youth, it was in the defense of Muslims ( Bosnia , Kosovo, Gulf War 1, Kuwait , etc.)
No ulterior motives then huh...

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that no such call for an apology upon the extremists came after 9/11.
Why would you call for an apology from bloodthirsty maniacs? They were never supposed to be our moral equivalent for a start. Asking for an apology would be to recognise them as having moral equivalency.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that all of the murderers on 9/11 were Islamic Arabs.
What's your point?

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that most Arabs and Muslims have to live in squalor under savage dictatorships.
Do they really? Would you describe Turkey as a land of squalor under a savage dictatorship? The US government seem pretty down with other dictatorships and quasi-dictatorships like those of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc. Living in Dubai must be a real drag - have you seen the shacks they have to live in? LOL

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that their leaders squander their wealth.
Why? Because, by and large, the US supports those leaderships?

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that their governments breed hate for the US in their religious schools, mosques, and government-controlled media.
That's kind of similar to the media in USA isn't it? Breeding contempt for arabs or anyone remotely arabic looking.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that Yassar Arafat was kicked out of every Arab country and high-jacked the Palestinian "cause."
Not your place to be sorry. He squandered a lot but he is a true hero to nearly all Palestinians.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that no other Arab country will take in or offer more than a token amount of financial help to those same Palestinians.
That has always puzzled me greatly. Maybe someone is pressuring them not to....

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that the U.S.A. has to step in and be the biggest financial supporter of poverty stricken Arabs while the insanely wealthy Arabs blame the USA for all their problems.
Important turn of phrase there: 'has to step in'. Nobody has a duty to do ANYTHING dipshit. Butt out and let them sort their own shit out.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that our own left wing, our media, and our own brainwashed masses do not understand any of this (from the misleading vocal elements of our society like radical professors, CNN and the NY TIMES).
Yeah it's a great shame that the opposing viewpoint has to be expressed sometimes. It would be far easier to have state controlled media in a totalitarian situation, wouldn't it? If the left wing media is so powerful at 'brainwashing' then how come there's a right wing party in power? LOL

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry the United Nations scammed the poor people of Iraq out of the "food for oil" money so they could get rich while the common folk suffered.
I am sorry the US government scammed the poor people of Iraq out of the ability to go to the shops, to have a continuous supply of running water, to have a continuous supply of electricity, to be able to go to their mosques without fear of getting blown up, etc., etc.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that some Arab governments pay the families of homicide bombers upon their death.
Gotta source on that. PS Iran is populated with PERSIANS, not arabs.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that the homicide bombers think pregnant women, babies, children, the elderly and other noncombatant civilians are legitimate targets.
Why are you sorry? Does it remind you of 'collateral' damage during bombing raids?

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that our troops die to free more Arabs from the gang rape rooms and the filling of mass graves of dissidents of their own making.
'Gang rape rooms'. LOL. What kind of brainwashing has this dipshit received? He's right though - why the fuck are Americans dying in a dusty fleapit thousands of miles for home, to no benefit at all.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that Muslim extremists have killed more Arabs than any other group.
Yeah - you gave it your best shot but those militants are pretty good at it.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry that foreign trained terrorists are trying to seize control of Iraq and return it to a terrorist state.
Well, you only have yourself to blame there, dipshit.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry we don't drop a few dozen Daisy cutters on Fallujah.
That's nice. You're obviously a very intelligent man. This guy is no way a Lt. General. Show me the fucking source on this shit. If he was then that says something VERY bad about levels of maturity in the military.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry every time terrorists hide they find a convenient "Holy Site."
It's called intelligent guerrilla warfare dipshit. Adapt you fucking moron.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry they didn't apologize for driving a jet into the World Trade Center that collapsed and severely damaged Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church - one of our Holy Sites.
Yeah I loved that damn church. So famous.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry they didn't apologize for flight 93 and 175, the USS Cole, the embassy bombings, the murders and beheadings of Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl, etc....etc!
Moral equivalency?

Lt.Asshat wrote:

I am sorry Michael Moore is American; he could feed a medium sized village in Africa .
Freedom of speech? Oh yeah - I forgot you want a totalitarian state with no freedom of speech.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

We hang out our dirty laundry for the entire world to see. We move on. That's one of the reasons we are hated so much. We don't hide this stuff like all those Arab countries that are now demanding an apology.
Well there's plenty of dirty laundry - which you incidentally try to hide for as long as possible. The administration would have suppressed Abu Ghraib if it could - don't kid yourself.

Lt.Asshat wrote:

Deep down inside, when most Americans saw this reported in the news, we were like - so what? We lost hundreds and made fun of a few prisoners. Sure, it was wrong, sure, it dramatically hurts our cause, but until captured we were trying to kill these same prisoners. Now we're supposed to wring our hands because a few were humiliated?
    Our compassion is tempered with the vivid memories of our own people killed, mutilated and burnt amongst a joyous crowd of celebrating Fallujahans.
Hey man - they don't want you there! WHy don't you fuck off back home, eh? That way, EVERYBODY's happy!!!

Lt.Asshat wrote:

If you want an apology from this American, you're going to have a long wait!  You have a better chance of finding those seventy-two virgins.

    Chuck Pitman

    Lieutenant General, USMC
Frankly an apology from this guy isn't worth the steam off my piss.

Dersmikner wrote:

I'm sorry we haven't dropped sunlight on that entire region a few times and told anyone who didn't like it to kiss our asses.

I'm sorry that my taxes are used to support and pacify lazy poor people.

I'm sorry that some asshole who sits on his couch, beats his wife, drinks beer and eats food stamp purchased dinner has just as much say in how this country is run as I do.

I'm sorry that the America that Alexander Hamilton envisioned has become a candy-ass, "what can I get", rudderless ship full of titty-babies and lazy fucks.

We need to take the right to vote away from anyone who doesn't pay taxes or own land. Then the people who are fotting the bill can decide if we send our all volunteer army to war or not.
Well emigrate somewhere that has one of these then if you don't like democracy and equal rights...


lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well hell Cam, I will let you list me a source that is biased toward the notion the UN is fair to Israel in its dealings.
Lowing - the UN is a forum where each constituent member airs their view on particular topics. It isn't a person you know. The UN by definition CANNOT be biased. It's members can be but NOT the institution itself....
ok then, surely you can then, show me voting history of the UN MEMBERS that collectively prove fairness to Israel.

You know what I am asking for Cam, your splitting hairs tells me you failed to find a single, BIASED OR UNBIASED article that shows fair treatment to Israel.

By the way, that was a pretty weak response to my request.
Still waitin' Cam, or are we not gunna talk about this anymore??
+0|6708|Dirty South
Screw the sympathetic few. I love you man!

lowing wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Lowing - the UN is a forum where each constituent member airs their view on particular topics. It isn't a person you know. The UN by definition CANNOT be biased. It's members can be but NOT the institution itself....
ok then, surely you can then, show me voting history of the UN MEMBERS that collectively prove fairness to Israel.

You know what I am asking for Cam, your splitting hairs tells me you failed to find a single, BIASED OR UNBIASED article that shows fair treatment to Israel.

By the way, that was a pretty weak response to my request.
Still waitin' Cam, or are we not gunna talk about this anymore??
Fair treatment to Israel? A US veto on practically every resolution ever brought against Israel maybe? I think that's more than fair - it's fucking outrageous!!! Have you ever considered the fact that most members have nothing to gain from condemning Israel? They condemn them because they find them at fault. There's no fairness or unfairness about it. I'm of the opinion that most are very fair, given that I believe them to have taken the correct choice morally speaking.

For example - clearly the Israel breach UN law by occupying the West Bank, but they go and decide to build a wall that needlessly cuts deep into said territory. Out of every country in the entire world the only ones who didn't vote against them on a resolution condemning the action were:

Marshall Islands
United States

EVERY other nation voting against Israel including ALL of Europe (that means Germany too, Israel's European lapdog). Try looking at the issues they're voting on, what anyone would have to gain from voting against them and then come back to me... it's not the rest of the world that's biased - it's the US and their close cohorts!!! You would have to be the mother of all conspiracy theorists to think otherwise...

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-24 18:31:32)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

lowing wrote:

ok then, surely you can then, show me voting history of the UN MEMBERS that collectively prove fairness to Israel.

You know what I am asking for Cam, your splitting hairs tells me you failed to find a single, BIASED OR UNBIASED article that shows fair treatment to Israel.

By the way, that was a pretty weak response to my request.
Still waitin' Cam, or are we not gunna talk about this anymore??
Fair treatment to Israel? A US veto on practically every resolution ever brought against Israel maybe? I think that's more than fair - it's fucking outrageous!!!
You are avoiding the the question Cam and you know it...........Show me links to articles, biased or unbiased that shows fair treatment to Israel, or concede that the UN does not have a track record that proves it.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Still waitin' Cam, or are we not gunna talk about this anymore??
Fair treatment to Israel? A US veto on practically every resolution ever brought against Israel maybe? I think that's more than fair - it's fucking outrageous!!!
You are avoiding the the question Cam and you know it...........Show me links to articles, biased or unbiased that shows fair treatment to Israel, or concede that the UN does not have a track record that proves it.
edited for your addition to your post............the articles that I posted clearly shows a double standard. What is good for the goose, is CLEARLY not good for the gander, in dealing with Israel.......Now show me otherwise

lowing wrote:

lowing wrote:

ok then, surely you can then, show me voting history of the UN MEMBERS that collectively prove fairness to Israel.

You know what I am asking for Cam, your splitting hairs tells me you failed to find a single, BIASED OR UNBIASED article that shows fair treatment to Israel.

By the way, that was a pretty weak response to my request.
Still waitin' Cam, or are we not gunna talk about this anymore??
Fair treatment to Israel? A US veto on practically every resolution ever brought against Israel maybe? I think that's more than fair - it's fucking outrageous!!! Have you ever considered the fact that most members have nothing to gain from condemning Israel? They condemn them because they find them at fault. There's no fairness or unfairness about it. I'm of the opinion that most are very fair, given that I believe them to have taken the correct choice morally speaking.

For example - clearly the Israel breach UN law by occupying the West Bank, but they go and decide to build a wall that needlessly cuts deep into said territory. Out of every country in the entire world the only ones who didn't vote against them on a resolution condemning the action were:

Marshall Islands
United States

EVERY other nation voting against Israel including ALL of Europe (that means Germany too, Israel's European lapdog). Try looking at the issues they're voting on, what anyone would have to gain from voting against them and then come back to me... it's not the rest of the world that's biased - it's the US and their close cohorts!!! You would have to be the mother of all conspiracy theorists to think otherwise...

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-24 18:31:58)


lowing wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Fair treatment to Israel? A US veto on practically every resolution ever brought against Israel maybe? I think that's more than fair - it's fucking outrageous!!!
You are avoiding the the question Cam and you know it...........Show me links to articles, biased or unbiased that shows fair treatment to Israel, or concede that the UN does not have a track record that proves it.
edited for your addition to your post............the articles that I posted clearly shows a double standard. What is good for the goose, is CLEARLY not good for the gander, in dealing with Israel.......Now show me otherwise
I can't help it Lowing if all the nations on earth democratically elect to round on Israel a disproportionate amount of times at the UN. It asks the question, what have Israel done that has been so bad? Well we're all well aware of their crimes. I'd imagine the reason many resolutions are brought against Israel is to isolate the US and make them look intransigently and illogically partisan, I don't know.

It's not like other countries spend a disproportionate amount of time concentrating on resolutions concerning the likes of Iraq or Iran now is it?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-24 18:39:01)


CameronPoe wrote:

I can't help it Lowing if all the nations on earth democratically elect to round on Israel a disproportionate amount of times at the UN. It asks the question, what have Israel done that has been so bad? Well we're all well aware of their crimes. I'd imagine the reason many resolutions are brought against Israel is to isolate the US and make them look intransigently and illogically partisan, I don't know.

It's not like other countries spend a disproportionate amount of time concentrating on resolutions concerning the likes of Iraq or Iran now is it?
No Cam, they do not treat Israel THE SAME, as the articles proved, as other countries given the same offenses. and you damn well know it.........I gave you the latitude to show even BIASED articles that defend the UN treatrment to Israel and after several requests, you still CAN'T do it!!

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I can't help it Lowing if all the nations on earth democratically elect to round on Israel a disproportionate amount of times at the UN. It asks the question, what have Israel done that has been so bad? Well we're all well aware of their crimes. I'd imagine the reason many resolutions are brought against Israel is to isolate the US and make them look intransigently and illogically partisan, I don't know.

It's not like other countries spend a disproportionate amount of time concentrating on resolutions concerning the likes of Iraq or Iran now is it?
No Cam, they do not treat Israel THE SAME, as the articles proved, as other countries given the same offenses. and you damn well know it.........I gave you the latitude to show even BIASED articles that defend the UN treatrment to Israel and after several requests, you still CAN'T do it!!
I can't do it because your argument is a null argument. You speak of the UN as if it is a sentient being. It is controlled by its members. The majority of the entire world see Israel as evildoers, moreso than they see others as evildoers, as such they take them to task over their crimes incessantly. If what you're saying is that they get condemned a lot then yes they do, and with good fucking reason.
The actual rules and regulations of the institution itself are not inherently biased towards or against any member nation other than those that hold those ridiculous vetoes.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-24 18:51:18)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I can't help it Lowing if all the nations on earth democratically elect to round on Israel a disproportionate amount of times at the UN. It asks the question, what have Israel done that has been so bad? Well we're all well aware of their crimes. I'd imagine the reason many resolutions are brought against Israel is to isolate the US and make them look intransigently and illogically partisan, I don't know.

It's not like other countries spend a disproportionate amount of time concentrating on resolutions concerning the likes of Iraq or Iran now is it?
No Cam, they do not treat Israel THE SAME, as the articles proved, as other countries given the same offenses. and you damn well know it.........I gave you the latitude to show even BIASED articles that defend the UN treatrment to Israel and after several requests, you still CAN'T do it!!
I can't do it because your argument is a null argument. You speak of the UN as if it is a sentient being. It is controlled by its members. The majority of the entire world see Israel as evildoers, moreso than they see others as evildoers, as such they take them to task over their crimes incessantly. If what you're saying is that they get condemned a lot then yes they do, and with good fucking reason.
The actual rules and regulations of the institution itself are not inherently biased towards or against any member nation other than those that hold those ridiculous vetoes.
Well thats funny, I could sure as hell provide articles that proves my point!!!!!! and we are talking about the same UN.......I will also bet, you tried like hell to dig up something to give me, and after you could not back your opinion with some articles, you came up with your BS about how the UN isn't a "sentient being". Vert weak Cam,

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

No Cam, they do not treat Israel THE SAME, as the articles proved, as other countries given the same offenses. and you damn well know it.........I gave you the latitude to show even BIASED articles that defend the UN treatrment to Israel and after several requests, you still CAN'T do it!!
I can't do it because your argument is a null argument. You speak of the UN as if it is a sentient being. It is controlled by its members. The majority of the entire world see Israel as evildoers, moreso than they see others as evildoers, as such they take them to task over their crimes incessantly. If what you're saying is that they get condemned a lot then yes they do, and with good fucking reason.
The actual rules and regulations of the institution itself are not inherently biased towards or against any member nation other than those that hold those ridiculous vetoes.
Well thats funny, I could sure as hell provide articles that proves my point!!!!!! and we are talking about the same UN.......I will also bet, you tried like hell to dig up something to give me, and after you could not back your opinion with some articles, you came up with your BS about how the UN isn't a "sentient being". Very weak Cam,
I am asking from you, some proof, that shows the UN treats all nations equally given the same offenses.......Stop with your bullshit tap dance about not being "sencient".

Show me the proof or concede your argument.

lowing wrote:

Well thats funny, I could sure as hell provide articles that proves my point!!!!!! and we are talking about the same UN.......I will also bet, you tried like hell to dig up something to give me, and after you could not back your opinion with some articles, you came up with your BS about how the UN isn't a "sentient being". Vert weak Cam,
Don't make me laugh - my responses have been fairly prompt. I didn't bother with a search. It's like this:

a) The institution shows no bias towards/against any nation other than those that hold those preposterous vetoes.
b) The members of the insitution are free to show whatever bias they like, which is predominantly anti-Israel.

What's your complaint? The vast vast majority of the world (except USA, some of its dependent islands and sometimes either the UK, Australia or Germany) are biased against Israel. The reasons for their biases vary greatly but why for instance would Holland or Ireland or Argentina vote against Israel or propose a resolution condemning them? They would have nothing to gain from it. They plainly see that Israel are in the wrong and want something done about it. If you think there is some global conspiracy against Israel amongst 90% of the entire world then you're very much mistaken.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well thats funny, I could sure as hell provide articles that proves my point!!!!!! and we are talking about the same UN.......I will also bet, you tried like hell to dig up something to give me, and after you could not back your opinion with some articles, you came up with your BS about how the UN isn't a "sentient being". Vert weak Cam,
Don't make me laugh - my responses have been fairly prompt. I didn't bother with a search. It's like this:

a) The institution shows no bias towards/against any nation other than those that hold those preposterous vetoes.
b) The members of the insitution are free to show whatever bias they like, which is predominantly anti-Israel.

What's your complaint? The vast vast majority of the world (except USA, some of its dependent islands and sometimes either the UK, Australia or Germany) are biased against Israel. The reasons for their biases vary greatly but why for instance would Holland or Ireland or Argentina vote against Israel or propose a resolution condemning them? They would have nothing to gain from it. They plainly see that Israel are in the wrong and want something done about it. If you think there is some global conspiracy against Israel amongst 90% of the entire world then you're very much mistaken.
Thats all I wanted from you, your acknowledgment that the UN, is biased against Israel. Thank you.

And  I don't believe for 1 second, that you did not try and research to show me I was wrong. You always have links to back your argument..........................When they exist, that is.

Never claimed a conspiracy, I claimed open and flagrant bias. I showed the articles that backed me up.........You could not counter them, oh, except to devulge that the UN is not a "sencient being" That is good enough for me.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

lowing wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

lowing wrote:

NO Jonsimon, I am not screaming "its not fair its not fair". I am saying the UN is biased against Israel, there is plenty of evidence to support it. there is NONE, to refute it.
Okay, provide evidence that the majority of countries in the UN have conflicts of interests that bias them against Israel's success. A list of resolutions against Israel, or statements of Israel's wrong doings will not provide such evidence, as it does not prove a conflict of interests.

http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jso … el_un.html




http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=OD … RiZDNkYWM=

http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_faq_pa … l_bias.php

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ideas_o … 9293c.html

Now, your turn, show me articles that prove a PRO-Israel, UN.
I said sights that were not pro-Israel.  These are all conservative news sites, or Christian/Jewish sites.  These are all heavily biased and have always been pro-Israel.  Try showing me something from non-partisan political experts or professors of politics that back your claim.

I can throw this out to back my claim.


Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

lowing wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Okay, provide evidence that the majority of countries in the UN have conflicts of interests that bias them against Israel's success. A list of resolutions against Israel, or statements of Israel's wrong doings will not provide such evidence, as it does not prove a conflict of interests.

http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jso … el_un.html




http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=OD … RiZDNkYWM=

http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_faq_pa … l_bias.php

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ideas_o … 9293c.html

Now, your turn, show me articles that prove a PRO-Israel, UN.
I said sights that were not pro-Israel.  These are all conservative news sites, or Christian/Jewish sites.  These are all heavily biased and have always been pro-Israel.  Try showing me something from non-partisan political experts or professors of politics that back your claim.

I can throw this out to back my claim.

LOL, how can you dismiss my sources as biased and therefore non-admissable, yet you post a source where there motto is "breaking news and views for the progressive community"?? Man, talk about a double standard!!

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