Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7039|Las Vegas
^ Definitely a great idea.
The Disturbed One
+14|6996|Tucson, AZ, USA, Earth
oh and i think someone else mentioned this but my "more victims/more enemies" dont show up. overall though looks awsome chuy.
Make love not war
The more victims/enemies is because not everyone's in the new database yet, until you're current victims/enemies are in there no-one will show.

Couple of things that haven't been mentioned:
The BF:SF stats are missing on my profile. I'm assuming its cos I don't have SF so theres no point in showing them (great idea IMO!) but wouldn't it make sense to do the same for unlocks/awards?

When any of the rollover divs display, the table headers text colour gets brighter and then darker again when I move the mouse away.

Think this was might of been mentioned but the first time I loaded the page the awards where displayed half way accross the table (with the first column taking up the first half). When I rollover one of the awards it all sorts itself out and its fine when I view the page again. I'm guessing its something to do with my cache clearing out, but I tried clearing it manually and it didn't happen. This is also a bug with the current setup.

I'm running Firefox 1.51 on XP SP2
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6995|Canberra, AUS

CovertNinja4 wrote:

I have met the 5h requirement for a special forces ribbon, but i don't have it for some reason. anyone know why? i don't know who to ask so i thought i'd throw it out there.
Have you played all the rounds etc?


Anyway, what happened to the nice graphs?

And are you going to change the stats links
<=====over here to the gibson ones?

Last edited by Spark (2006-03-22 22:18:07)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7039|Las Vegas

In due time mate.  It's still under construction and testing......give the guy a minute to finish what he started.
I'm pretty sure i have. if you go to my stats page on this website, it says i have all the 5 hours on the SAS team for the ribbon. maybe i'm missing

missing something** ^
I think its a general improvement on before except for a few gramatical errors, however the medals need to be recoded to show a tick when 100% is reached other wise it just looks weird, also the badges and ribbons fo SF have a ominous line underneath them but not all of them this needs t be sorted.

P.S. CHUY Wha is this secret project you are running Send me a message s the word doesnt get out.... i might be able to help

Wally 135
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|7043|Toronto, ON, CAN

Nessie09 wrote:

Just a minor error, but on the Navy Cross, Peoples Medailion and Golden Scimitar it says best_round... Think the _ doesn't belong there
You need to have a best round of 100 or more to get these Medals... It's in the Wiki and UBAR

As to the hits / kills errors people are mentioning:, I was under the impression that this was caused by things such as being commander holding the shotgun, when you artillery someone, or for those moments when your AT mine kills someone, and it just registers the kill as:
SunTzu [killed] "someone else"

Requirements for the SF ribbons: I thought I saw long discussions about the requirement being 50 hours in theater for the ribbon, and not 5. Also that you need to play all the maps for that ribbon (SAS has to play night flight, Warlord and Ghost town, and have a total of 50 hours in these to receive the ribbon). I have 20 more hours till I can prove that myself though (don't hold your breath waiting on that from me...)

Beta comments for Chuy: here is my little list of recommendations, do what you will with them

1 - G.R.  Definition- unless you plan on bringing back the global rankings (which looks as likely as the return of the BF2S Sigs), this isn't necessary
2 - Awards time requirement met - you have these converting to checkmarks in the standard stats screen when 100% is achieved. I didn't know if this was intentional, or some code that hasn't been done yet.
2.1 - Awards - This would be an opportunity to get the time requirements for the SF medals / ribbons fixed
3 - Graphs - There missing. This I believe is a good thing (and don't get me wrong, I like the graphs, and use that more than the static info). For many machines, the graphs take a long time to load. This is done I presume, using an interrupt routine, because it locks up the web browser while it is loading. Keep the graphs at the bottom of the page, but as a default, no stats are loaded into the graph. The user selects the graph they would like to see after the rest of the page has loaded.
4 - Multiple Awards - for things like the Good Conduct Medal, when you can get it more than once, it would be good to see the requirements to earn again, not just when it was last received.
5 - Time requirement for Awards - For things like the kill streak needed or best round points required, the number of days is not really a good measurement. It should just detail what your current best is (Best round score / Current best kill streak) and skip the number of days altogether.
6 - Kills with (knife / pistol) 100% - if you have passed the 100% mark, it could either go back to the checkmark, or show in green, the number of kills you have

And my props on the New features:
- sort ascending / decending on the titles of each section is so sweet! Ranking my best rounds, or time spent really is useful triva (which is also an oxymoron I believe)
- ad free! Okay, this is just a beta thing... Chuy needs new felt for the pool table
- requirements for Basic / Vet / Expert are displayed... brought a tear to my eyes to realize at my current rate, it will take me 89 YEARS to get my Zip line Expert!
- Dude, this is just clean. It was fast to load, probably because there is only a couple of thousand using it, instead of 10K, but it was a fresh layout, without the harsh white screen background (that your "competition" all use).
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|7043|Toronto, ON, CAN

CovertNinja4 wrote:

missing something** ^
Yes you are.... it is called the edit post button:

Could have saved the second posting.
To answer your question, please refer to my previous posting. Section called Requirements for the SF ribbons.

I "fix" things
+107|6990|The Netherlands

SunTzu wrote:

Nessie09 wrote:

Just a minor error, but on the Navy Cross, Peoples Medailion and Golden Scimitar it says best_round... Think the _ doesn't belong there
You need to have a best round of 100 or more to get these Medals... It's in the Wiki and UBAR
No, I ment that there was a underscore between "best" and "round"
I know about UBAR

SunTzu also wrote:

Requirements for the SF ribbons: I thought I saw long discussions about the requirement being 50 hours in theater for the ribbon, and not 5. Also that you need to play all the maps for that ribbon (SAS has to play night flight, Warlord and Ghost town, and have a total of 50 hours in these to receive the ribbon). I have 20 more hours till I can prove that myself though (don't hold your breath waiting on that from me...)
In a previous post Chuy mentioned that he was getting the DICE maser list (for the awards) and that he will sort all things then.

Last edited by Nessie09 (2006-03-23 13:42:43)

Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|7043|Toronto, ON, CAN

Nessie09 wrote:

No, I ment that there was a underscore between "best" and "round"
I am sorry, I misread your posting. Feel free to flame me

Nessie09 wrote:

In a previous post Chuy mentioned that he was getting the DICE maser list (for the awards) and that he will sort all things then.
Then that saves you 20 hours of waiting for me to play more warlord.

On another note, I noticed when I got home, that Chuy had already placed the sorting (ascending / decending) in the regulat stats page.
As my punishment for posting the obvious, I'll place myself in the corner, with the big cone hat!
Make love not war

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

[color=cyan][b]First of all, the alignment is wonky, and the whole thing is way too spread out, I like the compact version already made.
Here's a fix

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Secondly, I'm missing victims. If you compare this picture with my stats on the stats page already made you will see. … ing7ev.gif
it's a new database and you're victims aren't in it yet. Once they request their stats they'll be in the database and they'll show

Nessie09 wrote:

Just a minor error, but on the Navy Cross, Peoples Medailion and Golden Scimitar it says best_round... Think the _ doesn't belong there
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm guessing the system has been built with i18n in mind, the best_round reffering to a string in a file or database. If thats the case its simply cos that string is missing, still something that needs fixed mind!

Here's the wonky layout I mentioned before. Next time I load the page, or when I rollover an award, it fixes itself, also doesn't appear every time I view the page. Could just be something funny on my browser and not much you can do about it.
Hates most server admins.
first i thought the bars below an award would be a bug, but its a feature.

but showing that i met requirements to get the purple heart is just stupid
shhhh! are we hunting wabbits?
BF2s' little helper
Under the achivement section the "capture flag" is a bit off.

It says I capture ~40 flags a day I'm good but not that good think its more like 4.0.

Still, I'd like to make a request, that I've made before: Under the acheivement section there should be a box for "how often you finish in the top 3": calculated: total amount of stars (Gold Stars + Silver Stars + Bronze Stars) devided by total played battles (battles Lost + battles Won).

That would be cool.

Anyways it looks cool mate *thumbs up

EDIT: found some "new" issues (They are also present now)

Under the Theater section:

Theater           Wins          Loss       Ratio

USMC               1,607         1,341    1.00
MEC             1,112            965      0.00

Last edited by Z-trooper (2006-03-24 06:03:51)

Gam Man
I dont see a single change - which means a job well done.

The only noticable difference for me is:
Last night I viewed my stats for the first time in a week, and 5:52 was in the "Time Until Next Update" box.  Then this morning, I checked again, it said 2:31.  That was over a 6 hour period.  And my stats did not update between that time.

No biggy, Ill give it its 2:31 and check again, hopefully it will just be a one time bug.
Hmm, I put my PID in the add. bar and got a 404 error.
+0|7031|Melbourne, Australia
Found an issue with the badges where I have the Expert Resupply badge and the black bar is under the icon but the same doesnt happen with the Expert Support Combat badge
i put my PID in and it was exactly the same as normal?!?!

Roomaster wrote:

i put my PID in and it was exactly the same as normal?!?!
Put your PID in the address not the box at the top left of the page, that still links to the old page.
Score: 5,211 of 8,000. At your historical rate, you should earn 2 in 111 days (or 00:02:27 straight).

"It's Recharging!"

BellusEndus wrote:

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

[color=cyan][b]First of all, the alignment is wonky, and the whole thing is way too spread out, I like the compact version already made.
Here's a fix
Why is it that everyone who uses firefox does that? It's quite hypocritical if you ask me. You're really no better than the people who use IE or otherwise write html specifically for IE, or any one browser.

I can't really confirm anything right now, nor do I have the desire too, but I'm guessing theres an easy fix to make the new stats page compatible with most browsers. I think its actually better to code html for a browser such as Firefox, as default, and go back later when everythings done to fix it for IE and other browsers, because Firefox displays the content in a more standard way, so if something is wrong in IE or whatever, its obviously non-standard.

Theres really not much one can do about it except spend more time trying to hack a workaround for something thats not up to standard (IE), whether chuy plans too or not (I'm guessing he will due to the large IE majority of people here), is up to him.

But be aware, for some people, it's just easier to use IE.. and unless a very large majority of web sites they visit are all screwed up in IE, they probably arnt going to switch their primary browser for just one web site.

Asside from that, I agree with one of the previous posts about not loading stats into the flash graph unless the user wants to view it, as they've mentioned, there's a 2 second or so lock up when it loads, which is kind of annoying when scrolling down when you want to view something real quick.


So, many things fixed.

#1) Queue system now ... dun dun dun! Re-queues! (This means you can, effectively, start using these pages as your regular stats page.)

#2) "pretty" urls are enabled, eg (Ending slash required, and only PID's accepted -- I know this is a change, but strings were REALLY problematic. Adapt.)

#3) Rank TTA fixed -- currently investigating some things to do with how it shows "progression"

#4) Award display made more like it used to be (check marks) -- also, I updated a whole slew of awards from the EA files.

#5) Uhm...checking SVN log.... actually, those were the big bugs.

Some issues brought up:

- CPH: going to be moved to an "achievement" page which will be dedicated to more "KPM/SPM" type statistics and expanded.

- Graphs: Already on a separate page -- a very sexy page that looks something like this. (please be forewarned, you are 90% guaranteed to see errors here, lots of new code.) All kinds of "graph lag" here, but it's ONLY graphs, so you know to expect it
and I'm not a raincoat...
Fantastic work, Chuy!

The whole stats page loaded very fast and I was within a second ready to scroll down. The graphs-stats page is alos very nice. One small thing thought, on the stats page the next quote is still out of alignment, im using Firefox.

B.R. = Best Round, G.R. = Global Ranking

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