+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
So, the other day I was kicked from a server for, I quote, "Being too liberal"

This beside the fact that me and my friends play with the tags +=AB=+ which is Anti-Bush, and our squad name is always that, but we've been doing it for about 4 months now and this is the first an admin has done anything to us. HAHAHA

I'll get a screen of the punkbuster thing later. This was just hilarious when I was kicked, I couldn't stop laughing, I almost fell out of my chair.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6880|Honolulu, HI
LMAO, how'd the admins find out what AB stood for?

I've seen pretty creative clan tags before (6 letters or less of course), like FUBUSH, GWBSUX, etc.  But never have I seen them get kicked for being "too liberal"...Technically you could be a conservative and still think Bush sucks, so whatever...

Good god, though.  That's awesome.  You sound like my kind of guy Rizen_Ji.  If I see you in a server let's flood the chat with anti-Bush sentiment and see if we both get kicked.
+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
LOL, our squad name was Anti-Bush, so if you ever see me and my friends just join us.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6880|Honolulu, HI
Haha!  The admin didn't like your squad name?? Geez, go figure...statpadders, teamkillers, racists and swearers will go unnoticed while the Admin kicks members of a squad called "Anti Bush".  Classic.

What, conservatives can't be the like the 'party of tolerance' every now and then?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-03-18 18:30:45)

That's just sad. Oh man...

Mad props.
So? The admin wanted to keep political issues out of his server. What's the big deal?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
Can I join your squad?   I've been itching to show off my gung-ho liberalism (that's an oximoron for most liberals, and I'm also a lib)

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-03-19 01:00:29)

I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
I am a conservative and I'm very UNHAPPY with the way our administration is being ran.If I saw that squad on my server,I probalby would've laughed and commended your clan of the name.
+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
LOL, I just thought the whole situation was freaking hilarious. I mean seriously, he kicks me of all people??? o.O

R.Rabshaw wrote:

So? The admin wanted to keep political issues out of his server. What's the big deal?
I agree. No one wants to be forced to look upon someone else's political views while trying to have a little fun in a game.

Let it go hippies, Bush will be gone in a few more years.
set your body ablaze

R.Rabshaw wrote:

So? The admin wanted to keep political issues out of his server. What's the big deal?
Except he was specifically kicked for being "too liberal." I could understand if they were arguing politics on the public channel instead of playing the game but that just sounds like admin abuse to me. "You don't agree with my views, so you can't play on my server." I know admins have some power over who plays on their servers but they also owe it to the people on their server to create a fair playing environment, and kicking somebody because you're too sensitive about political issues isn't very responsible.
You could only sue over it if the US government owned and ran the server =p

I myself wouldn't care, but I do think him asking you to change it would of been better. I could see some half cocked guy making a squad in protested named 'Kerry was a Fag' or some shit like that. Then you would of had to one up him, and it could of gotten out of control quickly, kinda like our senate now a days =p

So while I think its a good idea to leave all the crap out of the game, he hsould of had you change the name, or changed it for you, not kicked you. I even voted for Bush but I side with you kinda sorta =p
Horseman 77
Instant Cure for Liberals, work your way into the 50% Tax bracket.  Done.
Mod Incarnate

Horseman 77 wrote:

Instant Cure for Liberals, work your way into the 50% Tax bracket.  Done.
Try and keep it on topic please.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Instant Cure for Liberals, work your way into the 50% Tax bracket.  Done.
Shit, with all the taxes added up 90% of America is knocking on th 50% door already.
+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
finally decided to get my screenie

+224|6837|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
i amd a conservitive but i would of laugth at ur ass and told every one about it, no offense. thats good stuff
+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
dude i almost fell out of the chair laughing from this.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida

Tushers wrote:

i amd a conservitive but i would of laugth at ur ass and told every one about it, no offense. thats good stuff
dude, he SAID he was laughing in his FIRST FREAKIN POST!!

typical conservative
Several illogical liberals and conservatives in here, I too mean no disregard, but the moment someone generalizes the other party it immediately dehumanizes them and leaves them to stereotypes.  Not very politically smart/friendly either way.  We have enough zealot conservatives/liberals in this country who think they know everything about the other party's rational but can't find it in themselves to empathize with the other party.  You will convince no one if you can't empathize and show it to someone with a different belief system.

Anyhow, I think the AB think being kicked for AB is a bit much, a warning would have sufficed, but kicking just shows an outright disdain for others with different views.  Oh and if you think that is bad, a few friends of mine and I made a Al-Queda clan on our college CS 1.6 server, we all had names like Osama, Jihad, towel-head,etc.  Totally inappropriate, especially since it was less only a half year after 9/11.  The only thing comical about it, was that we played as the terrorists and kept annihilatiing the other team.  Regardless, that was when I was as forementioned a zealot who was polared against the mainstream pro-iraq war conflict.  Anyhow, I suggest you leave politics out of the game, you only give liberals like myself a bad name by being politically-unfriendly.

Last edited by DebonairXcel (2006-03-20 22:30:41)

+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.

i decide to share a hilarious moment with everyone, and it turns into a conservative vs liberal debate.

+5|6767|United States of America
You and your squadmates shouldn't have been kicked for your political views, its un-American and just outright prejudice.But then on the otherhand there IS a wrong and right place to protest, I dont think that an anti-war march across the bridge in Tabara Quary is the RIGHT place but power to the people and keep livin' up you rights that your citizenship gives you.

Spearhead wrote:

typical conservative
With a comment like this, you my friend are no better then those jackass admins that gave Rizen the boot. Typical narrow-minded idiot.
+0|6908| Bosnia & Herzegovina
you should definetly report this to bf2rankedservers.com
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
Wow.... ok, ok, ok.  Please don't take people on the internet seriously 100 percent of the time.  I meant it as a joke.  I'm not all the way on the left, but for christs sake, it was a joke.  I apologize.  I do not think it was as bad as horsemans comment.

My fathers side of the family happens to be 100 percent conservative- except for him.  Again, I apologize.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-03-21 17:24:19)

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