
whats your opinion on marriage?

Its useless in modern day society14%14% - 8
It is good for many reasons69%69% - 39
Its Shogunistic5%5% - 3
Its downright stupid idea10%10% - 6
Total: 56

B.Schuss wrote:

[1]well, that depends on your definition of "family", I'd say. the stereotype family ( mum, dad, 2 kids, and a dog ) really doesn't exist any more these days. At least , those families are the minority.

[2]It's all about good parenting, and just having mum and dad doesn't guarantee a good childhood / upbringing. I know a lot of single mums/dads who do an outstanding job, sometimes better than those living in "intact" ( mind the quotes) families.
[1] I can find several of those those on every suburb block around here, so I would hesitate before I said that they were extinct.

[2] You are correct, but it is loads easier to deal with children when you have two parents tag-teaming them. Not that I'm slamming any single-parent families (some do an outstanding job), but the majority I've seen over my years have been a bit psychotic.

Junglist Massive

Xaritix wrote:

I believe that marriage is a wast of 10,000+ dollars and its shogunistic and ect.

I think its stupid how modern day society obsesses with marriage

Plus, the only reason why everyone has a romantic partner is because society brainwashen them from birth

And lots of people live OK lives with an obsession with someone, and I'm not nesesarily that obsessed with Paris Hilton, but not entirerly none-obsessed

And its evil how little girls are brainwashed into dreaming about their wedding
STOP SAYING SHOGUNISTIC!!!!  IT ISN'T A WORD!!!!  IT HAS NO MEANING!!!!!!!  Seriously though, you're hurting my eyes!

You talk about brainwashing but you are obsessed with some ugly spoilt girl from the TV, so surely you are the one who has been brainwashed.   You realize in your world where there are just pale faced nerds sitting in little rooms wanking over their screen that humanity would be dead within one generation?

Plus you should just forget about PH, she is far too mature for you, and that says something.

And isn't she looking for new future husband anyway, since the last engagement didn't work when she found out he was skint.  Another reason to stop telling people that you don't want a girlfriend unless it's Paris Hilton.
+1|6943|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
Ha Ha, very funny unnamednewbie13, very funny

OK, I was just kidding about not getting a girlfriend unless its "her", I am also Lol'n 'ya about the pale faced nerd stuff, I am palefaced, and like star trek and star wars, but I do not have braces or glasses, and I am not afraid of women entirely, just a little bit, and I am not that obsessed with her.  So don't start to get all serious about it

and unnamednewbie13, she will, she will oneday. lol

And Shogunistic is an actual word meaning: "opression of females in the favor of men", or something like that

and by the way, i'm 16, not 18. EVEN WORSE, I almost fooled myself into thinking that, AHHHHHHHHHHH!

Last edited by Xaritix (2006-03-21 13:46:39)

Junglist Massive

Xaritix wrote:

Ha Ha, very funny unnamednewbie13, very funny

OK, I was just kidding about not getting a girlfriend unless its "her", I am also Lol'n 'ya about the pale faced nerd stuff, I am palefaced, and like star trek and star wars, but I do not have braces or glasses, and I am not afraid of women entirely, just a little bit, and I am not that obsessed with her.  So don't start to get all serious about it

and unnamednewbie13, she will, she will oneday. lol

And Shogunistic is an actual word meaning: "opression of females in the favor of men", or something like that

and by the way, i'm 16, not 18. EVEN WORSE, I almost fooled myself into thinking that, AHHHHHHHHHHH!
No, chauvanistic is an actual word meaning: extreme and unreasoning partisanship on behalf of a group to which one belongs, especially when the partisanship includes malice and hatred towards a rival group. The term is derived from Nicolas Chauvin, a soldier under Napoleon Bonaparte, due to his fanatical zeal for his Emperor.

And the actual term for the what you mean is Male Chauvinism.  The phrase you have heard it in is: "Male Chauvinist Pig".   I don't see that getting married is particularly 'Chauvinist(ic)' but getting married to 30 women at the same time and beating them all might be borderline
+1|6943|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
That was not the main point of what I sayed, i'd like it if we continued this conversation about...you know who, its funny when everyone makes fun of me about...you know who
Junglist Massive
If you insist:  The only way you have a chance with you-know-who is if you become the next Bill Gates, or at least top 10 richest, change your views on marriage (I ain't saying she a gold digga), and get a massive surgically enhanced d........
+1|6943|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
I am trying to become a game designer, and make an OS for a computer
Junglist Massive

Xaritix wrote:

I am trying to become a game designer, and make an OS for a computer
Isn't everyone?  Unfortunately, you need to steal the OS to become the next Bill Gates.  Well, sort of.
+105|6950|Lexington, KY

Xaritix wrote:

I, personally, think that marriage is useless in modern day society for these reasons:

-Its a waste of money, with 10,000 dollars as the average price, and 500 dollars for a cake
-people can just live together, its no longer so taboo (unless in South Dakota)
-the only difference between that and living together, is a piece of paper
-this is 2006, not 1850
-the fact that the bride gets her last name taken away is shogunistic
-the whole idea of marriage is shogunistic
-wine and champaign is for preppies

I personally, being an 18 year-old pale faced nerd, never will get married, even with paris hilton

Post your opinions here

Xaritix wrote:

Ha Ha, very funny unnamednewbie13, very funny

OK, I was just kidding about not getting a girlfriend unless its "her", I am also Lol'n 'ya about the pale faced nerd stuff, I am palefaced, and like star trek and star wars, but I do not have braces or glasses, and I am not afraid of women entirely, just a little bit, and I am not that obsessed with her.  So don't start to get all serious about it

and unnamednewbie13, she will, she will oneday. lol

And Shogunistic is an actual word meaning: "opression of females in the favor of men", or something like that

and by the way, i'm 16, not 18. EVEN WORSE, I almost fooled myself into thinking that, AHHHHHHHHHHH!
First off, are you 18 or 16.  Seems like you do not even know, or were you trying to impress people by saying you are 18 to start with.  Second, shogunistic, is not a English word, at least in the US.  Check what Webster says about it at the site below.


So unless this is a local dialect, it is not a word, and the last time I checked when some says "or something like that" when trying to state a fact, then they do not know what they are talking about.

BTW, if you are serious about Paris, give it up.  She will not marry you, or even give you a second of her life.  She would not want to be with someone who is "cool" and nerds are not "cool" to the general public.

Last edited by dubbs (2006-03-21 15:41:41)

+1|6943|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
I told everyone at first that I am 18, because its a closer age to her, but I realized that I could just fes up and tell everyone I'm 16, 16 is my real age
Mod Incarnate
This thread is on the edge of being closed. Lets turn the topic away from Paris Hilton and Xaritix's spelling deficiency.
+1|6943|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
I, for once, agree with Skruples, I never intended this thread to be about my obsessions, I wanted it to be about my crackpot theorys. lol
I'm moving to Brazil

the_heart_attack wrote:

this isnt stalker.net
Its not lol ......

If you are trying to impress people with your age, 18 is irrelevant to anybody of that age or above. You'd be better off with saying you're 25, 30, or just being honest and going with 16 (or your real age). Nobody cares.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-03-21 18:44:21)

+1|6943|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
blademaster, is that a picture of...you know who?

and I am not a Stalker!

I suggest we get back to the F***ing subject of marriage, and not you-know-who

Last edited by Xaritix (2006-03-21 19:09:14)


Xaritix wrote:

I, personally, think that marriage is useless in modern day society for these reasons:

-Its a waste of money, with 10,000 dollars as the average price, and 500 dollars for a cake
-people can just live together, its no longer so taboo (unless in South Dakota)
-the only difference between that and living together, is a piece of paper
-this is 2006, not 1850
-the fact that the bride gets her last name taken away is shogunistic
-the whole idea of marriage is shogunistic
-wine and champaign is for preppies

I personally, being an 18 year-old pale faced nerd, never will get married, even with paris hilton

Post your opinions here
Then why do you care?
+1|6943|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
I am trying to get my opinion out to the public and get the opinion of the general populus
The general public doesnt listen to a pale faced 18 year old gamer.
If you can read this, your already dead
+33|7000|Stillwater, Ok
Marriage is definately important.  Like most people have said it is a connection between the love 2 people share.  However it is primarily an institution among religions to recognize a man/women couple.  I have not seen such a bond as man/man or women/women recongnized by todays religions.  I guess thats why those religions died out...they couldnt figure out who the hell to fuck.  But in all honesty you don't have to blow a fortune. You can simply go to a court now and get married or legally recongized as so. I am all for it and damn if your only 16 and working on an OS congrats on being technilogically smarter than me....but I like the ladies and that is why I like to party.  Man spring Break kicked ass this year
The Microwave Man
I didnt pay anywhere near 10,000$ dollars of averge so I don't know where the fuck you live, probly Commieforna , but as an athiest I felf dowright wierd when I had to bless God in my ceromony . It might as well been fucking Santa Cluas we were praying to .
+1|6943|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
It is not commiefornia just because its a "blue state"

And I do not yet know how to make an OS, but I intend on researching it, and maby I might oneday get married once my parents croak so they don't rub it in my face, (but only if its to you-know-who), I generally am against marriage, so only if its to you-know-who
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

Xaritix wrote:

It is not commiefornia just because its a "blue state"

And I do not yet know how to make an OS, but I intend on researching it, and maby I might oneday get married once my parents croak so they don't rub it in my face, (but only if its to you-know-who), I generally am against marriage, so only if its to you-know-who
ok thats enough of this dribble.

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