+42|7161|Waikato, Aotearoa
Damn, i never expected this kind of reply. Seems you are all still pretty pissed huh!?

OK so, I apologise for the comments that i posted above.
I also apologise to the NRA and its members for the (looking back in time) rather rude statements that I said.


Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

The main reason why americans kill eachother with guns is that war and weapons are very glorified in the states. In my country, sweden, we havent fought a war for 200 years. And we are kinda proud of that. I dont really know the exact number, but i think no more than 30-50 people die from gunshot every year here in sweden. The population aint that big but still, compared to the US it is a very very small amount.

So war is glorified in the US since you guys only lost 1 or 2 wars. Sweden used to fight alot back in the 1700 and such, but no more. Now our armed forces are peacekeepers and such, but unfortunatly two swedish marines were killed not a week ago in Afghanistan. So the future is unclear, but I hope that Sweden will continue being a  rolemodel for peace, and that i dont have to fight for things i dont believe in, like a war in a distant country. Like you guys are doing in Iraq. I think it was nessesary to invade Iraq, but torturing and lying about the excistence of nuclear weapons was really a blow to my belief in the US.

(Sorry for my bad english i suck i know)
Your'e telling me that sweden is free from games like Battlefield 2?  free from movies that glorify kiling?  no movies in your country about killing?  Well, i've never been so i don't know, but seems to me there is more than that. 

Do the swedish "pride" themselfs on helping the germans during WWII?....Pride themselvs on the fact that they made money off the holocaust?  Hell, in fact we Americans feel bad it took us SO LONG to stop the germans.  What you take pride in we take shame.  We turned our backs untill our country was attacked by the japanees.  We TRIED to be peackeepers and not get involved, and look what happend!

I'm not going to argue about the violence here, but you have to think about the divercity within this country.  very many different people, many different beliefs.  I hope one day we will be able to sit back and enjoy life like countries like yours, but untill then we need to help stablize the world and get other countries on the same page as us.  I'm glad you see the reason for invading Iraq, and I hope you understand it was never about neuclear weapons.  I"m pretty sure if we believed he already had them we would have never went out of fear he would use them.  I wish my president didn't use that exscuse, because he didn't have to. 

And I also hope you understand that we do not believe in torture.  It happend, and may happen again, but we're not the savage country many people make us out to be. The fact is that we are a relativly new country, still undergoing changes and with so many different beliefs and cultures we are doing pretty good.

Wether or not you believe it, we want peace.  The question is how to achieve it?  We'd been "peacfull" for 10 years when osama attacked us.  When that happend we learned that we cannot achieve peace by ignoring our enemies.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

I have read through all of the arguments, and although I don't support the right to bear firearms ( at least not for my country ), I can understand why other countries might have different views on the subject. It is up to the lawmakers of each country to determine wether legal gun ownership should be allowed.

Personally though, I do believe that it is not necessary to allow everybody to own a firearm for personal safety. Many european countries ( most, I believe ) have banned private gun ownership, and we still can walk the streets safely here and the criminals have not taken over. public safety is very high over here.

with that said, I come to my central question, which I would like to put to my friends from the US.
I have looked at a statistic from 2002, murders in total in the US: 14,054 ( source: FBI, link: http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius_02/html/web … .html#t210 ) and compared that to the number of murders in germany for the same year: 1,032 ( source: BKA, link: http://www.bka.de/pks/pks2002/index2.html ). Please note that the lower graph is the number of actually committed murders, the upper graphs shows the total number of attempted murders.

just comparing the raw numbers, one might come to the conclusion that about 14 times more people are killed in the US than in germany. "hold it, m8", I hear you scream, "germany has only 82,000,000 inhabitants, the US has 290,000,000 !"

Agreed, but even if you take that into consideration, the number from the US is too high. per 100,000 inhabitants, it would be something like 4,84 murders/100,000 for the US, compared to 1,26 murders/100,000 for germany.

which leads me to the question: Is the US society more violent than other societies ? Has America a history of violence which makes it different from any other modern western society ?  I don't want to bring up Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" again, cause I know it is incredibly biased and opinionated, but I believe Moore has a point here.
Dear TheDrNailsguy. I wrote that two swedish soldiers were killed recently in afghanistan.
Now, in sweden war is rather distant. But i think the swedes will have to get used to the fact that its no longer about soldiers fighting "overseas" as you call it, its a war which isnt too distant anymore. I personally think that the new kind of warfare will involve west versus east. And since the US and Europe both qualify as "west" we must fight side by side versus this new threat. When swedish civilians are being hurt by terrorists, the swedes will no longer be so peaceful and peacekeeping. People will rise just like in the US and they will want to fight. To defend their country and family. So listen to this: I understand your situation. Being a rolemodel for freedom and being the most hated country in the world is not easy. The leaders of the US will have to find a perfect balance.  And the average swede and european will soon understand this. It has already happended in the UK and spain, and soon the rest of europe will be understanding what lies ahead.
After the last two posts I'd have to say that EDUCATION is probly the difference in our countries because although you have different opinions on gun control and crime, you have an OPEN MIND, something that's not so common over here.
  It's actually rather comforting to know that not everyone hates me for the country I live in.  Our media isn't state run but it's rather biased because all I ever see on T.V. is flag burning anti american demonstrations in every country, and that's coming from Fox News AND CNN.   

The fact is that even if we do not have to keep guns for self preservation, some of us find them rather fun to just go to a range and shoot.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

TheDrNailsGuy wrote:

After the last two posts I'd have to say that EDUCATION is probly the difference in our countries because although you have different opinions on gun control and crime, you have an OPEN MIND, something that's not so common over here.
  It's actually rather comforting to know that not everyone hates me for the country I live in.  Our media isn't state run but it's rather biased because all I ever see on T.V. is flag burning anti american demonstrations in every country, and that's coming from Fox News AND CNN.   

The fact is that even if we do not have to keep guns for self preservation, some of us find them rather fun to just go to a range and shoot.
Moore ( yes, i know, him again ) calls this "culture of fear". He lines out that the media increased reports about violent crimes even when crime rates were dropping. Same goes for reports on terror, I guess. If you keep the masses afraid and uninformed, they are more likely to follow you. They are also more likely to consume more, which will help boost economy.

People have different opinions on what is only perceived as a threat and what is really a threat.
As you say, information and education are key here to be able to differentiate between the two.

to put it diferently: I am sure sales of guns and other personal defense equipment did rise considerably after
9/11. But does the fact that some farmer in Ohio is now sleeping with a Glock under his pillow make him more safe against terrorist attacks ?

B.Schuss wrote:

to put it diferently: I am sure sales of guns and other personal defense equipment did rise considerably after
9/11. But does the fact that some farmer in Ohio is now sleeping with a Glock under his pillow make him more safe against terrorist attacks ?
There were indeed increases in firearm purchases after 9/11 but your idea of a farmer sleeping with a gun under his pillow is a bit silly. No responsible gun owner would ever sleep with a gun under his pillow, at least not a loaded one. That goes against the four basic rules of firearm safety.

But yes, that farmer owning a firearm does make him safer. From terrorists? Probably not, it's doubtful they're going to attack his farm anytime soon. But he is now capable of defending his life, his land, his family and his freedom from anyone that wishes to take those things from him.
The reason that people hate the USA is simply because of stupidity. Its like going with the flow. Disliking the US is popular, and most 15 year old european kids probably dont think about why they hate the US. Just following the flow, and dont be unpopular. That stinks
+0|7053|Brissvegas AUST
Man think yourself lucky that ya can have guns at all. here in australia we cant have any guns really.... cause of that bloody martin bryant (port Arthur massicre)..... ruined it for all of us, i own a .22 bolt action,illegally mind you but i dont run around trying to shoot people just roo's, feral cats really.

B.Schuss wrote:

with that said, I come to my central question, which I would like to put to my friends from the US.
I have looked at a statistic from 2002, murders in total in the US: 14,054 ( source: FBI, link: http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius_02/html/web … .html#t210 ) and compared that to the number of murders in germany for the same year: 1,032 ( source: BKA, link: http://www.bka.de/pks/pks2002/index2.html ). Please note that the lower graph is the number of actually committed murders, the upper graphs shows the total number of attempted murders.

just comparing the raw numbers, one might come to the conclusion that about 14 times more people are killed in the US than in germany. "hold it, m8", I hear you scream, "germany has only 82,000,000 inhabitants, the US has 290,000,000 !"

Agreed, but even if you take that into consideration, the number from the US is too high. per 100,000 inhabitants, it would be something like 4,84 murders/100,000 for the US, compared to 1,26 murders/100,000 for germany.
Check the US Stats, only 9500 +/- of those murders were firearms related. Should we ban Fists because 1000 people were beaten to death last year? prevent me from studying my martial arts because I now posess the ability to defend/attack?

Yeah, we're a violent culture, but we live in a violent world. Sorry to tell ya, but most humans are scumbags.

Now, for my stance on gun control.

back in the days, we needed it to prevent the Limeys from regaining control over us, or from our governement trying to pull a fast one and throw a monarchy back in the mix.

Nowadays, private citizens need firearms to protect themselves from criminal scumbags who procure firearms for personal sport/ lifestyle enhancement. I personally don't own one, and don't feel I need one in my particular area.

I like guns, I just don't feel the need for one. If a guy lives in the hood, and needs one to protect his family, he should be able to. You think a criminal will offer to fight you instead of shoot you because you don't have one?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

FeloniousMonk wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

to put it diferently: I am sure sales of guns and other personal defense equipment did rise considerably after
9/11. But does the fact that some farmer in Ohio is now sleeping with a Glock under his pillow make him more safe against terrorist attacks ?
There were indeed increases in firearm purchases after 9/11 but your idea of a farmer sleeping with a gun under his pillow is a bit silly. No responsible gun owner would ever sleep with a gun under his pillow, at least not a loaded one. That goes against the four basic rules of firearm safety.

But yes, that farmer owning a firearm does make him safer. From terrorists? Probably not, it's doubtful they're going to attack his farm anytime soon. But he is now capable of defending his life, his land, his family and his freedom from anyone that wishes to take those things from him.
come on...you know it was only an image I was using to get my point about perception of threats and people's reaction to it across. maybe you respond to my initial question ?

B.Schuss wrote:

FeloniousMonk wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

to put it diferently: I am sure sales of guns and other personal defense equipment did rise considerably after
9/11. But does the fact that some farmer in Ohio is now sleeping with a Glock under his pillow make him more safe against terrorist attacks ?
There were indeed increases in firearm purchases after 9/11 but your idea of a farmer sleeping with a gun under his pillow is a bit silly. No responsible gun owner would ever sleep with a gun under his pillow, at least not a loaded one. That goes against the four basic rules of firearm safety.

But yes, that farmer owning a firearm does make him safer. From terrorists? Probably not, it's doubtful they're going to attack his farm anytime soon. But he is now capable of defending his life, his land, his family and his freedom from anyone that wishes to take those things from him.
come on...you know it was only an image I was using to get my point about perception of threats and people's reaction to it across. maybe you respond to my initial question ?
My second paragraph did exactly that.
Horseman 77

Sh1fty2k5 wrote:

The main reason why americans kill eachother with guns is that war and weapons are very glorified in the states. In my country, sweden, we havent fought a war for 200 years. And we are kinda proud of that. I dont really know the exact number, but i think no more than 30-50 people die from gunshot every year here in sweden. The population aint that big but still, compared to the US it is a very very small amount.

So war is glorified in the US since you guys only lost 1 or 2 wars. Sweden used to fight alot back in the 1700 and such, but no more. Now our armed forces are peacekeepers and such, but unfortunatly two swedish marines were killed not a week ago in Afghanistan. So the future is unclear, but I hope that Sweden will continue being a  rolemodel for peace, and that i dont have to fight for things i dont believe in, like a war in a distant country. Like you guys are doing in Iraq. I think it was nessesary to invade Iraq, but torturing and lying about the excistence of nuclear weapons was really a blow to my belief in the US.

(Sorry for my bad english i suck i know)
what bullshit, like the Nazis or Russians would have left you alone If the USA hadnt bagged em for you.
You ever see Russian women? The USSR would have made the most of Sweden believe me.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7097|Great Brown North

kilroy0097 wrote:

SpanktorTheGreat:  On your comparison of guns and cars I can only say that in today's society time is of greater value and transportation is a means to further society. Do guns further society and save time? Not a very good comparison. Yes both the automobile and guns kill people all the time. But very few instances are car used to specifically kill another person. They are accidents. It is far less frequent that a gun kills someone by accident. A grand majority of gun related deaths are malicious and on purpose. So comparing cars and guns isn't a good argument. Find another one.

SpanktorTheGreat wrote:

I live in the hood (Pontiac, MI, go ahead and google the crime rate for this city). Right now, down the street there are some people lifting weights in their front yard. The gas station I’m looking at right now, a man was carjacked there this summer. They got his car and wallet then they left and then they came back to shoot him, he’s dead; the murders were 17 and 19 years old, not old enough to own the gun they used. I hear gunshots all night and every night.
I'm sorry to hear that you live in a crappy neighborhood. I hope nothing every happens to force you to use your firearms to defend yourself.

Point #1-If you take away every law abiding citizen’s firearms guess what? I’ll still hear the gunshots at night. This city doesn’t have the capital to protect it’s own citizens.
A grand majority of normal citizens require anything more than a handgun, shotgun or rifle in order to defend themselves, their home and their loved ones. Regulation of firearms does not take away the ability to acquire firearms for normal everyday citizens above the age of 25.

Point #2-True change comes from the inside of an individual, not from laws or government programs. Take away the guns and you have the same old misfortunate poor bastard, mad at the world, whose parents were too selfish to invest in his/her future. Sad but true!
Except now when he flips out he will run around the school with a butcher knife and most likely be stopped quicker than two teenagers taking a school hostage with guns.

Point #3-If something is to happen to this area like; natural disaster, drinking water sabotaged, power grid sabotaged, anything that will make times hard around here, and it happens as a planed attack on multiple areas from within this country at the same time, who do you think I will be defending myself from? The morons, thieves and thugs of this city, that’s who! Not terrorists! I will have to use force to get out and head north where it’s safe.

I legally possess an assault rifle, 12ga pump shotgun, and a .45 semi auto pistol, with enough ammo for a whole city block.  Are my wife and kids getting out with me if the crap hits the fan? You’re damn right they are!
This is a very extenuating circumstance in which hopefully you will never have to deal with. But if it should happen I believe that firearms that are available would be adequate enough for protection. Do you believe that an Assault Rifle will suddenly make you more safe in this situation?  It only takes one or two bullets to take someone down. I can achieve the same stopping power without an Assault Rifle. But that's just my opinion.

I hate guns, but I respect them as tools, and they are necessary unfortunately. The best kind to have is one you never have to use to defend yourself with. As far as locks, safes, and kids, hey when my kids are old enough to rack a round in a chamber of a firearm then they will be old enough to go to the range with me and see what a firearm is. I got my first 20ga when I was 11.
I do not believe that children should be shown how to use weapons until they are old enough to understand the severity in which a weapon would be used. If you choose to teach your child to fire a weapon then it should be done in a very strict fashion and entirely supervised. If you take you child hunting with you I expect that child to be trained and knowledge on how to use a gun safely. I expect that gun to be locked away safe when not in use and I do not expect to see a child have convenient access to a firearm.  The stability of children is in question and hormones can play nasty tricks on judgement. Common sense isn't all there also. Kids do stupid things, we all know this, we did them to. I will not however introduce a situation in which a child can make a stupid thing into a very deadly thing just because I choose not to take every procaution to secure my weapon.

If you choose to teach your children how to use guns then I expect you to be a responsible parent and take every procaution to make certain your children are not allowed at any time to use their guns in the wrong way.

Those are my opinions.
i agree killroy, i LOVE hunting and just going out and shooting cans and bottles at the range. ive grown up hunting and shooting. but i was also taught from a VERY young age to NEVER point a gun at anybody unless they were threatening you or your family.

i really have no idea what the laws are like in the US or anywhere else for that matter so i wont comment on them, but i do know that here (canada) the laws we have seem to be working very well.

as far as fully automatic weapons go, sure i would like to have one, it'd be fun to go shoot at things with it (not living things clearly) just the same as i would like to have a viper to go drive around at retardedly fast speeds.

my guns are always locked in a 1/8 inch steel case with 4 locks on it as well as having a seperate locked box for the bolts, magazines, and rounds for them. and the guns also have trigger locks on them at all times until we get to where we're going to do the shooting

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