
atlvolunteer wrote:

I swear!  These people that think making handguns illegal in SF is gonna make the city safer are deluding themselves!  The only people who are still gonna have handguns are going to be the criminals.  That's real fucking logical.
I know only in america does this happen . . .Take away the guns from the good legal people making it easier for killers to kill.

Burning_Monkey wrote:

I'd probably go for my Maglite. Maglite, the 'steel' pipe that law officers aren't supposed to be carrying.
hehe, it's used only for illumination and knocking on trailer doors.

Moving Target

RKF77 wrote:

Burning_Monkey wrote:

I'd probably go for my Maglite. Maglite, the 'steel' pipe that law officers aren't supposed to be carrying.
hehe, it's used only for illumination and knocking on trailer doors.

So that's what you call that.  "Yes, sir.  I illuminated the suspect.  Repeatedly, sir."
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

Burning_Monkey wrote:

RKF77 wrote:

Burning_Monkey wrote:

I'd probably go for my Maglite. Maglite, the 'steel' pipe that law officers aren't supposed to be carrying.
hehe, it's used only for illumination and knocking on trailer doors.

So that's what you call that.  "Yes, sir.  I illuminated the suspect.  Repeatedly, sir."

Burning_Monkey wrote:

RKF77 wrote:

Burning_Monkey wrote:

I'd probably go for my Maglite. Maglite, the 'steel' pipe that law officers aren't supposed to be carrying.
hehe, it's used only for illumination and knocking on trailer doors.

So that's what you call that.  "Yes, sir.  I illuminated the suspect.  Repeatedly, sir."
hahaha brilliant

That Tueller info is very interesting, btw.
Moving Target

FeloniousMonk wrote:

Burning_Monkey wrote:

RKF77 wrote:

hehe, it's used only for illumination and knocking on trailer doors.

So that's what you call that.  "Yes, sir.  I illuminated the suspect.  Repeatedly, sir."
hahaha brilliant

That Tueller info is very interesting, btw.
No problem.  I am always happy to try and help people out when I try and explain why I think that most gun control efforts today are nothing more than "feel good legislation".  The thing I would really like to see is stats on "hot" home invasions in England and how much of a rise in knife related crimes there has been since the ban on civilian ownership of guns.  I know that stab proof armor is now the standard amongst London law enforcement officers, but beyond that, I don't have any hard evidence to back up what I have heard from various sources.

Civilian ownership of guns was banned and robberies while the occupant was home went up drasticaly.  The reasoning being that you don't have to break in if the person is home, and you don't have to worry about the occupant if they are a law abiding citizen since they won't be armed.
+0|7032|Sacramento, California
Unfortunately, we live in a world that is populated with PEOPLE.  As long as there are people, there will be one wanting to do harm to another, or take away what the other has.  A gun in itself is no more dangerous than a hammer.  Both can be a useful tool, or a mechanism to inflict serious bodily injury.   The framers of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, placed the Second Amendment there for a reason.  These men lived under the tyranny inflicted by the king of Great Britain, and vowed that situation would never happen here in the now United States.  I strongly believe in the right to keep and bear arms.  I also believe that those who choose not to own a firearm have every right not to.  As a former marksmanship instructor and rifle team member in the USMC, I also believe in proper training and use of firearms.   As some have pointed out, a civilian does not need to own a military style firearm, but the beauty of LIBERTY is, one should have the right to make the choice of said ownership.  I resent the HELL out of some bleeding heart liberal puke telling me "YOU CAN"T"  as some of our British friends would say, "SOD OFF"   The firearm or the hammer is not the problem, the problem is the DIRTBAGS behind them.
y'know what's most entertaining to me about liberals....they claim that a woman should have "the right to chose" whether or not to abort her unborn child but demand that she not have "the right to chose" to defend herself from predators with a gun

Hypocrisy at its' finest.
+0|7032|Sacramento, California
General George S. Patton made an interesting statement.  "The lowest form of human being is the politician.  The lowest form of politician is a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT."
Horseman 77
If Nicole Simpson was a Gun owner she'd be a rich widow, If she was my duaghter O.J. would be asking Jimmy Hoffa to move over a bit,
This is my first post, but I feel after 15years in Law Enforcement in the USA specifically in California, I can give a little incite in this matter.

In 15 years I have never seen a GUN kill anyone, there has always been a person behind the gun committing the act. I would say that 95% of the time the person illegally obtained the weapon and is using the weapon to commit an illegal act.

The point of putting more laws on the books to control weapons does not address the fact that liberal society will never punish a person to the full extent of the law because there will always be a excuse made to explain there actions. Statistics prove that 90% of criminal activity is committed by 15% of the population, this mean that the same people are violating the laws on a continual bases.

If society would stop making excuses for people that are based on poverty level, ethnic background, traumatic experiences in life and put the blame were it belongs "People making conscience choices to commit criminal acts with a blatant disregard for others!!" we can start to address the problem

And before I get accused of being prejudice or racist I will say this, I am a Hispanic male who was born in New York and raised in the projects. I have lost two family members to violence and by societies standards have ever excuse to make all the wrong decisions, But I chose to do the right things.

People Kill Guns do not. Address the real problems, not the tools law-abiding citizens use to combat the problem!
+42|7161|Waikato, Aotearoa
You want my honest opinion on gun control?? Cut out the bit in the US Constitution "The Right To Bear Arms".
That was probably true 200 years ago when the US was young and had many enemies (namely the British and Indians), but in this day and age, why would anybody need to use an assult rifle or an automatic pistol?? Seriously. What possible reason would one need these weapons?? You want sensible gun control?? Go to the local 
gun shop and remove all military style rifles, SMGs and pistols....
Oh and the NRA - you can go fuck yourselves. Its people like you that give Mr Average the impression that its "cool" to own an M-16A2 or Baretta M92FS. Its not "cool" - its FRIGGIN DANGEROUS.
Horseman 77

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

You want my honest opinion on gun control?? Cut out the bit in the US Constitution "The Right To Bear Arms".
That was probably true 200 years ago when the US was young and had many enemies (namely the British and Indians), but in this day and age, why would anybody need to use an assult rifle or an automatic pistol?? Seriously. What possible reason would one need these weapons?? You want sensible gun control?? Go to the local 
gun shop and remove all military style rifles, SMGs and pistols....
Oh and the NRA - you can go fuck yourselves. Its people like you that give Mr Average the impression that its "cool" to own an M-16A2 or Baretta M92FS. Its not "cool" - its FRIGGIN DANGEROUS.
Well meaning , badly misinformed. a little bit of education is indeed a very dangerous thing.

Ahem... was it 200 years ago they had ethnic cleansing? and Try and buy an M16A2.
Horseman 77
I can sell you a gun that "looks like an M16A2" and you can pay full price hows that sound ?

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

You want my honest opinion on gun control?? Cut out the bit in the US Constitution "The Right To Bear Arms".
That was probably true 200 years ago when the US was young and had many enemies (namely the British and Indians), but in this day and age, why would anybody need to use an assult rifle or an automatic pistol?? Seriously. What possible reason would one need these weapons?? You want sensible gun control?? Go to the local 
gun shop and remove all military style rifles, SMGs and pistols....
Oh and the NRA - you can go fuck yourselves. Its people like you that give Mr Average the impression that its "cool" to own an M-16A2 or Baretta M92FS. Its not "cool" - its FRIGGIN DANGEROUS. read through that site before you reply it's of course very biased and a bit on the sensational side with many of the images but it does make a great point. maybe it'll give you a different outlook

give it a shot
Moving Target
I wonder how many people that play BF2 and go on about needing more gun control realize what the M24 really is, or for that matter what most sniper rifles are, with a few exceptions.

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

You want my honest opinion on gun control?? Cut out the bit in the US Constitution "The Right To Bear Arms".
That was probably true 200 years ago when the US was young and had many enemies (namely the British and Indians), but in this day and age, why would anybody need to use an assult rifle or an automatic pistol?? Seriously. What possible reason would one need these weapons?? You want sensible gun control?? Go to the local 
gun shop and remove all military style rifles, SMGs and pistols....
Oh and the NRA - you can go fuck yourselves. Its people like you that give Mr Average the impression that its "cool" to own an M-16A2 or Baretta M92FS. Its not "cool" - its FRIGGIN DANGEROUS.
If there was ever a time when the american people needed to arm themselves it's now.  It's kind of hard for a bank robber, terrorist, or rappist to take a hostage when half the people around him are armed.  After you take guns away, what's next?  knifes? Then what? Cars?  What is your hobby?   What do you like?  and imagin someone taking that away because they say "you don't NEED it. It can be harfull in the WRONG HANDS."  It's fine if you find guns too dangerous, but don't tell others what they NEED.  Cigaretts kill, Cars kill, Knifes kill, hands kill,  matches kill, tire tools kill, baseball bats kill, who come home early kill.  MOST OF ALL, STUPID PEOPLE KILL...........So why guns? 

In fact, people use compters everyday(like the one you used to post your message) to kill people.  Find victims.  To commit fraud............Why arn't you telling me that they are dangerous?  Why arn't you telling me we need to "get rid of them"

I'm not part of the NRA, but how many NRA members do you see on the news killing people in armed robberies? 

I'd like to hear an adult response to this post.  It's cool to have an opinion.

And remember, an armed society is a polite society!

Last edited by TheDrNailsGuy (2005-12-13 23:13:48)


-101-InvaderZim wrote:

You want my honest opinion on gun control?? Cut out the bit in the US Constitution "The Right To Bear Arms".
That was probably true 200 years ago when the US was young and had many enemies (namely the British and Indians), but in this day and age, why would anybody need to use an assult rifle or an automatic pistol?? Seriously. What possible reason would one need these weapons?? You want sensible gun control?? Go to the local 
gun shop and remove all military style rifles, SMGs and pistols....
Oh and the NRA - you can go fuck yourselves. Its people like you that give Mr Average the impression that its "cool" to own an M-16A2 or Baretta M92FS. Its not "cool" - its FRIGGIN DANGEROUS.
Ok you need to take some meds!!!! First there ARE some people that think its COOl to have the neat new weapons. Then you take me, I DO infact have alot of weapons (swords,knives and GUNS). I also collect weapons. I do indeed have full auto weapons BUT I have them legally. It took 6 months of background checks to get my CLASS 3 Federal Firearms License (FFL).

You say is Dangerous to have these weapons ok check this out. I take good care of my weapons and use all safety measures. I have built a room in my house that is for my weapons, this room has multi-security setup. At the door there is a full hand biometric scanner that opens the keypad to the next stage. Then you have to know my multi number passcode to even get the locks on the door to turn, thus the last stage. Insert the key and you have to turn the key in different directions to let the tumblers drop and then you are in. Now inside the room is climate controlled and has 24/7 video recording. Is that safe enough for you!!!! No ok inside the room all my weapons are locked in gun cases with thumb print biometric scanners and there are only two people that can open them me and my wife. Good luck trying to steal them. My house also has a security on it. Plus I have a 130 lbs rott that will kill you, I say again he will kill you and if doesn't I WILL. Next to my bed theres a medal gun box that is opened with a 4 finger lock in it is a Springfield Armory XD-40 locked and loaded. It is bullet proof and is secure.

Now the reason for this setup is.........drum roll please............. Because of shitfaced asshats like you that think everything is dangerous and we should all give up our weapons. Fuck can have them when you pull them out of my dead cold hands. Just this last 2 weeks there have been 5 armed robberies , 3 people killed because of it.  7 houses robbed and 3 car jackings and you want me to give up my guns, son you are out of your mind or as my friend says " your cheese has done slide off your cracker". I will never give them up and I will continue buy more. Everyone knows I carry and all are aware that I have ZERO feelings about killing someone ( I did for the US ARMY so you know I will do it again for my family) if they put me and my family in danger ie try to rob us. My wife also carries and she feels the same as I do. Now don't get my wrong Im not out to kill anyone but if I have to I will. Remember this GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE, ITS THE PEOPLE WHO KILL PEOPLE. I said this before there has never been a case were a gun jumped up and killed someone by itself.

You need to take a hard long look at america today, KIDS run around with guns killing each other. Think before you post , know WTF you are talking about. Even when you think you know what you are talking look it up again and then say something but tread softly and DON'T BE A ASS ABOUT IT.

Last edited by {SiR}_XsnipeR01 (2005-12-14 23:49:34)

+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

You want my honest opinion on gun control?? Cut out the bit in the US Constitution "The Right To Bear Arms".
That was probably true 200 years ago when the US was young and had many enemies (namely the British and Indians), but in this day and age, why would anybody need to use an assult rifle or an automatic pistol?? Seriously. What possible reason would one need these weapons?? You want sensible gun control?? Go to the local 
gun shop and remove all military style rifles, SMGs and pistols....
Oh and the NRA - you can go fuck yourselves. Its people like you that give Mr Average the impression that its "cool" to own an M-16A2 or Baretta M92FS. Its not "cool" - its FRIGGIN DANGEROUS.
Dude, you need to get your facts straight before you post.  I can't just go down to the gun store and buy a fully automatic weapon.  In order to be able to buy fully automatic weapons in the US, you have to have a special license.  What people call "assault weapons" are semi-automatic rifles that look like military weaponry.  For instance, the AR15 is a semi-automatic version of the M16.

atlvolunteer wrote:

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

You want my honest opinion on gun control?? Cut out the bit in the US Constitution "The Right To Bear Arms".
That was probably true 200 years ago when the US was young and had many enemies (namely the British and Indians), but in this day and age, why would anybody need to use an assult rifle or an automatic pistol?? Seriously. What possible reason would one need these weapons?? You want sensible gun control?? Go to the local 
gun shop and remove all military style rifles, SMGs and pistols....
Oh and the NRA - you can go fuck yourselves. Its people like you that give Mr Average the impression that its "cool" to own an M-16A2 or Baretta M92FS. Its not "cool" - its FRIGGIN DANGEROUS.
Dude, you need to get your facts straight before you post.  I can't just go down to the gun store and buy a fully automatic weapon.  In order to be able to buy fully automatic weapons in the US, you have to have a special license.  What people call "assault weapons" are semi-automatic rifles that look like military weaponry.  For instance, the AR15 is a semi-automatic version of the M16.
My favorite gun shop offered me a really good deal for a classic 1911 and an AR15 for 1200 bucks. Something about Colt products he doesn't's tempting but I wanted my next 1911 to be a Springfield Armory.
+42|7161|Waikato, Aotearoa
guys guys settle. the thread says "your stance on gun control". stance implies opinion. this is my opinion. i also never said i was right.

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

guys guys settle. the thread says "your stance on gun control". stance implies opinion. this is my opinion. i also never said i was right.
An opinion, by definition, cannot be right or wrong. But it can be misinformed or misguided. At the very least be willing to defend your position but whether or not you're willing to I'd still recommend you visit that site. Read through it and understand why guns exist.

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

guys guys settle. the thread says "your stance on gun control". stance implies opinion. this is my opinion. i also never said i was right.
I do believe you told the NRA to "go fuck yourselfs".............that's a hell of an opinion.  Don't you think you should be jumping on rappers and gangbangers about promoting weapons befor jumping on an organization that does nothing but promote and teach gun safety?  I"ve said befor, i'm not an NRA member, but I'm using common sense hear and everytime you post my bullshit detector goes through the roof.

Would you care to exsplain WHY you have this opinion?

How about answering this question..........What makes you fear more for your life everyday, an idiot smoking a cigarett and talking on the phone driving the car behind you, or a gun?   An honest answere would be much apprecitated.

Why arn't you telling me I can't use a car, or computer, or knife or whatever else that can be used to kill? What makes guns so different? Guns are fun for some of us to shoot.  I enjoy it.  It's a hobby of mine and obviously I'm not alone, so what right is it for you to take that away from me if i'm not harming others?

In my life, I've been harmed more by second hand smoke than a gun.  Do you think a robber is going to say to themselves "Guns are illegal, so i guess i can't robb people anymore"?

I've been using and owning guns all my life and have never harmed anyone with one, and don't really intend to unless someone is going to kill me or an innocent person I just so happen to be standing next to........even if it's you.

And next time, befor you have to post a line like the one you just did, think about what your saying befor you say it.  Did you not exspect to rattle a few tails when you tell a group of people to "go fuck yourselves"?

Last edited by TheDrNailsGuy (2005-12-14 23:46:35)


-101-InvaderZim wrote:

guys guys settle. the thread says "your stance on gun control". stance implies opinion. this is my opinion. i also never said i was right.
Your right this what opinion means:

o·pin·ion    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (-pnyn)
1) A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew).
2) A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.
3) A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.
The prevailing view: public opinion.
4) Law. A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.

This SIR is also your opinion:

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

Oh and the NRA - you can go fuck yourselves. Its people like you that give Mr Average the impression that its "cool" to own an M-16A2 or Baretta M92FS. Its not "cool" - its FRIGGIN DANGEROUS.
This opinion is not only wrong it is also down right rude. Question how many NRA members to you know personally? I know alot of members and they sure don't think the way you think they do. So the next time you feel like opening your mouth and letting your feelings override your brain take these words of advice.

{SiR}_XsnipeR01 wrote:

Think before you post , know WTF you are talking about. Even when you think you know what you are talking look it up again and then say something but tread softly and DON'T BE A ASS ABOUT IT.
If you follow this rule then you will never go wrong.

Ohh yeah I went off on you because of the statement about the NRA.

Last edited by {SiR}_XsnipeR01 (2005-12-14 23:54:07)

The main reason why americans kill eachother with guns is that war and weapons are very glorified in the states. In my country, sweden, we havent fought a war for 200 years. And we are kinda proud of that. I dont really know the exact number, but i think no more than 30-50 people die from gunshot every year here in sweden. The population aint that big but still, compared to the US it is a very very small amount.

So war is glorified in the US since you guys only lost 1 or 2 wars. Sweden used to fight alot back in the 1700 and such, but no more. Now our armed forces are peacekeepers and such, but unfortunatly two swedish marines were killed not a week ago in Afghanistan. So the future is unclear, but I hope that Sweden will continue being a  rolemodel for peace, and that i dont have to fight for things i dont believe in, like a war in a distant country. Like you guys are doing in Iraq. I think it was nessesary to invade Iraq, but torturing and lying about the excistence of nuclear weapons was really a blow to my belief in the US.

(Sorry for my bad english i suck i know)

Last edited by Sh1fty2k5 (2005-12-15 00:30:57)

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