
No offical map pack to date. They are tring to milk the community.  These expansion/booster packs should be free!!!! Or atleast let the mod makers submitt maps to dice, who then rank them. The new weapons look and sound different, but they do the same job. The maps are the big difference. 3 maps for $10. thats over $3 a map.  Take a leaf outa Steam/Half Lifes book. More copies of BF2 were sold in the UK that HL2 to date. So how can valve afford to release more content free, when they made less money from their origonal game. The games less than a year old and this is the second time we are being asked to put our hands in our pockets!.   
Ea are infact breaking up the community into 3. The booster/expansion have's and the have not's. Geeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr
Hard Case
+11|6994|S.E. United States
Im not getting it(euroforces)
especially after paying 30 bucks for sf's
and I dislike the hell out of sf's
Ill stick with the core game
+1|7023|Adelaide, Australia

JahManRed wrote:

No offical map pack to date. They are tring to milk the community.  These expansion/booster packs should be free!!!! Or atleast let the mod makers submitt maps to dice, who then rank them. The new weapons look and sound different, but they do the same job. The maps are the big difference. 3 maps for $10. thats over $3 a map.  Take a leaf outa Steam/Half Lifes book. More copies of BF2 were sold in the UK that HL2 to date. So how can valve afford to release more content free, when they made less money from their origonal game. The games less than a year old and this is the second time we are being asked to put our hands in our pockets!.   
Ea are infact breaking up the community into 3. The booster/expansion have's and the have not's. Geeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr
Whos group number 3?
Also, I agree, modders should be able to submit maps. Imagine how good the game would be if every fortnite, Dice released a map made by someone else, they dont have to pay for it, and we are happy!
$3 per map?  Stop being a cheap bastard.  Its worth it even if you only play the map for 1 hour.

I don't regret buying BF2 or the SF addon.  Lets see.  $50 for BF2.  $30 for SF.  Thats $80 I've paid to be entertained for 337 hours.  Seems like a bargain to me.

At least they don't charge by the month like stupid MMORPGs.
quit your bitching and go out and buy EF, its a great add on, and the gameplay for the new maps is AWESOME, very high quality.

Legit_Xero wrote:

quit your bitching and go out and buy EF, its a great add on, and the gameplay for the new maps is AWESOME, very high quality.
What gameplay? It's nothing but armor, and jets.

Operation smoke screen has 7 flags, 5 of which are capable, but it has at least 12 tanks, 4 jets, and 4 attack choppers. You cant go anywhere without getting hammered by air, or armor. Don't even bother getting into a jeep.

Great wall, is ok, but again it revolves around 2 flags, where it's surrounded by the wall, which means it's a sniper fest. At least there's no jets here though. There's some armor, but it's easy to hide as AT and take it out.

The last map is horrible as well. Lots of armor, 2 fighter jets, and 2 bombers, on a small map=no fun at all. Seriously, what were they thinking putting 2 bombers on such a small map?

If this booster pack has this much armor, I would hate to see what Armored Fury will be like.

SlickWRX wrote:

$3 per map?  Stop being a cheap bastard.  Its worth it even if you only play the map for 1 hour.

I don't regret buying BF2 or the SF addon.  Lets see.  $50 for BF2.  $30 for SF.  Thats $80 I've paid to be entertained for 337 hours.  Seems like a bargain to me.

At least they don't charge by the month like stupid MMORPGs.
Its not how much it costs, its the principle - look at the quality of the mods being made for BF2, whereas DICE are simply re-using the same core game over and over - just adding a new vehicle here and there.

I've bought EF and SF and i'll get AF as well, I just feel that as someone else said mabee they should take a leaf out of Valves book and give something back to those who have spent money on their products.

Half life 2 took 5 years to develop, cost millions and has tons of free extras (HLDM, CS:S etc) whereas BF2 was cheaper and quicker to develop, costs much more (by the time you have bought the expansions).

Don't you feel we are being somewhat taken for a ride.....?

psychotoxic187 wrote:

Legit_Xero wrote:

quit your bitching and go out and buy EF, its a great add on, and the gameplay for the new maps is AWESOME, very high quality.
What gameplay? It's nothing but armor, and jets.

Operation smoke screen has 7 flags, 5 of which are capable, but it has at least 12 tanks, 4 jets, and 4 attack choppers. You cant go anywhere without getting hammered by air, or armor. Don't even bother getting into a jeep.

Great wall, is ok, but again it revolves around 2 flags, where it's surrounded by the wall, which means it's a sniper fest. At least there's no jets here though. There's some armor, but it's easy to hide as AT and take it out.

The last map is horrible as well. Lots of armor, 2 fighter jets, and 2 bombers, on a small map=no fun at all. Seriously, what were they thinking putting 2 bombers on such a small map?

If this booster pack has this much armor, I would hate to see what Armored Fury will be like.
as for air, what i do on smoke screen is i cap the base that has the 2 AA vehicles, drive one up on the nearby hill, and fire AA missles at anything that flys by, i just got done playing that map and i had 15 kills and 3 deaths from taking out choppers and jets, i dies only 3 times because a chopper snuck up on me and unloaded his missles when i was reloading

as for you not liking the gameplay, sure, maby you dont like, it, but i think that the massive armor battles are awesome on taraba quarry, 5 tanks vs. 5 tanks in the same area....its great.

maby you dont like it but alot of people do.
I felt the same as you originally.  But after playing SF for a while I really started to like it.  The maps in EF are really good.  It reminds me of the old BF1942 maps.  The Great Wall is amazing.

SlickWRX wrote:

$3 per map?  Stop being a cheap bastard.  Its worth it even if you only play the map for 1 hour.

I don't regret buying BF2 or the SF addon.  Lets see.  $50 for BF2.  $30 for SF.  Thats $80 I've paid to be entertained for 337 hours.  Seems like a bargain to me.

At least they don't charge by the month like stupid MMORPGs.
Its the principle of the thing. Im far from Cheap..............

I enjoy SF, but my friends don't. Hence I when I play SF I have split from my friends. With EF WE be split in 3 from now on.

Legit_Xero wrote:

psychotoxic187 wrote:

Legit_Xero wrote:

quit your bitching and go out and buy EF, its a great add on, and the gameplay for the new maps is AWESOME, very high quality.
What gameplay? It's nothing but armor, and jets.

Operation smoke screen has 7 flags, 5 of which are capable, but it has at least 12 tanks, 4 jets, and 4 attack choppers. You cant go anywhere without getting hammered by air, or armor. Don't even bother getting into a jeep.

Great wall, is ok, but again it revolves around 2 flags, where it's surrounded by the wall, which means it's a sniper fest. At least there's no jets here though. There's some armor, but it's easy to hide as AT and take it out.

The last map is horrible as well. Lots of armor, 2 fighter jets, and 2 bombers, on a small map=no fun at all. Seriously, what were they thinking putting 2 bombers on such a small map?

If this booster pack has this much armor, I would hate to see what Armored Fury will be like.
as for air, what i do on smoke screen is i cap the base that has the 2 AA vehicles, drive one up on the nearby hill, and fire AA missles at anything that flys by, i just got done playing that map and i had 15 kills and 3 deaths from taking out choppers and jets, i dies only 3 times because a chopper snuck up on me and unloaded his missles when i was reloading

as for you not liking the gameplay, sure, maby you dont like, it, but i think that the massive armor battles are awesome on taraba quarry, 5 tanks vs. 5 tanks in the same area....its great.

maby you dont like it but alot of people do.
I killed the same guy 10 times yesterday, he was doing exactly what you said to do. I just feel, if this pack has this much armor in it, what do you think armored fury will be like? I like it overall, but it just seems like if you are not in armor, or air, you get no points, which is boring. That's why I like BF2, little bit of everything in it, but in this pack there is no infantry fighting. A lot of people don't like it, every server I went on, everyone complained about the armor, and air vehicles. Sorry, but a map that has 5 capable bases does not need 2 fighters, and 2 bombers, it's stupid. Point is, if you are on foot, or in a jeep you have no chance.
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

I didn't like SF, way too boring IMO.

EF is a nice balance with servings for all. Great Wall for infantry, Smoke SCreen for armor whores, and I'm guessing Taraba is the mixed bag.

AF will probably cater to armor whores and attack vehicle enthusiasts.
I don't even have the cash to shell out for EF after having to pay $52 or so for SF (I know, only place that had it) these should be completely free, especially EF since it's so small.  SF has some okay maps, but grappling hooks/zip lines would have made the original that much better.  And aside from that it is full of problems and stupid things (no SF weapons even if you have them while playing as non SAS)  But such a small 'booster' should be free, doesn't EA get enough wicked pleasure from creating fucked up patching mechanisms and games that un-date themselves (oh surprise, you get to re install! you like that don't you... ya.. can I have those shoes?  well thanks... oh did you need them to walk home in, well I'll sell them back to you for $10? Alright... thanks kid.  Yeah, have fun.  See you on the battlefield!!  Yup, you're a soldier  *walks home with 10 less dollars for no particular reason, watching as EA takes money from a homeless person*)
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6987|Canada Eh?

SlickWRX wrote:

At least they don't charge by the month like stupid MMORPGs.
So true, I can handle paying a few bucks maybe twice a year, cheaper than 240$ Canadian a year (on top of the 50-60$ for the game) just to play some MMORPG

Last edited by Vampira_NB (2006-03-15 15:19:09)

+3|7023|Coeur D' Alene, ID
It costs about the same amount as three gallons of gas!!!!  Holy smokes, it takes my truck about an hour of hiway driving to burn up that amount of gas....I can play euro force for many many many many many more hours than that...quit complaining and pay them for their work...I can guarantee if you spent as many hours programming as EA/Dice you would want a small amount of money!  EA/DICE IS ARE BUSINESS'S!!!!  MAYBE WHEN UNICEF GETS INTO THE GAMING COMMUNITY WE CAN HAVE FREE STUFF, UNTIL THEN, GIVE THEM AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU DO WHEN YOU RENT YOUR PORN ON CABLE TV BECAUSE YOU CAN'T FIND A DATE!!!  If steam does it...then I actually laugh at them, as it is a poor business decision to not make profits were you are able too...and if you lose 100 customers, but profit 10,000 bones instead of nothing at all, then so be it!

Last edited by fuzzyballs44 (2006-03-15 16:20:45)

+3|7023|Coeur D' Alene, ID
BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH, WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE, CRY CRY CRY CRY!!!  If all anyone wants to do is cry, then don't play....if you dont like the patches....then don't play....if you don't like the expansions, then don't buy them.....if you don't like the cheaters and hackers and can't learn to live with them (the worthless, unethical, unmorale, low self esteem, virgin, zit covered, ugly, onion smelling, carny assholes piss us all off and we all want to stab them, but we deal with them because 90% of the people are good players)...then don't play.

YOU CAN PLEASE SOME OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME, BUT ALL OF THE PEOPLE NONE OF THE TIME!!!  If you are the stuff that isn't pleased, then let the rest of us talk about the fun parts, tactical parts, and overall exciting parts of the new game.  A good portion of us have been looking forward to this booster and gladly give dice the 10 bones....for the 5% that don't want it, then buy a new game.
Hard Case
+11|6994|S.E. United States
10$ or 100$ if you dont want it,dont push it
I dont want it,so dont try to sell it to me
like drugs,dont want em,so dont push em
it may be in some eyes,only 10 bucks
well my moneys hard earned,so I spend it the way I want too
you pay 50 bucks for core,30 for sf's = 80 bucks
not to mention the hardware,no kidding,in sound,video,ram and power supply
bf2 has run me near 800$
you can fuckin afford to give a lousy 3 map mod to those that have given to you...

and Im not crying,bitching or whatever else you may want to call it
Im stating a fact,and the fact is my rights to say I dont want it,is the same rights you have for wanting it

and go find someone else to tell whether they should or shouldnt play what the fuck they want to play
because you wont tell me to play anything else,Ill play what I damn well want too

nuff said

"we've restored control,good work men"

Last edited by KillerYaNk (2006-03-15 18:18:57)


JahManRed wrote:

No offical map pack to date. They are tring to milk the community.  These expansion/booster packs should be free!!!! Or atleast let the mod makers submitt maps to dice, who then rank them. The new weapons look and sound different, but they do the same job. The maps are the big difference. 3 maps for $10. thats over $3 a map.  Take a leaf outa Steam/Half Lifes book. More copies of BF2 were sold in the UK that HL2 to date. So how can valve afford to release more content free, when they made less money from their origonal game. The games less than a year old and this is the second time we are being asked to put our hands in our pockets!.   
Ea are infact breaking up the community into 3. The booster/expansion have's and the have not's. Geeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr
ugh, okay, no company will release anything for FREE, everybody wants PROFIT.  Its a beautiful thing called CAPITALSIM.  So shut up.  You didn't buy it so why are you bitching?  I bought it, I like it , its decent.
+3|7023|Coeur D' Alene, ID

KillerYaNk wrote:

10$ or 100$ if you dont want it,dont push it
I dont want it,so dont try to sell it to me
like drugs,dont want em,so dont push em
it may be in some eyes,only 10 bucks
well my moneys hard earned,so I spend it the way I want too
you pay 50 bucks for core,30 for sf's = 80 bucks
not to mention the hardware,no kidding,in sound,video,ram and power supply
bf2 has run me near 800$
you can fuckin afford to give a lousy 3 map mod to those that have given to you...

and Im not crying,bitching or whatever else you may want to call it
Im stating a fact,and the fact is my rights to say I dont want it,is the same rights you have for wanting it

and go find someone else to tell whether they should or shouldnt play what the fuck they want to play
because you wont tell me to play anything else,Ill play what I damn well want too

nuff said

"we've restored control,good work men"
I wasn't tryinig to "push" anything towards you...I wasn't saying that your money wasn't hard earned....I was saying that if you all don't like it, then DON'T buy it....and if you DON'T LIKE IT then DON'T PLAY IT.  You basically said exactly what I was trying to say, but telling me I wasn't saying it?  I'm the same way as you, with 600 in the monitor alone that I bought just because I play bf2....however, EA doesn't give a shit about that...they make things cost according to THEIR profit, not NEC's profit because I bought one of there monitors to play the game.  So when EA pumps out a disc that cost money to manufacture/package/ship/program/customer service needs paid/sites developed/people paid for their work/ they can't push it out for free...they have to charge so that they can keep providing us with the gaming experience.  It's like Ford pushing out a 2006 1/2 vehicle with updates...you aren't going to just go pick one up without paying for it even though you put a lift kit/exhaust/and tires on it...they are going to make you pay for the DVD player that they upgraded in the same model even though you bought yours six months prior.
I remember when I used to play a game called Tribes. The community actually made map packs for the game. They were VERY nice, if I had the skill I would do it, but I do not. I think this community needs to do something like that, BF2 with new maps made by the community.

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