No offical map pack to date. They are tring to milk the community. These expansion/booster packs should be free!!!! Or atleast let the mod makers submitt maps to dice, who then rank them. The new weapons look and sound different, but they do the same job. The maps are the big difference. 3 maps for $10. thats over $3 a map. Take a leaf outa Steam/Half Lifes book. More copies of BF2 were sold in the UK that HL2 to date. So how can valve afford to release more content free, when they made less money from their origonal game. The games less than a year old and this is the second time we are being asked to put our hands in our pockets!.
Ea are infact breaking up the community into 3. The booster/expansion have's and the have not's. Geeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr
Ea are infact breaking up the community into 3. The booster/expansion have's and the have not's. Geeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr