Destroy Noob Cannons
This is a message board. It is where people post subjects, and others post their opinions. I posted my opinion.
+105|6783|Lexington, KY

0ktane wrote:

Ok...a lil update. 

Yes, I was back on that server a few days ago I think.  The honest reason I was there...I forgot about them.  A friend of mine that use to be in RL friend of mine's clan left that clan and joined JAW.  I stumbled across that server, and saw him, and decided to go a few rounds.  It wasn't til I saw that same guy that kicked my girl that I realized what server I was on.  I left pretty quickly after that.

And now...for your viewing pleasure (and...now that I know how to post screenies) ...the screenies of my girl being kicked and me confronting this guy.  ...oh, and I was using my .hack//blackrose char that game. 

http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/9915 … 5qx.th.png

http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/745/ … 2kz.th.png

http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/5787 … 9hf.th.png
First off I want to say that the guy was wrong for kicking your girl.  The next thing, I personally think you handled the issue the wrong way.  You should not have threated him, instead you should have acted.  You could have went to his clan site, and complained.  This is usally the best way to handle the issue.

From the admins view,  I also would have kicked you if you keep one threating me on the server.  From the screen shoots it seems that the issue was dropped, but you keep bringing it back up. 

PS:  From both of your post, you make it seem like you and your girl go looking for trouble, then come here and complain about it.  I know this may not be the case, but it seems this way by the way you are wording your post.

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

"You're gettin told on"
wtf? are we 5 years old?
Why bother posting this rubbish mate?

Generally speaking to someone in this manner is aimed to reflect the actions of the target, ie admin kicking for vehicles is childish, hence told on!
Negative Ping
First off...

I just posted my experience so other people would know how a situation was handled on that server.  My girl and I are not looking for trouble, I kept persisting about the issue because I was upset, and the situation was messed up to begin with.  My girl was kicked cuz an admin wanted a tank, and she wouldn't give it up.  He kicked her, I defended her, case closed. 

Honestly, I ended up forgetting about the incident a week or so later.  Today, I saw the post was recently viewed, so I decided to put evidence of what took place for all to see.  Yes, I could have went to their clan site and told them about it...but in my opinion, they stick up for one another and would just brush me off.  I personally feel that telling the community here about this would be the best choice of action because to me, the community has the right to know how this server treats random ppl.  I felt it my place to inform, and that is what I did.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6882|Peoria, Illinois
There are a lot of servers out there that have abusive admins or statpadding admins. What can we do about it? How about compiling a list of bad servers to avoid? Personally I don't care. I only play on one server anymore because the admin there rock. But hey, Oktane, I understand your situation. I once played on a server where the admin would kick people who got in "their" bomber on Oman and claimed "making room for an admin" when the server was half full. I kept seeing it round after round and finally explained to them that it was against EA rules to do that and then got kicked myself for saying something. Just go find another server.

Would be nice if we could have an ignore option in the server filter search. But since we don't, my suggestion would be to build one here. Start a thread called "unofficial 'avoid this server' thread" or something like that and ask people to post screenies to back up their claims.

Another option might be to start a thread containing servers that have good admin on all the time. Then start an "xfire server starter ring" where you and a bunch of BF2s players go around helping to get those servers going so you'll always have good servers to play on.
I find this very interesting personally because I am a jaw clan member and I see you "0ktane" in this server quite often. In fact I think I even say hello to you most of the time because you're almost a regular. I can't speak for dragn76 because I was not there the night in question, but I am curious as to whether or not you still feel the same way about this server? I am also wondering what else is there to the story. We can all take screen shots that make our side of the argument look good, but where are dragn's screen shots for his side of the story? I dunno, no hard feelings or anything but if our server is so damn bad why do you play there so much?

Last edited by propyl (2006-05-17 15:39:33)

Negative Ping
Lastly (I hope)

To clarify...this post was directed to one person from that clan...not the entire clan.  I have been to the server since, but like I said, I didn't realize what server it was at first...and when I did, I left.  I have been back at most a handful of times at best just to play.  The individual in question has been in some of the rounds, but hasn't done nothing. 

In conclusion, I do apologize if I aimed my attitude or whatever at the entire JAW clan...it wasn't my intention.  I'm over what happened, and just intend to play and have fun. 

That's what it's all about anyways right?

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