
Since installing 2 days ago, my BF2 sessions ramdomly crashes - nothing else has changed - I wish the EA people would test better and that the server farms would wait about 30 days to make sure new patches are fully tested.
+37|6968|Montréal, Canada
its not because ur computer crash, that its the patch fault, i installed the patch and everything run good.

make sure u dont have a virus and update ur anti-virus. look ur video settings and drivers.

MooseRyder wrote:

its not because ur computer crash, that its the patch fault, i installed the patch and everything run good.

make sure u dont have a virus and update ur anti-virus. look ur video settings and drivers.
Let me try to translate

I think what he is trying to say is
"It is not the patches fault that your computer crashes, I installed the patch and everything runs good.  Make sure you don't have a virus, and update your anti-virus.  Look at your video setting and drivers."

I am pretty sure that is what he meant.

$slider27 wrote:


Since installing 2 days ago, my BF2 sessions ramdomly crashes - nothing else has changed - I wish the EA people would test better and that the server farms would wait about 30 days to make sure new patches are fully tested.
actually 1.21 is perhaps the best patch from EA
it was beta tested thoroughly, it works great and the community response has been positive
1.2 corrected the gameplay flaws but introduced a lot of new bugs - which really divided opinions as to whether it was actually a good patch - 1.21 fixed most of the bugs 1.2 intorduced so alls well

the probelm is with your computer - if it hadnt happened with the patch something else would have done it anyway
Let me post this rant this way.

This is from a post i made.

Bugs seen in Patch 1.2
Jets - This was once a great fun for me, Flying your ass off banking turning trying to get the right angle on your enemy just like in TopGun. But now...well I can kill anyone so long as i get a lock.

The Reason this is now possible. The missle has been replaced with Mario Anretti. Yes folks its official. The missle is now a Indy Race Car driver. Watch in aww as it banks loops, Turns U turns and even Zigzags!! Basicly BF 2 Has been turned into a Ground Game. There is no more skill involved in Getting in the jet other then using it to get to a flag and praying like hell you dont get locked on.

-=This was some what fixed with the missle's no longer being able to Zigzag =-  (Ill Give EA This One)

Why... Does the Grenage launcher bounce off the air like there is a wall and come back and kill you every few times. There is apparently a problem with item detection or how it bounces... if it was somewhat near a wall or vehicle te thing will bounce backwards. Took me about 20 shots but I saw the problem.. maybe EA should hire me for beta testing..

-=This still happens, The grenades seem to bounce of the hand of GOD=-  (Not Fixed)

Also the commander has the same bug which was back in 1.02. Artiliery Now gets placed below where you point your mouse pointer. Or in any random place god sees fit in certain maps, Zatar Wetlands is the best Example.

-=This still happenes more then ever=-  (Not Fixed)

The Red Nick Bug. This still happens, Although i was told its not a bug since its a issue on how the server syncs with the client and it is not able to catch back up.

-=Ok that one was from DICE, Im sorry "Your Server, That "YOU WROTE" cant catch back up with the CLIENT, You wrote. This tells me there is a lil fux0r in your coding and how you coded it. (THATS A BUG!!!!)=-  (Not Fixed)

Metric showing in the ground like its a misplaced number Leading you to hell or some devine intervention. Go to strike of Karkand and travel to Square and look down at the street around the TOW Missle. You cant miss it. This number showed up when the 1.2 patch was released and is still there urging you to stare into the abyss.

-=This was never planned on being fixed by EA=-  (Not Fixed)

Now the rest of the things they fixed i wont mention because you can read that on there site. Once again EA Has did what they do best, Half ass attempt at shutting us up.
out of all them only the red teammate bug is even worth writing about
that gl bug i've never even heard of and I play assault all the time and the rest are just niggles that will be fixed eventually (uav marker)
. . .

Dragon_ST wrote:

. . .
Why... Does the Grenade launcher bounce off the air like there is a wall and come back and kill you every few times. There is apparently a problem with item detection or how it bounces... if it was somewhat near a wall or vehicle te thing will bounce backwards. Took me about 20 shots but I saw the problem.. maybe EA should hire me for beta testing..

-=This still happens, The grenades seem to bounce of the hand of GOD=-  (Not Fixed)
Yes that is weird glitchy and buggy behavior for the GL.

BUT this is more of the same type odd-behavior with the GL:
1.) It arms at about 20-30 ft (not sure?), hits the ground, and after a small delay, blows up on impact, so it is still fairly easy to get a (close range) kill with the GL, on anyone who's gone prone BUT when you fire it at a vehicle at about it's arming distance - it  of course is treated like a vertical surface AND IT BOUNCES OFF the vehicle - then explodes on the ground harmlessly some 10 to 20 feet away!

According to (some) EA/DICE (bullshit dished out awhile ago) - one of the GL intended uses was against vehicles - IF SO - why does it bounce off of them so frequently?

It used to be a guy would try to run me over with a vehicle - I would fire the GL hit it once - jump and if he missed that road kill opportunity - I would have enough time to reload - and as he mounted the MG - the second GL hit would take him out for sure if the first one didn’t (assuming there was already damage to the vehicle). BUT NOT NOW(!) 2 harmless GL bounces and he mounts the MG and me so dead.

2.) Also when the GL is fired the smoke trails are OFTEN weird geometrical star patterns (STILL same as 1.2)!

3.) Also there is a slight delay when the GL is fired, requiring if you wish to accurate at moving targets, to take this delay into account, if you miss-guess the amount of delay - the GL lands time-wise behind your intended target - meaning you missed.

This is very irritating (glitchy feeling) - and ruins the feel of the weapon. It is not unreasonable to press FIRE and expect the GL to launch in sequence with such (same as 1.2, not sure exactly how this related to the code-logic for the arming mechanism introduced, but must be).

Last edited by topal63 (2006-03-13 13:29:15)

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