this has probably been talked about before, but i'm just flat out confused as to why EA chose to make first sergeant such a ....  hmm...  'stopping point' in ranks...

lets go through these, shall we?

500 (more than tripple, but you get an unlock)
800 (does this seem right?)
2,500 (i actually think this is about right - at this point in the game you should have a good idea to whats going on)
5,000 (thats cool, double the score of segeant)
8,000 (adding 3,000 points is pretty good, note its only 500 points more than the previous rank)
20,000 (more than double the rank for the previous, this one is hard to get and you don't see many people with it)
50,000 (wth...  ok, so you need 2 1/2 times the amount of points) (but, it is the last unlock you get - you have all now)

AND HERES WHERE IT GETS LAME IMHO.  This ranks come so easily... they are incrimented by 15k for quite a while.  which is far less than 20k to 50k

150,000 (colonel)

I don't think we need to talk about any ranks higher becuase no one has gotten one i don't think

But look at the ranks to get to sergeant major....   it doesn't make sense after you look at how fast you gain ranks after sergeant major (ormaster gunnery sergeant for the stat whores)

This furthers my only other thread on this forum that EA wants you to pay money to get unlocks.  They make the last unlock just about impossible to get as A CASUAL gamer.  Granted, i've put in about 8 days of playing since mid october, and I couldn't imagine playing any more than that...  I know some people can do it, but i've got a lot more on my plate than just video games.

I'll just stop here because I know a lot of first sergeants will agree with me and add points i've missed.

leave your 2 cents here.  I left my 2 dollars

Last edited by CutK0rners (2006-03-10 14:47:50)

Yeah it is crazy.  Although I am almost there, relatively.

Just seems odd that it's 30K points to Master, but only 10K to 2nd Liuet.  Kind of odd.  Doesn't seem to make much sense.  Don't really have anything else to add.  Just agreeing with you.
Gen. Payne
Yeah, it made seem a little steep, but remember, they added the officer ranks after this. They made it in smaller increments so they could actually be reached by normal people.
First Sergeant is not hard to get, you just need alot of basic badges.
First Sargeant isn't hard.  But Master is hard if you think about it.  You could become FS on two different accounts before reaching MS on one.
Oh i agree the points are pretty damn steep, I just dont think the  basic badge for any of them are that hard. 50,000 points is still 50,000 points.

I agree that it should be something like 8-16-32 not 8-20-50. It just takes longer to get the unlocks I guess.
i know, its long enough to get to first sergeant but then to the next one after that or whatever... is like 10,000 points away. this is complete crap
the game gets a little tough after you get to first sergeant. by then you probably have all veteran combat badges and all the other ones that do not have an insane time limit.

i'm at 30000+ now and i'm still ages away from the 100 hours you need for one class so you can try and go for an expert badge.

so next rank is still 19xxx points away, closest to 100 h is spec ops with 77+.........not much to achieve right now (i have set my eyes on my veteran/expert explosive badge.....claymore whoring/karkand...but so far always came up short)
Get your body beat.
the ranking is a mess, i want them to revert it back. more and more are over 200k now, yet they set the most hardest goals to rank up. retards.
Ya im 900 away from first sarge whitch took me ages just to get here butt then i have to have 30000 to get to MS
not everyone will get all the badges they need in the 100h i know people that have 300hs in 1 class and they only have there basic not even vet.

i have my expert spec ops but only my basic explosives. this is coz i did not really get 23 in one round if you think about it that is a lot, so is getting 40 kills in 1 round.

but the time you take to get your 50k points you get nearly all the skills you need to get what ever score you need to get the job done for badges, think of your score as a badge if you spend the time you think about trying to get a badge and try and get score the 50k comes and goes fast. 

lol i play as much as my life will allow it, as i have got better all the big badges and medals all of a sudden become obtainable.  EA and DICE have made a scoring system that the casual player gets rewards (your basic and vet)  regulare gamers (vets a few medals and some expert badege) the HARDCORE game (, firestorm, etc everything under the sun) (well blizin hummm could have done better on the badges but fucking sweet score!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Thats why they are officer ranks... Those ranks are ment for the extreme player like me... We dont want to end ranks at 100,000 thousand cause someone doesnt play enough to keep up with our scores.. 50,000 is all you need to collect all of the unlocks in the game, be happy you get that.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6851|Tampa Bay Florida
The system is flawed.  It should be set up so the average player will be somewhere around Corporal/Sergeant, as opposed to Gunner Seargeant.
Get your body beat.
i was gunning for that gold bar cos it was a rank, now what hope do i have? OH soooo sorry EA for not learning how to who jets and choppers and only going for ground pounding and amour... why should i be punished for that?
if you want a inside to the hardcore gamer join PGT,s server i have good memeries and very painfull ones LOL
then you learn how to fly or drive armour, hell play single player to get good all it is practice. the game is set so that even the worst new player can get something out of it be a new gun or rank, i like the ranking and the new ranks gives goals now to where before after 50k you had to get 150k i like the fact that you can see good people by rank now and that you know if you back  them up thay are going to know what they are doing.
I just play. Who cares about how far away the ranks are, you make a good point, maybe they should be a bit more evened out. Hell yeah its fun trying to get badges and stuff like that but when it comes down to it we all play for the same reason. To kill noobs.
What i really think is gay is the fact that with the update of ranks in the patch(s), they top rank is still 200,000 points, that gives the top guys nothing to wrok for once they get past the all expert badges thing. *shrug* i think they should have put more ranks or space them out more and make the top around 500,000. Something rediculous like that
+5|6902|Clinton, MD, USA
I'm a little mad about that too. I have to go through about 25,000 more points just to unlock the L69A1 and the P90.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6890|Honolulu, HI

Spearhead wrote:

The system is flawed.  It should be set up so the average player will be somewhere around Corporal/Sergeant, as opposed to Gunner Seargeant.
Good point.  While waiting for my client data to verify one round (and believe me, with a computer like mine that gives you PLENTY of time) I thought...maybe it'd make more sense to bring back the old pre-1.03 rank requirements.  That would put the n00bs in the PVT-PFC-LCPL range, the regulars at CPL or SGT, and the more skilled/active players above that.  Then, to compensate for the fact that it would take forever to reach the 3rd or 4th unlocks or whatever, you could be awarded unlocks for number of gold stars, or number of basic/veteran/expert badges, or some other non-global-score-related stat...

Of course this is all just for fun, now that the current system's been in place since release and I don't see EA overhauling it just for the sake of logic...I guess we'll have to get used to the average player having a USMC rank that typically stands for 15+ years of service (GySgt).
+8|6825|New York
It's a pain trying to get to 20k, so for once I'm thinking about what I want to unlock because it will be my last for a long long time.
Aspiring Objectivist
I think the Sergeant Major should have been droped to 40,000 but I'm bias because I need around 20k to reach it lol, other than that I think they adjusted the ranks for the normal player, not the expert 1337 player otherwise general & such would be at 500k - 1mil.

vieredcap wrote:

i'm at 30000+ now and i'm still ages away from the 100 hours you need for one class so you can try and go for an expert badge.
no doubt...  My average score is probably around 60 or so a game, and i've put in around 180 hours (i think) of playing...  fuck, let me look it up 190 possible way i'll ever get expert on ANYTHING.  I will not play this game for long enough, and if for some odd reason that does happen, it will be 4 or 5 years down the road.  When I play a game of BF2, I play different classes during the whole game.  My main class is medic, but i'll switch it up whenever I see the need.   Maybe this is why I consistantly rank in the top 5 players in a round.  I don't try to do that - but I do try my best.

And that leads to my main point - BF2 is almost rewarding time spent playing rather than SKILL.

I read an article a while back about how games like WoW and other MMO's reward time spent rather than skill.  And while I do think the unlocks are a neat thing, I also think that making it so that you have to

1 - buy SF to get unlocks


2 - play the game until you are silly to get that last unlock

Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6971|Marathon, Florida Keys
ranks are perfectly fine. If you play alot, you get a higher rank, if you play 2 times a week, you get stuck with a crappy little one with only a couple guns. I rather ranks be like they were in the original battlefield2, when they accually ment something.
Stop reading this and look at my post
Heres what it should be, IMO:


300,000 (colonel)
400,000 (lieutenant general)

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