If you were to touch Paris Hilton's face with your index finger, I promise you that your finger would sink up to your first knuckle in makeup.
Okay, that's going a bit far, but if you stroked it, (not that you should want to,) you could probably get a good dollup of foundation on your finger tip. How do I know this? Well there was this girl at my sister's high schol who was known as "foundation girl" - come to think of it, she looked a lot like Paris Hilton except she didn't have heinous lip implants - anyway, she wore about a cetimeter of foundation and got a similar effect to how Paris Hilton looks.
Anyway, I could go on and on about how gross she is and you'd just come back thinking I was a loony so I'll stop this now.
Right after this:
Even if you do think she's attractive, you said you watched that Simple Life shit, you can see what kind of person she is! She's just wrong. A stain on the industrious Hilton family name. A rich whore. An up herself bitch. A closed-minded little tart who does not know what a real life is. She is all of these things which are all things that one should NOT look for in a woman.
Okay I'm done.
Last edited by Tyferra (2006-03-24 21:45:18)