I originally posted this on IMDb. com
Let's see what you guys got.

I typed this because I really do want to know more why people thik they way they do in terms of politics and foreign policy, and terrorism.

Now, when I say you, that means you personally. Some questions may be made toward Americans and some made to British or people of other countries.

Disregard the English and Americans words, this was intended for a British and American thread.  So these questions are for EVERYONE!!!


1. Americans > Do YOU really fear your government? Does the President influence in your answer? Does Cheney influence your answer? What does? Why or why not?...explain.

2. English > First off, what do YOU like to be called, English, British, etc.?
Do YOU fear your government, especially in regards to what you have done over there after the terrorist bombings?

3. Everyone > What are your personal thoughts and feelings towards the US and our (I'm American) govenment and/or President? This question should only be answered by you and no sources.  A true to yourself answer. <<<<edited

4. Everyone NOT American > Do YOU fear the United States of America? Why or why not?

5. Everyone > When you specify a source in anything, mainly these threads, do you feel like it may be biased towards what YOU believe in? In other words, aren't most people going to help further their casue by putting something that agrees with them? How do you know the source is accurate? How do YOU know anything that we read,watch, see is real or the truth? Wouldn't the media want to show YOU what it wants you to see and it may not necessarily be the truth?

6. Everyone > Is it possible to hate your government but love your country?

7. Everyone > How do YOU define terrorism? Do you consider the 9/11 attacks justified and/or the London attacks justified?

8. Everyone > How do YOU know whats real and what's not? Aren't a majority of us biased towards a certain way, so we tend to lean towards that when we read or watch the news?

9. Everyone > Can a government REALLY be afraid of its people? Why?

10. Everyone > How can the United States better ourselves? Do YOU really see us as selfish and that we only go after out interests first?

11. Everyone > Do YOU think Americas problems will go away after Bush leaves the office?

12. Everyone > Isn't the 'First Amendment Section' one of you referred to still having their right to free speech? Where in the Constitution does it say that goeverment "workers" can't put them somewhere else where they can still practice their free speach, but it won't harm whomever they're protesting against? ... that question was troublesome to type.

13. Everyone > Why do some people on these forums, let alone in life react so hostile towards people who disagree with them? To those who do this, do YOU always feel that YOU'RE right all the time and that no one can touch YOU?

14. Everyone > What does Conservative and Liberal mean to YOU?

15. Americans > Do YOU really feel that with these wire tappings, that YOU are being watched and heard by our government?

16. Everyone > In reference to..^^^^....What are your thoughts on them?

17. Everyone > What do YOU think about the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Meaning>>> Are they justified? Why or why not? Why do YOU really think we are there?

18. Everyone > What is so great about America? Or not so great?

19. Everyone > Do YOU think this so called American Empire will fall?

20. Everyone > I couldn't think of another question regarding this topic... so here is a curve ball.
Supposedly in the first 15 million years of the earth's existence there was absolutely no life whatsoever. How did we; humans, animals, etc., become who and what we are?

Enjoy! and thanks for your time in typing this.
I personally hope these may help clear stuff up. What stuff you might ask, stuff that matters to America and the world.

Last edited by VIPERtwosix (2006-03-06 17:34:29)

Horseman 77
get marconius in here to paste 24 links on the earths evolution

then he will remove my posts for telling him " to get his shine box "
Pew Pew!
+216|7165|San Francisco

This does not belong in the BF2 - Chatter section. Please be more careful when creating threads in the future.
Well then, where DOES it belong?  I don't think it would fit in the section entitled, Help!  Peoples answers wont exactly help me.  Plus if you want to complain, there are so many other worthless posts on this website, including many done about the same topic.

How do I be more careful?  Some people take these things WAY too seriously.

OH, and, next to the index, it says debate and serious talk, which this thread is meant to engage in.

Last edited by VIPERtwosix (2006-03-04 02:19:26)

+76|7094|Antwerp, Flanders

tF-voodoochild wrote:

This does not belong in the BF2 - Chatter section. Please be more careful when creating threads in the future.
Yeah, be careful man, that ****'s dangerous!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS

VIPERtwosix wrote:

I originally posted this on IMDb. com
Let's see what you guys got.

I typed this because I really do want to know more why people thik they way they do in terms of politics and foreign policy, and terrorism.

Now, when I say you, that means you personally. Some questions may be made toward Americans and some made to British or people of other countries.

Disregard the English and Americans words, this was intended for a British and American thread.  So these questions are for EVERYONE!!!


1. Americans > Do YOU really fear your government? Does the President influence in your answer? Does Cheney influence your answer? What does? Why or why not?...explain.

2. English > First off, what do YOU like to be called, English, British, etc.?
Do YOU fear your govenrment, especially in regards to what you have done over there after the terrorist bombings?

3. Everyone > What are your personal thoughts and feelings towards the US and our (I'm American) govenment and/or President? This question should be answered by articles or avyone but yourself.

4. Everyone NOT American > Do YOU fear the United States of America? Why or why not?

5. Everyone > When you specify a source in anything, mainly these threads, do you feel like it may be biased towards what YOU believe in? In other words, aren't most people going to help further their casue by putting something that agrees with them? How do you know the source is accurate? How do YOU know anything that we read,watch, see is real or the truth? Wouldn't the media want to show YOU what it wants you to see and it may not necessarily be the truth?

6. Everyone > Is it possible to hate your govenrment but love your country?

7. Everyone > How do YOU define terrorism? Do you consider the 9/11 attacks justified and/or the London attacks justified?

8. Everyone > How do YOU know whats real and what's not? Aren't a majority of us biased towards a certain way, so we tend to lean towards that when we read or watch the news?

9. Everyone > Can a government REALLY be afraid of its people? Why?

10. Everyone > How can the United States better ourselves? Do YOU really see us as selfish and that we only go after out interests first?

11. Everyone > Do YOU think Americas problems will go away after Bush leaves the office?

12. Everyone > Isn't the 'First Amendment Section' one of you referred to still having their right to free speech? Where in the Constitution does it say that goeverment "workers" can't put them somewhere else where they can still practice their free speach, but it won't harm whomever they're protesting against? ... that question was troublesome to type.

13. Everyone > Why do some people on these forums, let alone in life react so hostile towards people who disagree with them? To those who do this, do YOU always feel that YOU'RE right all the time and that no one can touch YOU?

14. Everyone > What does Conservative and Liberal mean to YOU?

15. Americans > Do YOU really feel that with these wire tappings, that YOU are being watched and heard by our government?

16. Everyone > In reference to..^^^^....What are your thoughts on them?

17. Everyone > What do YOU think about the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Meaning>>> Are they justified? Why or why not? Why do YOU really think we are there?

18. Everyone > What is so great about America? Or not so great?

19. Everyone > Do YOU think this so called American Empire will fall?

20. Everyone > I couldn't think of another question regarding this topic... so here is a curve ball.
Supposedly in the first 15 million years of the earth's existence there was absolutely no life whatsoever. How did we; humans, animals, etc., become who and what we are?

I personally hope these may help clear stuff up. What stuff you might ask, stuff that matters to America and the world.
@ 3. This is a strange question. You ask for a guy's opinion, but it "should be answered by articles or avyone but yourself.".

My opinion, personally, is that I find America repulsive due to its inward and snobbish nature, and its insane policies. Evidence can be found littered through these forums.

@ 4. I don't fear the US. Why should I?

@ 5. The answer to this is obvious. When we posts a source, do you think that source is going to be running against our argument?

How do we know its accurate? We see if its based on facts and figures (so to speak)

@ 6. Of course. If I had a shitty government, I would try to fight against it. Why? Because I love my country.

@ 7. Terrorism has one, simple, universal definition. TO INFLICT TERROR. NOT to kill innocent people OR to kick out a government OR to blow things up. The second half of your question is INCREDIBLY complex, but the simple answer is No.

@ 8. Ouch. This is a hard one. We are all biased, and thats what makes a good democracy. If one sides spits out a lie, the other will shout 'Oi!' (or so its meant to work). The simple truth is we DON'T know what's real until we've seen it ourselves. Until then, a certain amount of scepticism against the media is necessary.

@ 9. The fact that we all know what martial law is and have/are seeing it in action says Yes.

@ 10. I've already answered the second part of your question. I believe that EDUCATION about other peoples, cultures and religions is the only way to go.

@ 11. Hell no. It is, as I said, an attribute of the American culture that is the current problem. Though giving Bush the Boot would help.

@ 12. I see why you have troubles. This is a extreme question. My answer is complex. I believe that free speech should be free up to the point where: It either damages or divulges crucial data, or is derogtory to others. Free speech to the point of 'YOU ALL SUCK YOU LOSERS' is a bit too far.

@ 13. Again, a complex question nd a complex answer. The reasons for this are threefold. 1. Ignorance. 2. Fear (of others) 3. Comfort.

@ 14. Well, this is Liberal, and this is conservative. I take my opinions from here.

@ 16. This is a serious breach of a basic human right. It servers no real purpose, save to drive terrorists further underground and move a few steps closer to martial law.

@ 17. Afghanistan, yes. Iraq, well not in the way we did it.

@ 18. The fact that they have a sizeable amount of the world's resources. I already  said what was not so great.

@ 19. Eventually they will come to their senses (or be blasted to their senses)

@ 20. I suggest you read the book A Short History Of Nearly Everything. That should answer this question.

Last edited by Spark (2006-03-04 17:38:54)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
You with the face!

my answers.

1. No.  Neither the President nor the VP make me fear my government.  When congress passes bills that border on unconstitutionality (Patriot Act) I worry.  But I have faith in Checks and Balances.

2. N/A

3. I love the US.  We have made foreign policy errors, but try to do right (most of the time).  I support the President in some areas.  I believe that things like the Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind, and some others were mistakes.  I worry that the government will try to protect the people too much and wind up restricting our liberties.  But that is what congress, the veto, and the supreme court are for.  I obtain most of my information from ABC World News, collected Yahoo news, and my peers.

4. N/A

5. I often use sources that I feel are reliable, but occasionally will use an opinionated source.  I try to compare sources and use facts and numerical information when possible.  I believe that the media is often slanted, which is why I try to compare sources.  I hope everyone is somewhat sceptical.

6. Yes.  I love my country, and hate some of what my government does. (not a majority of the government's decisions, but some)

7. To inflict terror to obtain an economic, political, or social goal.  No. No.

8. I try to stick to first or second hand sources.  I try to use historically reliable sources.  I am biased and so is everyone else.  (some more than others)  I try to find facts and statistics that are reliable.  Statistics are often manipulated to present a more extreme picture.

9. Yes, when it does not act according to the people's will.  Examples: China a two decades ago, Britain in the 1770s, US state leaders during the civil rights movement.

10. We could get over our "America over all others" attitudes, Educate ourselves, and listen to others' issues with us.   Some Americans are extemely selfish, but others are abundantly generous (much like every other place I have heard of).  Everyone protects their interests, that is why we have conflicts.

11. Absolutely not! Bush is just the scapegoat for every error the US has made in the past 10 years.  He has made errors, but is blamed for much that he had no control over.

12. I am unclear over the exact question, but I like Ben Franlin's quote "Your right to swing your fist ends when it meets my face."  (I hope I got that quote exactly right.  It may be "hits" rather than "meets")

13. I think that many people act much more extreme because they have the annonimity of the Internet.  (I did this on the TF server and nearly got banned (sorry TF))   Some people are looking for arguments, others have such a narrow view that they ignore arguments that do not fit their definition of reality. 
Too often, people attack their opponent in a debate instead of his/her argument.  (flaming)

14. Conservative-(generally) for smaller government, often supports a large military, tries to apply their morals to law, generally gives more emphasis to foreign policy.
Liberal-(generally) for a more socialized government, often supports social freedoms/reforms, often does not support a large military, has a broader view of morality in that "your views are not mine, but that is OK", often try to separate any government connection with any religion, generally gives more emphasis to domestic policy.

15. Well, I have probably been tapped a few times because of discussing military histrory, but not because I am considdered a "threat."  (I have heard that government taps look for specific words like "bomb" etc.)

16. I do not worry about myself, but I do worry that some people will be subjected to unfair treatment or that personal affairs will become public because of wire tapping.

17. I think the war in Afganistan was completely justified.  The Taliban were dangerous and were actively supporting Al Qeida (sp?).  As for Iraq, I think that Saddam hid his weapons and that they will not be found any time soon.  He had them (the US has the receipts from when we gave him the components).  I think that the US went in because of the possibility that he was preparing WMDs and that he was generally dangerous.  We just had the right situation to act after 9/11 and the UN inspectors being obstructed.  I support the invasion of Iraq, but wish we had had a better exit strategy.

18. Great-America is still the land of opportunity.  We have a strong economy.  We have a good legal/governmental system. 
Bad-Many Americans are idiots.  Our education system needs improvement.  Our foreign policy continues to come back to haunt us.  Race/ethnic barriers are still existant (mostly economic and educational).

19. Eventually, the US will not be the dominant nation.  I hope that the world power distribution evens out or that America remains strong for at least a few centuries.

20. I believe in creationism through scientific means.  I do not believe in evolution from single cell organisms through humans.  There are too many holes in that theory for me.

Nice set of questions.  This is a good "serious talk" post. 
Come on people, let's see some answers.

WOW! That was long!

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-03-04 22:10:16)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
I do not believe in evolution from single cell organisms through humans.  There are too many holes in that theory for me.
I suggest you read that book I suggested earlier and some of Dawkins' work. Should answer some questions. Although there are holes in it, so does every aspect of science (and religion). Even as something as incredibly thoroughly studied as the universe:

Bill Bryson wrote:

The upshot of all this is that we live in a universe wgise age we can't quite compute, surrounded by stars whose distances from us and each other we don't altogether know, filled with matter we can't identify, operating in conformance with physical laws whose properties we don't truly understand.
Note the continual use of 'don't' and 'can't'.

Again, I will admit there are serious holes. Here are the biggest two.

1. Life is made of two basic things: DNA and proteins. However, DNA has no purpose without proteins and proteins can't be made without DNA. It's a circular problem, which can only be explained if they rose simultaneously. Unlikely.

2. Proteins are incredibly complex. They are made spontaneously, but the chances of getting the right combinations of amino acids.. Well... imagine a poker machine with 1000+ reels, with 20 different symbols (each representing an amino acid). Now how many times would you have to play to get the symbols (all 1000+ of them) to arrange in a specific order? A number too large to be written in any format. But it happens, and the chemical it makes is known as collagen.

Finally, everything just seems so LUCKY. The number of lucky breaks we have needed to get here is beyond count.

Last edited by Spark (2006-03-04 22:51:54)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman


1. Americans > Do YOU really fear your government? Does the President influence in your answer? Does Cheney influence your answer? What does? Why or why not?...explain.
A: I don't fear government so much as I feel that citizens should keep a closer watch on it, and move to prevent graspings for power over their rights.

2. English > First off, what do YOU like to be called, English, British, etc.?
Do YOU fear your govenrment, especially in regards to what you have done over there after the terrorist bombings?
A: n/a

3. Everyone > What are your personal thoughts and feelings towards the US and our (I'm American) govenment and/or President? This question should be answered by articles or anyone but yourself.
A: n/a; I don't feel like digging for articles or someone else to answer the question.

4. Everyone NOT American > Do YOU fear the United States of America? Why or why not?
A: n/a, though I've been to Canada once.

5. Everyone > When you specify a source in anything, mainly these threads, do you feel like it may be biased towards what YOU believe in? In other words, aren't most people going to help further their cause by putting something that agrees with them? How do you know the source is accurate? How do YOU know anything that we read, watch, see is real or the truth? Wouldn't the media want to show YOU what it wants you to see and it may not necessarily be the truth?
A: I sometimes post or comment on links to things that do not align with my personal opinion. Since this is a politics questionnaire, I will say that I approach that subject with a fair amount of skepticism. Due to that, I really have no choice but to formulate a tenuous opinion based on what I hear from the source, rather than what others say it is.

6. Everyone > Is it possible to hate your govenrment but love your country?
A: Yes. A country and a government are not one and the same.

7. Everyone > How do YOU define terrorism? Do you consider the 9/11 attacks justified and/or the London attacks justified?
A: Terrorism is the practice of terrifying a populace with acts of violence, to influence their government. It can also be driven by religious or economical motives. The day I call suicide bombings 'justified' is the day you can hang me by my toenails.

8. Everyone > How do YOU know whats real and what's not? Aren't a majority of us biased towards a certain way, so we tend to lean towards that when we read or watch the news?
A: I approach reality with a "that which is" perspective. Everything else is hearsay.

9. Everyone > Can a government REALLY be afraid of its people? Why?
A: A government can be afraid of being displaced from power by its people, should they rebel.

10. Everyone > How can the United States better ourselves? Do YOU really see us as selfish and that we only go after out interests first?
A: The US could better itself by improving its education system, to where you would be hard pressed to find a man who would put an "Iran" sticker on Australia. Stop graduating people with 80% D's and F's! Get rid of the teachers who try to impose their political views (unrelated from their official curriculum) on their students. Stop using the quick'n'easy ADHD label for kids who don't fit into your perfect government molds. Reinstitute technical programs as a priority over race-based history and biased civics programs where teachers will give you a C if your opinion doesn't match theirs. And please, emphasize written communication and typing skills. The internet is horrible enough as it is without having this constant influx of mental midgetry coming straight out of school and onto the internet in written form. Rant continues, etc.

11. Everyone > Do YOU think Americas problems will go away after Bush leaves the office?
A: No. We've had problems before we were America.

12. Everyone > Isn't the 'First Amendment Section' one of you referred to still having their right to free speech? Where in the Constitution does it say that goeverment "workers" can't put them somewhere else where they can still practice their free speach, but it won't harm whomever they're protesting against? ... that question was troublesome to type.
A: People should read the full constitution before clinging to any one amendment.

13. Everyone > Why do some people on these forums, let alone in life react so hostile towards people who disagree with them? To those who do this, do YOU always feel that YOU'RE right all the time and that no one can touch YOU?
A: I get angry at what I think is stupid. Common human trait.

14. Everyone > What does Conservative and Liberal mean to YOU?
A: Absolutely nothing, really.

15. Americans > Do YOU really feel that with these wire tappings, that YOU are being watched and heard by our government?
A: Only if I'm a suspect for something.

16. Everyone > In reference to..^^^^....What are your thoughts on them?
A: Law enforcement should keep tabs on criminal suspects.

17. Everyone > What do YOU think about the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Meaning>>> Are they justified? Why or why not? Why do YOU really think we are there?
A: It's not the worst beating those people have ever had. Look at Ghengis Khan's conquest of the area.

18. Everyone > What is so great about America? Or not so great?
A: Al Gore invented the internet.

19. Everyone > Do YOU think this so called American Empire will fall?
A: Every empire falls, but the seat of it just shifts to a different area. Frank Herbert wrote an interesting bit about that once, and called the U.S. "House Washington."

20. Everyone > I couldn't think of another question regarding this topic... so here is a curve ball.
Supposedly in the first 15 million years of the earth's existence there was absolutely no life whatsoever. How did we; humans, animals, etc., become who and what we are?
A: Insufficient data.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
Al Gore didn't invent the internet. Berners-Lee from CERN in switzerland did.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
I dont fear USA as long as they dont drop nukes on us again

Spark wrote:

Al Gore didn't invent the internet. Berners-Lee from CERN in switzerland did.
lol... wasnt al gore the VP of the US? berners-lee didnt invent the internet... he inveted the world wide web (different thing) the US military were the first to invent the internet during the cold war and they created a lan
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
well what use is the internet without the WWW? Not much. You cant play 'online games', cos no-one has a clue what an 'online game' is. There all going 'WTF is online?'
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
3. I don't like the US's way of doing things in the Middle East.  It seems to me that there could of been a number of reasons for taking over Iraq; oil, expanding US influence etc.  I do however agree that invading Afghanistan was the right thing to do.  As a New Zealander I've always held a bit of a grudge against the US for it's part in the ANZUS dispute 20 years ago.  For the unknowing, ANZUS is a defence treaty between the US, Australia and New Zealand and was signed in 1951.  In the 1980s, New Zealand became increasingly anti-nuclear, and eventually passed laws banning nuclear power and weapons from our territory.  The net effect was that any nation that wanted to send a ship to one of our ports had to confirm that said ship was not nuclear-powered, and carried no nuclear weapons.  The US refused to do this, so we banned US warship visits and in response the US suspended security obligations to NZ and imposed a range of military sanctions.  I and many other New Zealanders view this as the US trying to tell us what we can and can't have in our own country, and to be perfectly honest, its been the cause of more anti-US sentiment in this country than any of the US's actions in the Middle East.

4. I do not fear the US.  While we aren't allies any more, we're still friends and we have a lot in common; we're both wealthy, white-majority (stuff the political "correctness"), english-speaking democracies.

5. Most sources put forward by anyone in any argument will be intristicly biased; its the nature of of the game.  If you're arguing a point, you're going to quite a source that backs up your view, hence it is biased.  We can never know that what we see in the media is the truth, though I do believe non-state-controlled media is much more truthful, simple because scandals sell and nothing is more scandalous than the truth.

6. Yes, I know for a fact, I've done it.

7. Usual definition here; bombings, gas attacks etc, they don't even have to kill to be acts of terrorism.  We all know why the 9/11 & London attacks occurred, but I don't believe they were justified, nor was Bali or the Rainbow Warrior (the only terrorist attack to have ever occurred in my country)

8. Opinions are a form of bias.  As for knowing whats real, I'm studying philosophy at the moment, don't get me started

9. Yes, a government can, for fear of being deposed or simply that the other party may win the next election.

10. Be more considerate of other nations, and more willing to accept that your way isn't always the right way.  Sometimes I see the US as being selfish and sometimes I don't.  The 40 or so US Navy vessels involved in the Tsunami cleanup certainly wasn't selfish.

11. If they do it will take some time, but if things get worse they will get real bad real quick.

12. I'm not sure I understand the question, so I'll give you my thoughts on free speech.  I believe in it.  Burning buildings and killing people because of a cartoon is wrong.  So is getting shitty about the "bloody mary" southpark episode.  And locking someone up for three years because they've denied the holocaust, well I believe it happened but fuck Austria!

13. In forums you're less likely to get punched in the face for stating your opinion.  But peoples opinions on political matters do seem to be getting more polarised/extreme, all around the world...

14. Conservative = Traditional, restrictive views.
Liberal = Non-traditional, accepting views.  It is possible to be a liberal, but live a conservative lifestyle.

16. It does nothing to help my opinion of the US government, they have NO right to do that!

17. Iraq isn't, Afghanistan is.  Iraq because its for the wrong reasons.  Afghanistan, well, they protected the guys who blew up the WTC, 'nuff said.  My country has only contributed reconstruction teams to Iraq, but as well as sending reconstruction teams to Afghanistan, we also sent our SAS for a good whack.  I have no qualms with it.  Not too long ago I had the pleasure of talking with a female army captain (and ex's cousin, shes since been promoted to major I believe) both before and after her stint in Afghanistan.  She was nervous as hell before the trip, but managed to have a really good time over there helping villagers etc.  The papers told me a lot of what she told me, but also mentioned that one of our commanders was a practising Mulsim.  I imagine this helped relations with the locals a lot.

18. My flatmate went to the US recently and said the place was great, but the bigger cities were quite dirty and had heaps of homeless people.  You have a lot of good tech, and these two american chicks that sat with me on the bus the other day were hot   Oh, and a lot of good cars have come out of the US, especially in the 70s!

19. Not unless California leaves the US   Its not an empire in the sense of direct control or affiliation, more one of influence and alliances.  ALL empires crumble eventually, either peacefully or by force.  Look at my flag and you'll see evidence of the former.

20. There are many theories surrounding this.  I'm an athiest, so you can guess which one I don't accept
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
Addendum to 'problems with evolution' (at very basic stage of course)

3. One of the most important process in making life are polymers. However, there is no known process in nature that turns monomers into polymers spontaneously, save when making life. Its like dropping sugar into water and having it become a cube.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
^ *rollseyes*

I had my fill of inane creation vs evolution debates many years ago, lets not turn this thread into one mkay?

1. Do YOU really fear your government? Does the President influence in your answer? Does Cheney influence your answer?

At the moment, yes. It's almost time for another revolution. This was the best choice we had, and look where it got us. Time to let them know they work for us, not vice versa.

3. What are your personal thoughts and feelings towards the US and our (I'm American) govenment and/or President? This question should be answered by articles or avyone but yourself.

Dude, you just said PERSONAL THOUGHT AND FEELINGS, then said answered by anyone but yourself.

5. When you specify a source in anything, mainly these threads, do you feel like it may be biased towards what YOU believe in? In other words, aren't most people going to help further their casue by putting something that agrees with them? How do you know the source is accurate? How do YOU know anything that we read,watch, see is real or the truth? Wouldn't the media want to show YOU what it wants you to see and it may not necessarily be the truth?

Yes, yes, don't know, don't know, absolutely.

6. Is it possible to hate your govenrment but love your country?

100% possible

7. How do YOU define terrorism? Do you consider the 9/11 attacks justified and/or the London attacks justified?

Making it a point to kill people indiscriminantly. Wether they wear uniforms or not. Chopping peoples heads off on videotape. Praising "god" when you murder innocent people.

8. How do YOU know whats real and what's not? Aren't a majority of us biased towards a certain way, so we tend to lean towards that when we read or watch the news?

Eyes and ears, multiple sources. But yes, every piece of news has SOME slant to it.

9. Can a government REALLY be afraid of its people? Why?

Ousr (US) should, but isn't. They've been allowed to run rampant for too long.

10. How can the United States better ourselves? Do YOU really see us as selfish and that we only go after out interests first?

2nd question: Some call it selfish, I think we should always look after ourselves first.

11. Do YOU think Americas problems will go away after Bush leaves the office?

I'll take bets that it won't.

12. Isn't the 'First Amendment Section' one of you referred to still having their right to free speech? Where in the Constitution does it say that goeverment "workers" can't put them somewhere else where they can still practice their free speach, but it won't harm whomever they're protesting against? ... that question was troublesome to type.

Troublesome to read too.

13. Why do some people on these forums, let alone in life react so hostile towards people who disagree with them? To those who do this, do YOU always feel that YOU'RE right all the time and that no one can touch YOU?

Arrogance and ego.

14. What does Conservative and Liberal mean to YOU?

C=Old crusty white people
L=Dirty hippies

15. Do YOU really feel that with these wire tappings, that YOU are being watched and heard by our government?

No but it still bothers me. Bush wasn't the only one to do it though. Every President has had the option to do it.

16. In reference to..^^^^....What are your thoughts on them?

Bullshit. The whole "if you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear" argument is used by the brainwashed who see no problems giving up rights for "safety"

17. Everyone > What do YOU think about the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Go USA. Literally. kick some ass, take some names, then get our boys and gals the FAWK OUT.

18. What is so great about America? Or not so great?

It's America, nuf said. For both questions.

19. Do YOU think this so called American Empire will fall?

At the current pace, yes.

20. Supposedly in the first 15 million years of the earth's existence there was absolutely no life whatsoever. How did we; humans, animals, etc., become who and what we are?

Depends who you ask.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
I'd like to disagree with Erkut's definition of terrorism. It is much more complex than that. And I don't think he's too fond of stereotypes, either.

Although here's a thought: If everyone were as selfish as each other, no-one would have any problems...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Thank you everyone who has responded. 

If anyone else wishes to respond and answer the questions, please NOTE I changed #3... it is now

3. Everyone > What are your personal thoughts and feelings towards the US and our (I'm American) govenment and/or President? This question should only be answered by you and no outside sources.  A true to yourself answer.
Horseman 77
1. Americans > Do YOU really fear your government? Does the President influence in your answer? Does Cheney influence your answer? What does? Why or why not?...explain.

No. and No. 

3. Everyone > What are your personal thoughts and feelings towards the US and our (I'm American) govenment and/or President? This question should only be answered by you and no sources.  A true to yourself answer. <<<<edited

All is as good as it can be While fighting a WAR that started a long time ago under a different administration.

5. Everyone > When you specify a source in anything, mainly these threads, do you feel like it may be biased towards what YOU believe in? In other words, aren't most people going to help further their casue by putting something that agrees with them? How do you know the source is accurate? How do YOU know anything that we read,watch, see is real or the truth? Wouldn't the media want to show YOU what it wants you to see and it may not necessarily be the truth?

Its called buttressing your argument. Where are you going with this thought. ???

6. Everyone > Is it possible to hate your government but love your country?


7. Everyone > How do YOU define terrorism? Do you consider the 9/11 attacks justified and/or the London attacks justified?

They hit back the best way they could. They used to throw racks at tanks and occasionally hijack an Airliner and usually return it. Now they don't

Terrorism as Defined by israeli PM manachem began "  A terrorist is a patriot without an Air Force "

8. Everyone > How do YOU know whats real and what's not? Aren't a majority of us biased towards a certain way, so we tend to lean towards that when we read or watch the news?

You do your best to use your head, history, knowledge, education, and personal experience, Ignore Celebrities 

9. Everyone > Can a government REALLY be afraid of its people? Why?

Are you serious

10. Everyone > How can the United States better ourselves? Do YOU really see us as selfish and that we only go after out interests first?

Like anyone else will watch out for us? If they had been packing us into gas chambers do you think anyone would have shown up to help.

11. Everyone > Do YOU think Americas problems will go away after Bush leaves the office?

They started long before he took office, why should they?

12. Everyone > Isn't the 'First Amendment Section' one of you referred to still having their right to free speech? Where in the Constitution does it say that goeverment "workers" can't put them somewhere else where they can still practice their free speach, but it won't harm whomever they're protesting against? ... that question was troublesome to type.

Can you make your question clearer?

13. Everyone > Why do some people on these forums, let alone in life react so hostile towards people who disagree with them? To those who do this, do YOU always feel that YOU'RE right all the time and that no one can touch YOU?

Because no one can touch you here, its a powerful feeling to talk tough.  ( If you cant do it anywhere else ) Its interesting to see how the party of tolerance behaves when it has just a wee bit of power, total fascists  lol

14. Everyone > What does Conservative and Liberal mean to YOU?

Conservative means. Independent, strong willed, self sufficient, realistic, doesn't ask for or want hand outs, doesn't want to give away his or her hard earned money, usually self made.  accepts Cold hard reality and adapts. Takes responsibility. Gives the advice that worked for them.

Idealistic, Weak, simplistic, lack of will, inability to act, inexperienced, naive, destine to repeat the same mistakes again and again. cant accept and wont adapt, always blames others.  . Fantasy world, usually backed into there money,  pop stars Movie stars etc. Etc. feels guilt over it, Elitists. never practices what they preach

15. Americans > Do YOU really feel that with these wire tappings, that YOU are being watched and heard by our government?

16. Everyone > In reference to..^^^^....What are your thoughts on them?

its a  joke, the  last gasp of the Impeachment crowds embarrassing death throws

17. Everyone > What do YOU think about the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Meaning>>> Are they justified? Why or why not? Why do YOU really think we are there?

To put a stable reliable 21st century form of government into the region, Insure the energy source is accessible by a friendly stable reliable government.

and to substantially lower the water in the muddy pond that terrorist hide in. Like a Catfish in 5 inches a water. if they move at all, we see them.
You will notice they haven't moved at all, infact we have them killing each other now

18. Everyone > What is so great about America?


Or not so great?

Left wing media.

19. Everyone > Do YOU think this so called American Empire will fall?

Yes but We wont live to see it.

20. Everyone > I couldn't think of another question regarding this topic... so here is a curve ball.
Supposedly in the first 15 million years of the earth's existence there was absolutely no life whatsoever. How did we; humans, animals, etc., become who and what we are?

This would take 900 to 3000 pages are you trying to be funny?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
Obviously, Horseman has forgotten to think about these questions...

On the conservative and liberal issue, I would like to settle this dispute once and for all. There are too many left and right-wing people who think they're ALWAYS right/perfect and the other side is always wrong/imperfect. So:

Merriam-Webster wrote:

Main Entry: 1con·ser·va·tive
Pronunciation: k&n-'s&r-v&-tiv
Function: adjective
2 a : of or relating to a philosophy of conservatism b capitalized : of or constituting a political party professing the principles of conservatism : as (1) : of or constituting a party of the United Kingdom advocating support of established institutions (2) : PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE
3 a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : TRADITIONAL b : marked by moderation or caution <a conservative estimate> c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners <a conservative suit>
4 : of or relating to Conservative Judaism

Main Entry: 1lib·er·al
Pronunciation: 'li-b(&-)r&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lEodan to grow, Greek eleutheros free
1 a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts <liberal education> b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth
2 a : marked by generosity : OPENHANDED <a liberal giver> b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way <a liberal meal> c : AMPLE, FULL
3 obsolete : lacking moral restraint : LICENTIOUS
4 : not literal or strict : LOOSE <a liberal translation>
5 : BROAD-MINDED; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms
6 a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives
Unfourtunately (for Horsey) these two DICTIONARY definitions directly contradict what he has said.

BTW, Bush's government has never looked weaker in the past 8 months. (katrina -> wiretapping -> the CIA scandal).

I thought Horseman actually seriously thought about these things before babbling out some drivel.

You guys really must have forgotten the definition of two words: 'friend' and 'ally'.

Apologies to Pubic
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Horseman 77

Spark wrote:

Obviously, Horseman has forgotten to think about these questions...

On the conservative and liberal issue, I would like to settle this dispute once and for all. There are too many left and right-wing people who think they're ALWAYS right/perfect and the other side is always wrong/imperfect. So:

Merriam-Webster wrote:

Main Entry: 1con·ser·va·tive
Pronunciation: k&n-'s&r-v&-tiv
Function: adjective
2 a : of or relating to a philosophy of conservatism b capitalized : of or constituting a political party professing the principles of conservatism : as (1) : of or constituting a party of the United Kingdom advocating support of established institutions (2) : PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE
3 a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : TRADITIONAL b : marked by moderation or caution <a conservative estimate> c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners <a conservative suit>
4 : of or relating to Conservative Judaism

Main Entry: 1lib·er·al
Pronunciation: 'li-b(&-)r&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lEodan to grow, Greek eleutheros free
1 a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts <liberal education> b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth
2 a : marked by generosity : OPENHANDED <a liberal giver> b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way <a liberal meal> c : AMPLE, FULL
3 obsolete : lacking moral restraint : LICENTIOUS
4 : not literal or strict : LOOSE <a liberal translation>
5 : BROAD-MINDED; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms
6 a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives
Unfourtunately (for Horsey) these two DICTIONARY definitions directly contradict what he has said.

BTW, Bush's government has never looked weaker in the past 8 months. (katrina -> wiretapping -> the CIA scandal).

I thought Horseman actually seriously thought about these things before babbling out some drivel.

You guys really must have forgotten the definition of two words: 'friend' and 'ally'.

Apologies to Pubic
Horsey ? is that some weak ass insult ? or your blunted wits attempt at biting humor? 
Obviously didn't even read or couldn't  remember what the question was after 2 minutes elapsed time.

Take the short bus to school did we ? .

If it was a test you couldn't even follow the simple directions.
He didn't ask you to cut and paste from a dictionary definitions  like some child doing a 2 grade home work assignment, he said.
And please read below Again ..

  (      14. Everyone > What does Conservative and Liberal mean to YOU?  )

Meaning " The political parties as they currently stand. "

Katrina ?  look these up in the dictionary. Class 5 Hurricane Evacuate Flood Levy.

and the wire taps were legal,  guess you weren't watching the News left or right.

It cracks me up The ones who get bold in the safety of being totally anonymous.

Its a safe place you picked to mouth of to people, I bet that is no accident either. 

      AAA - 0 wus
Im gonna get to this when im more open minded, but i think it is a good idea, and dont know why ppl are already razzing eachother. and BTW horseman 77 complains when u shoot a Eryx at him while he is sniping your ass then has the nerve to say nice shot even tho i missed. YARRRRRR.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
1. I wasn't making an opinion on Katrina/wiretaps. I was merely stating that Bush is copping a lot of stick over these issues.

2. Someone needs a stress pill.

3. I was just responding to your highly prejudiced, sterotypical and rather insulting view of liberals, and your prejudiced, sterotypical, and rather glorifying view of conservatices.

4. Those last 3 lines are simply unintelligible.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Spark wrote:

Al Gore didn't invent the internet. Berners-Lee from CERN in switzerland did.
lol... wasnt al gore the VP of the US? berners-lee didnt invent the internet... he inveted the world wide web (different thing) the US military were the first to invent the internet during the cold war and they created a lan
Hmm...I guess nobody is aware of the great worldwide conspiracy that's trying to deny Ex-VP Gore his rightful title of "Inventor of Internet."

Erkut.hv wrote:


1. Do YOU really fear your government? Does the President influence in your answer? Does Cheney influence your answer?

At the moment, yes. It's almost time for another revolution. This was the best choice we had, and look where it got us. Time to let them know they work for us, not vice versa.
I don't know about you, but I'd never condone anything like another US civil war. The one we already had was bloody enough as it is...but I'll know to pack up when Seattlites start throwing bags of imported coffee beans into the Puget Sound.


And yes, it was all Bush's fault that Katrina hit. He had the CIA's weather control scientists brew up that hurricane, and he purposefully directed it to attack black people who he "wouldn't help." Then he proceeded to ask the UN for a "millyun dollars" in black person ransom during secret meetings. And then he used it to buy himself a new hat and a pair of boots.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-03-07 06:47:40)

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