all right i was palying BF2 and i decided to have some popcorn. so i got to the pantry to grab a bag i put it in the microwave and i left to go play. alls good the bepper went off. so i get off my arse and go to grab the bag. i grab a bowl and napkin out of the cuboard and i bring the popcorn. i see the bag was not popped. al right i do this whole process again, and it doesn't pop so i said "you stupid faggot go die in hell"(sorry for the vulgar terms) so i do this fucking 8 more times will bf2 is running. this game i had the best game of my life but the mother fucking admin kickes me cuz i was idle for 15 min i had a 15/1 kd ratio. but back to the popcorn. by this time i was pissed cuz my itunes download didnt work either and it stole my mother fucking dollar from me.
Todays lesson is don't give a bag of popcorn to an idiot(i know your thinking this guy is a fucking tard) well your almost right. have a nice day and dont eat popcorn will playing bf2
Todays lesson is don't give a bag of popcorn to an idiot(i know your thinking this guy is a fucking tard) well your almost right. have a nice day and dont eat popcorn will playing bf2