WCR official whiner
+6|6868|Madrid, Spain
As many of you might know by now, I have always been a plane hater.  But as I decided to take my revenge on those flying boys, I decided to learn to fly. As there are no jets in single player, It had to be online. Well, It's BF2 in a way I never expected before, from above. I love that game but since I started flying I am beginning to hate it a bit. If you want to fly, you have to take a plane, and for that you have to face teamkillers, and plane whores who would rather c4 your ass than let you fly.
I have been in several servers playing wake island and kubra dam and I have noticed those bastards just never respect the line for vehicles. Even if it's against server rules. I have been teamkilled on purpose dozens of times, blown up in pieces, knifed, roadkilled and who knows what else.
I never felt so pissed about this game than those last 3 days of flying. I ended up the rounds with very few points, waiting and waiting in hangars just to have a chance against the plane whores. And it felt bad because it seems all your teammates are also waiting and then you wonder who's taking the flags, the answer is... nobody. But who cares, am I gonna face the other team all alone to try to win the game for my teammates who teamkill me? What am I supposed to do?
Worst feeling was in a server called bamboo commandos. There was a guy called Danan or someting like that, he would take the plane even to admins and killing everybody. No matter how strong you mashed your use key to take the goddamn plane, he got it all the round! several kickvotes were called against him but no success... he just laughed at the rest of us teammates calling us pathetic losers. I felt like screaming... my heart pounding like a big bass drum and my rage about to explode. I think tomorrow I will play special forces again... Oh, by the way, I killed several players with the planes and I don't suck anymore at it.
And one question, how should I bomb the Essex, what is the distance to drop the bombs to kill the AA whore?
Thanks for reading this I was pissed I hope you understand me. I need to play with good people who respect each other, I really need... How's the ambience of bf2s server?
Hey, there is a single player Jet game-- Clean Sweep.  It's only bombers, but fun and good practice, until you want to fly the fighters.  It's also cool when you only want to deal with bots.  Use Anti-tank to keep the bots from running off with the F-15 (they won't complain).

Use your chaingun against the Essex.

Last edited by FeralExpress (2006-03-03 02:00:08)

Hey, if u wana practice just find an empty server with a plane map running (i prefer wake island to practice) and just fly around. Its even better when there is someone on the other team (like one person) because then you can practice dog fights ect....
+-2|6927|U.K DURHAM
no skill to kill any 1 in a plane fight any more no point in dog fights cause its now n00b rockets and the servers seem full of tits. you might find a good server if you try about 50 servers then you always get the prick who wants that plane or tank and thinks it his only. wtf is wrong with team play now thats gone all you get is 5 guys trying to get plane same for chopper then ya left with the padders on other side of map. then your left with about 3 guys trying to fight off about 30 guys. this is a good game but i find it very hard to get a good game where you have team play.
WCR official whiner
+6|6868|Madrid, Spain

FeralExpress wrote:

Use your chaingun against the Essex.
are you sure?

Stratocaster wrote:

FeralExpress wrote:

Use your chaingun against the Essex.
are you sure?
The best way to kill the AA on the Essex is your gun. But dont fly directly from your runway towards it. Get some altitude and come in from an angle the enemy isnt expecting and always come in from above. A nice level flight straight at the AA is suicide. Once you get the feel you can hit the AA gun with your guns before they even know your near them and its to late. One pass is alls thats needed to wipe it out. If someone is in the other gun then go verticle instantly after killing the first gun, change your attack angle and come back for the second one.
<b|k> lukie
Try the "coop mod". It alters the 16 player maps in singleplayer to 32 ones with bots. But be careful, the bots CAN fly and love to use air-to-air-missiles and mobile AA-vehicles.

coop mod 3
is drunk and crazy
I never knew that the gun is better against Essex AA than bombs, oh well.

I think I'm an alright pilot. More Kills than Deaths, I am quite good at shaking people (flying under the tiny bridges on wake, its possible!!, flying in the caverns on Zatar and Cleansweep, amazingly fun!)

I get the jets 99% of the time, because I've mapped my 4th mouse button to "E" so tap E and the mouse button alternativly and gets me it.

Funny story about runway blockers:

I was playing on Daqing and managed to get into their base, one of their pilots was trying to take off but was being blocked, so i snuck up behind him, knifed him and let their pilot get on with it. the pilot was OS|Mika and he killed me 4 times after that. Thats the thanks I get.

Anyway, Tips:

Fly high, cloud cover excellent,
Dive dive dive! and let the bombs fall.
soon as thats done, fly high again.
Use different views, behind view to see if anyones trailing you, knowing when to drop flares.
Other views to ese if there are any planes about.

<b|k> lukie wrote:

Try the "coop mod". It alters the 16 player maps in singleplayer to 32 ones with bots. But be careful, the bots CAN fly and love to use air-to-air-missiles and mobile AA-vehicles.

coop mod 3
That's Awesome!  Thanks!

Yes, chaingun is the best way to go-- against all non-mobile aa.  Save your bombs for armor or major strikes, if you can.  Be sure you've got flares for the final approach to the aa though.  And don't miss.

Last edited by FeralExpress (2006-03-03 12:24:36)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6830|Tampa Bay Florida
Actually, you can just create a LAN if you want to practice flying-- any map you want.  Just no bots.
WCR official whiner
+6|6868|Madrid, Spain
thx for all those tips
+76|6916|Antwerp, Flanders

E7IX3R wrote:

I never knew that the gun is better against Essex AA than bombs, oh well.

I think I'm an alright pilot. More Kills than Deaths, I am quite good at shaking people (flying under the tiny bridges on wake, its possible!!, flying in the caverns on Zatar and Cleansweep, amazingly fun!)

I get the jets 99% of the time, because I've mapped my 4th mouse button to "E" so tap E and the mouse button alternativly and gets me it.

Funny story about runway blockers:

I was playing on Daqing and managed to get into their base, one of their pilots was trying to take off but was being blocked, so i snuck up behind him, knifed him and let their pilot get on with it. the pilot was OS|Mika and he killed me 4 times after that. Thats the thanks I get.

Anyway, Tips:

Fly high, cloud cover excellent,
Dive dive dive! and let the bombs fall.
soon as thats done, fly high again.
Use different views, behind view to see if anyones trailing you, knowing when to drop flares.
Other views to ese if there are any planes about.
The gun is definitely superior to bombs when handling the essex's aa turret, using your bombs will simply force you to come in close to drop them, which means more time for the aa guy to take u out. Of course the gun takes a little more practice to get it right in my experience but try it a couple of times and you'll get the hang of it.
Bringing Sexy Back
I'm pretty sure 5%-10% of my deaths are tk's for the jet.

Welcome to the suck.
<b|k> lukie
OK. Today i flew first time in BF2 online. Bombing is so easy, effortless kills. Dogfights are somehow binary. Who catches back of an enemy, wins.

My score is funny:
  Score: 10
  Kills: 20
  Deaths: 5
  Team Points: -30

Well i guess, i have to watch the minimap more often, because the blue nametags appear AFTER i drop the bombs. :\
WCR official whiner
+6|6868|Madrid, Spain wrote:

I'm pretty sure 5%-10% of my deaths are tk's for the jet.

Welcome to the suck.
I feel ya...
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6771|New Hampshire, USA
You guys know that you can just hold "e" right?
WCR official whiner
+6|6868|Madrid, Spain
jeeeeeeez you saved my life, I didn't know LOL
Raiders of the Lost Bear

E7IX3R wrote:

I never knew that the gun is better against Essex AA than bombs, oh well.

I think I'm an alright pilot. More Kills than Deaths, I am quite good at shaking people (flying under the tiny bridges on wake, its possible!!, flying in the caverns on Zatar and Cleansweep, amazingly fun!)

I get the jets 99% of the time, because I've mapped my 4th mouse button to "E" so tap E and the mouse button alternativly and gets me it.
Here's another one talking out his ass, rehashing other people's comments.

Quite good at shaking people and doing tricks have NOTHING in common, and i've yet to see caverns on zatar OR cleansweep.

You get jets 99% of the time that way eh? That way you'll just pop in the plane and pop out again.

Strato: Some stuff for you.

-When taking out Essex AA make sure your angle of approach is UNEXPECTED. Take a big round come in behind the superstructure, come in from out of bounds, WHATEVER. With AA as fucked up as it is now you CAN'T go head to head anymore.

-Guns > Bombs. For practice load up singlep cleansweep attempt to MG everything to oblivion. Tempting to just waste them to your bombs but yeah.

-Getting the plane. The trick to this is waiting directly under the cockpit of the plane when it respawns, looking up and holding E, so as SOON as the plane appears you pop in.


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