Ya the euro tanks are good getting over awkward terrain. Another plus for armour whores, people like me are out in the cold with this booster and the next one. No life left in bf2 for me unless they start supporting special forces.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
I'm downloading the EA downloader right now... *sighs* kind of redundant isn't it?  You should be able to download it through the Battlefield 2 application or something.


Looks sweet.  Finally some desert combat!!!!!!!!! w00t.  I hope they don't have raining oil like in jarhead.  ick
love the infantry combat on 'great wall' especially up on the wall itself where you're not really bothered by the armour on the ground below you. the other 2 maps are O.K. but not very fun. Anyways it great to play something new instead of those boring same old maps over and over again lol. Wish there were more new maps though.
The best about it is the guns! Heckler & Koch!! There's the HK53, the L85A2 (the A2-version is modified by HK) and it has the HK AG36 grenade launcher and finally the HK21E. You support gunners that shouted YAY! when you read on the official site that the HK21E would have a single shot mode will be disappointed cos it doesn't. It does have 2 firing modes though, auto and auto probably a bug. All guns are good, especially the L85A2 and the FAMAS, the others are not quite as powerful which pisses me off a bit cos I'll be like "OMFGWTFLMAOBBQBRB!!!1!! I emptied a HK53 mag in your head and then you kill me with your pistol o_O". Another thing that's good is the sounds! It sounds like someone at EA have played that "project reality"-something mod, loved the weapons sounds in it.

+ The guns
+ The sounds of the guns
+ Getting to play as the European Union
+ Infantry combat on the 'Great Wall' map
+ The 'Challenger 2' and the 'Leopard 2A6' tanks feel a lot heavier than the shitty 'M1A2 Abrams'

- The HK21E does not have a single shot mode!
- English with some kind of French accent sounds unbelievably GAY and you can barely hear what they're saying
- Some vehicles are repainted US ones and not European
- Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think any European country has a F15 in service... In the booster pack there's one
- Not enough smoke on 'Operation Smoke Screen', they might aswell name it something else lol
- No new pistols... They aren't as important as the rifles but why not have at least 1 new pistol??! Every country is not using the Beretta 92FS, surprised?

~ In the blue corner! EU! In the red corner! USA! ... you get what I mean.

This booster pack does not contain enough for it to be sold like an "expansion" IMHO. They could have added at least a couple of more maps and stuff. Anyway go get it! It's rather cheap.

Last edited by Sunday8PM (2006-03-14 21:09:45)

I would have paid 15 bucks for it.
For ten dollars you cant go wrong

Guns, maps, and vehicals are all great.

The new sniper rifle if awesome.  Its what the .50cal should have always been

Friluftshund wrote:

Too many tanks??!!! You shouldn't be smoking that shit...

Lots of tanks - finally a war!!!

"The European army is rushing to assist the US forces cut off from...." or somthing like that (Smoke Screen)
you don't rush to someone's defence with 1 -one- tank, thats just ghey...

So yeah - gotta love them for putting more than one tank on a map, and you gotta love them for another thing too...

I'll invite you to tell me whats wrong with this picture(video)
what's wrong? There is no MEE-MEE-MEE-MEE-MEE after 5seconds! The maps have two air fields and with my experience that means MEE-MEE-MEE-MEE and a bomb, if you survive you may have the time to repair the tank so that you can drive another 10m to hear MEE-MEE-MEE-MEE-MEE-MEE...MEE-MEE-MEE-MEE!

I think that that map will suck when ppl get the hang of it. The other two maps looked kinda ok though.
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings

sfg-Ice__ wrote:

I thought SF was great.  I personnally love infantry combat...I think that should be the goal of any game.  To bad each map didn't have a server side function to set it for infantry combat for any size or vehicle..  Great wall sounds like a sweet map..hmm
You and me both.I enjoyed SF the best out of the BF2 maps. Operation Smoke Screen is a MAJOR tank whoring map,never seen so many tanks before in my life all close together capping flag after flag.IMO its not worth the money unless you're a die hard BF2 junkie.
Here is Erks official press release for Euro Force (s):


Went flawlessly. I downloaded it, installed it, and played it. My only problem is having to change the frigging gamespy account name if my boy wants to play his account (so he doesn't ruin my stats). That pissed me off.


For 10 dollars, it is midly entertaining. The maps are decent, fairly large, and allow for alot of maneuvering. The new tanks is great, I haven't had a chance to fly the new Helo or Jet however. The new weapons are decent. The new Medic weapon, is fantastic. The rest, well, there is so much emphasis put on mechanized warfare that you don't have much of a chance to use them.


The voices are laughable. They sound like gay french muppets. If I were from Europe, I would be highly pissed off. They should've given the Euros dresses to wear in theatre with voices like that. Jet whores are back in FULL force. Other than the new shotgun (engy), medic and sniper rifles, the rest of the weapons are okay at best.

I guess like I said it is worth 10 dollars, but DICE/EA are really pushing it.
+-2|7013|England, UK
Yes its worth it but the Eurofighter is a let down. Sluggish. It should be like the J10.

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

Yes its worth it but the Eurofighter is a let down. Sluggish. It should be like the J10.
A little more speed definatly wouldnt hurt it
Press 1 to Kill
+81|6967|Westminster, Colorado
After playing EF for a night I have to say I am not all too impressed.  I played one round of Operation Smoke Screen and it was soooooooo boring.  If you are not in armor, a plane, or a heli, you are nothing.  It once again takes forever to get to the next flag, and there is no real fun combat.

I am a big fan of 16 player Great Wall.  32 player seems too big in most cases.  The 16 player map is very condensed and has the fine infantry combat we know and love.  Rounds may last a shorter time, but the ability to rack up points fast is definitely present on the 16 player Great Wall Map.

Still a big fan of SF and wish more people would play it.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7007|San Francisco
I wouldn't say their accents are French...they REALLY sound like smaller/younger versions of Schwarzenegger.  Maybe we think that because he's our governor *cries*

terrafirma wrote:

After playing EF for a night I have to say I am not all too impressed.  I played one round of Operation Smoke Screen and it was soooooooo boring.  If you are not in armor, a plane, or a heli, you are nothing.  It once again takes forever to get to the next flag, and there is no real fun combat.

I am a big fan of 16 player Great Wall.  32 player seems too big in most cases.  The 16 player map is very condensed and has the fine infantry combat we know and love.  Rounds may last a shorter time, but the ability to rack up points fast is definitely present on the 16 player Great Wall Map.

Still a big fan of SF and wish more people would play it.
Believe me it sucks being in a chopper as well, so many things wrong with the Tiger. Although youd probably have a field day in the Havoc.
I will never give EA another dime..
for 10$ ? and still how many other games you bought in last couple of years that kept you glued to it for dozens and hundreds hours like BF2 w all its glitches and errors?
couple of hours of fun for same money.

So in terms of playing time/price, BF2 is probably one of the best
Aspiring Objectivist
It isn't worth the time & drama you have to put into it just to get it to work & even then other bugs.

Save your money, send a message.
Resident Emo Hater
+139|6988|Moscow, Russia
EA = Electronic Arts. EF = Electronic Farts.
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

I played a few minutes on Great Wall and it was pretty fun. The FAMAS is great for medic whores like me. Although the Benelli is tempting me to go back to my Engineer roots.


So far, almost all of it.


Voices sound really lame, I'd rather hear Steve Martin's The Pink Panther accent than that stuff.

I'm also torn: Play EF, play tons of Karkand (biggest point machine for me and I'm a heartless point whore), or become a great jet pilot and whore Sweep, Oman, and Kubra? I suppose if I become a good pilot I can whore planes in EF... =/
Resident Emo Hater
+139|6988|Moscow, Russia
Ah, Benelli M4, my old Counter-Strike love... Guess I'll purchase EF just for that
Looking at the maps in heavy rotation currently on BF2, you would think that they would make more city maps, instead they come out with more wide open maps. I must say I love playing bf however this booster pack just didn't do it for me, they should've put in a city map or two at least. I will continue to play though as I'm sure every server will have these new maps in rotation
I just downloaded the EA downloader, took me 48 hours to get it to work but got it working and then I just bought EF, dl it right now.  I hope it will be fun.  Its only 10 bucks, hell, I 30 bucks in spiffs at work for selling big ticket items to people.(i'm a sales man at Brookstone)
+6|6955|Weymouth, England

Rizen_Ji wrote:

4 words for you

Great Wall of China
That map is a snipers dream i love it.

Wasder wrote:

EA = Electronic Arts. EF = Electronic Farts.
that was about 3rd gradish
+6|6955|Weymouth, England

Friluftshund wrote:

Too many tanks??!!! You shouldn't be smoking that shit...

Lots of tanks - finally a war!!!

"The European army is rushing to assist the US forces cut off from...." or somthing like that (Smoke Screen)
you don't rush to someone's defence with 1 -one- tank, thats just ghey...

So yeah - gotta love them for putting more than one tank on a map, and you gotta love them for another thing too...

I'll invite you to tell me whats wrong with this picture(video)
Yea the conqeruer is fucked you cant see the tank so you have to use the tank symbol in the middle to line it up all the time. i hate it. I expect another patch will be coming to fix this and the chopper. Did anyone find anything else buggy?

Last edited by {RS}Diamonddog (2006-03-15 14:32:59)


Rizen_Ji wrote:

lol esperanto sounds funny
Esperanto is a made up language that only some French and Spanish use. Its not an official language of any sort.

But its different to France and Spain..

and the Europeans speak English of course

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