xRay_swe wrote:
xRay_swe wrote:
I have a question. Why are we arguing about if the towers collapsed from the planes or some explosives?
Shouldn't this thread be about if it all was done by terrorists or by the us government? I mean, if all this has been done by terrorists, and we assume that the towers collapsed from explosives, why didn't the terrorists make them collapse only by using explosives. Do you get what i mean? Or the other way around, if all was done by the government why didn't they only use explosives? If the intended to frighten the people, perhaps its more effective when they crash planes into the buildings?
Lets get back to that if it was done by the us or terrorists and so on and why and what and...
I mean that its really not important if they collapsed from the planes or not. The intrestng question is who and why it was done. And if there were explosives that made the buildings collapse, why they still used planes no matter if it was done by terrorists or the government. Hop you get what I mean.
Can someone plz answer my questions. Tell me what you thinka bout what I wrote!
You need to read a book called "Charlie's war" by Greorge Crile . It's abook about a Congressman from Texas who busted his ass for years to convince the US senate that we needed to supply the Afghans with stinger missles to fend off the Russian Airforce killing poeple by the thousands with the Hind-24D . You have no diea what this man did and all the bullshit he went through to get things done to secretly give aid to Afghanistan without the Russians knowing , risking war with Russia . It basically explains why Osama Bin Laden got all pissy with the US .
Basically it all came down to this . The very moment Russia claimed "victory" in the ten year old war with Afghanistan and the last general walked over the last bridge out of Afghanistan in cellebration all fucking hell broke loose again . The Northern allience and the Taliban went to civil war imidiately and things went right back to " normal " . We still had plans of celebration ourselves . This congressman was going to personally congradulate the Muhajudeen warriors and have a big ass parade in Pakistan and continue aid to help rebuild the country . Well all thoes plans were tossed aside when the Taliban started taking over the country . They were now killing every body for control . 40,000 people in just a few months . Then they started attacking the UN convoys with relief supplies . Then they started razing the UN storaege facilities . Basically the whole country was in a civil war and the US warned that if it doesn't stop all aid will be cut off . Sure as shit everything was cut off . And we got blamed for it - nice huh ? Months later the Taliban are in control of 90% of Afghanistan . On a side note : For all you idiots who say we "created" the Taliban - go fuck yourselves , they are savage animals and we have nothing to do how people act after 10 solid years of war .
Few years later Iraq attacks Quwait . Osama Bin Laden steps up to the plate and wants to help out his fellow muslims . Saudi Arabia just laughed at him and called for the USA to help out instead .They knew it would take lil Osama and his rag tag POS Army 15 years to kick Saddam out of Quwait . And this right here is why the poor lil bastard Osama got all pissy . We stole the glory of the battle field from him and to put salt on the wound infidels are on holy soil setting up for war . Well what else could piss off a lil rich kid running around playing soldier . This is why Osama hates the US . Infidels took the glory of the battle feild away from him . Oh and the fact that his father wispered some shit in his ear that he was the chosen one to fight the infidel and a whole bunch of other crap - IE brainwashing his ass in mud hut with his nose in a book 24/7 . Months later Osama was kicked out of his homeland for making a black market and supply line for weapons and ammunition - to where and what reason I forget but they gave him the boot . His very own mother land kicked him out of his own country for breaking laws - he was considered a criminal . Considering who his father was they spared him jail and kicked him out of the country . He went back to Afghanistan to hook up with his Taliban buddies once again .
This is the why . The how ? They flew planes into the buildings bro . That's it . We have been putting up with terroism for well over 12 years now . After 9/11 the gloves came off and it's ass whooping time . Now bear this in mind . The CIA and FBI blew off every warning from every country about the possibility of the 9/11 attacks . And what happened ? We got fucked up in the worst way we ever dreamed possible . Now with that in mind you have Britan , france and Russia secret services telling us Iraq has plans to attack the US with WMD . Is it really so out of place to assume that if we don't take action we might wind up with another 9/11 on our hands ? Do you think the CIA and FBI want to bear the resposibility of failing the US and it citizens again ?
So we went to war . Not by suprise like good 'ol wars went . First we had to ask permission from the worthless UN . While they have thier thumbs up thier ass we grew impatient and started massing troops in Saudi Arabia . For 6 freaking months beaating our chest on the boarder . Tell me you don't think an army of thousands of troops can't get rid of evidence in that amount of time . Saddam though we were bluffing . Either that or he really did think he could survive an attack by the US . He lost . Now although we didn't find any WMD's our war with Iraq did one thing . It removed the ability of Iraq to attack the US . But in the process we killed a lot of civillians and it is our duty to help out . We don't have a problem with the Iraqi people , just with Saddams rule and dictatorship . We are trying our best but it's kind of hard to help out when your getting shot at . Man we could do so much more if we didn't have to be alert for attacks every second . Anyhow the insurgents are shia . They were the majoirty living very well under Saddams protection . Well we basically fucked thier shit up and they are fighting for power , remind you of any other country ? They don't want to give up any power to the sunnis and kurds . They want things to stay the same . also you still have Al Qeda doing it's best to play kill the ifidel and the icing on the cake is spies and sabotures from Iran fucking shit up who would like nothing better for Iraq to fall to pieces . Iran and Iraq are bitter enemys .
Now since the war 2 countries have broken treaties concering WMD - Iran and North Korea . Iran's persident is calling for the destruction of Isreal , calling for it to be wiped off the map and is openly telling us they are enriching uranium and we can pretty much go fuck ourselves . Of course we are gonna go to war with Iran - it's just a matter of time and planning . Without a dout plans are already drwn out . Plans are already drwn out for EVEY tactical military actions . Guys , don't you get it ? Behind the curtains we are at war every day so to speak . The shit that goes on underground will spin your head . We are for ever spying on other nations and they are forever spying on us . It is in man nature to be paronoid and secure the future for his country .
For example we just busted a guy from China who has been spying on us for 50 years solid . He gave up all kinds of secret documents on how we build our nuke submarines , jets , cruise missles . They just jumped 15 years ahead of thier time . Shit like this goes on every day . It all boils down to who has the guts and the might to do somthing about it .