Raiders of the Lost Bear

Ok I had enough of looking at this thread, some true opinions, some non, I think I'm going to abolish all doubt once and for all.

00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:

. For one, you wouldn't be carrying around your grenade launcher on a real battlefield because it needs a certain range to explode, and it isn't an effetive killing weapon. I see these guys using the grenade launchers all teh time, but I have never seen them get better than a 1:1 kill/death ratio except for a few occasions. If I was runing around in a war with the grenade launcher from the game, you would be dead if you used it in close quarters.
Looks like you've neither carried one in the army, nor have you learnt to read. Firstly, it clearly says grenade launcher ATTACHMENT. Yes, I've had the honour of lugging one around before. No it doesn't need a certain range to explode. You can fire it at your own feet and take your own legs off. No, unlike what you think its a freaking effective killing weapon, shooting it into foxholes or into windows during FIBUA (Fighting in Bulit Up Areas). Yes, I've seen people get better than 1:1 ratio. 15:1 even. No you won't be deasd if you used it in close quarters, you only get sharpnel cuts.

The M203 can fire high-explosive, smoke or illuminating grenades. Area target of around 300-400m, point target of 100m MAX. When I was using it, the TSR (Training Safety Regulations) stated that the safe range to use the M203 would be 30m. Or about a 100 feet for that matter. That's not a lot if you think about. Most people with M203 frag from 30m. Anything less, around 10m (in game) he takes a shitload of damage to himself.

00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:

Another thing that is also off balance is the bunny hopping and going prone. Tell me now, does it make since that you can bunny hop and go prone and fire your weapons, but you can't while you are sprinting? And you can also hop more than you can sprint. I wish they would up the sprint, a real effective but limited escape weapon and make it so you can't fire for 1 second while proning or jumping. I have no problem taking out the hoppers, but it is a little rediculas that you can do this.
The M16 PLUS M203 is merely 5-6kg. If you can't hop around with that you're one weak dude. The only reason you don't see people in the army hopping around like idiots is beacause:

1. This is real life, you don't hop like an idiot
2. Hopping does not save you from a hail of bullets
3. Chances are you're either entrenched in a safe position, or flanking an enemy. No Rambo rushes on the enemy.

00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:

. All the M203/Gp-30 needs is a longer detenation time similar to Americas Army. It is really for use at somewhat long ranges and against multiple targets and vehicles. It's damage is fine, but up teh range because it isn't a close quarters weapon and it takes much more skill to kill someone from afar with it then to bunny hop out and nade him. Karkand is basically just a noobtube fest now, and it really ruins the level along with the tank/apc whores and alley campers. I am not trying to make the game out to be a realistice game, but it isn't balanced right and makes the game look rediculas.
Bullshit. As Madteabagger will agree with me, even though the M203 is not altogether accurate, I'm pretty sure I can take your head off from 50m.

kilroy0097 wrote:

Does the M203 grenade have a timing fuse in it? Hence does it arm only after a certain time frame?

If so do you know what the grenade would do to a person if it hit them at close range and the fuse had not activated yet? Would it be like a rock hitting you at extreme force?

Also does the grenade explode after a certain amount of time or does it have to impact something to explode?
Rifle Grenades may come in 2 kinds, both impact fused and time fused. Pick the grenade. In general, antipersonnel grenades would be time fused, and anti-armour grenades would be impact fused.

But with the introduction LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging), is a device which uses a laser beam in order to determine the distance to an opaque object. It works by sending a laser pulse in a narrow beam towards the object and measuring how long it takes for the pulse to bounce off the target and return to the sender. Modern grenades are starting to use electronic fuses, which allows extremely precise detonation times.

Let me remind you that when using a grenade, the objective is to have the grenade land with too little time for the enemy to counter-act (such as throwing it back or finding shelter). That is rule #1 in every grenade throwing manual. So we assume that it follows the same rule in BF2.

For that matter, what is the timing of the hand grenade in BF2 anyway?

For the record, Fragmentation grenades have incredible effective casualty range. So do concussion grenades. Frag = sharpnel i.e. fletchettes, ball bearings etc. Concussion = overpressure = explosive power.

Yup yup. Oh and kilroy, getting hit from a dead grenade feels like getting hit by a very fast pitch. The muzzle velocity is what, 100m/s? maybe slightly less, i stand corrected.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

The grenade launcher CAN be somewhat compared to a mortar, you fire out whatever you put in, so it depends on how many cans of grenades you wanna carry Its all up to you, but standard issue is 4.

00SoldierofFortune00: Have you seen body armour mangled by fletchettes? It gets ripped clean through and the fletchettes stick 2-3 inches deep in the tree behind. Furthermore, body armour is what it is = BODY. A grenade explosion is a pretty bigass one if it lands in front, or anywhere near you. You're screwed.

It just blows up Impact fuse maybe?

Enough of RL stuff. In-game now. I'm not afraid of GLwh0res. Unless YOU are one of those Rambo kinds who charge in with G3/PKM, anything. I prefer picking off people from far with L85 or Assault Rifle from a safe position. Simple as that. All my GL kills are when I pump it into a window in a popular camping spot (which explaiins my sizeable TKs and crappy accuracy).

But no, I'm not afraid of GL wh0res at all. They don't do nuts to me.

You guys shouldn't either. If you are, you're being a dumbass rambo. 'Waah Waah A GLwh0re took out 3 squad members and me'. You're too close together, and a clustered target = change to grenade launcher for ANYONE. 'Waah Waah a GLwh0re blew me up 1v1 with a M203 when i was about to backstab him'. I've blow people off with the AT rocket. You don't change weapon for honour. You use whatever's in your hands.

polarbearz wrote:

Ok I had enough of looking at this thread, some true opinions, some non, I think I'm going to abolish all doubt once and for all.

00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:

. For one, you wouldn't be carrying around your grenade launcher on a real battlefield because it needs a certain range to explode, and it isn't an effetive killing weapon. I see these guys using the grenade launchers all teh time, but I have never seen them get better than a 1:1 kill/death ratio except for a few occasions. If I was runing around in a war with the grenade launcher from the game, you would be dead if you used it in close quarters.
Looks like you've neither carried one in the army, nor have you learnt to read. Firstly, it clearly says grenade launcher ATTACHMENT. Yes, I've had the honour of lugging one around before. No it doesn't need a certain range to explode. You can fire it at your own feet and take your own legs off. No, unlike what you think its a freaking effective killing weapon, shooting it into foxholes or into windows during FIBUA (Fighting in Bulit Up Areas). Yes, I've seen people get better than 1:1 ratio. 15:1 even. No you won't be deasd if you used it in close quarters, you only get sharpnel cuts.

-LOL, man you are talking about something completely different then me. Read my all of my sentence next time. First off, I never said that the M203 isn't an effective weapon. I used it alot and it is very effective in the game when used properly. And 2nd, you say you have lugged it around etc, but it needs a certain ammount of rotations in the air for it to be armed and then it explodes on implact. You cannot shoot it at your legs and it would explode, and that is even stated by the military because it needs a certain ammount of spins to activate or some of the new ones have timed fuses. And when we are talking about the game, I think I have played it more and have seen it used more than you, and using it solely agaisnt half decent players will not get you a 15:1 kill death ratio. Usually there is something else involved when they get that high of a kill/death ratio solely with it. They either camp near Karkand Alleys, or stay back. You have 1 shot, and after that  you are basically dead when going against 2 targets.

The M203 can fire high-explosive, smoke or illuminating grenades. Area target of around 300-400m, point target of 100m MAX. When I was using it, the TSR (Training Safety Regulations) stated that the safe range to use the M203 would be 30m. Or about a 100 feet for that matter. That's not a lot if you think about. Most people with M203 frag from 30m. Anything less, around 10m (in game) he takes a shitload of damage to himself.

00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:

Another thing that is also off balance is the bunny hopping and going prone. Tell me now, does it make since that you can bunny hop and go prone and fire your weapons, but you can't while you are sprinting? And you can also hop more than you can sprint. I wish they would up the sprint, a real effective but limited escape weapon and make it so you can't fire for 1 second while proning or jumping. I have no problem taking out the hoppers, but it is a little rediculas that you can do this.
The M16 PLUS M203 is merely 5-6kg. If you can't hop around with that you're one weak dude. The only reason you don't see people in the army hopping around like idiots is beacause:

1. This is real life, you don't hop like an idiot
2. Hopping does not save you from a hail of bullets
3. Chances are you're either entrenched in a safe position, or flanking an enemy. No Rambo rushes on the enemy.

-Ok, use some common sense now. You are carrying your weapon which weighs say around 8 pounds.
Now add on body armor(flack jacket), extra ammo, other gear and supplies, and you aren't just carrying around your 8 pounds, but more like 60+ pounds. You aren't just going into a conflict or battle with just your weapon. LOL, if you think you can jump or prone around and fire the weapon with almost near perfect accuracy as in the game in RL, then you must be smoking some good shit.

00SoldierofFortune00 wrote:

. All the M203/Gp-30 needs is a longer detenation time similar to Americas Army. It is really for use at somewhat long ranges and against multiple targets and vehicles. It's damage is fine, but up teh range because it isn't a close quarters weapon and it takes much more skill to kill someone from afar with it then to bunny hop out and nade him. Karkand is basically just a noobtube fest now, and it really ruins the level along with the tank/apc whores and alley campers. I am not trying to make the game out to be a realistice game, but it isn't balanced right and makes the game look rediculas.
Bullshit. As Madteabagger will agree with me, even though the M203 is not altogether accurate, I'm pretty sure I can take your head off from 50m.

-LOL, where did I say that the M203/Gp-30 is inaccurate? Tell me please. I said up the range and it takes much more skill to use and kill someone effectively with as oppose to hopping around using it 5 feet in front of you.  I know how to use the thing long ranges, and it is accurate, but that is not what I was disscusing here. And trust me, I have taken alot of heads off with it to know that it is an effective and accurate weapon. So what you said sounds more like the bullshit. In that paragraph, I was suggestiong that the range be upped for it until it was armed and would explode like America's Armys GL so we wouldn't get the noob tubers up close everywhere.

kilroy0097 wrote:

Does the M203 grenade have a timing fuse in it? Hence does it arm only after a certain time frame?

If so do you know what the grenade would do to a person if it hit them at close range and the fuse had not activated yet? Would it be like a rock hitting you at extreme force?

I think we would all know what would happen in RL, but this is a game and things are done differently in it. You can get hit with a bullet and still jump around in BF2, so it is far from realistic.

Also does the grenade explode after a certain amount of time or does it have to impact something to explode?
Rifle Grenades may come in 2 kinds, both impact fused and time fused. Pick the grenade. In general, antipersonnel grenades would be time fused, and anti-armour grenades would be impact fused.

But with the introduction LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging), is a device which uses a laser beam in order to determine the distance to an opaque object. It works by sending a laser pulse in a narrow beam towards the object and measuring how long it takes for the pulse to bounce off the target and return to the sender. Modern grenades are starting to use electronic fuses, which allows extremely precise detonation times.

Let me remind you that when using a grenade, the objective is to have the grenade land with too little time for the enemy to counter-act (such as throwing it back or finding shelter). That is rule #1 in every grenade throwing manual. So we assume that it follows the same rule in BF2.

WTF are you talking about now. This is common sense and getting off topic. We are talking about the grenade launchers, not a fragmentation grenade which is different in design and how it effects the victim. Frag grenades do more damage than the ones from teh grenade launchers because the frags have more filler(explosive/shrapnel) in it then the GL ones which are partly made up of the fuse alone. If the game was really accurate, the frags would do more damage yet the Gl does more. This game is far from accurate when it comes to recreating real life. The only things that are accurate are the weapons, but not they way they fire or act and a few other things.

For that matter, what is the timing of the hand grenade in BF2 anyway?

For the record, Fragmentation grenades have incredible effective casualty range. So do concussion grenades. Frag = sharpnel i.e. fletchettes, ball bearings etc. Concussion = overpressure = explosive power.

Yup yup. Oh and kilroy, getting hit from a dead grenade feels like getting hit by a very fast pitch. The muzzle velocity is what, 100m/s? maybe slightly less, i stand corrected.
ive spent half an hour reading this and realise 2 things.
1- i think some ppl who complaIn about the game not being life like enough should:
      a-re-Enlist and do like  half of my clan has Done and deploy to iraq where thay are hated spit on shot at and in a actual fight for their life.
      b- next time u play the game if u want it more lifelike if you are shot by a weapon "any weapon for that matter" time yourself. if a medic dosent give you your health back image yourself slowly bleeding to death then delete your account and start over. repeating this process each day.
2-those who take the game for what it is....a game  enjoy it. it lets us relive parts of our proud pasts <for those of us who has served our country> those parts being where we have been those soldiers who were trained to do a duty and did our best knowing that we were defending someones freedom somewhere. or for those of us who havent been active duty. it gives us a sence of adventure. pretending to be one of those men. in a live combat experience, shooting the enemy before they kill us.

all i can say is this.  the game is fun as hell . good work EA. we understand its only a few months old. and thus far is the best game in its class. hell its why we are here right. a few bugs.. so what quit reading and go frag some jerk by any means neccisary. me ill just toss a nade ur way to scare ya then the rest of my squad will shoot u as i run for cover screaming like a little girl...until i take position and fire on whats left of your corpse

Last edited by 137.nexxus (2005-10-03 22:19:37)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

1. I don't want it to be lifelike.

2. SoldierofFortune. I was answering YOUR claims that the area of effect should be small etc. If you're expecting it to be lfelike, you're not supposed to be even able to JUMP with an AT tube. Looks like you still can't read because GLs can load more than just timed fuses. Impact fuses etc are also possible.
ok the m203 uses an impact round http://science.howstuffworks.com/grenade3.htm
have fun with the flashmedia on the page, it explains the inturnal workings.
OMG... Real life... game... yeah, I got that.  Congratulations your the 1 millionth person to say that.  It is a balancing issue. Something easily fixed, that EA was not aware of when the game was released, because they do not have beta testers to tell them.   WE ARE THE BETA testers, thus we must tell them! 

"What is the differ between A beta game, and BF2?" - You pay 50.00 for BF2

Bf2 is the only game i have ever seen a patch be released a week after launch, and then have it recalled for a severe programming flaw!!!!  As if they couldnt get the game right, they couldnt even get the patch right...  WTF makes you think they can get the balancing right??

GL'er - to powerful
Blackhawk gun - slash damage (only a 7.62 round)
Mi-28 slash damage - to powerful

That is just 3 of the hundreneds of Balancing issues they have.  Now i can deal with that... but it would be much more enjoyable for everyone if they fixed all of that!  (unless you are someone who takes it "for granted")  Yes I admit, I do like the game, A LOT, but to be honest with you, i really dont see myself playing it too much longer!!  FEAR, Quake 4, COD 2, XBOX 360, PS3.  BF2 is going to lose its interest very quickly if they dont get somethings ironed out.
well, the blackhawk/mil mi problem is very simple hte blackhawk splash damage is wrong. the gaus shouldn"t do splash though the rate of fire is a little slower than probably real life. the mil-mi damage is accurate as it is an anti tank round and/or a grenade round. hence the explosion as it hits just about anything.

Last edited by 137.nexxus (2005-10-04 18:43:01)

No the guns on the chopper are anti personnel weapons.   You dont shoot tanks with guns, you shoot them with missles, rockets, and bombs.  Which is why your are give them.
LOL, I never said i wanted the game to be life like, and that is always the noob tubers excuse or something stupid like that. I want teh game to be balanced, and being able to jumping and go prone while firing and not being able to do it while sprinting makes no sense. At least while sprinting you can shoot. All they need to do is make the jumping and going prone like the sprinting, where you put your gun down for a sec, but not like AA's which would be much to slow for this game. And with the M203/Gp-30, just make sure it needs to go a certain distance for it to explode so we don't get all these noob tubers in the alleys of Karkand. They also tk, and don't help the team by killing themselves. And when everyone starts doing it, it just feels like UT instead of BF. Now tell me, how are those suggestions a bad thing when many others have the same valid complaints that don't want the game to be a war sim. O and about people joining the military, that is up to the person, and you don't know what those persons are thinking or how they really act or react, so don't say that bs about people. Just because people want a video game a certain way, someone always have to say go into war if you want that. Some are and some are just playing the game for fun. So speak for yourself when it comes to others enlisting, but not others who you know nothing about even if you have known them for years.(This is just a general statement and not aimed at anyone).
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7050|The Hague, Holland
Guys, why is it called a n00b tube. I mean its a damn weapon. Yes I get killed with it a lot o times. I aint pissed. Deal with it -.- ... My suggestion, start being a sniper. keep out of range of anybody. I hope your happy now
agreed this is the reason my clan quit playing the DF series in BHd u couldnt shoot any one with any weapon besides the m16 without being called a noob. personally i hate the word. if the way someone else plays bugs u that bad then u shouldn't complain about the weapons they use. just kill them as best as you can. if everyone used the same tactics and same wepaons the game would be dull as hell
I just wanna put my own 2 cents in. No 203 or GP30 on EARTH can be shot and then detonate not 1 second after it is shot, and further more, unless the USMC has developed some new armor that I am unaware of, no person ON EARTH can withstand a 203 shot or GP30 shot from 1 foot away at direct impact, it just can't happen. So personnaly I think the whole 203 and GP30 is FUBAR!! Just my 2 cents.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Im pissed at this weapon too, but instead of bitching about it, I just got good with it.

Now, in the interest of what I believe to be fair sportsmanship, I generally don't whip out my GL skills until I actually use it for a purpose the GL is supposed to be for (i.e. foxholes, group of guys, etc.), or unless there are a bunch of other people using it.

Again, it isnt the best solution, but I didn't pay $50 to whine and cry after getting raped one round.  I very rarely run into servers with this situation, and I just avoid the ones I know are prone to it.
I personally can't stand the thing. I play a lot of Strike at Kir and when you are the MEC side all the USMC stand on that hill and rain nade fire down. It gets to a point where you just sit and wait for them to come to you. They need to dum down the range and power of that wepon. Funny someone mentioned earlier that they use the cannon so much that they cant use the actual wep. I have seen this first hand. Pretty pathitic. Other than that this game is pretty balenced just needs a little more fine tuning.
+0|7064|Your Mom's House
The ones i love best are the kids who just stand right in front of you, and could easily kill you with 1 fucking bullet or even spray and pray and probably kill you. But no. They just stand there, reload their gl right in front of you. They Dont even try to hide or prone or anything. The outright audacity of their egotistical playing style. I can just imagin what they're thinking, "Wow im so elite, look at me own all these inter-noobs with my pure pawnage assult skill. I think I'll go prone in a doorway and spam people with my elite full auto skills."

And By the time you even line up a shot, there's a grenade up your ass.

As for Gls IRL, the default grenade for the m203 (same used on the m79) does have a minium range of 30 meters, im sure the Gp25 (25mm) and Gp30 (30mm) have the same style. Enough of people just jumping and shooting at their feet, some sort of minium range definitly needs to be added.
Just because i didnt see this mentioned on the first two pages.

A GRENADE not a FRAG (FRAG means DEATH/KILL) is thrown so the overall force from it is reduced. The M203 or GP-30 Is LUNCHED with gun powered and is full of explovies thus giving it more of a bang then the Grenade.

The only solution to this "noob tube" if you will is to either give both lunchers a heat sheild. Every time you fire it the barrel heats up like in real life.


You make the acc. of the luncher much much harder as having fired one in real life its not just point and shoot BOOM two guys blow up. Its stick but of gun as far as you can into leg make aim. Fire. Hope balls are still intact and can walk away as the recoil from it will but the gun at about a 60 degree angle after being fired.
+0|7064|Your Mom's House
Well, in  BF2, the grenade launchers do the exact same ammont of damage / same spread as the frag grenades. All that needs to be added is a minimum range to prevent excessive QCB whoring, which is where it's the worst.
And as a matter of fact, the M-203 Grenade Launcher is quite accurate.

@pish180 Do you think, that the marines in iraq are just noobs as well ?

http://www.webmutants.com/strategypage/m203.avi  7,8mb/w. soldier language
soup fly mod

Here's the real question: DOES THE M203 UNBALANCE THE KITS ON BF2?  In other words does the assault kit rock all the other kits making them essentially ineffective in the face of a m203?
Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7032|Sumter, South Carolina
sometimes yes
They take no skill to use?....and?....this is the same in any online game, remember team fortress classic!! the heavy weapons guy...everyone called that class the noob class..takes no skill just point and spray and on and on it goes..whats next throw more than 1 grenade and u will call us spammers?...no gun takes skill to fire any halfwit can pull a trigger..the skill is in not getting shot and as for the fact that these nades do more damage ...could it be because they explode on impact therefore consentrating the damage in a more specific area. Im not having a go at anyone im just tired of hearing the same old moans..
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Ok lets get this straight. TFC's ma bitch, i've got tfc down pat. and no TFC wasn't the n00b class. just point and spray? A scout would circle strafe your ass to hell, a sniper would blow your head/legs away. Demoman would own you, so would soldier. EMP grenade from an engineer would bust your ass so hard you wouldn't have time to scream.

Get on any server, i can create, and show me how you can own with HWMan.
so basically this is limited to karkand? and peeps dont like soldiers who hide in alleys? or use tanks? or APC's? or grenade launchers?......you know what im more concerned with the constant connection problems i get with a 40 ping!!!!...and this has become more of a prob since the new patch....maybe i play on different servers than most of u but i dont see using gren launchers as a prob...prolly only been killed under 10 times with one!!..as for tank whores...apv, heli etc. etc. i would rather be in an armoured vehicle than on foot...its the usual gripe like all the old games..more than one nade thrown ur a spammer...get killed by a tank etc etc then they whores...and anything other than that is a noob weapon..heard it on TFC,HL1,2, MOH,COD,DOD,CS,Jedi academy.....it all boils down to one thing...your probably under the age of 15 and need to get some skill...qoute me i dont care...."Kevin & Perry" "its so unfair........"   Polar ur not listening dude im agreeing with u!!! re-read my post and take note of the ??? marks...if TFC was ur bitch then u know as well as i do that everyone moaned about the HW-GUY and called it the noob class!!!...i never said TFC was a noob class i stated that evryone thought the HW-GUY was the noob class...why do i bother its a generation gap, yes im old! been playing online games for years and i dont claim to be good..but i do notice the same old moans no matter what the game...one other point it takes no skill to aim a tank at a certain area and kill a enemy hiding behind a wall...so are they noods as well?....no one is a noob because they use the gren launcher..ive nevr found it a problem (but then maybe i play on diff servers to u all)..ive killed more peeps in an armoured vehicle than i have with a gun...u go on about unfair this and unfair that...i unlocked the PKM and cant hit shit!!!...its a bloody big machine gun and i aim dead centre at the enemy and hardly hit him...so what, maybe i need to practice more im not complaning...i just use a diff class...ok lets get EA/DICE to re-make the maps so we dont have alleys, gren launchers, choppers, tanks, APC's etc. just foot soldiers and rifles...will that solve all complaints?...no! i agree there are too many un-realistic situations within the game but calling some on a noob or a whore because they can use a class or vehicle to their advantage is just plain silly........sod this im getting a beer who wants one....

Last edited by Fahrenheit (2005-10-23 15:28:24)

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