Raiders of the Lost Bear

usmarine2005 wrote:

While i agree with some of that, I do not understand the "go play another game" statement.  I don't even know what CS is.  However, the same could be said about jets, if you don't like AA go play flight simmulator 2004.  Either way, I am happy with the game, annoyed by some bugs, but all around happy with it.
See? I don't like AA not because I'm getting owned. I don't like AA because its BUGGED. RIGGED. WARPED from what it was supposed to be. I racked up 43 kills in a row yesterday. patch 1.2. BUGGED. RIGGED. WARPED AA. But I still did it.

polarbearz wrote:

Minnesoter wrote:

Yum.  I love the AA guns on Sharqi.  In one shot, from the top of the Hotel, I took out two tanks, 13 ground troops, and a circus elephant dancing a trick on the crane.
And i love liars like you who have no idea what the fuck they're talking about
Maybe when they teach you English, they should also teach you to understand sarcasm.

usmarine2005 wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

No shit it isn't real life.  But the way that idiot talks he most likely walks around in a top gun leather jacket and wears an oxygen mask while he is playing.  If you are going to equate terms like skill and talent to a video game jet, then my point was I am not, nor will I ever be, impressed by it.  I was just trying to say that I know what it takes to fly an airplane and I am sick of these people telling people they have no skill or talent.  In my opinion, you click a fucking mouse button, not much talent or skill in that.  If you want to say somebody sucks at something or that you are better, fine, but I am just tired of people talking like they have a P.H.D in BF2.

p.s.   I liked the post too and I wasn't talking to Comrade.
It is idiots like you that run around exploiting bugs and shit in the game that cause these patches to come out in the first place.  I find it extremely hilarious that folks can learn how to chunk c4, bunny hop, dolphin dive, etc. and so forth but can't learn how to keep from getting a bomb dropped on their heads.  I can't tell you how many matches I watch where 10 fools are standing around a flag out in the open after it had been neutralized only to see them get obliterated by bombs.  More than likely you fit this category.  Now they are the same 'tards that jump on AA guns and get mowed down by Vulcan fire.  They are the same idiots that do jump in APCs over and over again and continuously get blown up 10 seconds after rolling out.

Fact is, before the patch jets were overpowered. . .SOME.  Now we've gone from one extreme to the other.  Except before the patch, you got rewarded for learning how to fly and become proficient in that aspect of the game.  Now, they're rewarding the same idiots that were bunny-hopping and whatnot before but through AA guns.

So, in conclusion. . .suck my sweaty balls.
What the hell have I exploited?  I am not even a Sgt. Major.  I don't have my expert explosives, my K/D sucks, and I am not that good with a noob tube, so I haven't exploited shit like some people in this forum.  As for the bombs, if you are blasting away on the machine gun by the time you hear the plane, if you actually can, it is too late.

So, in conclusion... I do not bunny hop or dolphin dive, ask anyone who has played with me from this forum, so go cry in someone elses beer.

P.S.  If you think they fixed bunny hopping, then you really need to get out of the air.
If you weren't such a fucking moron you'd know that I was the first person to post a thread on this forum saying that Bunny Hopping and Dolphin Diving Is Alive and Well.  All of those things refer to BEFORE the patch, just as you and the rest of your 'tard friends were bitching about plane strength BEFORE the patch.  You make up a big group of people that play BF2. . .they consist of people that:

A) Bitch about how "unfair" the game is until dumbass DICE/EA gets so fed up they nerf portions of the game

B) Cheer when more ways come out for you to pad stats and screw over people with more talent than you. (i.e. AA guns, claymores, etc.)

I mean Jesus, the game was perfectly fine before.  Yes, it was annoying to have someone jump and shoot me in the face.  Guess what?!?!  It's a game so I just respawned and went and killed his ass.  Now we've got things WORSE than bunny hopping/dolphin diving and that shit is basically still around!!

Just because YOU have no skills at anything doesn't mean you need to be trying to talk shit to people that do and then whining about it so EA will nerf the game even more than they have.

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

It is idiots like you that run around exploiting bugs and shit in the game that cause these patches to come out in the first place.  I find it extremely hilarious that folks can learn how to chunk c4, bunny hop, dolphin dive, etc. and so forth but can't learn how to keep from getting a bomb dropped on their heads.  I can't tell you how many matches I watch where 10 fools are standing around a flag out in the open after it had been neutralized only to see them get obliterated by bombs.  More than likely you fit this category.  Now they are the same 'tards that jump on AA guns and get mowed down by Vulcan fire.  They are the same idiots that do jump in APCs over and over again and continuously get blown up 10 seconds after rolling out.

Fact is, before the patch jets were overpowered. . .SOME.  Now we've gone from one extreme to the other.  Except before the patch, you got rewarded for learning how to fly and become proficient in that aspect of the game.  Now, they're rewarding the same idiots that were bunny-hopping and whatnot before but through AA guns.

So, in conclusion. . .suck my sweaty balls.
What the hell have I exploited?  I am not even a Sgt. Major.  I don't have my expert explosives, my K/D sucks, and I am not that good with a noob tube, so I haven't exploited shit like some people in this forum.  As for the bombs, if you are blasting away on the machine gun by the time you hear the plane, if you actually can, it is too late.

So, in conclusion... I do not bunny hop or dolphin dive, ask anyone who has played with me from this forum, so go cry in someone elses beer.

P.S.  If you think they fixed bunny hopping, then you really need to get out of the air.
If you weren't such a fucking moron you'd know that I was the first person to post a thread on this forum saying that Bunny Hopping and Dolphin Diving Is Alive and Well.  All of those things refer to BEFORE the patch, just as you and the rest of your 'tard friends were bitching about plane strength BEFORE the patch.  You make up a big group of people that play BF2. . .they consist of people that:

A) Bitch about how "unfair" the game is until dumbass DICE/EA gets so fed up they nerf portions of the game

B) Cheer when more ways come out for you to pad stats and screw over people with more talent than you. (i.e. AA guns, claymores, etc.)

I mean Jesus, the game was perfectly fine before.  Yes, it was annoying to have someone jump and shoot me in the face.  Guess what?!?!  It's a game so I just respawned and went and killed his ass.  Now we've got things WORSE than bunny hopping/dolphin diving and that shit is basically still around!!

Just because YOU have no skills at anything doesn't mean you need to be trying to talk shit to people that do and then whining about it so EA will nerf the game even more than they have.
I have been happy with this game since it came out, I don't care if I get killed by a plane or anything else, I just care that I died.  You keep implying that I pad, which makes you look very stupid if you would check my stats.

usmarine2005 wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

What the hell have I exploited?  I am not even a Sgt. Major.  I don't have my expert explosives, my K/D sucks, and I am not that good with a noob tube, so I haven't exploited shit like some people in this forum.  As for the bombs, if you are blasting away on the machine gun by the time you hear the plane, if you actually can, it is too late.

So, in conclusion... I do not bunny hop or dolphin dive, ask anyone who has played with me from this forum, so go cry in someone elses beer.

P.S.  If you think they fixed bunny hopping, then you really need to get out of the air.
If you weren't such a fucking moron you'd know that I was the first person to post a thread on this forum saying that Bunny Hopping and Dolphin Diving Is Alive and Well.  All of those things refer to BEFORE the patch, just as you and the rest of your 'tard friends were bitching about plane strength BEFORE the patch.  You make up a big group of people that play BF2. . .they consist of people that:

A) Bitch about how "unfair" the game is until dumbass DICE/EA gets so fed up they nerf portions of the game

B) Cheer when more ways come out for you to pad stats and screw over people with more talent than you. (i.e. AA guns, claymores, etc.)

I mean Jesus, the game was perfectly fine before.  Yes, it was annoying to have someone jump and shoot me in the face.  Guess what?!?!  It's a game so I just respawned and went and killed his ass.  Now we've got things WORSE than bunny hopping/dolphin diving and that shit is basically still around!!

Just because YOU have no skills at anything doesn't mean you need to be trying to talk shit to people that do and then whining about it so EA will nerf the game even more than they have.
I have been happy with this game since it came out, I don't care if I get killed by a plane or anything else, I just care that I died.  You keep implying that I pad, which makes you look very stupid if you would check my stats.
I'm just implying that you're a fucking dumbass fucktard.

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

If you weren't such a fucking moron you'd know that I was the first person to post a thread on this forum saying that Bunny Hopping and Dolphin Diving Is Alive and Well.  All of those things refer to BEFORE the patch, just as you and the rest of your 'tard friends were bitching about plane strength BEFORE the patch.  You make up a big group of people that play BF2. . .they consist of people that:

A) Bitch about how "unfair" the game is until dumbass DICE/EA gets so fed up they nerf portions of the game

B) Cheer when more ways come out for you to pad stats and screw over people with more talent than you. (i.e. AA guns, claymores, etc.)

I mean Jesus, the game was perfectly fine before.  Yes, it was annoying to have someone jump and shoot me in the face.  Guess what?!?!  It's a game so I just respawned and went and killed his ass.  Now we've got things WORSE than bunny hopping/dolphin diving and that shit is basically still around!!

Just because YOU have no skills at anything doesn't mean you need to be trying to talk shit to people that do and then whining about it so EA will nerf the game even more than they have.
I have been happy with this game since it came out, I don't care if I get killed by a plane or anything else, I just care that I died.  You keep implying that I pad, which makes you look very stupid if you would check my stats.
I'm just implying that you're a fucking dumbass fucktard.
Why don't you play a little more and use your awesome "skill" before you put down anyone else.

usmarine2005 wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

I have been happy with this game since it came out, I don't care if I get killed by a plane or anything else, I just care that I died.  You keep implying that I pad, which makes you look very stupid if you would check my stats.
I'm just implying that you're a fucking dumbass fucktard.
Why don't you play a little more and use your awesome "skill" before you put down anyone else.
You live in Ohio.  I don't need to try and put you down.  My "skillz" are beyond your comprehension so don't even bother.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6877|Cologne, Germany

wtf is going on here ? get a grip guys, it's just a silly game. go get your medicine and calm down. If you cannot discuss the matter with a little decency I suggest you go someplace else.
+50|6731|Southern California

B.Schuss wrote:

wtf is going on here ? get a grip guys, it's just a silly game. go get your medicine and calm down. If you cannot discuss the matter with a little decency I suggest you go someplace else.
i'm with this guy
all of this fighting is subtracting from the wit of my original post.

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

I'm just implying that you're a fucking dumbass fucktard.
Why don't you play a little more and use your awesome "skill" before you put down anyone else.
You live in Ohio.  I don't need to try and put you down.  My "skillz" are beyond your comprehension so don't even bother.
No, I can read you stats and comprehend your "skillz" quite well.

usmarine2005 wrote:

While i agree with some of that, I do not understand the "go play another game" statement.  I don't even know what CS is.  However, the same could be said about jets, if you don't like AA go play flight simmulator 2004.  Either way, I am happy with the game, annoyed by some bugs, but all around happy with it.
The "go play another game" statement is meant to address you, and people like you, who think that BF2 would somehow be a better game without planes. BF2 has always been defined by the fact that it represents MANY aspects of warfare, not just ground combat. BF2, and the Battlefield series, is defined by the tanks, the jeeps, the jets, the helicopters, the APCs, the AA, the multitude of small arms, etc.

CS:S, or Counter Strike: Source, is a strictly infantry based game, which is why it is always brought up to address people like you who think that any form of aircraft doesn't  belong in the game, especially if you can't deal with it on the ground.

Pilots in BF2 don't want to play a flight sim, because we're not all about flying. Did you ever happen to think that we like to do all aspects of BF2? Fight in the ground, drive a tank around, use the AA, fly helos, gun helos, fly jets, gun jets, etc. ? I personally love all aspects of the game, I just happen to do my best in a plane, mainly because planes are the strongest vehicles in the game. What people like me HATE, is when people like you, who refuse to learn how to fly, tell us to go play another game because you cannot deal with us. If you can't, don't or won't deal with jets by learning how to fly yourself, you have no one to blame but yourself. If you simply just don't want to deal with it, play CS! No jets in that game, no helis in that game.... the only thing you have to worry about is the AWP whores, which you may fit right in with!

Simply put, pilots like flying in BF2 along with everything else. Yes, we fly and own when we get the chance, because we like to own, just like everyone else. However, we enjoy BF2 not just because of the flying, but because of the wide representations of the many aspects of warfare, and do not just limit ourselves to the ground warfare and think anyone infringing on our fun is evil. So if you can't deal with being owned by jets, go play CS. If you enjoy the game enough to get good at ALL aspects of the game, learn how to fly and take those pilots down. You'll be a better player because of it.

Last edited by Torin (2006-02-23 08:38:36)


Torin wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

While i agree with some of that, I do not understand the "go play another game" statement.  I don't even know what CS is.  However, the same could be said about jets, if you don't like AA go play flight simmulator 2004.  Either way, I am happy with the game, annoyed by some bugs, but all around happy with it.
The "go play another game" statement is meant to address you, and people like you, who think that BF2 would somehow be a better game without planes. BF2 has always been defined by the fact that it represents MANY aspects of warfare, not just ground combat. BF2, and the Battlefield series, is defined by the tanks, the jeeps, the jets, the helicopters, the APCs, the AA, the multitude of small arms, etc.

CS:S, or Counter Strike: Source, is a strictly infantry based game, which is why it is always brought up to address people like you who think that any form of aircraft doesn't  belong in the game, especially if you can't deal with it on the ground.

Pilots in BF2 don't want to play a flight sim, because we're not all about flying. Did you ever happen to think that we like to do all aspects of BF2? Fight in the ground, drive a tank around, use the AA, fly helos, gun helos, fly jets, gun jets, etc. ? I personally love all aspects of the game, I just happen to do my best in a plane, mainly because planes are the strongest vehicles in the game. What people like me HATE, is when people like you, who refuse to learn how to fly, tell us to go play another game because you cannot deal with us. If you can't, don't or won't deal with jets by learning how to fly yourself, you have no one to blame but yourself. If you simply just don't want to deal with it, play CS! No jets in that game, no helis in that game.... the only thing you have to worry about is the AWP whores, which you may fit right in with!

Simply put, pilots like flying in BF2 along with everything else. Yes, we fly and own when we get the chance, because we like to own, just like everyone else. However, we enjoy BF2 not just because of the flying, but because of the wide representations of the many aspects of warfare, and do not just limit ourselves to the ground warfare and think anyone infringing on our fun is evil. So if you can't deal with being owned by jets, go play CS. If you enjoy the game enough to get good at ALL aspects of the game, learn how to fly and take those pilots down. You'll be a better player because of it.
Maybe you haven't read everything I have said on AA and jets, and that is fine, but I have to correct a lot of your statements about me and my gameplay which are completely wrong.  First off, I do not get "owned" by jets, its the weapon which I am killed by the least.  Secondly, I never told people to go play another game until they started telling everyone who liked the new AA to go play CS, Quake, or some other crap that I had never heard of.  Third, I did learn to fly the jet in single player, and was fairly decent at it, but it just never appealed to me.  So I go to try it in the multiplayer game, and the jets are surronded by a bunch of idiots bunny hopping around shooting eachother for the jet, so I gave up even trying to use it.  This game is worse off because of a lot of things, but one of those things in my opinion is jets.  All jets do is lead to arguements and teamkills or stupid targets for artillery because 5 or 6 people are standing around waiting for it.  If you actually do get in the air, there is no close air support, it is just you flying around bombing what you please and getting in a dogfight.  If the maps were a lot bigger, and airpower could be used in a somewhat organized fashion, then that would be cool as hell, but since that won't happen, I just think they are pretty useless and should have been used in some kind of expansion pack form with huge maps and various aircraft.

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

I was talking to the 'tard above you who was a Sergeant, obviously.  Should have quoted him but his moronic post doesn't deserve the extra play time.
My bad.

Beatdown Patrol wrote:


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I'm going to counter that by stating that even though other aspects of BF2 are unrealistic, I have no idea why EA implemented AA missiles that can spin in such tight circles and reverse directions suddenly without tearing themselves apart. The engine would have no problem limiting the angle of turns on those AA missiles, and if they did so to an extent where I'm not seeing them flying around in random directions like angry, sporaidic bumblebees, I will be happy...and no, I have never seen an airplane make the same kind of turns that AA is now capable of. Again, I would be happy if they just killed the 180's, 360'd and tight spinning orbits.

BF2 might not have the best flight sim physics, but it is one of the few FPS games that features a variety of somewhat realistic land/air vehicles. As for the engine itself, I had half a mind to make a map based on the Astoria bridge (Oregon-Washington), until I saw the extreme limitations imposed on 1GB RAM systems on the "large" maps it already has. And yes, I have plenty of hours on true flight sims as well. Removal of aircraft from the game would break many of the maps. Alot more than 5% of the players would be annoyed.
Beatdown Patrol

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I'm going to counter that by stating that even though other aspects of BF2 are unrealistic, I have no idea why EA implemented AA missiles that can spin in such tight circles and reverse directions suddenly without tearing themselves apart. The engine would have no problem limiting the angle of turns on those AA missiles, and if they did so to an extent where I'm not seeing them flying around in random directions like angry, sporaidic bumblebees, I will be happy...and no, I have never seen an airplane make the same kind of turns that AA is now capable of. Again, I would be happy if they just killed the 180's, 360'd and tight spinning orbits.
There are only certain circumstances where the missiles do 180s and all of them are a result of the flight model (or lack there of) and how the missiles in the game are programmed to seek a target.  No, jets don’t do 180’s, but they have other quirks that don’t make sense like when you turn off engines, you drop like a stone with absolutely no ability to glide at all even if you are in a shallow dive.  Pulling a 7g turn never scrubs off speed.  Afterburners work with the efficiency of a hyperdrive in getting a jet up to speed.  If you took the planes in this game, turned it night time, and added Darth Vader, you would pretty much have Star Wars.

I might be wrong in all this, but it seems that the AA missiles in the game are programmed to hit the target by simply taking the shortest distance.  For example...if a missile is to the 3:00 or 9:00 positions of a fast moving jet, the proper model would cause the missile to move in an "arc" towards the target, goes up the tail pipe and detonates.  The missiles in BF2 don't really arc from behind but rather arcs to the point where the jet will be going and it always "knows" where you are.  When the pilot changes direction, it recalculates where the jet will be going.  This is very important because it basically makes it so that the jet and the missile intersect rather than the missile INTERCEPTING the jet.  I would equate it to almost how an AIMBOT works.  Second, the missiles in the game don't have any "intelligence".  They see the target as a bullseye and they streak towards it.  It's hard to "spoof" something that isn't programmed to "think" in the first place.  Finally, the scale distances of the game are completely wacked out.  Not to compare this to real life, but Stingers are one of the shortest ranged...if not THE shortest range missile we have in the US arsenal with a maximum powered range of 5 miles and a ceiling of 10,000 or so feet.  To hit something, a Stinger system has to be able to target something that is at least that same distance or close. In relation to the game, the scale is about 1/4 of a mile or less because you can't target anything past that distance.  That means that a lot of things have to happen in a much, MUCH shorter span of time.  The game does this by "cheating" its logic and that results in 180 degree spins, and all sorts of wacky things.  My point of all this is that the game...and this IS a game...is trying to compensate for the program's shortcomings, but the resulting actions that is makes do not match up with the common sense logic of the player.  Much like how tank shells pretty much bounced off of Helos pre-1.2.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

BF2 might not have the best flight sim physics, but it is one of the few FPS games that features a variety of somewhat realistic land/air vehicles. As for the engine itself, I had half a mind to make a map based on the Astoria bridge (Oregon-Washington), until I saw the extreme limitations imposed on 1GB RAM systems on the "large" maps it already has. And yes, I have plenty of hours on true flight sims as well. Removal of aircraft from the game would break many of the maps. Alot more than 5% of the players would be annoyed.
Of course I am speaking figuratively when I say that if aircraft were removed, nobody would care.  There are a number of maps that rely on airpower to get some things done.  But consider...the most played maps are Karkand, Sharki. and Mastur, probably in that order.  None have jets.  Kark has no air, Sharki has one attack helo per side and no transports which is managable to ground troops, and Mastur only has transports and no attack helos which is still manageable to ground troops.  Chinese maps are the most unpopular, are the least played, and ironically, all have a strong air presence except for Songhua Stalemate, which has only one transport per side,.  That is a bit too coincidental, don't you think?

- Beatdown

Last edited by Beatdown Patrol (2006-02-23 22:16:20)

Errew yorop wobble do wop pablo dom p ip.  Blah.  Serrop darrow morrop AA ropple JETS. Blah blah blah rabble yop dweedle powwow blowpop.  IGLA bobble dew roop e rempow zappa cap.  De mappa stinger repow nobble yamp, arra dopple crump mao plot, jet whore.    Yaddya yadda gabba gabba hey blah fap fap fap fap yadda blah gabba blabber, blather dit dat skiddlyblah nah ya blah bwompwamwapwompop blah yadda doppa doppa whoa sween.  Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah AA   blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Waaaaah blah blah blah blah Jet Whore      blah blah blah blah Essex      blah blah blah Bombing blah blah blah Helicopters     blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Wake     blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Noobblah blah blah blah blah blah blah Linebacker     blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Oil derrick    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Smacktards    blah blah blah blah blah IGLAblah blah blah blah blah blah blah SRAW     blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Skillz       blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

What exactly do you think you're accomplishing by continuing this bandwidth-wasting conversation?

Remember... arguing on the Internet is like running in the special olympics.  Even if you win, you're still a fucking retard.

antin0de wrote:

What exactly do you think you're accomplishing by continuing this bandwidth-wasting conversation?

Remember... arguing on the Internet is like running in the special olympics.  Even if you win, you're still a fucking retard.
I won't point out how ironic your post is, but I will say that is what DISCUSSION forums are for you fucking tool, to discuss things.  If you didn't want people to talk about topics then you wouldn.t be able to reply to them.
Sure, I understand.  It's a DISCUSSION forum, so by all means, discuss.  But this thread, I file under "bitching."  It was started by someone's bitching, and is currently causing kids to bitch at each other.  It's a bitch thread.

Actually... can we get an entire area devoted to bitching, and exclude it from the main BF2S page?  That way I can avoid everyone's tears, and see more threads like paranoid101's "new vehicles" post.

This just in: Battlefield 2 has been classified as a "game."  Please proceed accordingly.

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