I'm not saying you buy a shit car as your first, I'm saying you don't buy a 3.5L car as your first. Get a hatchback. <2L engine. Good MPG. Good condition. Well maintained. If you buy something that's relatively new and high spec, versus something older and lower spec, it's not going to be any of those points.-Sh1fty- wrote:
What is this "First car" bullshit? Why should I settle for anything less than what I need? I'm not going to get a fucking old-ass run-down Saturn because I need a first car I "won't care about" or that I won't mind crashing because "everybody crashes their first car."Finray wrote:
5L V8 versus a 2L turbo? Probably not a lot of difference. 2L turbo is still a massive, overpowered engine for a first car.Jay wrote:
Younger drivers are going to get in accidents regardless of the size of the engine. You're telling me that a person driving a 2L turbo charged vs a 5L V8 is inherently less likely to get in an accident? Bullshit. If the kid is stupid and wants to race, he'll be prone to more accidents. A V6 pickup truck is not a racing vehicle. Why even try to make that logic fit the discussion?
5L V8 versus a 1.1L Fiesta? Yes.
I'm a very good driver. It's been about a year and a half that I've been (legally) driving and the closest I've been to a car crash is 2 dumb bitches texting in their suburbans that didn't signal and decided to change lanes really quickly and the other made a left in front of me dangerously close.
There's no reason I shouldn't get a good car, that I can afford, right now and keep it for a long time. I don't need some shitty car to crash before I get "promoted" to something bigger and better because now I'm a better driver supposedly?
I'm ranting...
Buy something that on the outside is a 'worse' car, but because it's not as good, it'll be in better condition, you won't have to maintain it as much, you won't end up crashing it because it won't do over 110 (and don't give me that "bleh bleh I never go fast" crap, all it takes is to go too fast for the conditions and you can be in some real trouble). Trust me, Shifty, I speak from experience.