mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire
So we can have safety pods but can't get bathroom stalls that go to the floor

Alright, everyone into the pod, but first show me your pod pass.

As the Quitman School District in Arkansas can attest, installing and utilizing National Safety Shelters' safety pods has made a positive impact on the peace of mind of parents and educators and has been the catalyst for driving more revenue and enrollment.
Nothing in there about the peace of mind of students, you'll notice.

I also have questions. Is that the only way in? Is the box this bolted down, because if not, imagine it being tipped over (somehow) with no exit. Does it vent smoke? Is it heat resistant? Who wants to cook in a metal box? What kind of noxious smoke and fumes would it emit if burned, not that it would matter if a school shooter blocked the door. How hot and stuffy would it get in there even without a fire?

Why stop at a box? Why not connect it to escape tunnels?

That revenue gain is driven in part by the safety pods having no operating or maintenance costs. Once a safety pod is installed, it is always ready for use, requires no maintenance, and will function optimally for years to come.
Again with the revenue gain. Very focused on that.

Sketched some improvements in MS Paint.

i can think of about 26 other things i'd rather be doing than stood in a metre-wide gym locker with 28 other people whilst a person unloads a military-style assault rifle into it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The thing will be made of heavy enough steel to not be pierced. It will be so heavy the floor will sag and require repairs.

You guys are missing the big picture. Revenue!!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I can have sex in there.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:


Maybe the school board could sell guns to pay for it.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I can have sex in there.
Meanwhile, inside:
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6875|Purplicious Wisconsin

uziq wrote:

i can think of about 26 other things i'd rather be doing than stood in a metre-wide gym locker with 28 other people whilst a person unloads a military-style assault rifle into it.
I seem to recall an "assault rifle" requires being able to fire more than 1 round per trigger pull. The shooter had a semi-auto ar-15, not an assault rifle.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

People get caught up in the semantics assault rifle vs. assault weapon usually to derail (lEaRn tHe TeRmInOloGy!) whatever gun control is talking about. Important for tl;dr lawmaking (where objects should be clearly defined within a law anyway), but not as important for internet discourse.

Why bother ackshyuallying someone about that stuff on an internet forum. Assault rifle, assault weapon, who cares. I'm pretty sure someone on a BF2 forum is familiar with the concept of semi-auto vs. auto.

A murderous lunatic is going to suppress a bunch of 10yos regardless.

War Man wrote:

uziq wrote:

i can think of about 26 other things i'd rather be doing than stood in a metre-wide gym locker with 28 other people whilst a person unloads a military-style assault rifle into it.
I seem to recall an "assault rifle" requires being able to fire more than 1 round per trigger pull. The shooter had a semi-auto ar-15, not an assault rifle.
let me assure you that not a single person outside of the US gives a fuck about the distinction. your country looks like a dumpster fire and you’re emphasising fine legal or technical distinctions.

it turns out that 400 heavily armed and armoured cops in uvalde were afraid of one skinny teenager. maybe the trigger/firing mechanism of the AR-15 isn’t the most important thing when discussing whether to ban it or not, hey?

isn’t the AR-15 a military-style assault rifle anyway. just as i described? you want to claim it’s only an “assault-style” weapon because it’s not the full military version? erm ok. potato potahto. people sure be making that “-style” suffix do a lot of work in their dipshit deflections.

the clinton-era ban included them in its list of ‘assault weapons’, no?

you got exactly my meaning. did you bump your head one too many times in basic?

i seem to recall a ‘war man’ was a term that described a person who actually fought in a war. ??? you’re more of a war-style man, if anything.

Last edited by uziq (2022-07-18 00:18:13)

https://twitter.com/ronnyjacksontx/stat … NrCc0pWfwA

this texan calls them ‘assault rifles’ too?

even people on your side of the debate are pretty casual with their terms, it seems. doh!

Last edited by uziq (2022-07-18 00:22:46)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
I've seen various interviews with actual spec ops people where they say they literally never use full auto except for making noise and burst fire is useless.
For actually killing people effectively with a rifle its semi-auto every time.
So yeah, a semi-auto AR is what your average SEAL or SAS guy is going to pick, so really its an assault rifle.

I am still surprised an actual military-grade machine gun has never been used in a mass shooting, and if one ever is and the perpetrator does his research its going to be really really bad.

For what the Las Vegas shooter spent on ARs he could have had a SAW or M240, probably both.
He could have killed 5-10 times as many people.
https://www.armsunlimited.com/FN-M249-S … 348199.htm
https://www.armsunlimited.com/FN-M240B- … 976814.htm

But why stop there whan you can have an M2?
https://allyarmsuppliers.com/product/bu … chine-gun/
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
The nomenclature dodge is just another blatant argument cooked up in the last few decades to evade the actual point. Dilbs points out the most apposite thing being the ability to get 30+ rounds out as fast as one can aim and fire is the issue.

You could give every troubled American youth a surplus Mosin and I bet there are far fewer killing sprees that top your average CoD1 deathmatch count.
i was probably in the top 20 or so bolt action players in the entire vCoD scene (UK/EU anyway; back then due to latency the continents existed in practical isolation).

i could kill a helluva lot of noobs in one round of DM, bro.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Thats cute, I was routinely in the top ten in the UK with an actual firearm.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
that's cute, but last time i checked target shooting has about as much macho-soldier appeal as being an esports geekazoid.


ooOoooOooh. a tough guy!


you better watch your fucking mouth, CCP!

sorry, you can't claim alpha valour from being part of a university target shooting club. i'm pretty sure most people with actual interest in weapons and using them join the officer corps aroundabout that time and, you know, join the military.

whatever next - being in the fencing society is akin to being a battlefield slayer, slaking yourself on the blood of your downed foes? en garde !!! you nerd.

Last edited by uziq (2022-07-18 06:02:22)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Ha ha nerd, you literally sat at a desk pressing a button.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i never claimed for a second that playing call of duty 1 when i was 14/15 years old was 'tough' though, did i?

you stepped in with a "that's cute, i'm a manly man" thing. when you are, in fact, a cucked manlet.

i stopped playing computer games in college and cultivated adult hobbies. women look at me. how are you doing? pew pew!

i'm sure when we have the next major conflict against perfectly stationary foes that stand exactly 10 metres away and don't shoot back, that our very best generals will be calling for your services. nerd.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

Ha ha nerd, you literally sat at a desk pressing a button.
that shit was funny when blue-collar jay spluttered it out.

nerdy imperial college shooting club star dilbert pretending to be some paragon of manliness because of target shooting. LOL.

only nerds do shooting/archery/fencing at university. you're not fooling anyone, man. all of us here have seen your ilk on campus.

17 year old gen-z'ers with 2000 hours logged in fortnite have better hand-eye coordination and faster reflexes than dilbert. sad!

Last edited by uziq (2022-07-18 07:01:47)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6875|Purplicious Wisconsin

uziq wrote:

War Man wrote:

uziq wrote:

i can think of about 26 other things i'd rather be doing than stood in a metre-wide gym locker with 28 other people whilst a person unloads a military-style assault rifle into it.
I seem to recall an "assault rifle" requires being able to fire more than 1 round per trigger pull. The shooter had a semi-auto ar-15, not an assault rifle.
let me assure you that not a single person outside of the US gives a fuck about the distinction. your country looks like a dumpster fire and you’re emphasising fine legal or technical distinctions.

it turns out that 400 heavily armed and armoured cops in uvalde were afraid of one skinny teenager. maybe the trigger/firing mechanism of the AR-15 isn’t the most important thing when discussing whether to ban it or not, hey?

isn’t the AR-15 a military-style assault rifle anyway. just as i described? you want to claim it’s only an “assault-style” weapon because it’s not the full military version? erm ok. potato potahto. people sure be making that “-style” suffix do a lot of work in their dipshit deflections.

the clinton-era ban included them in its list of ‘assault weapons’, no?

you got exactly my meaning. did you bump your head one too many times in basic?

i seem to recall a ‘war man’ was a term that described a person who actually fought in a war. ??? you’re more of a war-style man, if anything.
I mean guns have evolved from musket to the bolt action to automatics. Every single design could be considered military style because the basic design at one point was used by a military.

Yes AR-15's were banned in the assault weapons ban, meanwhile the mini-14 with similar functionality and performance to ar-15 was perfectly legal. Hell there were situations where a gun had its pistol grip variants banned despite the performance being the same, but the pistol grip version looked "scary" so it was banned.

In fact the assault weapons ban in a nutshell was just a ban on weapons and features that looked scary despite said features having no impact on the weapons' performance. Assault Weapons is just made up terminologies by politicians to scare the public into banning more guns. Hell the origins of "Assault Rifle" was more of a propaganda thing when Hitler was presented with the MP-44 which he had renamed StG-44 or "Sturmgewehr 44" which I'm pretty sure you can figure out its translation.

Hell in Canada, they banned ak's but for awhile vz58's were legal despite both being 7.62x39 rifles with similar appearance as well as performance.

Then there is the streetsweeper shotgun which is kind of a piece of shit shotgun, yet NFA labels it as a "Destructive Device". Meanwhile you can buy a saiga 12k or any other 12 gauge shotgun of similar or higher capacity that is far superior to the streetsweeper.

Then there is the ban of importation of 7N6 5.45mm rounds which are labelled as "armor piercing" by virtue of having a steel core, never mind the fact that it has shit penetration compared to a 5.56mm round that isn't armor piercing. The 7N6 rounds are steel core because Russians want to make their shit as cheap as possible.

Then we have my dear beloved President saying things like "9mm blows the lungs out of someone" despite being untrue, meanwhile suggests a double barrel shotgun for home defense, of which slug rounds can potentially blow the lungs out of someone....

I remember a Hillary Clinton awhile back having a tweat that said suppressors increase lethality.... Suppressors decrease muzzle velocity which I am pretty sure doesn't  increase lethality, the opposite if anything.

I could go on and on with bunch more examples. I am generally against any kind of gun laws/restrictions because often times they are made by people that are ignorant of guns and up creating laws that are contradictory, inconsistent, and/or just plain incorrect. Of course it is possible they know better, but they just want guns banned so they fucking lie to get things banned.

uziq wrote:


this texan calls them ‘assault rifles’ too?

even people on your side of the debate are pretty casual with their terms, it seems. doh!
The guy is running for politics, hell he could easily be someone that actually doesn't own any guns but wants votes so says and does whatever to get it. Being Texan doesn't guarantee being a big gun guy. It took Texas awhile to be a constitutional carry state when several states before it became constitutional carry.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

War Man wrote:

Yes AR-15's were banned in the assault weapons ban, meanwhile the mini-14 with similar functionality and performance to ar-15 was perfectly legal. Hell there were situations where a gun had its pistol grip variants banned despite the performance being the same, but the pistol grip version looked "scary" so it was banned.

In fact the assault weapons ban in a nutshell was just a ban on weapons and features that looked scary despite said features having no impact on the weapons' performance.
Okay, if there are functional alternatives then why not just ban the gun that now is the #1 choice of mass shooters? Those scary looking features are part of the mystique/looking cool part driving the shooting.

Ohio food court gunman

If those features like an extended magazine and forward grip have no effect on functional performance...maybe we can get rid of them?

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2022-07-18 17:28:01)


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