AussieReaper wrote:
FEOS wrote:
Dilbert_X wrote:
Ah OK, I was referring to the discussion in this thread.
I was relating the thread topic (and your "US sucks and is the puppet of teh Joos" rant) to current events. Which happen to show that your view is bollocks.
Guess you don't follow much politics. The repubs debate was focused on iran, Syria and helping Israel not get nuked.
I follow politics quite closely...I've just stopped watching the debates, like a lot of my countrymen.
Pre emptive strike was even mentioned by a few candidates. The only one not wanting to invade Iran is Paul, the others will tell you Israel is 'mericas greatest ally ever surrounded by evil Palestinians. Syria is the puppet of Iran too, apparently.
For the 100th time...
preemptive (or any other type of) strike =/= invasionSyria works closely with Iran on many different issues. Are they Iran's puppet? I suppose if you buy into the theory that any coincidence of interests with another country means you are that country's puppet, then yeah. Unless the candidates actually used that terminology (which I doubt), then you are simply inferring an incorrect position.
They sure love talking up Iran as some great boogeyman, then say Iran thinks the US is Satan so they are the bad guys.
If Iran wasn't saying that stuff and was cooperating fully with the IAEA to validate a civilian-only program, I'm fairly certain we wouldn't be saying dick about them.
Or am I wrong and just completely misread the "rhetoric"? They are just playing up for the repubs base of loons I guess?
Yes and yes. They are trying to show they are strong on defense, which is a trademark of the republican party. As opposed to "the...base of loons."
Fortunately, a 2-minute clip during a debate by a candidate (as opposed to an incumbent) does not national policy make.
Dilbert wrote:
Nope, you misread my post in the context of the thread
I'm pretty sure I didn't misread anything.
, and nope, animosity to Iran and Iraq are essentially support for Israel, any Republican President would jump at the chance to bomb Iran on Israel's behalf, Iraq already having been done.
What else do the voices tell you?
The fact that you can't comprehend that a country--particularly the only superpower in the world--would have interests that aren't tied to the whims of a tiny country halfway around the world (except by coincidence) is getting sad.
I suppose that since the UK, France, Germany, Russia, and the GCC countries are all taking the same position wrt Iran that Israel controls their foreign policy and global/regional interests as well, right? Because the GCC countries are sooo in love with Israel...
Again, facts don't support your nonsensical, conspiratorial ranting.
Even Obama may forced to join in on an attack on Iran to have a chance of being re-elected.
The old "October surprise" conspiracy. I guess it's a good thing that you don't let reality stand in the way of your theories. Otherwise, this board would be a lot less interesting.