I have the opinion that people who believe that God has a stake in whether or not they perform on a sports field are being incredibly arrogant. I know it's not intended this way, if you believe that there is an all-powerful omnipotent being it makes sense that it
could actually give two shits one-way or the other of the result of a sporting game or how well one athlete performs - even though there's no discernible reason it
would. But to attribute a play or a score on "the omnipotent being in the sky willed this to happent" seems just... well like I said, arrogant - and quite disrespectful to your opponent as well.
No more ridiculous than the general concept of religion really but definitely dumb in its own way.
As to Tebow, I don't know much about him. A decent footballer who wears his religion on his sleeve, (or face,) which seems a bit... odd. I haven't encountered such blatant in-your-face religious expression in NZ and yeah, I have my opinion of it - I think it's stupid and arrogant. But at the end of the day it's what he wants to do, he doesn't seem to mind the repercussions and it's not really harming anyone so my opinion be damned.
Hell, we have our own seemingly silly sporting traditions here in NZ that could be considered in exactly the same way.