ah, yeah, i see. i don't know. i know a few people from university myself who musta had various sorts of 'life crisis' or 'awakenings' (one girl went through a long and messy break-up, for e.g.) and ended up coming out as 'born again' christians, taking part in the activities of the university christian society (what an aggressive and cult like institution that was...). the whole thing weirds me out to even think about. i don't know how these people look at themselves in the mirror and feel honest/authentic. the whole 'buying into' a creed thing seems to me like a necessary surrender of a part of your normal operating conscience/intellect. to a certain degree, you have to stop questioning and put the dampers on your innate skepticism.DesertFox- wrote:
I was a bit too vague and stupid in my post. Lemme try to be more specific then. I grew up in a largely Catholic area, and many people still identify as such. The positions of the Church on most issues haven't changed much since the Second Vatican Council, yet I can watch people who act in direction contradiction to what their religion dictates and when I've asked, they still think they're going to heaven because of the aforementioned "I'm a good person" thing. Perhaps they think going to confession will be their get into heaven free card.
When I went to university, I actually met hardcore evangelical folks, too. I don't know too much about their though processes, though.

this one's better and more to the point, imo:13urnzz wrote:
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/07/health/ne … ?hpt=hp_t2Two more infants have contracted the herpes virus after undergoing an ultra-Orthodox Jewish type of circumcision, which has been linked to the spread of the potentially deadly virus to newborn boys, according to the New York City Health Department.
In the ritual, known as metzitzah b'peh, after removing the foreskin of the penis the person performing the procedure places his mouth briefly over the wound, sucking a small amount of blood out, which is discarded. Antibacterial ointment is applied and the wound is bandaged. The health department says the procedure is dangerous because the contact with the mouth could transmit diseases such as herpes.
Most adults are infected with the herpes simplex virus type 1, and while they may have no symptoms, the virus may be present in their saliva, according to the health department. (It is different from herpes simplex virus type 2, which is usually transmitted sexually.)
"While HSV-1 in adults can cause the common cold sore, HSV-1 infection in newborns is very serious," a department statement says.
Since 2000, there have been 13 reports in New York City of infants contracting HSV-1, two of whom died from the virus. The health department reported that an estimated 20,493 infants in New York City were exposed to the practice in that period.
In the most recent case, the infant developed a fever seven days after circumcision and vesicular lesions the following day, according to a press release from the city health department. Seventy percent of neonatal herpes cases show lesions and only 40% produce a fever.
Tradition huh. I have no problem with doing it the 'medical' way, maybe they could adapt it?
"medical way"? and break thousand of years long tradition of sucking on infants' dicks originating from god himself? are you nuts?! next we'll be allowing blood transfusions and organ transplantations.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
i know!
if you convert from christianity to islam in jordan the government will give you a one year supply of food.
i got this from an arabic news channel but i can't find anything in english from the internet.
i got this from an arabic news channel but i can't find anything in english from the internet.
If you convert from Islam to Mormonism the church will give you a lifetime supply of missionaries.13/f/taiwan wrote:
if you convert from christianity to islam in jordan the government will give you a one year supply of food.
i got this from an arabic news channel but i can't find anything in english from the internet.
Seems like a no-brainer - get your virgins before you die.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
If you convert from Islam to Mormonism the church will give you a lifetime supply of missionaries child brides.13/f/taiwan wrote:
if you convert from christianity to islam in jordan the government will give you a one year supply of food.
i got this from an arabic news channel but i can't find anything in english from the internet.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-04-16 03:07:40)
Fuck Israel
On the bus home and just now went past a church that advertised its Instagram hash tag. Didn't quite make it out but it should've said #YOLOunlessyoureJesus
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 … z2VSuD89tSA South Carolina valedictorian garnered wild applause after he ripped up his pre-approved speech and delivered the Lord’s prayer at his high school graduation on Saturday.
The act was apparently in protest of the Pickens County School District’s decision to no longer include prayer at graduation ceremonies, Christian News reported. Officials said the decision was made after the district was barraged with complaints by atheist groups.
But that didn’t stop Roy Costner IV of Liberty High School. He ripped up his graduation speech for all to see, before he started talking about his Christian upbringing, Christian News reported.
“Those that we look up to, they have helped carve and mold us into the young adults that we are today,” he said. “I’m so glad that both of my parents led me to the Lord at a young age.”
“And I think most of you will understand when I say…” he paused. “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name…”
The auditorium began to erupt with applause and cheers.
“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” he continued. “For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”
Pickens County School District spokesman John Eby said that no disciplinary action will be taken against Mr. Costner.
“The bottom line is, we’re not going to punish students for expressing their religious faiths,” he told Christian News. “He’s a graduate now. There’s nothing we can do about it, even if we wanted to.”
Attendee Logan Gibson told reporters that he thought “it took a lot of courage” to do what Mr. Costner did, Christian News reported.
As of noon Wednesday, a YouTube video of the exchange had received almost 45,000 views.
This is why people don't like Christians. Because you people always make a show of it and push it on others. Wish I could feed the kid to a lion like the good old days.
Also, don't read the comments
Last edited by Macbeth (2013-06-06 12:17:08)
thank the lord, i did well in school. my grades are all because of the lord.
fuck you. i want to slam my head against the wall after what i just read.Macbeth wrote:
Also, don't read the comments
just so everyone doesn't miss out.
disqus_sNZztrO456 • a day ago
Funny thing is, if you truly are an Atheist, you should not care one way or the other if someone talks about or professes their faith. How can you be offended by something you do not believe exists ? I believe most people who claim to be Atheist, are really just looking for a way to justify doing the things they know are wrong, but they want to do them anyway, and in an attempt to make it appear OK, they pretend to not believe. But their protest about others showing their faith gives them away in my estimation. Everyone has the right to believe, or not believe, to live any way they choose, they do not answer to me or anyone else here on earth. But what so many do not seem to understand is, that their right Not to do something(pray, etc...) does not preclude my right to do something. they somehow feel that since they do not want it, then nobody should be allowed to do it. They will scream to the sky and back if you try to force your views on them, but on the other side of the coin they feel they have the right to force their views on us. something is wrong with this picture....
RedMeatState disqus_sNZztrO456 • a day ago
I agree. I always thought that atheism denoted a certain neutrality. Obviously not! So atheists in reality are not "atheists", they are ANTI-theists!
And they don't believe people should be able to believe or worship as they see fit; atheists must insert their power over them first! That seems like megalomania to me!
Daniel Martin Gray RedMeatState • 21 hours ago
"Atheism" is an IRRATIONAL belief, that God does NOT exist.
Personally, I believe God DOES exist, and though I cannot empirically PROVE it?
Neither can THEY prove otherwise.
But besides comfort, it is GOOD to believe that there is an ultimate TRUTH, that I am not a god, that there is something greater than me.
I pray for WISDOM, for strength and endurance, for LOVE.
And I PRAY to God for MERCY for us miserable sinners...
Stephen Booth Daniel Martin Gray • 20 hours ago
You don't need to empirically prove it. In fact, you can't empirically prove anything. Proof belongs in the realm of philosophy, not science. And philosophically speaking, God is your only option. "It has often been said, and certainly not without justification, that the man of science is a poor philosopher." -Einstein
The empirical evidence is the moral law inside us and the beauty and design of God's creation around us.
291 4
Mark Pfuntner Brian • 18 hours ago
Absolutely spot on! Romans 1:19
disqus_sNZztrO456 • a day ago
Funny thing is, if you truly are an Atheist, you should not care one way or the other if someone talks about or professes their faith. How can you be offended by something you do not believe exists ? I believe most people who claim to be Atheist, are really just looking for a way to justify doing the things they know are wrong, but they want to do them anyway, and in an attempt to make it appear OK, they pretend to not believe. But their protest about others showing their faith gives them away in my estimation. Everyone has the right to believe, or not believe, to live any way they choose, they do not answer to me or anyone else here on earth. But what so many do not seem to understand is, that their right Not to do something(pray, etc...) does not preclude my right to do something. they somehow feel that since they do not want it, then nobody should be allowed to do it. They will scream to the sky and back if you try to force your views on them, but on the other side of the coin they feel they have the right to force their views on us. something is wrong with this picture....
RedMeatState disqus_sNZztrO456 • a day ago
I agree. I always thought that atheism denoted a certain neutrality. Obviously not! So atheists in reality are not "atheists", they are ANTI-theists!
And they don't believe people should be able to believe or worship as they see fit; atheists must insert their power over them first! That seems like megalomania to me!
Daniel Martin Gray RedMeatState • 21 hours ago
"Atheism" is an IRRATIONAL belief, that God does NOT exist.
Personally, I believe God DOES exist, and though I cannot empirically PROVE it?
Neither can THEY prove otherwise.
But besides comfort, it is GOOD to believe that there is an ultimate TRUTH, that I am not a god, that there is something greater than me.
I pray for WISDOM, for strength and endurance, for LOVE.
And I PRAY to God for MERCY for us miserable sinners...
Stephen Booth Daniel Martin Gray • 20 hours ago
You don't need to empirically prove it. In fact, you can't empirically prove anything. Proof belongs in the realm of philosophy, not science. And philosophically speaking, God is your only option. "It has often been said, and certainly not without justification, that the man of science is a poor philosopher." -Einstein
The empirical evidence is the moral law inside us and the beauty and design of God's creation around us.
291 4
Mark Pfuntner Brian • 18 hours ago
Absolutely spot on! Romans 1:19
america is a failed nation
And now, we will turn to Romans 1:19
"Absolutely spot on!"
"Absolutely spot on!"
matthew 5:5
gg religion
gg religion
"And I think most of you will understand when I say…"
No I don't understand. What the fuck does bread and trespassing have to do with graduation!?
No I don't understand. What the fuck does bread and trespassing have to do with graduation!?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Damn it. A girl I know just shared this story on FB saying "Amazing courage!" For shame, hick-ass Indiana.Macbeth wrote:
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 … z2VSuD89tSA South Carolina valedictorian garnered wild applause after he ripped up his pre-approved speech and delivered the Lord’s prayer at his high school graduation on Saturday.
The act was apparently in protest of the Pickens County School District’s decision to no longer include prayer at graduation ceremonies, Christian News reported. Officials said the decision was made after the district was barraged with complaints by atheist groups.
But that didn’t stop Roy Costner IV of Liberty High School. He ripped up his graduation speech for all to see, before he started talking about his Christian upbringing, Christian News reported.
“Those that we look up to, they have helped carve and mold us into the young adults that we are today,” he said. “I’m so glad that both of my parents led me to the Lord at a young age.”
“And I think most of you will understand when I say…” he paused. “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name…”
The auditorium began to erupt with applause and cheers.
“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” he continued. “For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”
Pickens County School District spokesman John Eby said that no disciplinary action will be taken against Mr. Costner.
“The bottom line is, we’re not going to punish students for expressing their religious faiths,” he told Christian News. “He’s a graduate now. There’s nothing we can do about it, even if we wanted to.”
Attendee Logan Gibson told reporters that he thought “it took a lot of courage” to do what Mr. Costner did, Christian News reported.
As of noon Wednesday, a YouTube video of the exchange had received almost 45,000 views.
This is why people don't like Christians. Because you people always make a show of it and push it on others. Wish I could feed the kid to a lion like the good old days.
Also, don't read the comments
No courage whatsoever. That's evident enough in the reaction. The crowd cheered and clapped. No-one attempted to stop him. The school doesn't even give enough of a fuck to criticise the kid's move afterwards. He spoke as part of the majority in support of the majority to the majority. It's the equivalent of writing "I like bacon" on the Internet.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
But dontya know? Tim Tebow is also brave. For standing up for the oppressed majority.Ty wrote:
No courage whatsoever. That's evident enough in the reaction. The crowd cheered and clapped. No-one attempted to stop him. The school doesn't even give enough of a fuck to criticise the kid's move afterwards. He spoke as part of the majority in support of the majority to the majority. It's the equivalent of writing "I like bacon" on the Internet.
Last edited by Spearhead (2013-06-06 20:37:11)
Used like a bunch of tools. I guess that is what you get when you look for Jesus in everything.As the new Superman movie takes flight this weekend, filmmakers are hoping the Man of Steel lands not only in theaters, but also in pulpits.
Warner Bros. Studios is aggressively marketing "Man of Steel" to Christian pastors, inviting them to early screenings, creating Father’s Day discussion guides and producing special film trailers that focus on the faith-friendly angles of the movie.
The movie studio even asked a theologian to provide sermon notes for pastors who want to preach about Superman on Sunday. Titled “Jesus: The Original Superhero,” the notes run nine pages.
“How might the story of Superman awaken our passion for the greatest hero who ever lived and died and rose again?” the sermon notes ask.
Similar campaigns to corral the country's large number of Christians into the movie theater have been used for "Les Miserables," "Soul Surfer" and "The Blind Side," all of which had at least some faith angle.
Baltimore pastor Quentin Scott is among dozens of ministers who received an e-mail invitation from Grace Hill Media, a Hollywood-based Christian marketing firm, to an early screening of “Man of Steel.”
“There was an actual push to say `We’re putting out something that speaks to your group,' ” said Scott, one of the pastors of Shiloh Christian Community Church in Baltimore.
At first, Scott said, he didn’t buy the religious pitch. Then he decided to attend a free midweek screening in Baltimore.
“When I sat and listened to the movie I actually saw it was the story of Christ, and the love of God was weaved into the story," said the pastor.
apparently the last half of the movie is just gratuitous fight-scenes with senseless violence and destruction of entire cities.
so i guess it's ideal for those old testament pastors.
so i guess it's ideal for those old testament pastors.