lol not going to happen
Poe-prah? Lol no.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
I wonder what would happen if a Pope seriously called for a Crusade to free the holy land from the Jews.
Last edited by Macbeth (2013-02-20 21:16:36)
I don't think it would happen, and if it did...good luck getting very many nations to rally for an attack against Israel or anywhere in the middle east based on papal order.
e: Didn't John XXIII sort of rescind Catholic opposition to Judaism, anyway?
e: Didn't John XXIII sort of rescind Catholic opposition to Judaism, anyway?
Moving a line of text reveals why I would have chosen different wording at the top of their ad...
Last edited by 13urnzz (2013-03-01 19:51:23)
Is that on Australian TV? What a bunch of retards
going by the email on the bottom right, it's Dallas/Ft. Worth
going by the email on the bottom right, it's Dallas/Ft. Worth
Last edited by Adams_BJ (2013-03-14 21:21:38)
Well I already knew they were retards. ok
The Indian Ocean is huge.
Yeah it's massive bro. Argentina is a cool city too, or so I've read.
i like how 'south america' has to be labelled.
that's like a news story running in the UK about the german economy, and them putting 'europe' on it.
that's like a news story running in the UK about the german economy, and them putting 'europe' on it.
There are probably a good amount of Americans who thought the Pope was from Alabama or Kentucky when they heard he was from South America.
first-world nation
I've always wondered how modern Christians still think they're going to heaven when their god is still the same one the likes of the Puritans worshipped. People who wouldn't tell a lie for fear of going to hell don't seem to be anywhere near someone who "tries to be a good person". Even if the church institution has evolved through the years and gained a deeper understanding of what their god asks of them, it still seems to just be trying to maintain the status quo.
well, it's quite simple, really, isn't it: 'modern' christians of american denominations are not puritan, and (mostly) not catholic. so they basically consider their doctrines/churches to be 'wrong', or basically heretical/apocryphal. puritanism is a long way away from modern day lax protestantism, and that again is pretty far away from the american evangelism/mormonism/pentecostalism/quakerism etc. to say "you wonder how the christians still think..." about other denominations shows woeful ignorance. you do realize christians having differences in faith caused 2-3 large schisms in europe, right? massive religious war in places like france? divisions and tensions pretty much everywhere else? christians have never really 'dealt' with other denominations, nor felt threatened or invalidated by them: there's just a sort of forced plurality nowadays, considering the whole freakshow is being sidelined next to secularism.
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-15 10:22:33)
I was a bit too vague and stupid in my post. Lemme try to be more specific then. I grew up in a largely Catholic area, and many people still identify as such. The positions of the Church on most issues haven't changed much since the Second Vatican Council, yet I can watch people who act in direction contradiction to what their religion dictates and when I've asked, they still think they're going to heaven because of the aforementioned "I'm a good person" thing. Perhaps they think going to confession will be their get into heaven free card.
When I went to university, I actually met hardcore evangelical folks, too. I don't know too much about their though processes, though.
When I went to university, I actually met hardcore evangelical folks, too. I don't know too much about their though processes, though.
Watching Fox News right now. Congress is having hearings about an American pastor who was imprisoned in Iran for converting people. I have zero sympathy for the man.