The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I'd love to continue this discussion but I need to have another beer and watch some TV, its too hot to do anything else.
Fuck Israel
get a damn jerb, slacker.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

its too hot
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Subaru is in death process.

Over 17 years old, down slightly on power, odd things failing and glitchy, don't want to pay OEM prices for parts - not paying $950 for a stupid valve when I know the cost is probably $20.
My last two cars were done at 17 also.

Doesn't help that this is a shit time to buy a car so I really don't want to, and there's nothing thats all that appealing or value for money.

On the plus side its been a bargain really overall.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You bought your car the same time BF2 came out?

Speaking from experience with others and without oversharing, people get really stuck on the idea of keeping up old vehicles even if they're time/money sinks, you can hardly find parts, and mechanics who know how to work on it are becoming sparse.

17 years old is rookie years, gotta get those years up.
dilbert keeps his cars a long time to sustain the cognitive dissonance about driving himself everywhere, individually, using a highly polluting mode of transport.

I sometimes drive a guy to drop off or pick up his 1970s vehicle from the mechanic. The vehicle itself I get no closer than 10 car lengths to, it smells so bad. He'll slow down thinking I'm falling behind. But I'm distancing myself on purpose.

I can't imagine if it was "warmed up" outside of where I lived. I'd have to leave the house for the day.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There used to be a hoarder who came to my job. Car was clean on the outside. On the inside...hoarder house. The smell.


Interior of the 70s vehicle doesn't have garbage. It's just the fumes. Some of those old vehicles don't do a very good job of keeping it out of the cab either. You'll feel sick at the end of a trip, at least until you "get so used to it that you don't notice." Willingly poisoning yourself. Not a huge problem in the 70s vehicle. One of the 80s ones though needs an overhaul or to just be benched.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I occasionally find myself behind a 70s-80s car, back in them days all cars pumped out filth, driving in traffic was as bad as smoking.

I turned out OK thankfully.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Speaking from experience with others and without oversharing, people get really stuck on the idea of keeping up old vehicles even if they're time/money sinks, you can hardly find parts, and mechanics who know how to work on it are becoming sparse.

17 years old is rookie years, gotta get those years up.
There's a limit to how much time I want to spend looking for and changing car parts, but it has saved me a fortune over the years.

The sweet spot was buying cars at ~12 years - when most people decide they don't want to go on paying franchised dealer and OEM prices for a car which is barely worth more than the total annual running costs - which is a fallacy because depreciation is usually higher but people don't notice it.
So I could buy a car for almost zero and run it for less than most people by servicing and repairing it myself.
Plus the risk is much lower due to the sunk cost problem which afflicts new or nearly new cars.

I wouldn't keep anything past 20 years as they just get too painful to find parts for.
Fuck Israel
you should get a bike. i thought low co2 emissions were your thing?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Methane emissions are more important, my personal methane emissions are very low.
Fuck Israel
ok, now you're just cherrypicking and making things up to suit your self-valorising little world view.

'i don't eat meat! therefore it's fine i've driven subaru's every day for the last 20 years!'

i'm sure the atmosphere is taking notes.

aren't your shoes made of leather? do you not consume any dairy products?

Last edited by uziq (2022-03-08 02:59:22)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Meanwhile in India

Fuck Israel
that's all very nice, but not the argument you've made, time and time again, about your personal emissions profile.

weren't those shoes made in and shipped from india?

if i'm responsible for the industrial output of korea's coal-powered economy, simply by being here and 'benefitting' supposedly from its products, aren't you and western consumers like you responsible for keeping the lights on in india's highly polluting manufacturing sector?

Last edited by uziq (2022-03-08 03:10:26)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I think one pair of shoes isn't going to destroy the planet, 1.4bn Indians will.
Fuck Israel
well, the facts are clear: 20 million australians are punching well above their weight globally, more than anyone else save for a few tiny groups of gulf-dwelling arabs taking baths in oil.

In just 2.3 days the average American or Australian emits as much as the average Malian or Nigerien in a year.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Just think, if Indians could restrict themselves to Australian population density they too could enjoy nice lives and save the planet at the same time.
Fuck Israel
great. so i'll continue living the exact carbon-intensive lifestyle i want, then, and pointing at china. works great for me.

maybe quit with this fucking gospel-of-personal-emissions when you're evidently such a flip-flopping little hypocrite?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Article in the NYT just now about the poor youth of South Korea

"Meet South Korea’s Swing Voters: Young, Broke and Angry
Frustrated over housing prices, a lack of job opportunities and a widening income gap, the once-reliable voting bloc is undecided and will most likely elect the next president."


They sound like American youth. Same thing young people in our part of the world have been saying since the 2008.
i would say in many ways their cases are much worse, insofar as south korea is like a high-pressure concentration of all the negative trends in 'late capitalism', condensing as it does the experience of development, growth, bubble, boom, burst, etc, in 3-4 short generations rather than the long spans of american experience.

youths today in SK go through one of the most insane crucibles of education anywhere in the world, literally revising/cramming for 12-14 hours a day for most of their entire full-time education. if they don't get into one of about 4 seoul-based universities, they are on the trash-heap and destined for low-status jobs.

the ones who do make it through the insane education system then find themselves underpaid in 'prestigious' salaryman-corporate roles which no longer pay enough to scrabble up the housing ladder. status, material tokens, displays of wealth, etc, matter more here than in the west, where over the generations many parental attitudes have softened and a 'love and happiness is most important'-type of thinking has replaced the old model of marriages as alliances of status/wealth between families, on the western bourgeois 18th-19th century model.

even 'great' jobs can't afford housing in the major seoul metropolitan area. the only way to get onto the ladder is either with a huge hand-down from parents or to plug all your salary into investments and stock speculations. like the west, the multipliers between average income and average house prices are way out of whack. this couples in with the very rigid hierarchy of korean/east asian societies. getting a house and settling down in a smaller city, a different province, etc, is markedly seen as 'losing face' and admitting to a lower status; the centre is the place to be. similar to relaxing attitudes to marriage/love in the west, where now it's actually quite bougie and hip to move to pittsburgh or detroit or someplace that's 'on the up', in korean society this attitude markedly does not exist.

the gender politics angle is honestly batshit insane. young men harbour lots of resentment about doing mililtary service and at their decreasing quality of life. their parents are still pushing them hard, through that schooling system, pushing them to accept crushing corporate roles for the kudos/job security/etc, and even then they find themselves unhappy or not making the cut. so, to them, the success of women or the increasing prevalence of gender politics in the cultural conversation seems like an additional insult. all this, when women in korea literally still make a 35% lower income, on average, in the exact same roles as their male peers. like there is no other way to cut it: it's still one of the most patriarchal societies on earth. and yet if you speak to anyone under, say, 35 about women or 'feminism', they will unleash a torrent of hatred. really fucking crazy.

Last edited by uziq (2022-03-08 08:14:19)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I almost quoted the gender politics part because it is so weird. The conservative party is advocating stronger laws to protect women while the liberalish party is promising to destroy a ministry dedicated to helping women. Pretty much the opposite of anywhere in the western world.

Being angry at women to the point of making it political is admitting to being an incel. I am not going to win any awards for being a good feminist ally but I ain't one of those incels.
i don't know enough about the parties and their histories, but in such a young democracy it's fair to say that labels such as 'conservative' and 'liberal' acquire an air of utmost provisionality.

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