how is that a sentence about me? "addiction is transferrable"? i was being facetious when i spoke about myself - i've never had a drugs addiction, or any psychopathology to do with drugs. i was kidding - the article is very interesting, but it's not autobiographical. are you that dense? and, although i didn't see galt's edit (which i'm sure was full of the usual typical smarmy shit), his "one liner" has nothing to do with me at all.Cybargs wrote:
someone posts a sentence about zique, zique replies with a paragraph: zomgs he cares about us xD
also i don't know why a paragraph is such a voluminous amount for your simple, inane little mind. typing at 120-130WPM on a mechanical keyboard means i can type as fast as i think. how long does it take you to think of a paragraph? actually, probably best you don't answer that. i'll give you til next week and then i want it on my desk, pronto!
go kill another girl
go lose weight
go get some braincells
etc.etc. ad nauseum
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.