the logic is that by limiting me to one post every 10 minutes i'll be conditioned like some pavlovian dog into only saying amazingly nice, flattering things with my precious and valuable rare-posts. if i can't spill forth a torrent of filth and insults then the idea is that, somehow, being able to only post one post every 10 minutes will force me to have such selectivity and aforethought that i shall surely only post pictures of newborn puppies sniffing daffodils. temp banning the forum's active posters over the last 2 years hasn't done much to 'cure' their defective and downright dangerous behaviour, so it seems like the new experimental method now for bf2s's mental patients is to give them limited status. by somehow degrading and deranking our positions in this fine upstanding community, the shame and intolerable envy of not being a full-member will cure us of our transgressions. repent, repent!
and here is my samaritan deed, just for today, to show how well it's working:
change your steam passwords, their account and credit-card database has been hacked. … mpromised/