whats up dog?13urnzz wrote:
up dog?
whats up dog?13urnzz wrote:
up dog?
no bumhole?gurdeep wrote:
i just shaved my head, face, and balls
Adams_BJ wrote:
no bumhole?gurdeep wrote:
i just shaved my head, face, and balls
>2011gurdeep wrote:
Adams_BJ wrote:
no bumhole?gurdeep wrote:
i just shaved my head, face, and balls
the Prof told your boss that you would sign him up for gay porn if you didn't hire him, the same way you got good grades from the ProfAussieReaper wrote:
I got a pretty good reccomendation from a Professor. I didn't ask for one when I graduated but the job position I applied for required one. So a month after graduation I sent an email off to him and whatever the Prof told them worked cause I got the job.
They probably have a cut and paste reccomendation they do cause I honestly doubt a Prof gives a shit about memorising everyone's apptitude let alone their names.
And not the good kind of gay porn, either. The male gay porn.13urnzz wrote:
the Prof told your boss that you would sign him up for gay porn if you didn't hire him, the same way you got good grades from the Prof