The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I don't give a toss really, white people are racist, black people are racist etc, its not really unknown. Yet you get excited whenever the blacks get uppity.

lowing wrote:

Cheney has ACTUALLY done this? links please. oh and make them factual, undisputed please. and not some hater bullshit.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't give a toss really, white people are racist, black people are racist etc, its not really unknown. Yet you get excited whenever the blacks get uppity.

lowing wrote:

Cheney has ACTUALLY done this? links please. oh and make them factual, undisputed please. and not some hater bullshit.
Oh well in that case, Churchill is a murderer, Roosevelt is a murderer, pretty much every leader in the history of the world is a murderer. Your link is shit, get over it.

Nope neve excited, just wonder why you would accept such a blatant double standard and not recognize it as such

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-05 06:40:09)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
We're not talking about murder either.

Did Churchill or Roosevelt start WW2 with a profit motive? I doubt it.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

We're not talking about murder either.

Did Churchill or Roosevelt start WW2 with a profit motive? I doubt it.
We're not? Oh ya see i thought by your verbiage that Cheney caused the deaths of thousands you were calling him a murder.

Ok well then I shall rephrase. by your criteria Roosevelt and Churchill and every other leader of the world in history also "caused the deaths of thousands".
There is that better?

and whatever you do, do not doubt that one of the reasones the US entered WW2 was to salvage our economy. IE money..

Now, back to your acceptance of racism in America. Or wait, was that just black racism you accept and from black members of govt?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I guess Roosevelt and Churchill didn't start a for profit war, thats the difference.

Where have I accepted racism? I just pointed out that whites have more power and influence and use their racism much more effectively.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

I guess Roosevelt and Churchill didn't start a for profit war, thats the difference.

Where have I accepted racism? I just pointed out that whites have more power and influence and use their racism much more effectively.
Yeah we have already discussed your conspiracy theories Dilbert.

You have done nothing but misdirect the argument away from the OP ( to Cheney) in an effort to avoid it. Now, if you think Rep. Andre Carson is a racist and belongs to a govt. sanctioned racist organization thriving on double standards and spewing racist remarks, go ahead and agree with the OP.

Oh is that the difference. Roosevelt let over 2000 American perish at Pearl Harbor so we could enter the war for profit... I got a conspiracy theory that says so, so ya know it is true.

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-06 03:23:51)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I think Carson is as racist as anyone else in congress.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

I think Carson is as racist as anyone else in congress.
and the CBC? and his comments and his actions? racist? come on lets have it.

and no not as much as anyone lese in congress, ya see, no white member of congress are allowed to join a white only club within the govt.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I see, so after years of slavery, segregation backed by law, you begrudge them a private club?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

I see, so after years of slavery, segregation backed by law, you begrudge them a private club?
Within govt. you bet your ass!!

Also, swinging the pendulum the other direction is not the solution to slavery, and segregation. Equality is, and the dismantling of ALL double standards ESPECIALLY with govt.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

I agree with lowing.  White people are racist.
yeah, but not the CBC or Andre Carson the democrat from Indiana or his actions or his speeches, right? go figure. lol
I didn't say that.

White people have the same right to be as racist as black people.

Just like a white guy has the same right to call the CBC racist for calling the Teaparty racist.

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

I agree with lowing.  White people are racist.
yeah, but not the CBC or Andre Carson the democrat from Indiana or his actions or his speeches, right? go figure. lol
I didn't say that.

White people have the same right to be as racist as black people.

Just like a white guy has the same right to call the CBC racist for calling the Teaparty racist.
Goes just a tad deeper than that, when you allow an organization such as the CBC to exist within govt.

lowing wrote:

Goes just a tad deeper than that, when you allow an organization such as the CBC to exist within govt.
organization such as the Congressional Black Caucus to exist within government. . . you are aware what a caucus is, aren't you?

you know what, nevermind. whenever i reply to one of your posts, you have never given me a serious answer.

13urnzz wrote:

lowing wrote:

Goes just a tad deeper than that, when you allow an organization such as the CBC to exist within govt.
organization such as the Congressional Black Caucus to exist within government. . . you are aware what a caucus is, aren't you?

you know what, nevermind. whenever i reply to one of your posts, you have never given me a serious answer.
yeah I know what a fuckin caucus is. and there is an apparent govt. sanctioned caucus for blacks only organized and meeting in Washington. Now I guess the real question is...What the fuck do YOU think a caucus is? Never mind, don't answer that, I don't give a fuck what you think.
No i take that back burnzz, I do give a fuck what you think......amuse me. Hit me with another one of your tantrums that I love so much.

Ohhh and don't forget the mindless rants of me being a sex offender. That one was one of my favorites.

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-06 08:00:57)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

yeah I know what a fuckin caucus is. and there is an apparent govt. sanctioned caucus for blacks only organized and meeting in Washington. Now I guess the real question is...What the fuck do YOU think a caucus is? Never mind, don't answer that, I don't give a fuck what you think.
Apparently you don't give a fuck about the definition as well.

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

yeah I know what a fuckin caucus is. and there is an apparent govt. sanctioned caucus for blacks only organized and meeting in Washington. Now I guess the real question is...What the fuck do YOU think a caucus is? Never mind, don't answer that, I don't give a fuck what you think.
Apparently you don't give a fuck about the definition as well.
lol,  buddy, I am not about to go google you the fuckin' definition of caucus. So tell you what, after you do it, you come back here and tell me how the CBC is NOT an organized meeting of BLACKS ONLY congressmen in Washington.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

As a disinterested third party in this argument:

dictionary.com wrote:

cau·cus   [kaw-kuhs] Show IPA noun, plural -cus·es

1. U.S. Politics .

    a. a meeting of party leaders to select candidates, elect convention delegates, etc.
    b. a meeting of party members within a legislative body to select leaders and determine strategy.
    c. ( often initial capital letter ) a faction within a legislative body that pursues its interests through the legislative process: the Women's Caucus; the Black Caucus.

2. any group or meeting organized to further a special interest or cause.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

yeah I know what a fuckin caucus is. and there is an apparent govt. sanctioned caucus for blacks only organized and meeting in Washington. Now I guess the real question is...What the fuck do YOU think a caucus is? Never mind, don't answer that, I don't give a fuck what you think.
Apparently you don't give a fuck about the definition as well.
lol,  buddy, I am not about to go google you the fuckin' definition of caucus. So tell you what, after you do it, you come back here and tell me how the CBC is NOT an organized meeting of BLACKS ONLY congressmen in Washington.
Well it is a meeting of black politicians, aka a black caucus.  Thank you FEOS for the help.

So what was the point you were trying to make?

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

Pug wrote:

Apparently you don't give a fuck about the definition as well.
lol,  buddy, I am not about to go google you the fuckin' definition of caucus. So tell you what, after you do it, you come back here and tell me how the CBC is NOT an organized meeting of BLACKS ONLY congressmen in Washington.
Well it is a meeting of black politicians, aka a black caucus.  Thank you FEOS for the help.

So what was the point you were trying to make?
AND???? Isn't that what I said? lol jesus christ!!

The difference here is, it is an organized meeting of elected officials where race is a factor to join. ISN'T that fucking racist by every example you guys use to crucify white people that do the same fucking thing!!?? Except white people are not allowed to meet exclusively while keeping black people out, especially in an official govt. capacity!!

Were you gunna explain how I didn't know the definition of caucus any time soon, orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-07 11:40:26)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

lowing wrote:

AND???? Isn't that what I said? lol jesus christ!!

The difference here is, it is an organized meeting of elected officials where race is a factor to join. ISN'T that fucking racist by every example you guys use to crucify white people that do the same fucking thing!!?? Except white people are not allowed to meet exclusively while keeping black people out, especially in an official govt. capacity!!
And you still didn't understand the meaning of caucus.

If I agree we should disband the following caucuses (cauci???):

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucuses_o … s_Congress

A caucus is a special interest groups.  CBC is a special interest group.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en& … party+raci

Yup, lets just focus on the black guys.

Let me be clear:
Everyone has the right to call the other group racist, albeit there will be fallout from doing so.  Whether they are ACTUALLY racist, well, have fun proving one side over the other.

The dude who said this is a disgrace.  Quit trying to imply one group is more racist than the other.  It's isolated to a few loons in both groups.

Pug wrote:

lowing wrote:

AND???? Isn't that what I said? lol jesus christ!!

The difference here is, it is an organized meeting of elected officials where race is a factor to join. ISN'T that fucking racist by every example you guys use to crucify white people that do the same fucking thing!!?? Except white people are not allowed to meet exclusively while keeping black people out, especially in an official govt. capacity!!
And you still didn't understand the meaning of caucus.

If I agree we should disband the following caucuses (cauci???):

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucuses_o … s_Congress

A caucus is a special interest groups.  CBC is a special interest group.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en& … party+raci

Yup, lets just focus on the black guys.

Let me be clear:
Everyone has the right to call the other group racist, albeit there will be fallout from doing so.  Whether they are ACTUALLY racist, well, have fun proving one side over the other.

The dude who said this is a disgrace.  Quit trying to imply one group is more racist than the other.  It's isolated to a few loons in both groups.
lI am pretty sure I know what a fuckin caucus is Pug, since I haven't posting anything that goes against what one is. I am focusing on the CBC because that, along with the Hispanic caucus, are the only RACE related caucuses ( that I have heard of). There is no white caucus and the mere suggestion of one would be considered racist, and you damn well know it.

Now, the CBC is the specific focus of this thread because of a govt. official making blatant racist comments, belongs to a blatant racist organization and getting away with it. Not only getting away with it but drawing support for it!! There should be NO racially motivated organizations with in govt. Unless of course you are going to recognize any whites only groups within govt. and not consider them racists. Yeah right.

This govt. officials say some bullshit like the tea partier wand blacks hanging from a tree. and a sign that simply reads "you mad bro" at a football game can not go without being deemed racist and a big shit storm thrown over it... http://www.fox8.com/news/wjw-kirtland-p … 6270.story  so give me a break.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
Give you a break?  Because you aren't aware of other caucus albeit I posted a link?

There's a caucus for ageism, specific countries, disabilities, religion,  etc etc etc.

Lets pick on blacks.

In my opinion, you haven't proved shit, but continue to post black angst stories and claim you aren't racist for doing so.  Show some depth lowing and maybe people won't think you are racist.

Lol, 100 pages of hits, lets focus on the football sign.  You are right, because less than 10% of the Tea Party isn't white, male, over 45 years old, or in a high income bracket, the caucus they formed was legitimate.  Because it's fair to everyone...

Can you hear me rolling my eyes from where you are?

I am not going to argue which group is more racist, I don't care.  I care that you would rather pervert the situation they see it for what it actually is.

Special interests groups have special interests.  You will not like all of them.  Occassionally people are idiots within these groups.  It's time you put the Big Boy pants on and figured out the difference.

Last edited by Pug (2011-09-07 12:58:49)


Pug wrote:

Give you a break?  Because you aren't aware of other caucus albeit I posted a link?

There's a caucus for ageism, specific countries, disabilities, religion,  etc etc etc.

Lets pick on blacks.

In my opinion, you haven't proved shit, but continue to post black angst stories and claim you aren't racist for doing so.  Show some depth lowing and maybe people won't think you are racist.

Lol, 100 pages of hits, lets focus on the football sign.  You are right, because less than 10% of the Tea Party isn't white, male, over 45 years old, or in a high income bracket, the caucus they formed was legitimate.  Because it's fair to everyone...

Can you hear me rolling my eyes from where you are?

I am not going to argue which group is more racist, I don't care.  I care that you would rather pervert the situation they see it for what it actually is.

Special interests groups have special interests.  You will not like all of them.  Occassionally people are idiots within these groups.  It's time you put the Big Boy pants on and figured out the difference.
The only way you can hold this opinion is for you to, recognize, and approve of a white caucus within govt. "WHITES ONLY" members allowed. With WHITE interest at the heart of their agenda. If you do not then you are a hypocrite and your opinions are nothing more than a collection of hypocritical non-sense.

IF members of govt. want to organize and discuss how better to serve the aged, or the disabled, so be it. But to organize and meet for the special interest of a race then that is racism, and you really can't deny that without being inconsistent in your opinions.

Compare groups as to which one is more racist? Who are you comparing? There is not an official govt. sanctioned racist group of elected officials to compare the black caucus to, unless you were comparing the black caucus to the hispanic caucus. Because white people aren't allowed to organize by race within govt.

By your words, I gather you also buy into the good congressman's baseless accusations that the tea party movement is about race, and not about the constitution or the reduction of big govt. Pity, so much for reasonable dialog

Last edited by lowing (2011-09-07 22:16:10)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
Ahh, no.

WTF do you even bother reading anything that is posted?

Let's just start with the basics of what you don't understand:
There is not an official govt. sanctioned racist group of elected officials to compare the black caucus to, unless you were comparing the black caucus to the hispanic caucus.

A caucus is not an official government sanctioned organization.  Again you fail to understand what a caucus is.

I'm done lowing. You are so twisted and unable to understand basic facts, and because of that, your entire argument is flawed.  You are too tied up in your own world to see it.  Or you do see it, but you are too racist to relent.

Thanks for the entertainment.

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