FatherTed wrote:
why are politicians never normal people
Because you have to be multiple forms of crazy to be a politician;
Narcissistic enough to believe that it's all about you.
Delusional enough to think you can get a majority of the population to believe in your message.
And downright Batshiat-Crazy (it's a DSM-IV term,
truestorybro™) enough to think that, out of millions of people,
you are clearly the best choice to lead the people.
Nevermind your history of drug abuse, alcoholism, poor behavior towards the opposite sex, string of failed businesses, lack of any real world job history, mental illness, tendency towards irrational violence, racism and/or genocidal behavior, propensity for hypocrisy, immense capacity for cognitive dissonance, and general moral turpitude.
(For those of you playing at home, pick any major political figure, and see how many of the above flaws they embody)