SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I started watching the Watchmen show. I like it. Unfortunately it will not get the amount of attention it deserves since the internet nerd crowd thinks it's social justice propaganda.
so someone using twitter should be discredited because they are a 'social justice network' user but you'll rationalise your geekish tastes for a .... show that is quite blatantly geared towards being 'woke'. lmao. you are a real fucking fruitcake.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The people who think the government in Watchmen are the good guys are missing the point. The government in the show is sort of a Liberal Fascism or Social Justice Totalitarianism.
The police are beating, executing, and kidnapping people in order to fight an ideological conflict. In the last episode they attacked a trailer park full of innocent white people in order to avenge a murder a black person confessed to.

Of course you have never seen the show so you are only going by what gay Twitter says about it.
sounds great. keep railing against the main stream media machine whilst jerking off over half-rate tv shows.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It's not T.V. It's HBO
yeah, that network that woke liberals love to flatter themselves by watching because it's just so much more middle-class and cosmopolitan than 'dumb' channels!!!

have you heard of the sopranos?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I love the Sopranos. What is your point?
that you have nonsensical and cherry-picked views on what constitutes liberal 'social justice' media and what is 'main stream media' polluting american discourse.

you love the sopranos? with its sympathetic portrayal of gay men? isn't that contributing to the ruination of the american project?!

but of course your favourite nerdy shows about terrible edgelord, on-the-nose graphic novels get a pass.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The mafia is depicted very poorly in Sopranos. Some of them are junkies, depression cases, idiots, fat and worse. The maker of the show has even criticized people who empathize with the mafia since they are supposed to be the bad guys of the show.

I didn't care for the gay storyline.
The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I started watching the Watchmen show. I like it. Unfortunately it will not get the amount of attention it deserves since the internet nerd crowd thinks it's social justice propaganda.
I watched one episode and couldn't be bothered.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Last night Watchmen died on HBO.

The last two episodes were awful. There's only one left and I don't see how they are going to save it. The Alt-Right was right. The Social Justice Warriors killed Watchmen.

I haven't seen it. What happened in the show? I was under the impression that alt-right/comic-book-fanboys were just review-bombing rottentomatoes with one star ratings. I don't even understand why this group would be so staunchly defensive of the source material when:

Alan Moore wrote:

“I wanted to kind of make this like, ‘Yeah, this is what Batman would be in the real world.’ But I had forgotten that actually to a lot of comic fans that smelling, not having a girlfriend—these are actually kind of heroic. So actually, sort of, Rorschach became the most popular character in Watchmen. I meant him to be a bad example, but I have people come up to me in the street saying, ‘I am Rorschach! That is my story!’ And I’ll be thinking, ‘Yeah, great, can you just keep away from me and never come anywhere near me again for as long as I live?’”
… which could be taken under a certain lens as a kind of backhanded commentary.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Doctor Manhattan came back to Earth in 2009 and started dating a black woman. He them turned into a black guy and had a thing inserted into his head by ozymandias to make him forget he was Dr. Manhattan and think he was just a normal person for 10 years. Finally they add in time travel by having Dr. Manhattan tell a person in the past something a person in the future told him and therefore starting the murder mystery at the beginning of the show. Finally he allows himself to be captured by people who want to kill him and steal his powers.

It's not all bad though I guess. I did enjoy seeing the Squid, and what the world is like years after Ozy "saves" humanity. I also understand what the writer was trying to do with Dr. Manhattan and how it ties into Christianity. It's clever but the execution and other stuff around it is dumb.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7003|United States of America
Watched a few episodes of The Witcher series on Netflix. It's not bad, having read about a fair amount of the lore in that universe, but I don't know how much it'd appeal to people who know nothing about it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

DesertFox- wrote:

Watched a few episodes of The Witcher series on Netflix. It's not bad, having read about a fair amount of the lore in that universe, but I don't know how much it'd appeal to people who know nothing about it.
I was just coming hear to post about the Witcher. I watched one episode and think it blows. I am sure it will well with video games nerds but not because it is a good show.

I remember endless gripes about SJW interference or whatever and any desire to see it just kind of bled out.

(And not because of SJW.)
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The show started with the Witcher having a fight with a giant CGI monster. It looked awful.

I am surprised the nerd crew is actually even interested in the show as a concept. Why would any straight guy be interested in following the adventures of a chad in the middle ages?
This dude on the other hand keeps his helmet on and we can all project ourselves into his shoes.

+1 Disney

Bottom looks like he's posing for Call of Duty or Battlefield poster art.

Top looks like Highlander in between head choppings. There can be only one.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7003|United States of America
I was expecting Hobbit-quailty CGI from an untested Netflix series, so I was pleasantly surprised with how it looked. Do you only watch shows where you can project yourself onto the protagonist?

Un13, it feels like someone's complaining about SJW stuff in everything nowadays. I'm not super far in, so I don't know what it would be. It wouldn't surprise me if someone took the fairly tame theme of "being a prick to other races is bad" and presented it as PC culture run amok.
tv series based on bad books are one thing (GoT).

tv series based on video games? christ, i hope they hired a good writing staff. game development is not exactly a hotbed of writerly talent.

e: apparently there are original books. news to me. it looks like chud.

Last edited by uziq (2019-12-22 07:11:37)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

DesertFox- wrote:

I was expecting Hobbit-quailty CGI from an untested Netflix series, so I was pleasantly surprised with how it looked. Do you only watch shows where you can project yourself onto the protagonist?
No. In fact my favorite character in GoT was Dany who is obviously nothing like me. But like 80% of the Witcher is just following around the big blonde dude as he does things and looks badass and that seems kind of gay to do for 10 hours voluntarily.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7003|United States of America
I don't know how long it's a viable option as a series, because it doesn't seem there's a huge heap of backstory to draw from. Again, I probably wouldn't recommend it to anyone unfamiliar with the universe at this point.

I think you're projecting a bit there with that criticism, Mac. The second episode focuses on a different character for most of it. Also, he's quite clearly not blonde.

Legolas after 300 more years of hanging around dwarves. The other elves are starting to talk.
+511|3771 … -hollywood


Netflix now routinely ends shows after their second season, even when they’re still popular. Netflix has learned that the first two seasons of a show are key to bringing in subscribers—but the third and later seasons don’t do much to retain or win new subscribers.

So the company is trying to get new subscribers, and wants to keep old subscribers just happy enough to not quit the service. And there’s this other tidbit:

Ending a show after the second season saves money, because showrunners who oversee production tend to negotiate a boost in pay after two years.
The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, interesting, those evil corporate types are ruining everything.

No plans to get Netflix here.
Fuck Israel

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