A lot more people would still be alive if Sansa had told Jon that the knights of the vale were coming. I don't know why she didn't.

SuperJail Warden wrote:
A lot more people would still be alive if Sansa had told Jon that the knights of the vale were coming. I don't know why she didn't.
edit: and another problem that now irks me, Wun-Wun+giant tree=whooshWar Man wrote:
Sansa should of been a bit forthcoming to Jon, and Jon should of realized he was doing what Ramsay intended during the battle.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Why the fuck didn't Rickon zig-zag? would of made him a harder target to hit
Last edited by War Man (2016-06-23 16:28:42)
They couldn't just fit in a single scene where she talks about what to do next after they declared war on the reach? Not even a "we just lost the king. What do we do?" with a few lannister soldiers?RTHKI wrote:
im not sure how much discussion there could b e since everyone died.
Anyone watching this at all?SuperJail Warden wrote:
The night of
People are already calling it the worthy successor of True Detective. I like it a lot and would recommend others watch it if you like crime and mystery shows. I look forward to seeing how it ends and would like to talk about it with you all.
Last edited by AussieReaper (2016-08-31 00:59:27)