Approaches to Decolonization
    With the devastation that came with World War Two, the two former great powers of the world Britain and France both face a common dilemma: the breakaway of its colonies from the motherland (Kolb, 2009:162). The main difference between the how the two nations acted later on came down to their presence in their colonies. The French namely attempted to regain control in Indochina and Algeria, while the British were allowing her colonies to become independent even before World War Two begun, namely Australia and Canada (Smith, 1979:94).
    Historically, British policy allowed them to openly declare acts in parliament  that they prepared to give up control of its colonies, The Government of India Act 1919 is a great example of Britain establishing a tradition of allowing a colony to become independent (Smith, 1979: 73).  But why would Britain voluntarily relinquish control of one of its colonies? Nicholas White (2000:546) eruditely argues, the British peaceful decolonization approach could have been explained as a method to retain trade amongst its former colonies, as improved relations between British businessmen could lead to better relations of former colonies and Britain itself, while Britain moves away as an empire and concentrates on more European matters.
    The French approach to its colonial issue was an attempt t create a "French Union," as Title VIII of the Fourth Republic's constitution addressed this issue. The "French Union" was nothing like a union but rather a grip on its colonies, allowing the French government access and control to its colonies resources and calling for a common defence pact in French interests, clearly the Fourth Republics government was more keen on retaining its colonies rather than following the British example of relinquishing control and giving independence (Smith, 1979: 74). A reason for this could be that the French government would want its colonies to later come under direct French control through assimilation through time. (Smith, 1979: 74).
    However, this is not to claim that the French were the only ones who engaged in military actions against its former colonies. One thing the British and French did have in common was military action against its former colonies that were taken by the Japanese during World War Two. With the fall of Japan, Malaysia and Vietnam swiftly began their own independent movements that had huge association with communist ideology. The only difference was the French could not regain control of Vietnam while the British were able to regain Malaysia for a short period of time before granting its independence as a democratic non-communist state (Cooper, 2001:200).
    The structure of the colonial regimes led to the partake of certain actions. Since the French would impose direct control of their colonies while the British had more of a decentralized dominion system did not foster a debate of whether the subject was a citizen of the Empire, rather the creation of a "commonwealth citizen" (Cooper, 2001:202). Responses to political movements were of vital importance, as the British had a long history of liberal ideology where the government has to recognize the people's inalienable rights to political freedom and assembly, it would be hypocritical of the British Parliament to respond violently or unlawfully, such as the French with their harsh response to independence movement including mass imprisonment and sometimes capital punishment without any judicial oversight (Cooper 2001, 204).
    A large factor involved in the outcome of decolonization is local conditions. Although French Colonial reformations remained throughout the same (reforms over time but kept French rule within the colonies), the situation in Indochina and Algeria were much more affected by the events of World War Two as compared to Madagascar (Smith, 1979: 84). De Gaulle's government were fiercely resolute in keeping Vietnam under their control after the Japanese relinquished their short lived empire in South East Asia. To expel the Vietminh from Haiphong, the French decided in their strategic brilliance to shell the city, taking the lives of many civilians (Smith, 1979:85). This caused major resentment against the French Government and increased the popularity of the Vietminh and led to a coup in Hanoi, firing the first shots of the "Vietnam War," where later it turned to a much larger war involving the two superpowers, USSR (supplying arms) and USA (sending troops) (Smith, 1979:85).
    British decolonization could be argued as "new imperialism" as major British business', especially those in the natural resource industry remained in strong control of their business in the former colonies (White, 2000: 563). British military intervention in its former colonies only occurred for major economic and military reasons, either preventing communism in Malay or getting involved in the Suez Crisis, rather than political reasons as compared to the French. The Suez Crisis is one example of major military intervention as the Suez Canal provided two thirds of all the oil shipping into Europe. The nationalization of the Suez Canal by the Egyptian government was a major confrontation to British and French imperial and economic power (White, 2000: 555).  However, it is also possible that the Suez Canal being kept British was of vital importance to the Royal Navy if they need to travel from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean in quick notice, as the Suez is a strategic port in transferring arms from Europe to Asia (White, 2000: 555).
    As this essay has presented, the French clearly intervenes militarily within their colony for a revival of French power in Post-War Europe, whereas the British have already accepted their fate for the end of their empire. Although the British did relinquish control  of colonies with a clear majority Anglo population (Australia, Canada, New Zealand), but they already begun  a process of further decolonization with non-anglo parts of their empire beginning with the end of the British Raj with the Government of India Act 1919 (Smith, 1979:73). It is clear that the British were more successful in their process of decolonization as many of its colonies relates to Britain herself with the creation of the commonwealth, where member states may choose to withdraw as compared to the French Union, where the French government attempted to regain control of their former colonies.

Work Cited
    Cooper, F, Reconstructing Empire in British and French Africa.  Past & Present  : Post-War Reconstruction in Europe: International, 2001,  p196.
    Kolb, C, Decolonization and Its Impact: A Comparative Approach to the End of the Colonial Empires. Journal of World History  2009 p160-163.
    Osborne, M, Indochina: An Ambiguous Colonization, 1858-1954.  Contemporary Southeast Asia, 2010, p302-304
    Smith, T, A Comparative Study of French and British Decolonization
Comparative Studies in Society and History, 1978, p70-102

    STOCKWELL, A, British Decolonisation: The Record and the Records.Contemporary European History, 2006 p573-583.
     White, N. The business and the politics of decolonization: the British experience in the twentieth century. Economic History Review, 2000 p544-564.


Timothy Edstein
Monday  2-3PM
Mohammed Islam


The IMF, The World Bank and Free Trade
    As a student of both economics and international relations, I am tangled by the IR scholar in myself saying "free trade is unsustainable and has more harm than good," and the economist in me saying "free trade benefits us all." In my economics lecture we are taught that free trade is good due to the theories of comparative advantage (Motta, 2011) where a nation working at their lowest opportunity cost and trading with one another maximizes economic efficiency, while in IR we learned that free trade a tenet of neoliberalism, with its emphasis on export led growth has caused many nations to take loans from the IMF and the World Bank due to their poor economic conditions, and had to cut funding to key public sector programs such as education and health (Shepherd, 2011).
    The IMF calls these programs "trimming the fat," whilst they do cut huge funding in key public sectors, data does show that many transition economies have high economic growth later on, thus allowing them to spend more in the future with their new found wealth (Mercer-Blackman and Unigovskaya, 2004). It is ironic in fact that nations sponsoring the IMF are allowed to give billions upon billions of dollars in bailout to banks, whilst they command debtor nations are told and forced to cut funding to important services such as health and education (Shepherd, 2011).
     However, the economist side of me says that these programs are a necessity, and economic growth is one of the key foundations for a nation state. However in practice most nations that take money from the World Bank come out in more debt and lower economic growth especially in nations with an totalitarian regime which usually takes the money for themselves. (Bovard, 1987). These institution need to take a change to how they restructure economies, as stated in Pereira's (1995) article "The 'big bang' approach for privatization, trade liberalization, deregulation is very dangerous, as it weakens instead of strengthening a state that is already very weak,"
    As you can see my entanglement with the issue from two equally credible academic opinion on the issue. Growing up in Taiwan has led me to see the cost and benefit of free trade. With the rise of China as the new economic power, a free trade agreement with China has become more of a political than economic issue (Turton, 2011). Sure I see the benefit of having free trade would allow certain industries to boom, however it could mean a loss of national sovereignty as China can use its trade ties in Taiwan as political muscle in the future (Turton, 2011). But the economist in me still see it as a necessity for economic prosperity, especially in a time of recession. However, having mass restructuring programs such as the IMF's would necessarily help, and free trade with other nations must come from the will of the people through a referendum, such as the case of my country, Taiwan (Turton, 2011).

Regional Organizations
    One issue that bears to mind with regional organizations, is the idea of a clash of civilizations, where the world is split between cultural values as most regional organizations are based around member states in line with the same culture (Huntington, 1993). Organizations may start out either economic or military, but were beginning to see in the example of the EU that these regional organizations may turn into a supranational state. Although these organizations may have good intentions at first and bring peace to an unstable region, it might bring out a new form of conflict where the world be divided into a regional bloc fighting against one another (Huntington, 1993). But will we see the world becoming more peaceful as these organizations force interdependence amongst the region, or create a new cold war amongst regions?
    Back to the economic student in me, trade blocs that promote free trade areas seem like a good idea and extremely beneficial to those involved (Motta, 2011). That's the catch, if you are not involved in the free trade area your economy would remain very uncompetitive compared to those inside. In the case of where I'm from in Taiwan, we constantly get squeezed out of joining any regional organizations due to China's political will and claim over Taiwanese sovereignty. For those "outsiders" of regional areas, nations will be left out or forced to bend to others political will.
    Economically, member states in free trade area should benefit as well right? As I've been taught in economics that comparative advantage will unfold (Motta, 2011). But what happened with Mexico after NAFTA when the United States flooded the Mexican market with hugely subsidized American corn and ruined Mexico's agricultural industry (Anderson, et al, 2002) did not demonstrate the comparative advantage that I've been taught in my economics class. One thing that I always ignore when I think from an economist point of view, is the humanist point of view where one must not benefit from the sufferring of another, in this case easy profits for the United States corn industry while the Mexican corn industry shatters, leaving millions of Mexican workers jobless and forcing them to migrate illegally to the United States in order to find jobs (Anderson, et al, 2002).
    Although regional organizations may attempt to become more of an alliance amongst nations, such as ASEAN's attempt to prevent any conflict amongst its members by having preventative diplomacy (Yuzawa, 2006). Although the idea is noble, but nations outside ASEAN may have to deal with the organization as a whole if it as a dispute with one nation. As a Taiwanese citizen, I see ASEAN as a puppet of China despite China not being a member, but their close relations with ASEAN states allows China to blockade any agreements with my country. This demonstrates to me that regional organizations does not necessarily wish to bring peace amongst a region, but they're looking to expand political power.
Democracy and Peace or a New Empire
    Is the world getting more peaceful as it becomes more of a liberal democratic utopia, or is it due to Pax Americana? This debate during the tutorial really got heated as I input my opinion that America is not an empire due to its system of government (Barnett, 2007). There are evidence that one may see as empire building as the United States has bases around the globe and the recent conflict in Iraq has become the basis of the claim, as US corporations strongly benefitted from the reconstruction project of Iraq. But nevertheless, the world becoming more of a democracy is a good thing in my opinion, as in true democracies the people rule the government, and not the other way around.
    The reason why many people may believe that democratic peace theory is valid is that there are not many wars between democracy, however the theory only comes to light after 1945, where most democratic states were supported and sprung up by the American government, making them somewhat in an alliance led by the United States (Rosato, 2003). But the governments itself do have autonomy over what they do, as an empire has to exert total control, which America does not do due to their system of governance (Barnett, 2007).
    Liberal democracies would rarely engage in warfare against and would live side by side peacefully, due to democracies tends to revolve in strong liberal ideology (Zinnes, 2004). Although democracies would rarely engage each other in military conflict, in the case of the Iraq War, it was a liberal democracies against an totalitarian regime, based on the pretences that Iraq had WMDs. In the TV Series Generation Kill based on real events (Wright, 2008,), in Episode 5 "A Burning Dog" Corporal Ray Pearson jokes to his commander that the area has been "liberated" when assessing the threat level (liberated meaning that the marines have already killed most insurgents/Iraqi army). The translator for the American troops would always begin by saying "These Iraqis are glad to be liberated and they love Americans."
    But does this give nation up roaring in their democratic ideal to invade the sovereignty of another? Although removing Saddam was good for the Iraqi people, the marines faced larger issues of dealing with the Iraqi's people poverty, insecurity, and basic needs after they invaded Iraq, with Lieutenant Nate Fick stating "Were becoming more of an army of occupation than an aggressive force, we need to start helping these people out instead of shooting them." (Generation Kill, Episode 5). This ties in with Barnett's (2007) idea of a necessary civilian and UN sponsored administrative force that needs to immediately deal with key issues after the end of a conflict, that way America would look less of an Empire and more as a legitimate "defender of freedom."

Reference List
    Anderson, S., Cavanagh, J., Espinosa, E. And Serra, J., (2002) "Debate: Happily Ever NAFTA?" Foreign Policy 132: 58-65
    Barnett, T. (2007) "Thomas Barnett Draws a New Map for Peace | Video on" TED: Ideas worth Spreading. <>.
    Bovard, J., (1987) "The World Bank Vs. the World Poor." The Cato Institute. <>.
    Huntington, S., (1993)"The Clash of Civilizations? | Foreign Affairs." Home | Foreign Affairs. Web. <>.
    Mercer-Blackman, V. And Unigovskaya, A., (2004) "Compliance with IMF Program Indicators and Growth in Transition Economies."  Emerging Markets Finance & Trade 40(3): 55-83
    Motta, A,. (2011) "Comparative Advantage: the Basis for Trade." Lecture.
    Pereira, L., (1995) "Development Economics and the World Bank's Identity Crisis." Review of International Political Economy 2(2): 211-247
    Rosato, S., (2003) "The Flawed Logic of Democratic Peace Theory." The American Political Science Review 97(4): 585-602
    Shepherd, L., (2011) "Development Institutions: The Institutionalisation of Inequality?" Lecture.
    Turton, M., (2011) "Random Thoughts and Observations." Web log post. The View from Taiwan.. Web. <>.
    "UC Atlas: Trade Blocs." UC Atlas of Global Inequality. Web. <>.
    Wright, E., (2008) "Episode 5 "A Burning Dog"" Generation Kill. HBO. Television.
    YouTube (2011) "‪Empire - Pax Americana‬‏." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Al Jazeera, 2011. Web. <>.
    Yuzawa, T., (2006) "The Evolution of Preventive Diplomacy in the ASEAN Regional Forum: Problems and Prospects." Asian Survey 46(5): 785-804
    Zinnes, D., (2004) "Constructing Political Logic: The Democratic Peace Puzzle." The Journal of Conflict Resolution 48(3): 430-454
Is the United Nations an effective institution? Discuss with reference to at least one issue in global politics that has caused controversy since the turn of the current century.

    After the end of World War Two the world saw the devastation and the genocide committed by Nazi Germany, all nations around the world said "never again." During the Rwandan Genocide and Yugoslavian Civil War, the United Nations (UN) was sent in to prevent the act of genocide. However, after the United Nations Peacekeeping force stood idly by as hundreds of thousands of lives perished (Wood, 2001:60), the world has once again said "never again." How many times must we say "never again" for the United Nations to step in and prevent future acts of genocide. The lack of a swift and effective response by the United Nations has led itself to fail as a global institution, while it once again sits idly by waiting to say "never again" as it either turns a blind eye or is unable to prevent  the current genocide that is happening in Darfur, Sudan (Strauss, 2005:126).
     As the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is set with 15 member states, five permanent with a veto vote and the agendas are set amongst the permanent five itself, it perpetuates the ineffectiveness of the council as all agendas and missions are set forth by the agreement of the five permanent members (Chapman and Reiter, 2004:890).  The members themselves would not support any policy of intervention to prevent genocide unless it is popular amongst its citizens, hence we have a "Rallies 'Round the Flag" effect, where public support for a national leader increases during a time of international crisis (Chapman and Reiter 2004:886).
    Although during both the Rwandan and Bosnian were in no doubt acts of genocide, it is evident that the UN took more action in preventing the Bosnian genocide compared to the one in Rwanda (Wood, 2001:61). One can easily conclude that the "Rallies 'Round the Flag" effect played a large role in how nations dealt with the issue, European member states were more willing to take action as Bosnia was inside Europe. However, the member states only took action after 7000 Bosnian men and boys were massacred in the United Nations protected "safe area" (Wood, 2001: 60.).
    During the Rwandan Genocide, the UNCS' response to the issue did not including sending more peacekeepers after the beginning of the genocide where 10 Belgian peacekeepers fell victim to the Hutu militia, but instead reduced their presence while the massacre took place (Wood, 2001:60). The withdrawal of peacekeepers could be seen as the United Nations effectively stating they were either unable or unwilling to prevent genocide, thus demonstrating to the world that the UN is not an effective institution, especially when it comes to prevent acts of ethnic cleansing.
    Kofi Annan once stated that "Since assuming office, I have pledged to move the United Nations from a culture of reaction to a culture of prevention" (Lango, 2004:247), however, the reality of the attempted cultural shift did only occur in the cases where it was in a member states' national interest to push further resolutions in the UNSC and have the right to take such action under Chapter VII of the UN charter (Lango, 2004:249). It is evident with the recent conflict in Libya, that the UNSC follows the "Rallies 'Round the Flag," where they approved of NATO enforcing a no-fly zone whilst in Darfur, the UN is still doing very little with China having oil and commercial interests in Sudan, they prevent any real measures against Sudan (Straus, 2005:131).
    The UNSC must recognize the need to prevent genocide by using Type One peacekeeping method where there is a preventive deployment of UN Peacekeepers before any conflict has begun, thus allowing a much more swifter response to preventing genocide (Goulding, 1993:456), as history has shown before the UN either sends in too little peacekeepers or acts too late to prevent acts of genocide, especially in the case of Rwanda. If the UN does not push into a culture of prevention as wished by Kofi Annan, the world will never end saying "never again."
    The UN must shift its structure to a more interventionist and preventative peacekeeping force if it wishes to curb genocide and conflict around the globe (Lango, 2004:250). The UN Peacekeeping force has to shift from being a volunteer peacekeeping force where member states put in their troops, but to shift to a permanent standing peacekeeping force in order for the UN to be more effective in dealing with conflicts around the globe (Puchala, 1990:138). The United Nations must act out its peacekeeping mandates and legitimize peacekeeping operations by arming and sending the necessary amount of peacekeepers, otherwise another situation such as the massacre in Bosnia will occur in a UN "safe area" (Wood, 2001:60).
    Due to the inefficiencies dealt by UN peacekeepers, the United States has taken the role of becoming a secondary peacekeeping force to the UN, as their large military with immense force projection allows them to operate anywhere in the globe, giving them the option to intervene in any conflict (Lango, 2005:253). The ineffectiveness of the UNSC to respond to conflicts may need to be superseded by a different global organization in regards to peacekeeping and conflict prevention, as currently most of the weight carried in peacekeeping operations are done by member states or intergovernmental organizations such as NATO or the African Union (Lango, 2005:253).
     With the United Nations ineffective responses to preventing genocide especially with the recent cases of Rwanda, Bosnia and the currently ongoing situation in Darfur, has demonstrated that the United Nations as a global institution is strongly ineffective. If the UN is unwilling to get involved to prevent a decimation of an entire ethnic, religion or political group, the inactions United Nations is in fact consenting to the acts of genocide. The United Nations peacekeepers needs to establish legitimacy in the near future, otherwise the death toll in Darfur and future genocide conflicts will never cease.

    Chapman, T., Reiter, D. (2004), "The United Nations Security Council and the Rally 'Round the Flag Effect." The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 48(6): 886-909
    Coate, R., Puchala, D. (1990), "Global Policies and the United Nations System: A Current Assessment." Journal of Peace Research, 27(2): 127-140
    Goulding, M. (1993), "The Evolution of United Nations Peacekeeping." International Affairs, 69(3): 451-464
    Lango, J. (2005), "Preventive Wars, Just War Principles, and the United Nations." Journal of Ethics, 9(1/2): 247-268
    Straus, S. (2005), "Darfur and the Genocide Debate." Foreign Affairs, 84(1): 123-133
    Wood, W. (2001), "Geographic Aspects of Genocide: A Comparison of Bosnia and Rwanda." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 26(1): 57-75


Timothy Edstein
Wednesday's 2-3PM
Cameron Fitzpatrick-Ramirez


Executive Summary
    The purpose of The Everest Simulation was to examine how well a random group of people can work as a team in their randomly assigned roles throughout a simulation based on its stressful conditions. The Everest Simulation demonstrated that teams would work a lot more effectively if they have previous work experience as shown from data from Everest One and Two.  The reason for such a huge jump in total points accumulated can be pointed to the increasing effectiveness in communication, relaxed atmosphere tied with strong central leader with a clear chain of command. Communication becomes more effective as members of the group are more willing to voice their opinions within the group as team members can read each other's body language a lot more clearly as they increase interactions with members of the group. In addition, the teams structure where the leader is the central player in keeping the team together and solving disputes is fundamental towards the success of the simulation. The team was structured in a democratic manner where all members input their opinions and vote on a decision, however the team leader has veto power and is able to overrule the decision of the team. We found this system very effective in a small team environment as it shows a sense of hierarchy and is a good balance between giving enough autonomy to the team members and giving enough control to the leader.  Using this set up the team was able to improve its marks from 53% in the first simulation to 89%, as team members spoke more freely in the second simulation as the members got to know each other a lot better and due to the fact the team structure allowed members of the team to give the team leader the best input available to make the best decisions.  
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
Attitudes, Perceptions and Personality    5
Everest One    5
Everest Two    6
Communication and Decision Making    7
Everest One    7
Everest Two    8
Leadership    9
Everest One    9
Everest Two    10
Conclusion    11
Appendices    12
Team Contract    12
Goals on Track    15
Reference List    16


    The Everest Simulation was a simulation to demonstrate how a random group of people working inside a group would react to certain situations set out by the simulation. Each member of the team was given a random role by the simulation, a team leader, doctor, environmentalist, photographer and a marathon runner, each member of the group had their own individual goals which clashes with the goals of other members of the group, thus possibly causing conflict in the team. As the goals of each individual in the team clash, it is up to me, the team leader to demonstrate which leadership style shall be used (ie direct control or shared leadership), keeping the team under control in order to solve any group conflicts. The organizational structure and attitudes demonstrated by members of the team is key for their overall success in the simulation. The purpose of this report will demonstrate the findings on three key areas (attitudes, communication and leadership) and the key differences between the two separate simulations, how and why the teams will work better together in the second simulation compared to the first. This report will discuss the findings in the differences between how the team behaved and reacted differently on the simulations two separate occasions. The report will also demonstrate how a team might be able to work more cohesively with changes made in either attitudes, communication and leadership demonstrated by the members of the team.  
Attitudes, Perceptions and Personality
    Everest One
    With our first Everest simulation, the attitude of the team was a lot more formal due to the members not knowing each other very well and are nervous to voice our opinions too much as we did not want to cause any conflict with any member of the team. Having a formal attitude in the first simulation gave us the advantage of being more respectful to each other and this was ideal for keeping us focused on the task at hand (Rehling, 2004 P. 477). Since our team had a professional and diverse environment, during the first simulation there were no major clashes between any members of the team and due to our professionalism we were more motivated to work with each other in finishing the simulation (Brussel, et al, 2007 P.2).
    Although formality has the advantage of keeping a more professional environment (Rehling, 2004 P. 477) it can be fatal, as during the summit climb nobody in our team spoke out or double checked the correct number of oxygen tank needed due to being too polite, caused two of our team members needed to be rescued and causing a huge loss of points in total group score as. Because of this, the team discovered that it is necessary for us to break down any formal barriers in the next simulation and double check any calculations in order to score more points in the next Everest Simulation as informal an informal attitude would allow us to be more engaged with each other's work, thus causing greater group cohesion (Rehling, 2004 P477).
    Even though the simulation did not go as expected, no member of the team blamed any other member and we took the responsibility in our own hands, thus not causing any leadership breakdowns or cause any division within the team itself (Morris, et al, 2011, P. 161). The group needed to make an adaptive change to attitude and get more familiar our roles in order to allow us to accurately assess any details in the next Simulation in order for us to get better results (Houston, 2007 P. 122).

    Everest Two
    As our team was a lot more familiar with each other, our attitudes were a lot more informal and we began to have an overlapping conversational style where our attitudes are a lot more intimate (Rehling, 2004 P.477) and members of the team was more willing to voice their opinion and pursue their own goals compared to the first simulation thus causing minor clashes. However, allowing members to pursue their own goals was more beneficial to the organization as it allowed us to have more discussion (Rehling, 2004 P.480), and understand each other's goal's thus improving our overall points at the end of the simulation.
     The second simulation allowed the team to work a lot more cohesively, as we were more familiar with our roles and learned from the mistakes in the first simulation. With the experience, our team was a lot more patient and we took each step of the simulation at lot more carefully in order to avoid any unnecessary risk (Morris, et al, 2011 P.163). The team found that having such patience proved to be extremely beneficial as we were not only able to reach the summit as a team, but team members were able to complete their individual goals thus causing a large increase to our points. 
    Despite the team resorting to a more informal attitude with each other, no member of the team fell into the consequences of flattery as pointed out in Chan and Sengputa's (2010 P.123). essay, as no member of the team congratulated another member if a member did not warrant any compliments based on their performance. Such attitude leads back to the professionalism (Rehling, 2004 P.477) demonstrated in Everest One, and the team did not fall into a trap of not correcting other's mistake out of politeness.  This created a stronger sense of camaraderie amongst the team members thus allowing the team to work more cohesively, where every member of the team actively sought the interest of the group whilst achieving their personal goals whilst improving the overall marks compared to Everest One (Houston, 2007 P.50).

Communication and Decision Making
    Everest One
    As a multicultural team, one of the challenges was to understand differing attitudes towards the group hierarchy (Brett, et al, 2006 P.86). We resolved this issue with structuring our group by allowing all members to have a voice in every decision making process, however the final decision was up to the leader thus establishing a more centralized organization and it proved to be effective during the simulation as the leader did not have too much control and allowing each member a voice it created more trust towards the leader.
    One of the largest challenge for communication in a multicultural team is usually language and cultural barriers (Bret, et all, 2006 P.86). However as most of the team members spoke fluent English such barriers were instantly removed, but when some team members meant "no" to a decision when they said yes, the team leader saw it through body language (Harvard, 2008 P.7) and reiterated the question to a team member to make sure they were comfortable with their verbal decision.
    Our main mode of communication during the simulation was verbal and body language as we sat close around each other in the computer lab. Body language and trust worthiness went hand in hand during key decision making scenarios. As the team leader, acting in a confident manner allowed team members to agree on my final decisions despite their reservations, thus demonstrating their trust towards me (Harvard, 2008 P.6).    
    Trustworthiness also allowed me to manipulate their judgements based on group negotiations (Syrivastava and Chakravarti, 2009 P.567) during the simulation, as I built the rapport of trying to get everyone to "work for the common good" when my it was in my own personal interest to get everyone to stick together as it was part of my personal goals. Although trust may benefit group coherence and expedite decision making process (Frisch, 2008 P.122), too much trust in the leader caused a drop in points as members were either too polite to point out the oxygen tank mistake or trusted the leader's decision too much.
    Everest Two
    In the second simulation there was not much change in the decision making process, the responsibility of the final decision still lay upon the team leader after he has heard the opinions of each member of the group. As described in Frisch's article (2008, P.123), in a split decision between members of the group, "the boss is always wrong" since majority opinion might go for the differing opinion. However, the leader having final say in Everest Two proved to be the best option as the team scored 89% compared to the 53% in Everest One. The reasoning behind why the leader should have final say is that it keeps the team hierarchy and prevents any power struggle that might occur (Houston, 2007 P.90).
    The main key difference in communication in Everest Two was information sharing, since we noticed after Everest One that each member's information was unique and we needed to collect the information and share it amongst members of the team. We used a turn-taking conversational style (Rehling, 2004 P. 477) as it allowed a clear flow of information so each member of the team had equal access to each other's information and prevented an overlapping of conversations (Rehling, 2004 P.477).  This proved beyond effective as vital information was distributed amongst each member of the team and allowed us to make more accurate decisions during the simulation.
    One of the main advantages we had in Everest Two is that we were able to read each other's body language a lot better due to having more contact (Hawke, 2009 P23), and that members of the team was more willing to voice out their opinions, for example when our environmentalist in Everest One would not object to a team leaders decision to keep him from moving on alone, where in Everest Two he would justify his action, thus convincing the team leader to allow him to move on alone. Our communication in the second round was no doubt a lot more effective, and allowed us to have such a large improve in points accumulated in Everest Two.  
    Everest One
    We decided that the leadership of the group should be ran with a discussion before every major decision and a vote, however the leader has the final say in the matter. It ran almost like a military operation where the officer has final decision but would listen to the input of his men first (Houston, 2007 P. 43). This was the most effective means to make a decision and establish a hierarchy, as members of the team would not only be intricately motivated to work harder as their opinions are heard and a sense of belonging is met(Zhang, et al, 2010 P.109). When team members are intrinsically motivated and want to have a sense of belonging, in Everest One our main focus was group goals before all else and members of the team rarely disputed with the leader during simulation.
    During the first simulation, as a leader I did not know how much control shall exert and how much autonomy should I give to my team in making decisions as it was difficult to estimate with such a diverse team (Brett, et al, 2006 P.89) . To prevent any disorganization or power struggle within the group, I decided to completely control what people should do only after hearing their opinions as a leader I needed to respect the opinions of my team in order to create a stronger organization (Houston, 2007 P. 64). This proved to be effective as there was little confusion to what team members should be doing and kept everybody on the team on the right page, thus letting us to complete the tasks swiftly.
    However, exerting too much control proved to be fatal where members of the team did not double check the calculations on how much oxygen we needed to reach the summit. This proved to be fatal as we had 2 members that needed to be rescued and we lost a lot of points due to the rescue operation. Allowing my team to fail was a necessary experience, as we can learn from our mistakes  (Carpenter, et al, 2010 P.59)and not repeat them again in the second simulation. Failing also shifted team dynamics, where I would  have to give more autonomy to team members in order to allow them to challenge my decisions and allowing us to have the best of all opinions.
    Everest Two
    In the Everest Two Simulation, we retained our structural hierarchy and leadership role where the team comes to a democratic consensus but the team leader has the final say. The major difference this time is that team members were more willing to input their opinions compared to the first simulation, as members of the team are a lot more familiar with each other and are willing to challenge the authority figure as they are now more psychologically empowered (Zhang, et al, 2010 P.109) due to the experiences gained in Everest One. However, I still asserted my role for managing the team and overseeing all key decisions during the simulation, and having the final say allowed us to work more efficiently as the leader can effectively allocate time (Houston, 2007 P79).
    During Everest Two the photographer challenged the leader in a decision of whether he should break away from the group or not. The leader caved in as the decision for the photographer to break off from the group was not a major risk to the operations at hand. The flexibility or "elbow-room" (Houston, 2007 P.80) demonstrated that the leader trusts the decisions made by his personnel and allowing them to have a higher sense of accomplishment (Zhang, et al, 2010 P.109), thereby creating an atmosphere where the team would respect the decisions made by the leader later on (Houston, 2007 P.86).
    As our team had become more familiar with each other, I decided to relinquish total control and giving the team a little autonomy, as this created a stronger sense of trust and unity with the organization by improving communication from them giving me the information and me passing on accurate information (Houston, 2007 P.87). This autonomy and intrinsic motivation encouraged (Zhang, et al, 2010, P111) members to double check (which they did)  the oxygen tank allocation, allowed us to share all information and calculate the sum correctly, thereby giving us the improvement from 53% in Everest One to 89% in Everest Two.  
    In the Everest Simulation, communication and team structure played a vital role to our team's success and improvement.  When team members were willing to challenge authority and shared information, it allowed us to double check our work and make sure everybody is on the right page thereby allowing us to complete the task with much higher accuracy. Having a Roman Senate like organization where everybody has a say and the final decision is upon the leader, was extremely effective in such a small organization as it allowed strong teamwork through strong leadership. However, if teammates are fearful of the leader and do not speak up, they might miss vital mistakes committed by the leader thus dragging everyone down, so it is necessary for the team to participate as a whole, as a good leader should and always will listen to the opinions of the people he/she leads.  
Team Contract
Everest 2

Team Name:  International Team   

    Name    Role    Contact
1    Timonthy Edstein    Leader    0414133740
2    Florence Gan    Physician    0468572373
3    Khodr Ghantous    Photographer    0450515141
4    Aakash Gupta    Marathoner    0432984164
5    Wilson Har    Environmentalist    0406094238

Team Procedures
1.    Day, time, and location of team members  for Everest 2:
Date: Wednesday 20th April
Time: 2pm
Location: Quadrangle
2.    Preferred method of communication before and during Everest 2 (i.e., e-mail, mobile, chat function, face-to-face in a specified location).

A.    Before the climb
B.    During the climb
Face-to-face in a computer lab
C.    After the climb
Mobile, e-mail

3.    Team goal for Everest 2:
-    Maximise the  individual and team points that can be achieved
-    Prevent any team member from dying or needing to be rescued
-    Reach the summit
4.    Decision-making policy (By consensus? By majority vote? By team leader?):
-    Team leader makes the final decision after all members debate on the best course of action to take

Team Participation

1.    How will we resolve conflict?
-    Discussion between members

2.    Strategies for encouraging/including ideas and debate from all team members :
-    Ask each member for their ideas and point of view

3.    Strategies for achieving our goal:
-    Do not rush decisions
-    Confirm calculations done with another member
-    Share information between members (i.e. weather condition and health status)

4.    Preferences for leadership (team leader only, shared leadership):
-    Team leader

Personal Accountability

1.    Expected individual attendance, punctuality, and participation at Everest 2:
-    Punctuality: members should all be punctual, otherwise notify another member if they are late
-    Attendance: each member are expected to attend
-    Participation: all members should be participating in discussion

2.    What are the consequences for lack of engagement in Everest 2?
-    If one or more members are absent, the whole team cannot complete the simulation
-    Loss of participation marks for the course

Goals on Track
Everest 1
Goal         Points
Reach summit 2 
Avoid rescue 3 
All climbers  reach summit 3
All climbers on your team avoid rescue 3 
All climbers stay together through camp 4 1
All climbers stay together through summit 0
Your points for Personal Goals   12
Round 2: Medical Challenge Points 1
Round 3: Weather Challenge Points 0
Round 4: Oxygen Tank Allocation points 0
Percent of Goals Achieved  65%
Team Points: 53%
Everest 2
Goal      Points
Reach summit 2 
Avoid rescue 3 
All climbers  reach summit 5 
All climbers on your team avoid rescue 5 
All climbers stay together through camp 4 1
All climbers stay together through summit 1
Your points for Personal Goals   17
Round 2: Medical Challenge Points 1
Round 3: Weather Challenge Points 0
Round 4: Oxygen Tank Allocation points 1
Percent of Goals Achieved  95%
Team Points: 89%
Reference List

    Brett, J., Behfar, K., Kern, M., (2006) "Managing Multicultural Teams" Harvard Business Review 84(11): 84-91
    Brussel, J., Wilderom, C., Wouters, M., (2007) "BALANCED LEADERSHIP, PROFESSIONALISM, AND TEAM TRUST PREDICT POSITIVE ATTITUDES TOWARD PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT" University of Twente Academy of Management Proceedings:  1-6
    Carpenter, D., Fusfeld, A., & Gritzo, L (2010)  "LEADERSHIP SKILLS AND STYLES" Research Technology Management, 53 (6): 58-60
    Chan, E., Sengupta, J., (2010) "Insincere Flattery Actually Works: A Dual Attitudes Perspective" Journal of Marketing Research 47(1): 122-133
    Frisch, B (2008) "When teams can't decide" Harvard Business Review 86(11) 121-126   
    Hanke, Stacey., (2009) "Communication Styles: What is your impact on others?" Professional Safety 54(5): 22-25
    Harvard (2008) "How body language affects negotiation." Program of Negoation, Harvard:  4-7    
    Houston, A.G., (2007) "Leadership in the Australian Defence Force" Australian Defence Doctrine Publication 00.6: 1-150
    Morris, A., Ely, R., Frei, F., (2011) "Stop holding yourself back" Harvard Business Review 89(1/2)) 160-163
    Rehling, L., (2004) "Improving teamwork through awareness of conversational style" Business Communication Quarterly 67(4): 475-482
    Svrivastava, J., Chakravarti, D., (2009) "Channel Negotiations with Information Asymmetries: Contingent Influences of Communication and Trustworthiness Reputations" Journal of Marketing Research, 46(4):  557-572
The Necessity of Scientific Management
    Management theories have changed and adapted throughout this century, however this does not dispel the fact that Taylors ideals of scientific management became an anachronism  for the modern manager. Although the management style created by Taylor is not what he has envisioned, managers have adapted scientific management in the current service economy (Freeman, 1996 P. 40-41). The existence of scientific management even in the cleaning industry has proven that Taylor's ideals have definitely survived in current predominately service economy with the division of labour amongst cleaning staff, for example getting male cleaners to carry backpack vacuum cleaners due to the obvious biological divide between males and females in term of physical capabilities (Aguiar, 2001 P. 240). Taylors ideals obviously has not been referred as a thing of a past  and the core foundations and adaptations of his ideals can still be found in more than over 9000 companies (Cooper, C. And Taylor, P., 2002 P. 558).
    One benefit of scientific management is that it does not only restrict to employee employer relations, but company and customer relations. Taylorism has always been associated as a dehumanising management style, authoritarian even, however Taylorism has set the foundation of creating  a public relations campaign for "ethical" companies that use "un-sweated labour" (Nyland and McLeod 2007, P663-664). This is not to claim that corporations do not use sweat shops or treat their employees in an unethical manner, but they would like to be viewed in a positive light when it comes to the treatment of employees.
    With the cleaning industry as the prime example for a service industry, managers the line of work have clearly divided the work into "zones," where they created a division of labour based on gender, where the industry calls it "light" and "heavy" duty work (Aguiar, 2001 P. 244). In the cleaning industry men could do both heavy and light duty work, while women are mainly restricted to light duty work as explained by one of the women cleaners in Aguiars (2001, P. 247) essay "Because it is also heavy work: the mop is heavy and washing the floors with a mop is hard work..." This is clear evidence that a support of scientific management still has a foundation, as one can logically conclude that the managers would not want to tire one of his female employee unnecessarily when he could get a male employee to do the work at a much faster and efficient manner while the female employees do light duty work. Many would claim that such a division of labour does not exist in other parts of the service industry, but there is clear evidence that within a large corporation you have employees that range from highly erudite lawyers to your common sales employee.

    Although the original intent of scientific management was to create workflow mainly in heavy industries, the idea of a "piece work" based pay rate system is essentially the same as commission based pay in the insurance, sales and financial industry - a monetary incentive to get employees to become more productive (Manske, 1991 P. 66). In the customer centre industry or the call centre industry, Taylorism is quite prominent without any realization from the managers working there as Bain and colleagues (2002, P. 171) put it "... he was studying nowhere mentioned the works of F.W. Taylor...Lockwood is clearly describing here the application of a classical Taylorist approach..." Call centres have embraced the works of Taylor by measuring the small changes in their respective targets ranging from monetary incentives to quality of service as demonstrated by the case study in Bain and Colleagues (2002, P. 174).
    The piece work system of Taylorism has opened  a  doorway for employees not only to demand not only just a higher wage, but a greater bond between employee and employer relations, as employers can opt to reward all employees for an increase of production, thereby creating a sense of unity and belonging for employees working at a firm, as Freeman (1996 P. 40) explains that "...high pay alone is not enough. The merit system must be more creative: 'Many US business owners... pay is linked to performance -is a good way to boost productivity and improve employee morale." One of the most vital things for a company is to make sure that most of their employees have a higher esteem, the higher their self esteem the more they are able to provide to the firm and boost productivity even further. If employees are extremely dissatisfied they would logically opt to leave the firm due to grievances,  which the firm would have to allocate more of their funds into recruiting to make up for the loss, which is time and money lost spent on re-training new employees.
    The works of Frederick Taylor has lasted in the 20th century and will be bound to last throughout the history of management. The foundations set by Taylor and various adaptations have been evident with modern day corporations, its strong advantage is that it is not static and could be tweaked in whatever way that a company may need it. Its flexibilities allow it to evolve and adapt to changing conditions and laws (Freeman 1996, P40-41). From dividing labour and specialization inside a cleaning company (Aguiar, 2001 P. 244) to creating incentives for employees to perform better (Freeman 1996, P40), his ideals has set forth the foundation of current and future management styles that will always be evident due to scientific managements organic nature (Freeman 1996, P40).

Work Cited
    Aguiar, L.L.M. (2001), “Doing Cleaning Work ‘Scientifically”: The Reorganization of Work in the Contract Cleaning Industry.” Economic & Industrial Democracy, 22(2): 239-269

     Bain, P., Watson, A., Mulvey, G., Taylor, P. And Gall, G. (2002) “Taylorism, targets and the pursuit of quantity and quality by call centre management.” New Technology, work
and Employment 17(3): 170-185

    Cooper, C. And Taylor, P., (2000) “From Taylorism to Ms Taylor: the transformation of the accounting craft.” Accounting Organizations and Society 25: 555-578
     Freeman, M. (1996), “Scientific management: 100 years old; poised for the next
century.” SAM Advanced Management Journal, 61(2): 35-41
    Manske, F (1991). "The End of Taylorism - or its Transformation?"International Journal of Political Economy, 20(4): 61-78
    Nyland, C And McLeod, A. (2007) "The Scientific Management of Consumer Interest." Business History, 49(5): 663-681

tl;dr lowing

burnzz wrote:

tl;dr lowing

tldr im making bitching awsm marks at uni.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7080|Moscow, Russia
this is supposedly the worst ee chat ever, what'd you expect?
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
at least wall of text is better than no text.
+947|6816|Gold Coast

burnzz wrote:

tl;dr lowing
oi shahster whats your russian perspective on the differences between the put down of the czech and hungarian revolutions and the relatively peaceful revolutions of 1989. i need some ruskie opinion on this
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6905|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmar wrote:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

AussieReaper wrote:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5273|Dundee, Scotland.
93% in multiple choice, got written test this afternoon
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

KuSTaV wrote:

burnzz wrote:

tl;dr lowing
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6093|Catherine Black

Finray wrote:

Feeding the Cats.
+761|5273|Dundee, Scotland.
sitting outside the room for my written exam, crapping it this decides whether I get on to the HND next year.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6093|Catherine Black
gl hf
+947|6816|Gold Coast

Finray wrote:

gl hf
new page plz

Sturgeon wrote:

new page plz
You got it m8

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